How to Become a DPR – Requirements, Duties, Authorities, Rights and Obligations of the DPR

How to Become a DPR – In the current era, becoming a member of the DPR is the dream of some people. There are many things that make them want to be part of the DPR, one of which is the salary and benefits they receive.

There were even conversations among the teenagers that their goal was not to become a doctor or engineer like most, but to become a member of the DPR.

However, not everyone can become the DPR. Intense competition and a lot of capital are also required to become a member of the People’s Legislative Assembly. In addition, the way of thinking of a DPR must really have a concept for the people, not only for oneself, the group and their class.

So, how do you go about becoming a House of Representatives? What must be required to become part of the House of Representatives? Then, what are the tasks that must be carried out by a DPR?

So that Sinaumed’s won’t be curious about this for too long, let’s look at the following review!

Main Requirements to Become a Member of the DPR

To become a member of the People’s Legislative Assembly has been regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. What are these conditions?

  1. Indonesian citizens who are 21 years of age or older as of the date of the establishment of the DCT
  2. Have faith in God Almighty
  3. Residing in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
  4. Able to speak, read, and/or write in Indonesian
  5. Education at least graduated from high school, Madrasah Aliyah, SMK, Vocational Madrasah Aliyah, or other schools of the same level
  6. Physically and mentally healthy, and free from drug abuse
  7. Must come from a political party (no independent candidate)
  8. Loyal to Pancasila as the basis of the state, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
  9. Never been sentenced to imprisonment based on a court decision with imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more, unless willing to openly and honestly state to the public that he (the person concerned) is a former convict
  10. Registered as a voter
  11. Willing to work full time
  12. Must resign as regional head, deputy regional head, state civil apparatus, member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, member of the Indonesian National Police, directors, commissioners, supervisory boards and employees of BUMN and/or BUMD, or other bodies whose budgets come from state finances , which is stated by a letter of resignation and can not be withdrawn
  13. Willing to practice as a public accountant, advocate, notary, land deed official, or not to do work as a provider of goods and services related to state finances and other work that may cause a conflict of interest with the duties, powers and rights as a member of the DPR, Provincial DPRD , and Regency/Municipal DPRD in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations
  14. Willing not to hold concurrent positions as other state officials, directors, commissioners, supervisory boards and employees in BUMN and/or BUMD and other bodies whose budgets come from state finances
  15. Nominated only in 1 (one) representative institution
  16. Nominated only in 1 (one) constituency.

Special Requirements to Become an Expert Member of the DPR

DPR members of course have many tasks and are always preoccupied with this. In the office of DPR members, there will usually be 5 Experts (TA) and 2 administrative staff.

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It’s not easy to become an expert (TA) member of the DPR, you know The minimum requirement to become a TA is that you have a master’s degree.

The provisions regarding Expert Staff (TA) for Members of the DPR have been regulated in DPR Regulation Number 1 of 2019 concerning Management of Experts and Administrative Staff for Members of the DPR RI. What are these provisions? Let’s look at the following description!

  1. Have an undergraduate educational background (S-2) with a minimum GPA of 3.00 from a public/private or foreign university that has been accredited by an official body; or at least Bachelor Degree (S-1) with at least 5 years work experience
  2. Maximum age of 60 years
  3. Can operate computer
  4. Healthy physically and spiritually, and free from the use of narcotics
  5. Never been sentenced to imprisonment based on a court decision with imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more

The salary earned by an expert (TA) and administrative staff for the DPR has been determined and distributed by the Secretariat General of the DPR. Each party has its own mechanism for recruiting these Experts (TA) and administrative staff, and some even provide special training after the recruitment process.

Duties and Authorities of the DPR

With regard to the legislative function, the DPR has the following duties and authorities:

  • Preparing the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas)
  • Compile and discuss the Draft Law (RUU)
  • Accept the bill that has been submitted by the DPD (Regional Representative Council), relating to regional autonomy; central and regional relations; formation, expansion, and merging of regions; management of SDA (Natural Resources) and SDE (Economic Resources); as well as central and regional financial balances
  • Discuss bills proposed by the President or DPD
  • Establish laws together with the President
  • Approving and disapproving government regulations in lieu of laws (those proposed by the President) to be enacted into laws

With regard to the budget function, the duties and powers of the DPR are as follows:

