Get to know the Papuan Regional Songs and their Regions and Typical Foods

Regional songs of Papua – Indonesia are very well known as island nations, from Sabang to Merauke. In fact, there is a song that tells about the Indonesian archipelago, namely the song From Sabang to Merauke. With this song, it indicates that the area of ​​the territory of Indonesia is very wide.

In addition, each island in Indonesia has its own characteristics, ranging from musical instruments, traditional clothing, to songs. Songs originating from an area are better known by many Indonesians as “Regional Songs”. One of the many regional songs that have distinctive characteristics and can describe the people in that area is the Papuan folk song.

On this occasion, we will discuss more about Papuan folk songs . So, you can read this article to the end, Sinaumed’s.

Papua region

Papua province was previously named Irian Jaya which covers the entire western part of Papua. Since 2003 it has been divided into two provinces, with the eastern part still using the name West Papua (Pabar).

Papua Province has an area of ​​312,224.37 km² and is the largest and largest province in Indonesia. Papua Island is located at the eastern end of Indonesian territory, with potential natural resources that have economic and strategic value. Not only that, the island of Papua also always attracts tourists to come to this island because it is known for the beauty of its deep sea.

To the north it is bordered by the Pacific ocean. To the east it is bordered by the province of sandaun, Papua New Guinea. To the south it is bordered by the mountainous province of Papua, Central Papua. To the west it is bordered by the province of Central Papua.

The development of the origin of the name of the island of Papua has a long journey along with the history of interactions between foreign nations and Papuan people, including with local languages ​​in interpreting the name Papua. Before being divided, the island of Papua was a province of the Papua Province itself.

During the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies, this region of Papua was better known as Dutch New Guinea. Then, after joining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), almost all of the island of Papua was known as the Province of West Irian from 1963 to 1973.

Then later, the name was changed to Irian Jaya by President Soeharto at the time of inaugurating the Freeport copper and gold mine. The name that remained officially used until its publication, Law No. 21 of 2001 concerning the Special Autonomy of Papua mandated the name of this province to be changed to Papua.

In 2003, accompanied by various protests, Papua was divided into two provinces by the Indonesian government. In the eastern part it still uses the name Papua while in the western part it becomes West Irian Jaya Province and then becomes West Papua. This eastern part is now the province of Papua.

The name West Papua is still often used by the Free Papua Organization (OPM), a separatist movement that wants to separate from Indonesia and form its own state. Papua is an island located in the north of Australia and is part of the eastern region of Indonesia.

Most of Papua’s mainland is still in the wilderness. Papua is still a form of wilderness. Papua is the second largest island in the world after Greenland.

About 47 percent of the territory of the island of Papua is part of Indonesia, which is known as Netherland New Guinea, West Irian, West Irian and Irian Jaya and recently known as Papua.

The other half of this island territory is the territory of the island nation of Papua New Guinea (Papua New Guinea), which is a former British colony. The population of the two countries actually have ethnic kinship, but then they are separated by a border line.

Papua has an area of ​​421,981 square kilometers with a population of only around 2.3 million. More than 71% of Papua’s territory is a stretch of tropical rainforest which is difficult to penetrate because it consists of steep valleys and high mountains and some of these mountains are covered with snow. The border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea is marked by 141 east longitude which cuts the island of Papua from north to south.

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Like most other islands in the South Pacific, the Papuans come from mainland Asia who migrate by ship. The migration began 30,000 to 50,000 years ago.

Therefore, many activities are difficult to do in order to reach the city, resulting in them being outside of modern Indonesian civilization because it will be very difficult for them to make voyages to other islands that are farther away. European explorers who first came to Papua called the local population Melanesians.

Papuan Food

Not only the beauty of tourism that is owned, but also delicious and diverse food. If you visit Papua, of course the taste will be very lacking if you don’t have culinary specialties from Papua. The following are typical Papuan foods that must be tried:

1. Papeda

If Sinaumed’s visits Papua, it won’t be complete without tasting the pleasures of Papeda. This food is a substitute for rice as a carbohydrate in Papua. Papeda itself is made from the sago tree which is squeezed, filtered, and then cooked.

Its thick and dense texture makes some people feel challenged the first time they eat it because it’s not easy. The plain taste of papeda is usually combined with yellow sauce, fish and other vegetables.

