Get to know 18 Sundanese Traditional Ceremonies for Marriage and Birth

Sundanese Traditional Ceremonies – There are various Sundanese traditional ceremonies which are still often carried out today. One of them is the Seren Taun traditional ceremony which is mostly carried out in the Kuningan area, West Java.

This traditional ceremony itself is carried out as a form of gratitude for the harvest obtained. Apart from being an event to convey gratitude, this traditional ceremony will also be carried out as a form of conveying a request to God.

Check out a more complete explanation of the following Sundanese traditional ceremony.

Sundanese Traditional Ceremony for Marriage

Marriage, as a sacred ceremony to tie the knot before the law, religion, and society. With so many customs and cultures in Indonesia, then make Indonesia with a variety of traditional marriages.

Sundanese traditional weddings themselves include those that have quite a long procession. This is because the series of wedding processions are then not only carried out on the D-day of the wedding, but within a period of several days to a week before the wedding day and have been opened through several traditional Sundanese pre-wedding processions.

The following is a series of ceremonies, rituals and complete processions for traditional Sundanese weddings.

1. Neundeun By the way (Keeping Promises)

The first traditional Sundanese wedding procession is also known as Neundeun Omong or keeping promises or sayings. This procession itself can then be carried out to ensure that the bride has not received a proposal from someone else. Both parents from the male side will then approach the two parents from the female side in asking this.

This ritual was actually more often done at old marriages because at that time there were many children who were not going to be married even though an agreement had been made between the two parents beforehand.

2. Narosan or Nyeureuhan (Application)

In following up on Neundeun Omong, an application procession was then carried out. In this traditional Sundanese wedding procession, the groom’s family will then hand over the complete Sirih along with the binding money as a sign that the man is then willing to participate in paying for the wedding.

In addition, the groom will also give a meneng ring or rattan split ring as a sign of bond.

3. Nyanggakeun (Gift)

The next procession is Nyandakeun or offerings where the groom then hands over some of the equipment for the wedding such as money, clothes, household furniture, food, and so on.

Likewise from the prospective bride who will reply with the offerings given to the man.

The handover procession at a traditional Sundanese wedding is usually also carried out seven to one day before the wedding day takes place. The right decoration will then make the wedding atmosphere more romantic and warm.

4. Ngeuyeuk Seureuh

The Ngeuyeuk Seureuh procession led by Pangeuyeuk. Pangeuyeuk will then invite the two bride and groom when they ask for permission and a blessing from their parents accompanied by the Pangeuyeuk hymn.

The bride and groom will then be harvested with rice which means a prosperous life. Then they were rubbed with a broom stick accompanied by advice, the white cloth covering Pangeuyeuk was opened.

Then proceed with the cleavage of mayang jambe and areca nut by the prospective groom. This procession will then be ended by the prospective groom striking the pestle into the mortar three times.

5. Making Lungkun

Ngeuyeuk Seureuh can be done within a day before the wedding takes place. This procession may then only be attended by the parents of the two prospective bride and groom and their immediate family.

The bride and groom will be presented with two betel leaves that are stalked and rolled up lengthwise. After that, it will be tied with kanteh thread, and followed by both parents and invited guests.

This traditional Sundanese wedding procession then has a meaning so that one day you can get excessive fortune which will be shared with relatives.

6. Fight over money

The procession then continued with Fighting for Money. The procedure for this Sundanese traditional wedding procession itself is carried out under a mat with a sawer. The meaning itself is competing in seeking sustenance and being loved by the family.

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7. Ngebakan or Wedding Splash

Approaching the wedding, a splash procession was carried out. This procession aims to purify the prospective bride physically and mentally. Usually the event takes place during the day at the residence of the prospective bride.

8. Bake Aisan

This procession will then begin with the exit of the bride from the room and being carried symbolically by the mother. While the father then walked in front with a candle to the place of sungkeman.

9. Ngaras

Ngaras is an application for permission from the prospective bride which is then followed by the sungkem method and washing the feet of both parents.

10. Mixing splash water

Then the process continues with both parents mixing water from seven kinds of fragrant flowers or also known as the setaman flower.

11. Splash

This process will be accompanied by lute and flute music. The bride and groom will head to the splash area by stepping on 7 pieces of cloth beforehand. The siraman procession will also begin with the mother and father, to be continued by the elders. The number of sprinklers themselves must be odd and range from 7, 9, to 11 people.