  • Approval of the Bill on the State Budget (submitted by the President)
  • Paying attention to the DPD’s consideration of the Bill on the State Budget and the Bill on taxes, education and religion
  • Follow up on the results of audits on the management and accountability of state finances submitted by the BPK (Financial Supervisory Agency)
  • Give approval to the transfer of state assets and to agreements that have a broad impact on people’s lives regarding the burden on state finances

With regard to the oversight function, the DPR has the following duties and authorities:

  • Supervise the implementation of laws, state budget, and government policies
  • Discuss and follow up on the results of supervision submitted by the DPD regarding the implementation of the regional autonomy law; formation, expansion, and merging of regions; management of natural resources and natural resources, implementation of the state budget, taxes, education, and religion

The other duties and powers of the DPR include:

  • Absorb, collect, accommodate, and follow up on people’s aspirations
  • Give approval to the President to

a) declare war or make peace with another country

b) appoint and dismiss members of the Judicial Commission (KY)

  • Give consideration to the President on the following matters:

a) Granting amnesty and abolition

b) Appoint ambassadors and accept placement of other ambassadors

  • Select members of the BPK by taking into account the considerations of the DPD
  • Give approval to the Judicial Commission (KY) regarding the candidates for Supreme Court judges to be determined by the President
  • Choose 3 (three) constitutional judges to be submitted to the President

The Rights and Obligations of the DPR

In addition to their obligations in carrying out their duties and functions, each member of the DPR also has rights and obligations attached to himself for the benefit of the people. These rights and obligations are as follows:

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The rights of members of the DPR

  1. The right to submit proposals related to the Bill
  2. The right to submit an opinion
  3. The right to convey suggestions and opinions
  4. The right to vote and be elected
  5. Right of self-defense
  6. The right of immunity (the right to freely speak and express one’s opinion without fear of retaliation or certain political motives)
  7. Protocol rights (Right to obtain respect in relation to his position)
  8. Financial and administrative rights
  9. Supervision rights
  10. The right to propose and fight for electoral development programs
  11. The right to socialize the Act

Parliament’s obligations

The obligations of DPR members are as follows:

  1. Hold fast and practice Pancasila
  2. Implement the 1945 Constitution and comply with statutory provisions
  3. Maintain and maintain national harmony and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
  4. Prioritizing the interests of the state above personal, group and group interests
  5. Fighting for the improvement of people’s welfare
  6. Adhering to the principles of democracy in administering the state government
  7. Adhere to the rules and code of ethics
  8. Maintain ethics and norms in working relations with other institutions
  9. Absorb and collect constituent aspirations through regular working visits
  10. Accommodate and follow up the aspirations and complaints of the community
  11. Provide moral and political accountability to constituents in their constituencies

What special rights do DPR members have?

1. Right of Interpellation

Namely the DPR’s right to ask the Government for information regarding government policies that are important and strategic and have a broad impact on the life of society, nation and state.

2. Right of Inquiry

Namely the right of the DPR to conduct an investigation into the implementation of a law or government policy relating to important, strategic matters, and which have a broad impact on the life of society, nation and state which are suspected of contravening statutory regulations.

3. Right to Express Opinion

In this special right, DPR members can express their opinions on the following matters:

  • Government policies or extraordinary events that occur in the country or in the international world
  • Follow up on the exercise of the right of interpellation and the right of inquiry
  • Allegations that the President and/or Vice President have violated the law, whether in the form of betrayal of the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes, or disgraceful acts; and/or the President and/or Vice President no longer fulfill the requirements as President and/or Vice President

How is the Decision Making System in the DPR?

The decision-making system is carried out in DPR meetings which are carried out by way of deliberation to reach consensus, but if the results are not met, then it is carried out in a second way, namely based on the majority vote.

In making decisions by consensus, it can be done after the meeting members are present and they will be given the opportunity to express opinions and suggestions regarding the issues discussed.

Decisions based on consensus will be considered valid if the members present at the meeting reach a quorum (minimum number of members present at the meeting) and are approved by all present.

Meanwhile, decision-making based on majority vote will be carried out if decision-making by consensus does not bring maximum results.

In this case, the voting will be done behind closed doors in writing, without including the name and signature of the voter, in order to guarantee its confidentiality.

So, that’s how to become a member of the DPR and its duties and responsibilities. Is Sinaumed’s interested in becoming a member of the DPR and ready to serve for a better life for the Indonesian people?

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