Ganjar Pranowo’s Biography: Profile, Biodata and His Career

Biography of Ganjar Pranowo –  Ganjar Pranowo SHMI P is a Governor of Central Java who has served two terms. Then how was Mr. Ganjar’s childhood life until he could become a Governor who is loved by his people? The following is a more detailed explanation about Mr. Ganjar Pranowo.

Profile of Ganjar Pranowo

Ganjar Pranowo was born to a simple family on October 28, 1968 in the village of Mount Lawu, Karanganyar. Ganjar Pranowo’s real name is Ganjar Sungkowo which means reward for trouble or sadness. However, when Ganjar was about to enter elementary school, Sungkowo’s name was changed to Pranowo by his parents. This name change occurred because of the fear of Ganjar’s parents, if the name Sungkowo remained then the child would always wallow in bad luck and trouble.

Ganjar’s father’s name is S. Pamudji and his mother’s name is Sri Suparni. Ganjar is the fifth child of six siblings. The names of his siblings are Pri Kuntadi, Pri Pambudi Teguh, Joko Prasetyo, Prasetyowati, and Nur Hidayati. Ganjar’s own father works as a police officer and was also assigned to take part in the PRRI or Permesta crackdown operations.

Since childhood, Ganjar has shown his leadership spirit. This was proven when Ganjar was in elementary school, he was always elected as class president. When he was about to enter junior high school, his family moved to Kutoarjo following the place where his father was assigned. Ganjar continued his studies at Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta High School. In high school he was active in participating in scouting activities or the Ambalan Council.

When he was about to graduate from high school in 1980, his father retired from serving in the National Police. To make a living and meet the economic needs of the family, his mother opened a grocery shop. While Ganjar also experienced selling gasoline on the side of the road.

After high school graduation arrived, Ganjar continued his studies at the Faculty of Law at Gadjah Mada University. On campus, he joined the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI). During his college days, Ganjar admitted that he had taken two semesters off from college. This is because he does not have the cost for lectures. Ganjar admitted that he had a hobby of demonstrations during college. Ganjar once took part in demonstrating UGM rector for the 1986-1990 period, namely Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri.

In 1994 Ganjar met Siti Atikoh Supriyanti while doing KKN in Temanggung, Central Java. Atikoh is the son of a Nahdlatul Ulama figure from Purbalingga, Central Java.

What is interesting about their relationship is that Ganjar Pranowo has a GMNI and PDI background, while Atikoh has a pesantren background in Purbalingga which is affiliated with NU and PPP. The two married in 1999 and have one son named Muhammad Zinedine Alam Ganjar. Zinedine was born in 2003 and is now studying at SMAN 3 Semarang, Central Java.

Ganjar Pranowo’s Early Career

After Ganjar Pranowo graduated from the Faculty of Law UGM, he worked at an HRD consulting agency in Jakarta, namely PT Prakarsa. Ganjar has also worked at PT Prastawana Karya Samitra and PT Semeru Realindo Inti. Ganjar was active in GMNI and admired Soekarno’s figure, and Ganjar was a PDI sympathizer.

In 1996, PDI had an internal conflict between supporters of Soerjadi and Megawati Soekarnoputri as a representative of the Bung Karno family. Ganjar is in Megawati’s camp, despite the fact that Ganjar’s father is a policeman and his older brother is a judge whereby the New Order banned all public officials from engaging in politics and had to fully support Golkar. And in the end Ganjar chose a political career through the PDIP Party led by Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Ganjar Pranowo, Chairman of KAGAMA

In November 2014, to be precise at the congress of KAGAMA (Gadjah Mada University Alumni Family) in Kendari, Ganjar was elected by deliberation to replace Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as general chairman of KAGAMA or Gadjah Mada University Alumni Family for the period 2014 to 2019.

Ganjar was elected after holding a consensus meeting with three other general chairman candidates, namely Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X who was the General Chair of KAGAMA for the period 2009 to 2014, Budi Karya Sumadi who was the Chairman of KAGAMA DKI Jakarta Pengda, and also Usman Rianse who was KAGAMA Southeast Sulawesi Pengda. The deliberation took place at the Grand Clarion Hotel, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi on Saturday, 8 November 2014.

