Examples of Student Rights and Obligations at School

Rights and Obligations of Students at School – Friends of Sinaumed’s, in this discussion we will discuss the rights and obligations of students while at school. As a student, they still have rights and obligations, even though they are not yet adults.

Parents on the other hand also need to inform their children’s rights and obligations while at school. This is quite important to do because indirectly it is very useful to train children in discipline, order, and an understanding of responsibility.

As we know that rights are something that can be owned and accepted, while obligations are something that must be done according to applicable regulations. Rights and obligations must be carried out in a balanced way so that inequality does not occur. Rights are obtained after carrying out obligations.

Friends of Sinaumed’s, as a student or student, have you known the rights and obligations of students at school? Humans without exception by nature have rights which then give rise to obligations.

Everyone who has rights and incurs consequences receives similar rights from others around him. This is what causes rights and obligations. The right to get something that should be owned and the obligation to respect the same rights for others. 

These rights and obligations apply in all aspects of life. Interestingly, when in a certain place or organization, there are certain new rights and obligations that are more specific, for example the rights and obligations of a student who is at school will be different from his rights and obligations when he is at home, which must be accepted and there will be rights and obligations in both environments. What are the rights and obligations of these students?

Then, what are the rights and obligations of a student at school? Let’s look at the following explanation.

However, before knowing something that is the right of students when they are at school, it would be nice for us to first understand the meaning of rights and obligations put forward by experts.

Definition of Rights

As Sinaumed’s knows, the term rights are not foreign to hear and read in everyday life. When Friends of Sinaumed’s talk about rights, a statement will immediately arise that rights are a device that is universal, that has been inherent or exists within an individual or every human being since they were born into the world.

These universal rights or devices are very fair because they apply to everyone and regardless of any differences that are inherent in that human being, such as gender, religion, skin color, cultural group, nationality, caste, profession, and many more. Types of rights that have their own meaning and characteristics can be called Human Rights (HAM).

We will mention and explain the meaning of rights from various sides and the opinions of experts.

1. General

In general, rights are opportunities given to each individual to be able to get, do, and have something he wants.

An individual who gets the right has the potential to realize that they have the power and ability to get, do, and have something. In addition, rights can make an individual aware of their limits in what they may or may do and cannot do.

The right to take on an important role and position in various aspects of an individual’s life, for example the life of an individual in adapting to a society or a particular group. There are several factors that encourage the creation of rights, namely there are social, ethical, and legal boundaries.

2. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

According to KBBI, a right is something that is right, belongs to, has authority, has the power to do something (because it has been determined by laws and regulations, right has power over something or to demand something, degree or dignity.

3. Soerjono Soekanto

Soerjono Soekanto divides rights into two parts, namely relative rights or which can be interpreted as unidirectional rights and absolute rights or which can be interpreted as rights which have a plural direction.

Relative rights or unidirectional rights mean that relative rights are a form of rights formed from an agreement or can be called the law of engagement. Relative rights can be exemplified by a person’s ability to collect their achievements or even the right to pay off their achievements.

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Then, absolute rights or rights that have a plural direction are tangible like a right contained in a law regulated by the state. We can call it constitutional law. In addition, other forms of absolute rights are personality rights in the form of the right to life and the right to liberty; ownership rights to a non-material object in the form of brand rights and copyrights; as well as family rights in the form of child custody, husband and wife, and parental custody.

4. Srijanti

Srijanti argued that rights are normative elements that function as guidelines for behavior, protect freedom, immunity, and guarantee opportunities for humans to maintain their dignity.

5. Prof. Dr. Notonegoro

Prof. Dr. Notonegoro explained that rights are a power or ability of an individual to be able to carry out several activities such as receiving, doing, and possessing something that the individual should have accepted, done, and owned. Rights that have been assigned to an individual cannot be transferred or transferred to another individual. That is the reason each individual receives different rights according to their portion.

6. John Salmond

Salmond conveys the definition of rights by dividing them into several parts, namely:

  • Rights in a narrow sense, namely rights inherent in a person as the owner of a right, rights that are directed to other people as holders of an obligation between correlative rights and obligations, rights that can contain obligations to other parties to carry out an action or not perform deeds, as well as the rights arising from the title inherent in the owner;
  • The right to independence, namely the right to give freedom to someone in carrying out activities granted by law, but not to disturb, violate, and abuse, so that it can violate the rights of others and also liberation from the rights of others;
  • The right of power, namely the right given to go through the streets and also legal means in changing rights, obligations and other responsibilities in legal relations.
  • The right of immunity, namely the right to be freed from the power of the law of others.

7. RMT Sukamto Notonagoro

Prof. RMT Sukamto Notonagoro argues that rights are an authority when an individual has the authority to accept or do something he wants and that individual should have received or done.

This right cannot and cannot be given to other individuals, so that it cannot be exercised and accepted by other individuals. Rights and obligations owned by citizens have the power to be prosecuted by the parties concerned.