12. Scratching or Haircut

In this traditional Sundanese wedding procession, the hair of the bride and groom will be cut slightly as a symbol to beautify themselves physically and mentally and then proceed with the Ngeningan procession, namely by removing all fine hairs on the face, neck, forming sinoms, and making godeg and turi flowers.

Sundanese Traditional Ceremonies for Birth

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with a diversity of tribes and a rich cultural heritage of the archipelago. Even though technological developments and advances are increasing, it turns out that some people still preserve and uphold their customs as ancestral heritage.

The Sundanese people who come from West Java are no exception. The Sundanese people themselves then carry out traditional ceremonies by expressing gratitude and asking for welfare and safety in the afterlife.

Usually, this traditional procession will be carried out at the most important moments in life, one of which is at the moments of the birth of a baby. There are 7 traditional Sundanese ceremonies after welcoming the birth of the baby into the world. What are they? Here are some of them.

1. Ceremony of Caring for the Mother of God

The first traditional ceremony is to care for the afterbirth or after childbirth so that the baby is safe and happy. Tembuni itself means the baby’s placenta or also known as the placenta.

According to the beliefs of the Sundanese people, afterbirth is a baby’s sibling so it cannot be thrown away carelessly and must be carried out through a special ritual when burying or when washing it away.

Simultaneously with the birth of the baby, the afterbirth is then cleaned and placed in a pencil or jug ​​and then given spices, namely salt, tamarind and brown sugar. Finally, the pendil is covered with a white cloth and given a small bamboo so that it can still receive air.

The paraji (traditional birth attendant) will then carry and cover the pencil until they are buried in the yard area or thrown into the river according to custom. The burial ceremony itself is accompanied by reading a prayer to ask for safety.

Near the grave of the afterbirth, a lamp or light will be given which will continue to burn until the baby’s umbilical cord is released from the stomach area

2. Nenjrag Earth Ceremony

The nenjrag bumi ceremony is the custom of striking a pestle, or a thick wooden stick, towards the earth. This ritual itself is carried out so that the baby will later become brave, not easily scared and surprised.

There are two ways to choose from, namely hitting the ground with a pestle seven times near the baby or by laying the baby on the calf (bamboo floor split into pieces), and continue with the mother stamping her foot on the calf near the baby.

3. Puput Puseur Ceremony

Puput puseur ceremony begins with cutting the baby’s umbilical cord. After it is released, the mother or ovary will then place the umbilical cord in a kanjut kundang or cloth bag and cover it with a gauze bag filled with coins and tie it to the baby’s stomach, meaning that the navel does not stick out.

The ceremony itself is held simultaneously with giving names, reading prayers of congratulations, and distributing red and white porridge to the surrounding residents.

4. Ekahan Ceremony

Maybe you are already familiar with the Ekahan or Aqiqah traditional ceremony. This ceremony itself is carried out to indulge gratitude to God as an expression of gratitude for having been blessed with a baby. In practice, this ceremony is generally carried out after the baby is 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days old.

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The child’s parents must provide a sheep or goat to be slaughtered with the provisions of two sheep if it’s a boy and one lamb if it’s a girl.

This slaughtering procession is also accompanied by reading prayers of congratulations and the hope that one day the child will become a pious person who can help his parents in the afterlife. After slaughter, the meat will then be cooked and distributed.

5. The nurunkeun ceremony

The nurunkeun ceremony is a ceremony to introduce the baby to the surrounding environment. Paraji will then take the baby to the yard for the first time and at the same time inform the neighbors that the baby can be taken out of the house or taken for a walk.

This ceremony is also held on the seventh day after the Puput Puseur ceremony. Not only that, the host will also provide a variety of dishes. Snacks and fruit will be wrapped and hung on bamboo crosswise, while heavy food is placed underneath.

In the same bamboo, cloth swings are also made to be able to hold the baby while the paraji recites the prayer. After the procession ends, the host will then invite guests to eat the food provided and snacks that are hung are also distributed to the guest children.

6. Shaving Ceremony

Shaving the baby’s hair is then done when the baby enters the age of 40 days to clean or purify the hair of all uncleanness.

The baby will be laid down in the middle of the guests, then a container filled with flower water and scissors are also provided, which are hung with gold jewelry, such as necklaces, rings and bracelets. While the guests are praying and praying, some of them will also cut a little of the baby’s hair.

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