If Sinaumed’s wants to know more about Papuan sago, you can buy the book below at .

2. Cheating Shrimp

This one food has a name that is quite unique, namely Cheating Shrimp. The name of this cheating shrimp is obtained from the shape of the shrimp’s claws which resemble crabs, so it seems as if they are cheating on their identity.

The type of shrimp used in cheating shrimp is a freshwater crayfish, so it is not surprising that it is very large in size. Cheating prawns are usually cooked by frying or boiling.

3. Sago caterpillar

Another typical Papuan food with a unique taste is the sago caterpillar. This unique food is usually consumed by the Kamoro tribe because it is considered to have a high vitamin content. As the name implies, this caterpillar is found on old and weathered sago stems. One of the dishes made with sago caterpillar as the main ingredient is mangosteen.

4. Ants Nest

Ant nest is a plant that can be easily found in Papua. This food is quite busy being hunted by tourists because it is believed to be able to treat various types of diseases thanks to its various nutritional content. Ant nest plants are usually found on the sidelines of rocks.

5. Lontar Cake

In a way, lontar cakes are Papuan-style milk pies . With a center that has a soft texture and a fairly hard edge of the cake, lontar cakes will remind you of Balinese milk pies, only they are larger in size. That said, the name of this cake used to be rontart. However, because the pronunciation is quite difficult, the people of Papua call it lontar cake.

6. Sago Plate

The typical Papuan food made from sago is plate sago. The taste of the sago plate itself is actually bland. But now, you can enjoy it with a sweet taste thanks to the existing modifications.

Apart from sago, this one food also has a mixture of peanuts, coconut and sugar. You can easily enjoy the hard texture by dipping it in a cup of coffee or tea.

7. Manokwari Grilled Fish

Of course, this grilled fish can be easily found in the Manokwari area, Papua. Sinaumed’s can easily find grilled Manokwari fish at roadside food stalls. The main ingredient used for this typical Papuan food is tuna with the addition of a typical Papuan chili sauce.

To get recipes for Indonesian and Papuan specialties, Sinaumed’s can read books available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!


Example of Papuan Blood Song

It turns out that Papuan songs do not only contain a collection of rhythmic lyrics, but also contain messages and advice to listeners. This was discovered by Umm Fatimah Ria Lestari’s research in her journal entitled Didactic Elements in the Poetry of the Papuan People’s Song , which was published by the “Papua Language Center and West Papua Province”.

In the journal it can be concluded that the educational elements contained in it include:

  1. The intellectual element, in this case, is the attitude of being diligent or serious in studying, the attitude of being independent, the attitude of protecting nature and its contents, the attitude of never giving up, the attitude of mutual cooperation, togetherness or cooperation.
  2. The elements of ethics and religion, in this case, are respect for parents, friendship, toughness and mutual love.
  3. The philosophical element, in this case, is the attitude of love for the homeland (land of birth, land of hometown).
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In addition to the three explanations above of how valuable Papuan regional songs are, in some of the lyrics of the song titles there are elements of ownership and struggle.

For most people, Papuan folk songs are often heard, such as Yamko Rambe Yamko, Apuse, and Sasojo. In fact, there are a lot of Papuan regional songs, without further ado, here are some lyrics from Papuan regional songs.

1. Sajojo

Sajojo, sajojo
Yumanampo mass papara
Samuna muna muna Keke
Samuna muna muna Keke

Sajojo, sajojo
Yumanampo mass papara
Samuna muna muna Keke
Samuna muna muna Keke

Sajojo, sajojo
Yumanampo mass papara
Samuna muna muna Keke
Samuna muna muna Keke

Kuserai, kuserai, rai-rai-rai-rai
Kuserai, kuserai, rai-rai-rai-rai
Inamgo mikim ye
KIA afternoon, afternoon break, yes
Inamgo mikim ye
KIA afternoon, afternoon break

Sajojo, sajojo
Yumanampo mass papara
Samuna hypocrites Keke
Sajojo. Sajojo
Yumanampo mass papara

2. Yamko Rambe yamko

Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa Kombe
Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa Kombe

Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombeko
Yumano bungo awe ade
Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yumano bungo awe ade

Hongke hongke hongke riro
Hongke Jombe jombe riro
Hongke hongke hongke riro
Hongke jombe jombe riro