Through some of the opinions of several experts above, it can be concluded that rights are everything that is appropriate and absolute to be obtained by individuals as members of a citizen since they are still in the womb.

Definition of Liability

Furthermore, it is necessary to understand the meaning of obligation. Here are some opinions of experts about the definition of liability.

1. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

According to KBBI, an obligation is (something) that is required or something that must be carried out and required. According to this understanding, it can be said that an obligation is a task or job that must be done and completed properly.

2. Prof. Dr. Notonegoro

Prof. Dr. Notonegoro stated that the obligation is a burden to provide something that should be left alone or given solely by certain parties, which in principle can be forced to demand by those concerned.

3. John Salmond

According to John Salmond, obligation is something that must be done by someone. If he doesn’t, he will be penalized.

4.Fredrick Pollock

Frederick Pollock said that an obligation equals a duty. In a legal sense, an obligation is something that can be legally binding between two or more people.

5. Curzon

Curzon explains the definition of liability by dividing it into five groups, namely:

  • Absolute obligations, namely obligations that are directed to oneself and are not coupled with rights that involve other parties;
  • Public obligations, namely the obligation of a person to comply with public rights and also civil obligations, which arise from agreements that correlate with civil rights;
  • Positive obligations, namely obligations that want to be done well;
  • Universal obligations, namely obligations addressed to all citizens or certain groups that arise from certain fields of law;
  • Primary obligation, which is an obligation that does not arise from an unlawful act and is in nature to provide sanctions, for example the obligation not to defame.

Through some of the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that obligations are everything that must be done while in a place, region, and country. Rights then cannot be separated from obligations, and vice versa.

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Examples of Student Rights at School

These are some of the rights that students receive when they are at school.

1. Obtaining Knowledge from the Teacher

The first right as a student is to gain knowledge. Parents send their children to a school with the aim of gaining knowledge. They are later expected to gain a lot of new knowledge from various subjects given according to their class level. Students have the right to be taught or guided by teachers who are competent in their fields so that they become smart and accomplished students.

2. Using School Facilities

To support the teaching and learning process, schools will provide various adequate facilities. The facilities provided include comfortable classrooms, sports arenas, prayer rooms, libraries, canteens, toilets, and so on. All students have the right to use the facilities provided according to their function. Even so, students must be able to maintain and care for all the facilities provided.

3. Get Protection and Security from the School

The next student right is the right to get protection and security from the school. Please note, if a child will spend a lot of time at school with teachers, friends, staff, and other school members.

This is what makes a student must get protection and security while at school and away from his parents. The school on the other hand must also guarantee the safety of all students regardless of ethnicity, religion and other backgrounds.

4. Ask Questions

School students also have the right to ask questions, both inside and outside the classroom if necessary, especially asking questions related to learning material that is felt to be unclear. It is through this right that students get even more in-depth explanations, even repeated more than once until they can really understand the material presented by their teacher clearly.

5. Express Opinion

Students in the school environment also have the right to express their opinions, especially those related to political activities. An example of this activity is participating in the election for the Student Council Chair, the election for class president, the election for Scout leader, and so on.

Examples of Student Obligations at School

Here are some of the obligations of a student that they must do while at school.

1. Obey the school rules and regulations

Every school has its own rules and regulations. The rules and regulations for each school may differ from one another. Well, the first task of a student is the obligation to comply with all the rules and regulations that apply at school. These rules and regulations are made with the aim that the teaching and learning process can take place in a conducive manner, make the school environment orderly, and train discipline.

2. Following Class Hours and School Activities

The next student obligation is to follow study hours and activities at school. Students must attend all lessons from the first hour to the last hour. This means students may not leave class without permission from the homeroom teacher, class teacher, and picket teacher. Students are allowed to leave class and school when the learning process is over. In addition, students must also take part in school activities such as morning exercises, flag ceremonies, scouts, extracurricular activities, and other activities.

3. Come to School on Time

Before the school bell rings, a student must have come to school. This means that students must come to school on time (generally at 07.00 am) or depending on each school’s policy. If a student is absent from school, the parent or guardian of the student must provide a letter of permission for not attending school or you can also contact the school staff or teacher.

4. Keeping the School Clean

A student is obliged to maintain the cleanliness of the school, so it is not allowed to litter. In addition, they also have an obligation to run pickets in their respective classes.

5. Support Learning Activities

A student at school is also required to support learning activities in class and outside the classroom, for example obeying instructions given by the teacher, not being noisy during class, entering class in an orderly manner, and so on.

6. Wearing School Supplies

The next obligation is to wear school supplies according to the rules imposed by the school, for example bringing textbooks, wearing uniforms, wearing shoes with colors according to the rules, and so on.

Well, that’s information about the Rights and Obligations of Students at School . The rights of students at school are everything that is appropriate and absolute for a student to get while at school, while the obligations of students at school are everything that must be done by students while at school. These rights then cannot be separated from their obligations as a student, and vice versa.

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