After being elected, Ganjar Pranowo gave his speech stating that KAGAMA’s work program should not forget the values ​​of struggle, democracy and nationality that have been taught by Gadjah Mada University. One of the programs that will be carried out by Ganjar Pranowo is to establish synergy with the Regional Management so that a harmonious community is built between KAGAMA members. Ganjar also added that communication between KAGAMA members can be done physically or virtually.

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Ganjar Pranowo Member of the DPR-RI

Initially, Ganjar Pranowo failed to qualify as a member of the DPR-RI in the 2004 general election. However, Ganjar accepted the assignment as an interim replacement or PAW to replace his party partner who was in the same electoral area, namely Jakob Tobing, who was assigned by President Megawati. Soekarnoputri became ambassador to South Korea.

When he was a member of the DPR-RI for the period 2004 to 2009, Ganjar Pranowo was assigned to Commission IV which also supervised the Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry, Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Food sectors. Not only that, Ganjar has also been placed on the Special Committee or Special Committee on Political Party Bills as chairman of the special committee, Member of the DPR-RI Legislative Body, and also Chair of the Special Committee on the MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD in the DPR-RI.

In his second period as a member of the DPR-RI, Ganjar was placed on Commission II which oversees the fields of Domestic Administration, Regional Autonomy, State Apparatus, Bureaucratic Reform, Elections, Land Affairs, and Agrarian Reform. Ganjar Pranowo began to be recognized by the public when he became a member of the Special Committee on Century Bank Inquiry Rights as well as Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPR-RI.

Ganjar Pranowo has been a postgraduate student at FISIP UI since 2009, but was forced to take time off because of his busy schedule as a member of the DPR-RI. Even though being a member of the DPR-RI has quite a busy schedule, Ganjar continued his studies until he was able to complete his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia in 2013.

Profile When As Governor of Central Java

In 2013 Ganjar Pranowo advanced as a candidate for Governor in the Central Java Governor General Election. Ganjar took Heru Sudjatmoko who was promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle or PDIP. Ganjar and Heru are known by the jargon ” Mboten Korupsi Mboten Ngapusi” which means no corruption does not lie. Both of them became winners with a vote of 48.82%.

On Friday, 23 August 2013 the inauguration of Ganjar Pranowo and Heru as governors. The inauguration was carried out by the Minister of Home Affairs, Gamawan Fauzi at the Central Java DPRD, Jalan Pahlawan, Semarang. Ganjar Pranowo is again running as a candidate for Governor of Central Java.

This time, Ganjar teamed up with Taj Yasin Maimoen, who is a member of the Central Java DPRD for the 2014-2019 period from the PPP faction and from the Electoral District of Central Java 3. Victory again sided with Ganjar with 58.78% of the vote, with 10,362,694 votes. Ganjar Pranowo and Taj Yasin Maimoen officially become Governors of Central Java from 2018 to 2023.

In the leadership led by Ganjar Pranowo when he was the Governor of Central Java, such as:

1. Sudden Inspection at Weighbridge

Ganjar caught the public’s attention when he expressed his anger at the Transportation Agency officers who carried out a sudden inspection at the Subah Weigh Bridge, Batang Regency, the incident occurred on April 27 2014. Ganjar saw directly several kernet give money ranging from IDR 10,000 to IDR 20,000 or below a fine the highest official is IDR 60,000 to officers.

By discovering the practice of extortion in Subah, following the policy of closing the Weigh Bridge in Central Java since May 2014. However, this policy caused Central Java to lose revenue of IDR 10.118 billion as recorded by the Supreme Audit Agency or BPK for Central Java’s financial reports for year 2014.

One of the leaders of the local DPRD commission, Alwin Basri, said that this policy actually caused losses for the province itself. The closing of the Weighbridge was not followed by a review and evaluation of the duties and functions of the employees on duty at each Weighbridge.

2. Twitter

Ganjar utilizes social media Twitter to communicate with the public. This has been done by Ganjar since before he became Governor until now he has become Governor. In inaugurating regional head officials, Ganjar asked officials to be active on social media accounts so they could quickly receive complaints from residents and be able to respond and find out the latest information from their respective regions. For Ganjar, through social media he can listen to input, criticism and even protests from people who don’t like the policies being made.

