Functions of the ulna, radius and upper arms

The function of the ulna, ulnar bones and upper arms – In the human body, humans have bones or muscles that function to move. If you don’t have it, you can’t move. Examples are the ulna, radius and upper arm.

When these bones have their respective functions in the movement of the human body. This article will discuss the function of the ulna, radius and upper arm.

The Function of the Eight Bones

The ulna is the bone in the human arm. This bone is the forearm in the human hand. The ulna bone connects the human wrist to the human upper arm.

Specifically, the ulna is on the side where the little finger is. The ulna is the bone that joins the little finger bone. This bone extends to the elbow.

The function of the ulna is actually the same as any other bone in the body. However, because this bone is in the hand, this bone really has a role in hand movements.

To find out various interesting facts about the function of bones in the human body, along with various other things related to the human body, You can read the book Oh, It Turns Out… The Human Body is Full of Miracles!

There are several functions of the ulna, including the following:

1. Forming the forearm structure

The ulna serves to form the structure of the forearm. The ulna will support the structure of the arm. The forearms and ulna will be supported by the ulna.

2. Help the rotation of the wrist

The next function of the ulna is so that the rotation that occurs in the wrist is assisted. The ulna will help the wrist rotate. In this process the ulna is assisted by the ulna and carpal bones.

From this process, the wrist can move perfectly. So that it will help the body carry out daily activities. Examples such as writing, moving something, lifting objects and doing other things.

3. Where the muscles are attached

The next function of the ulna is to place the muscles attached. The muscles attached to these bones are the muscles in the forearm. Another muscle attached to the ulna is the hand muscle.

4. Forms the humerus and elbow joint

The next function of the ulna is to form the humerus and elbow joints. This happens because the joints in the elbow have an important role. The role of these joints is to stretch the arm and bend the arm. This will help the forearm to move. Therefore there is no longer any need for elbow joint movement.

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5. Save mineral intake

One of the main functions of the ulna is to store mineral intake. Minerals that enter the body are stored in the ulna. Then these minerals will produce blood cells. These blood cells are called marrow.

The presence of mineral intake in the ulna also supports movement. Movement in the upper back and shoulders. In addition, the minerals in the ulna will connect vital ligaments to all the muscles in the body.

Learn other interesting facts about the human body through the book Come on, Find Out! The Human Body is equipped with interesting pictures and illustrations.

The function of the lever bone

The radius bone is a tube-shaped bone in the human hand. The radius bones are the bones that make up the forearm. The radius bone is elongated from the lateral side, or away from the midline. This bone originates from the thumb of the wrist to the elbow.

The size of the ulna is shorter than the ulna. This bone has two ends on the sides of the forearm. The lifting bone will connect thick fibrous tissue or commonly called the interosseous ligament.

The shape of the claw bone is strong and dense. However, not all radius bones in humans are perfectly shaped. Due to several factors such as disability, the radius bone may be shorter than it should be.

In maintaining complete bone health, we can also learn from You in the book For Healthy Bones, which explains tips and tricks that you can learn.

There are several functions of the lever bones, including the following:

1. Assembling the forearm frame

The most important and most important function of the radius bone is to make up the framework of the forearm. The arrangement of this framework is part of the framework for the locomotion apparatus of humans, or commonly called the extremities of humans.

2. Where the muscles are attached

The next function of the ulna is the same as the ulna. The function of this ulna is to place the muscles attached. The muscles will be attached to the arm.

3. Drawing up the lower arms

Another function of the ulna is to make up the arms. The arms that are arranged are the lower arms. This arrangement occurs together with the ulna.

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Bones, which are part of the components and structures of the human body, can be studied by You in the book Anatomy of the Human Body for Nursing Students, Edition 2, which explains the whole and part of the relationship between the organs of the body with each other.

4. Where the biceps attach

The biceps is attached to the radius bone. This bicep extends all the way from the end of the upper arm. The lever bones and bicep muscles will work so that the hands are able to lift objects up.

In addition, another function of the biceps muscle and the lever bone is to allow extension and flexion movements to occur. Besides that, it can cause movements such as bending and straightening the hands.

5. Move the wrist

The next function of the lever bone is to play a role in moving the wrist. In this case, the muscles and joints in the wrist. In addition, the lifting bones also have a role in the production of blood cells. This is because there is a lot of bone marrow or pipe bones.

Apart from the above functions, the ulna also works together with the ulna. The ulna and ulna work together. The two bones connect to the upper arm bones. The connection is through a hinge joint in the elbow.

To understand the human body, regarding body systems and important concepts that You must know, the book At A Glance Anatomy & Physiology can be the right choice which is accompanied by a full color visual display of anatomy and physiology.

Upper Arm Function

The upper arms are located at the joints. Located between the elbow and shoulder. To connect to the shoulder, the upper arm is connected via the scapula. Meanwhile from the elbow, the upper arm will be connected to the ulna at the end.

There are several functions of the upper arm, including the following:

  • – To connect the swivel joint on the shoulder
  • – Abduct or extend the hand
  • – Raise your hands up
  • – Lower your hands downwards
  • – Returning the hand to its original position, after abduction
  • – Move the arm behind the body or extension
  • – Move the arm to the front of the body or flex it
  • – Stretching or straightening the elbow or extension
  • – Bending the elbow or
  • – Protects muscles because there are ligaments
  • – Provides movement in the shoulder joint

Here is some information about the function of the ulna, radius and upper arm. Find other interesting things about the human body at .