Getting to Know the Duties and Authorities of the KPK, What’s Up?

Duties and Authorities of the KPK – When Sinaumed’s reads online media news or watches
news on television, you may have come across a number of figures involved in corruption cases.
State officials, politicians, even members of the military, or even people within these
agencies, have been caught in corruption cases, requiring the involvement of the KPK’s duties and

Unfortunately, corruption is something that is now familiar in Indonesia. Not only big names,
sometimes the general public is not spared from corruption.
Actions that seem harmless, such as
not returning money borrowed from friends, can also be counted as corruption.

Corruption is a dishonorable act in which a person or group of persons uses money from the agency where
they work for personal gain.
Acts of corruption can start from small things like the examples
described above.
However, if it is not eradicated, this can grow and graze everywhere over

Luckily, Indonesia has an institution that aims to prevent corruption. In this case, the
agency eradicated corruption in government agencies.
The name of this institution is the
Corruption Eradication Commission or commonly shortened to KPK.

As the name implies, Sinaumed’s can certainly imagine that the duties and powers of the KPK are to investigate
and eradicate corruption, especially within government agencies.
The KPK is under the executive
branch of the government.

This means that the KPK is directly responsible to the President of Indonesia, who also has the authority
to inaugurate or dismiss the KPK chairman.
They move independently in carrying out their
The decisions they make are not influenced by other institutions in the

KPK has 5 leaders who all act as advisory boards. Of the 5 people, 1 person was appointed as
the head of the advisory board, while 4 other people sat as members of the advisory board.
Since December 2019, Firli Bahuri has held the position of Head of the KPK Advisory Board.

KPK is a government institution that has a lot of involvement in the history of eradicating corruption in
There are many stories related to corruption cases in Indonesia involving the KPK.
The book ” KPK Stands for the Nation ” is a book that can add to
Sinaumed’s’ understanding regarding the importance of the role of the KPK.

Duties and Authorities of the KPK

The KPK’s duties and authorities are carried out by taking into account the 6 principles that they use as
Without these 6 principles, it can be said that the KPK cannot carry out its
function as an institution whose role is to eradicate corruption.
The 6 principles are:

  • The principle of legal certainty
  • The principle of openness
  • Accountability principle
  • The principle of public interest
  • The principle of proportionality
  • The principle of respect for human rights (HAM)

KPK also has a noble vision for the state of Indonesia. They hope that together with the
community they will be able to reduce the level of corruption in Indonesia and make this country a more
developed country.
The number of missions that they carry out to realize the above vision are
as follows.

  • Increase efforts to prevent corruption, by improving the administrative management system both in state and
    government institutions that are anti-corruption.
  • Increase efforts to prevent corruption by comprehensively educating Indonesian citizens to reject
  • Eradicating corruption with the most effective methods possible, but still professional, accountable, and
    following the existing legal basis in this country.
  • Improving the good name of the KPK, including integrity, professionalism and accountability when carrying
    out their duties in eradicating corruption.

In addition, there are the duties and powers of the KPK in eradicating corruption. When
discussing in more detail, the KPK has 6 main tasks and also a number of authorities to carry out these
tasks, which are written in Law Number 19 of 2019.

1. Take Action to Prevent Corruption

As previously explained, the KPK is tasked with preventing corruption in the country.
Therefore, they are given the authority to examine the wealth of state officials and receive
reports if gratuities or bribes occur.

The KPK can also ask for bilateral and multilateral cooperation to catch corruptors. Not only
that, the KPK is also obliged to carry out an anti-corruption campaign against Indonesian citizens, in order
to educate the wider community not to carry out this action.

The KPK is tasked with planning, executing, and of course implementing this outreach. When
carrying out their duties, the KPK is required to provide a report regarding work programs to the President,
DPR and BPK, at least once a year.

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2. Coordinate
with other agencies to eradicate acts of corruption

The KPK is given the authority to coordinate with other agencies such as the authorities and state
institutions in order to eradicate corruption cases.
And related agencies are also not
permitted to refuse to cooperate, if the KPK seeks assistance in their investigations.

