Get to Know the Term Roasting in Comedy Shows

Roasting is – We may often make jokes or humor that make other people laugh because we hear humor that is verbally or through words. In general, humor that is intended to make fun of someone in a hangout, school, or anywhere that aims to find entertainment is included in a term called roasting .

Roasting in the world of stand-up comedy is known as a comedian’s way of attacking someone, but in a unique way. The attack referred to here is not physical but verbal by using phrases or words. A comedian made a joke on purpose. But with the intent and purpose to attack his personality head-on.

Then the Cambridge dictionary also says that roasting is defined as an act of criticizing someone. Roasting is used as a forum for comedians, but at the same time to convey their political criticism to the audience.

In Indonesia, the use of this method in stand-up comedy performances is often done to attack other comedians in a stand-up comedy competition or invited guests who are specifically invited to be roasted, of course with prior agreement so that no party feels hurt by the words addressed. to himself.

Some seasoned stand up comedians such as: Raditya Dika, Ernest Prakasa, Pandji Pragiwaksono etc. are examples of several comedians who have roasted their stand up comedy material.

For this reason, so that Sinaumed’s friends can better understand the meaning of roasting in comedy terms, in the following discussion, we have summarized various information related to roasting and how to use it properly in comedy situations.

You can see further discussion regarding the meaning of roasting below!

Roast definition

Roasting literally means roasting is a form of humor in which someone cracks a joke intended to entertain a wider audience. In a stand up comedy show that kind of thing is meant to make fun of other people in their own way.

Such performances may include sincere praise and tributes along with insulting jokes and comedy.

The “roast” involved can react to jokes with good humor and with criticism or insults that are not meant to be taken too seriously. One is surrounded by friends, fans and the public, who can also receive similar treatment at events. Both the jokes and the presentation itself are called “roasting”. The presenter is called a mockery (toaster, a pun is the toastmaster). Anyone who is ridiculed in this way is considered “baked”.

Several countries have a similar custom, where at official ceremonies such as awards ceremonies and annual dinners, representatives are expected to make fun of the participants. Sometimes this leads to conflict when the host is deemed too offensive. Social media also has this concept, usually through pictures with writing in the form of jokes that satirize and criticize personally.

While the act was meant to be ridiculed, it also sparked controversy as some saw it as a form of cyberbullying. More controversial is insulting others for comedy, which some have called roasting, although the comedian emphasizes that it actually requires consent from the target.

Roast is humor in which certain people, guests or visitors are made jokes, as well as to entertain the audience. So you could say Roast is a fake technique that teases or laughs at people as targets.

In baking, the meaning is the same. Namely throwing jokes or jokes to the audience or the people around them to comedians or other comics. That is the meaning of roasting or literally roasting in stand up comedy.

Roasting comes from the word roast which means roasting. It is often used as an expression in comedy. In practice, this technique of stand up comedy is done by ridiculing or making fun of someone, but in a unique way.

Comics (people who do comedy) usually post jokes that are meant to “attack” someone. Regardless, the joke in question is not rude or demeaning to others.

Usually, when pranking someone for frying, the comic will crack a joke at the start of the session and then introduce each guest.

Every guest of honor present and toasted will be seated on the pulpit or in the front stand. Then the comedians take turns making jokes, the topics of which are discussed by the guests of honor.

After that, the comic usually ends with a joke to honor the guests of honor. In addition, many use the baking technique as a protest or criticism of something.

History of Roasting

Roasting is not a new technique in the world of stand up comedy. According to a report by Liveabout, this comedy first appeared in the 1920s at a club called the New York Friars Club.

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Then, in 1949, Maurice Chevalier demonstrated this technique for the first time. Since then, this technique has grown in popularity in New York.

It wasn’t until the 1970s that celebrity roasting became mainstream again, when Dean Martin began hosting television versions of comedy shows. The show premiered in 1974 to supplement the final episode of Martin’s variety show, The Dean Martin Show, and was continued the same year on NBC’s The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts, which aired every few months until 1979. Bette Davis, Muhammed Ali, Lucille Ball, Ronald Reagan, Frank Sinatra and even Martin himself were roasted during the show.

In the 2000s, Comedy Central revived the Roast format with the annual televised Roast starring Bob Saget, William Shatner, Pamela Anderson, and Larry the Cable Guy. Comedy Central now features one to three celebrities in such roasts each year, focusing on Hollywood’s biggest jokes — or at least the comedies that hits can swallow.

Warning and Ethics in Roasting

Of course, even though it sounds comedic, there are certain etiquette that must be followed when roasting someone. One of them is to make sure the target character has agreed to be roasted at the event.

So that not everyone can go around and freely sneer at that person by indulging in all the ugliness. Usually, the show’s producers agree behind the scenes on what to joke about.

Then the character also has the right to limit the extent to which his personal life can be disclosed or discussed in public. For example the names of family members, physical characteristics such as short, fat and many others.

However, because many of them are ignorant, society roasts these characters as well. They also tend to imitate jokes that may be similar and then upload them to social media.

Although this comedy contains some sarcasm. However, it does not eliminate respect for that person and of course this is done in a different and unique way according to ethics.