3. Apuse

Apuse cocoon Dao
Yarabe Soren doreri
Wuf lenso bani nema baki Pase
Apuse cocoon dao
Yarabe Soren doreri
Wuf lenso bani nema baki Pase
Arafabye aswarakwar
Arafabye aswarakwar

4. Diru diru Nina

Diru diru Nina…o..wa
Sawape diru Nina
Nina o…

Diru diru Nina…o…wa
Sawape diru Nina
Nina o…

Amai yenusi rumape fine…a
Sawape diru Nina, Nina o…

Amai yenusi rumape fine..a
Sawape diru nina, Nina o…

Diru diru Nina..o..wa
Sawape diru Nina

Diru diru Nina…o..wa
Sawape diru Nina
Nina o…

Amenya akanya
Amenya akanya

Dinoyo…and Seno
Dato Usa soon…

Amenya Ba Akenya ba
Danioyo…and Seno
Datousa sega…

5. Mowi soup huh

Awin Kamam Sye Ai Awino Supinema
Dorek Arwo Sonai Arwo Napur Cancer

Aibon bonjos be suranda
Kaymara bruno arwo
Ai awino sye ai awin, mowiya soup

Awin kamam sye ai awino supinema
Orya isyun imbruk Mura ifur karkar

Sarai tomorrow Rin ya Isik,
Kyamara brin Mandira
Ai awino sye ai awin sup mowiya


6. Pick a chord

Pasi barekna Paik akori, Paik beyun yaswar muraro
Ras bayun yabe sonai Yaman soup Rik nadairo
Yarir yaburo bubes ayena, Sarai ayena yendisarena
Be soup amberi murem wambarek knam fawawi
Yorfa Sinar Kamasan color ya besoruya
Insa y sarai sweet Kabarei, sondi kabarei
Insa yakaber raso yakaber ,
Be bubes bosen saprop ayena
Yoma yaker yanak yamun do mob ayena

7. Rofandu

Rofandu laden with delicious
Yber faro manseren
Ronangi mobe kaki be advise
Insama rasya yabor yaye last
Imboi yakenem so Allah mami ro
Korea Sabe Korea

Sye stiff and rakem nanggau
Inema ya nanjar
Sye karwaro karwar kaku
Inema yafafko

Sinar yafo be targeting
Sinar ya pakrek nadi
Fakman targeting yena
Insana yaksun ro koreri wa

Sye…kaku and rakem nanggau
Inema ya nanjar
Sye..karwaro karwar kaku
Inema yafafko

Sinar yafo be targeting
Sinar ya pakrek nadi
Fakman targeting yena
Fakman barbor yena
Insana yaksun ro koreri wa

Fakman targets yena
Fakman barbor yena
Insana yaksun ro koreri wa

8. Akai bipa mare

Akai bipa mare
Ata Mare mare raune
Akai bipa mare
Ata Mare mare raune

The work of anamore village
Pokani wants waya Ima Moko maku

9. Padaido

Aimando mios Ayedi Padaido
Adira Mowi bedawu nawa
Fafisu yabe kapira ro menu Yedi
Sinan APUS sube manmin ya Rao
Payamyum sawarwar subena
Yaswar suara

Padaido mios ayedi au monda
Ro soup Bondi yaswar ma yamander

Man yainebyaro soup bondi
Saneri ‘fur saneso rao
Ras risa na yakaber Mura ro
Be aimando mios Kasun ayedi
Bosen inasmano insareko
Yaswar na ara

Padaido yasuri yabaro
Yenbepioper yas yamasasi ro

Bape sy arafabye
Inema yabor yayera

Marisen bepon nawayan naburo

Apus annoys Yesu Suburo
Adira Mowi on the beep of
Yuswana Ara

10. I’m insose

Insose rasinema wayun waburo
Warbe supo bondina
Insose rasinema wayun waburo
Warbe supo bondina

Sondayu ran seduces
Kube mura mumaro
Yan seduces sondayu
Kube mura mumaro

Insos waswar ya bake

Insos Yaswar AU Rao

Discussing the island of Papua is of course endless. Sinaumed’s can get more information about Papua by reading books available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, we always try to give the best, especially in providing #MoreWithReading information.