When investigating corruption, the KPK can request information and reports from agencies suspected of being
involved in the case.
They design systems and coordinate investigations. Even so,
the KPK must also be willing to listen to opinions and statements from related agencies regarding their
involvement in corruption.

3. Monitoring the movement and
administration of the Indonesian government

KPK is given the authority to monitor activities and administration in government agencies.
For this reason, they are obliged to review the management and administrative processes that occur
in government agencies and other institutions that are still part of the government.

The KPK is also allowed to provide advice to the government if the activities or administration they carry
out have the potential to cause corruption.
If government agencies are not indifferent to the
KPK’s suggestions, they are obligated to report this to the President, the DPR, or the BPK.

4. Supervising
Authorities to Eradicate Corruption

Similar to the previous task of monitoring government activities, the Corruption Eradication Commission is also
authorized to supervise, and has the right to monitor and review related administration and administrative
processes in the competent authorities.

Here, the KPK also studies, researches, and supervises the activities carried out by the authorities.
If it finds irregularities in administrative activities or processes that have the potential to
lead to acts of corruption, the KPK is asked to report this to the President, the DPR, and also the

5. Investigate, Investigate and Prosecute

This task is the most important task of the KPK. When discovering acts of corruption that
involve state agencies or institutions and have the potential to harm the state, the Corruption Eradication
Committee is given the authority to conduct investigations, investigations, and prosecutions of perpetrators
suspected of committing acts of corruption.

Even so, investigations and investigations into corruption suspects were carried out by the police.
Meanwhile, the KPK monitors these investigations and investigations, and provides advice and input
to the police so that the investigation and investigation process can run smoothly.

Sinaumed’s needs to know that suspects in acts of corruption are not allowed to carry out any financial
transactions and are prohibited from traveling abroad.
Not only that, suspects are also not
allowed to ask for help from superiors and the police to be released from suspect status.
are also required to provide reports and personal wealth data.

6. Appoint judges and issue criminal verdicts

KPK is given the authority to take legal action as needed in eradicating corruption. This also
includes determining judges to conduct trials and court decisions against suspects in corruption cases.
Of course, the KPK must also be able to account for their decisions in exercising this

Even though it has received a lot of authority to eradicate corruption in Indonesia, the KPK also has
obligations that must be obeyed when on duty.
There are 6 KPK obligations listed in Law Number
19 of 2019, which will be explained as follows:

  • Provide protection for witnesses and reporters who provide reports regarding acts of corruption that have
    occurred in relevant agencies.
  • Inform and supply data related to corruption cases that they handle to people who need the data.
  • Make an annual report which will later be submitted to the President, DPR, and BPK.
  • Uphold the oath of office as a member of the KPK.
  • Carry out responsibilities and apply the 6 principles of the KPK.
  • Develop a code of ethics for the board and members of the KPK.

All the principles, powers and obligations of the KPK have been neatly arranged and arranged in Law Number 19 of
2019. If Sinaumed’s is interested in law and has a desire to learn more about the law, you can read the book
“Amendments to the KPK Law (RI Law No. 19 of 2019) “.

The Duties and
Authorities of the KPK in Revealing the Largest Corruption Cases in Indonesia

When talking about the history of the KPK, Sinaumed’s needs to know that this institution was formed based on the
Indonesian law regarding the Corruption Eradication Commission, which is contained in Law Number 30 of 2002.
However, the history of the KPK can be traced back to the late 90s .

The forerunner of the KPK itself has resonated since the end of 1999 during the leadership of President BJ
At that time, Law Number 28 of 1999 was formed, which discussed related to State
Administrators who were Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN), and Law Number 31 of
1999 which contained the Eradication of Corruption Crimes.

Towards the end of 2001, Law Number 31 of 1999 was replaced by Law Number 20 of 2001. This Law contained changes
and strengthening of Law Number 31 of 1999. And with this change, the KPK was officially formed during the
presidency of Megawati Soekarnoputri.

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And the existence of the KPK was further emphasized in 2019, when the government under President Joko Widodo’s
leadership issued Law Number 19 of 2019. This Law is the second revision of the previous Law Number 30 of 2002.