3. Indonesian Cement Dispute Case

Ganjar was considered to be less communicative in responding to the dispute between Semen Indonesia and Rembang residents. Since 2015 residents have rejected the construction of a cement factory in the Kendeng mountains by taking legal action and holding demonstrations.

The Kadeng residents’ lawsuit to cancel the cement factory permit was granted after the Supreme Court issued a Judicial Review decision on August 2 2016 which canceled the Decision Letter regarding the Environmental Permit for Mining Activities by PT Semen Gresik in Rembang Regency. Even though the PK ruling has prohibited mining and drilling above groundwater basins in the Kendeng mountain region.

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On November 9, 2016 Ganjar issued a new addendum or decree by changing the name of PT Semen Gersik Tbk to PT Semen Indonesia Tbk. According to Ganjar, the court has yet to provide an explanation regarding whether the factory will continue or not, so the construction of the Indonesian cement factory will continue because there is no order to close it.

The Indonesian Forum for the Environment, one of the plaintiffs for the environmental permit, stated in a written release that Ganjar as the governor of Central Java ” played the law for the benefit of the industry “. Walhi Nur Hayati as the Executive Director said that Ganjar had made a strategy to circumvent the obligation to comply with the law and court decisions when residents obey and respect the law.

On December 19, 2016 hundreds of Kendeng residents demonstrated again to demand the closure of the cement factory in Rembang because they were disappointed with Ganjar’s attitude which seemed to divert the matter by questioning the list of residents’ names which contained the names of Ultraman and Power Rangers. There were many pressures from residents to the governor to cancel the factory construction environmental permit according to the Supreme Court decision.

Ganjar issued a Decree on January 17 2017 canceling the addendum he had previously issued. Ganjar decided to postpone the process of establishing the Semen Indonesia factory in Rembang until a Permit Decree was issued which had been adjusted to the PK MA decision. However, a new permit “with a slight change in area” was re-issued on 23 February 2017.

Considered bad for law enforcement in Indonesia, the Legal Aid Institute or LBH Semerang also criticized the issuance of the new permit. Zainal Arifin as the Director of LBH Semarang said that the new environmental permit was legally flawed and was a form of the governor’s arrogance.

Meanwhile, during Ganjar Pranowo’s leadership, credit financing from the Bank of Central Java for MSMEs with KUR Mitra 25 products was subject to a seven percent interest rate per year. While Mintra 02 is two percent, without collateral and without administrative costs. When it was launched, the credit interest was recorded as the lowest in Indonesia and was widely imitated by other regional governments throughout the country and even received attention and appreciation from President Joko Widodo.

The Corruption Eradication Commission awarded Ganjar as the most gratuity reporter in 2015. This achievement was given for Ganjar’s seriousness in controlling the giving of gratuities to both governors and Central Java provincial government officials.

Ganjar Pranowo also made a new breakthrough by inviting all state civil servants or ASN totaling more than forty thousand in the Central Java Provincial Government to pay zakat. ASN income is cut directly by 2.5%. Within a month a total of IDR 1.6 billion can be collected which can be used for disaster relief, repair of uninhabitable houses (RTLH), education and Islamic boarding schools, mosques, the health sector and so on.

In 2014 Ganjar Pranowo also planned a program to form a disaster-resilient village. The target is that by 2018 all of the 2204 disaster-prone villages in Central Java have formed resilient villages. Ganjar Pranowo also formed one hundred self-sufficient villages which are village areas that can develop their potential from tourism to natural resources and energy for economic empowerment in the community.

For the health sector, Ganjar Pranowo plans to build a modern, international standard hospital at the MAJT or the Great Mosque of Central Java. Ganjar Pranowo also launched the ” Central Java Gayeng Nginceng Wong Mateng ” program which Ganjar initiated at the beginning of his reign.

Ganjar Pranowo also made Farmer Cards. The Farmer Card contains the farmer’s identity, land area, type of plant, and also the need for fertilizer. On the outside, no farmer can access subsidized fertilizer, thereby minimizing crime and abuse of authority. President Joko Widodo appreciated and made the Farmer Card a national program.

If Sinaumed’s wants to know more about Mr. Ganjar Pranowo who is the Governor of Central Java, Sinaumed’s can add information by reading books and get his books which are available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!

Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine

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