Negotiation is a technique that aims to find an agreement between the two parties, namely the producer and the character. Of course, it’s not all about flirting. Sometimes, on certain occasions, roasting is also accompanied by genuine politeness and respect for certain characters. It also makes people who take jokes as good humor, not insults or criticism, very serious.

Here are the insights you need to understand about roasting. Basically, roasts are comedians’ way of critiquing their performances. But of course you also have to maintain ethics and acceptance of goals.

How Roasting Works in Comedy

Based on a source from Liveabout, the event to roast someone is called “Roast”. The person who will be roasting is called the guest of honor or roastee. The host, nicknamed the “Roastmaster,” cracks an opening joke and then introduces each guest. People who are going to be roasted like this means they have already been roasted.

The person who performs this comedy is called a roaster. He usually stands on the “pole” of a raised platform or stage. Afterward, the comedians doing the roasting took turns cracking jokes about the guest of honor and the other comedians on stage.

The roasting event usually ends with the guest of honor (roastee) being given the opportunity to give a rebuttal to the insulting jokes hurled at him on the night of the event.

In terms of stand-up comedy, this comedy refers to throwing jokes or jokes that are intended to “mock” and laugh at the audience, other comics, or whoever is actually being addressed. Apart from roasting, comic artists also need to know and learn about the background, activities or other things of the person who will be roasting. Sometimes a comedian or roaster will compliment you in the middle of a session.

Check out the following reviews to learn how to roast properly:

1. Create in no time

It is not recommended to roast someone for a long time. Apart from fatigue, there is a fear that the comics who do this will experience mispronunciation of words which will result in misunderstandings.

At the risk, this could lead to criticism and controversy after stand-up comedy. Therefore, it is not recommended to be on stage in this way. Again, it’s important to remember that if the guest of honor is roasting, as a comic they have to add some entertaining jokes.

2. Create structured jokes

Usually a comic makes material about what jokes are made on stage. If you want to use the roasting technique, comics must write jokes in a structured way.

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The goal is that the jokes that are made do not cross the line agreed with the guest of honor.

3. Follow the restrictions in roasting

Apart from making structured roasting material, a comic must face the limitations when roasting people.

Know the boundaries of the topics covered on stage. Here too, as a comedian, it must be discussed with the guests who are being roasted. This can avoid unwanted conflicts or misunderstandings.

In every stand up comedy competition so far held, at least comedians with roasting techniques are always involved. Some even make it a roasting theme/session. And there are almost no bad target roasts. It’s very emotional, but the subject will definitely laugh at the joke.

In fact, roasting also has rules. We must not take any material of a known nature. That’s why it’s so important to keep track of the background of the “target” you’re roasting. If the material isn’t ready, don’t let it make far-fetched jokes and fake facts. So it’s also a challenge for stand-up comedians who want to roast someone because they have to collect all valid information about their target.

4. Roasting several people at once

In Stand Up Comedy, when roasting you don’t have to target only one person, you know! Comics can also roast other people, so as a comic it seems like you don’t have to always roast just one person so you don’t seem boring.

One of the guests might feel bored with the jokes repeatedly made by the comic while on stage. If the theme is repeated, the roasting program may appear boring to the rest of the audience. If this happens, don’t panic and stay calm. Komika can look for other objects to make roasting look more interesting.

For example, repeating an old joke about the current situation can make comedy more colorful. Comedians can also seek new perspectives on stage themes. Finally, as a comic, you need to know the consequences of presenting conflict with other people. This consequence can lead to conflict between the comic and the guest, even if they have discussed it beforehand.

If so, comics can apologize after the event and don’t forget to show respect to the guests being roasted, such as achievements or kindness, so that the material is balanced, O Sinaumed’s friends!

Controversy in Roasting

Laughing at friends or co-workers or even your boss can always be fun and entertaining, but it’s important not to cross the line. The form of roasting humor is sometimes controversial. People who are roasting may not accept and feel offended by the humor they receive.

Several countries have similar traditions where the hosts of formal events such as awards ceremonies and annual dinners are expected to mock those attending the event with safe jokes. In some cases this has led to controversy when the hosts have been deemed too offensive.

Social media also has the concept of roasting, where a person encourages others to make fun of him, usually by posting pictures of himself. Although roasting was designed, the act has also sparked controversy, with some seeing it as a form of cyberbullying.

Even more controversial is the practice of insulting others without consent for comedic effect, which some call toasting. However, the comedians emphasized that the actual frying required approval from the subject.


That’s all for a brief discussion of the definition of roasting. The discussion this time does not only discuss the definition of roasting, but also discusses more about the history, ethics, procedures for roasting, and controversies in roasting, which Sinaumed’s friends can see carefully.

Understanding the meaning of roasting also gives us additional knowledge about various techniques and limitations that need to be kept in mind when roasting anyone, be it fellow comedians, invited guests, or spectators, so that roasting events are not just a joke.

Thus a review of the meaning of roasting. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn everything about roasting. And science related to comedy, you can visit to get related books.

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Author: Pandu Akram

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