And based on data from a number of sources, from 2004 to 2021, almost 1200 corruption cases have been
handled by the KPK.
The sign is that they have succeeded in eradicating at least 70 corruption
cases in Indonesia each year, both on a small and large scale.

This number is certainly a number that is not small. The majority of these corruption cases
are bribery cases.
There are also not a few other corruption cases such as budget abuse,
procurement of goods or services, money laundering, and other corruption cases.

Among the thousands of corruption cases, there were also a number of cases which were relatively large in
scale and had become the subject of discussion in the national media.
This time, we will
discuss the 4 biggest corruption cases in Indonesia that were successfully uncovered by the KPK.

1. The Meikarta Licensing Bribery Case

For Sinaumed’s who don’t know, Meikarta is a project carried out by PT Lippo Karawaci, in which they are
trying to build a planned city in the Cikarang area, Bekasi.
Meikarta’s planned city itself was
officially launched in 2017.

However, the permits for the construction of Meikarta were suspected of being the result of bribes.
This is because many parties oppose the establishment of Meikarta. These parties
include members of the DPR, the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI), and the Governor and Deputy Governor
of West Java.

From this case, at least 11 people consisting of several officials, ministry members and PT Lippo Karawaci
officials, were found guilty in the Meikarta bribery case.
The KPK is still investigating other
names potentially involved in this case.

2. Bribery Case Management at the Supreme
Court (MA)

In 2018, Manado High Court Judge Sudiwardono accepted a bribe from Golkar Party (Golkar) politician Aditya
Nugraha Moha of 110 thousand Singapore dollars or around 1.16 billion rupiah.
This was done to
prevent his mother, Marlina Moha Siahaan, from being detained by the judge.

Previously, Marlina Moha Siahaan was caught in a corruption case. Income Allowance for Village Government
Apparatuses in the amount of 4.8 billion in 2011. She was only given a 6-year prison sentence in 2015. This
motivated Aditya Nugraha Moha to bribe judge Sudiwardono.

For his actions, Aditya Nugraha Moha received a prison sentence of 4 years and was given a fine of 150
million rupiah.
While Sudiwardono received a prison sentence of 6 years and was obliged to pay
a fine of 300 million rupiah.

3. The Social Assistance Bribery Case of the
Minister of Social Affairs

At the end of 2020, the Indonesian government distributed social assistance (bansos) to Indonesian people
affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, the social assistance fund program was tarnished
due to a bribery case.

The case involved the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari Peter Batubara. Together with
Matheus and Adi, who were then appointed as Commitment Making Officers (PPK), as well as Eko and Shelvy as
personal financial managers, Juliari Peter Batubara received a total of 17 billion rupiah from government
social assistance funds which are known to reach 5.9 trillion rupiah.

In the end, Juliari Peter Batubara was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Not only that, he is
also obliged to pay a fine of 500 million rupiah, and pay a replacement fee of 14.5 billion for the
additional sentence imposed by the judge.

4. The East Kotawaringin Regent’s Bribery Case

This corruption case stems from a construction business permit (IUP) in Kotawaringin Timur district,
Central Kalimantan.
It is the regent of East Kotawaringin, Supian Hadi, who is a suspect in a
bribery case involving 3 different mining companies.

Supian Hadi is known to have received US$711 thousand, or around 5.8 trillion rupiah. Until
now, the amount of money Supian Hadi has received is the largest amount of bribes in Indonesia.
And of course the money that Supian Hadi got was a big loss for the country.

Currently, the Supian Hadi bribery case is still being handled intensively by the KPK. We
still don’t know the fate of the suspect.
However, Supian Hadi has the potential to be
entangled in Law Number 20 of 2001 related to the Eradication of Corruption Juncto Article 55 Paragraph (1)
1st of the Criminal Code.

There are many more corruption cases handled by the KPK. This case reminds us how many of
these dishonorable acts remain unresolved.
If Sinaumed’s wants to understand more about how deep
the ins and outs of corruption are in Indonesia, you can try reading the book ”
Corruption Corruption Eradicated

This is regarding the duties and powers of the KPK, hopefully it can help Sinaumed’s to understand the role of
the KPK in eradicating corruption in Indonesia, as well as preventing Sinaumed’s from all potential acts of
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