Functions of Protein, Examples of Foods Containing Animal and Vegetable Proteins

The function of protein – Protein is one of the nutrients the body needs to stay healthy. Everyone has a different amount of protein needs, depending on age and gender. Therefore, consumption of foods that contain protein is also important to note.

There are many functions of protein for the body, because protein is in every cell of the human body. Although many other nutrients are also needed by the body, you must know what are the benefits and uses of protein for the body. That way, you can estimate the daily protein needs that must be consumed.

What Are Proteins?

Protein can be categorized into two types, namely complete and incomplete protein. Complete protein is protein that contains 20 amino acids, examples are soy, quinoa, and animal products. Then, incomplete proteins, namely proteins that do not contain 20 amino acids, nuts and seeds are examples of incomplete proteins.

Protein is one of the three macronutrients that the body needs in large quantities. This nutrient consists of 20 amino acids consisting of arginine, alanine, aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamine, glycine, glutamic acid, lysine, histidine, isoleucine, methionine, proline, phenylalanine, threonine, serine, tryptophan, valine, and trison.

You need to understand that amino acids can actually be produced by the body without food intake. However, these amino acids are non-essential amino acids. While essential amino acids can be obtained from food intake. Therefore, the function of amino acids for the body is also obtained from the consumption of protein foods.

The essential amino acids consist of nine types, namely histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, valine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. Eleven of the other 20 types of amino acids can be produced by the body itself.


Examples of Foods Containing Animal Protein

In animal protein, the amino acids contained are complete essential amino acids. Needs the same as the amino acids that exist in the body. Meanwhile, vegetable protein does not have amino acids as complete as animal protein.

So, the nutritional content of animal protein is indeed more complete than vegetable protein. The following are types of foods that contain animal protein:

1. Counts

Eggs contain lots of nutrients the body needs, such as minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and antioxidants. There is a protein content of 6 grams and 68 calories.

2. Keju Cottage 

Cottage cheese is made from cow’s milk, so it is low in fat and calories. Cottage cheese contains phosphorus, calcium, selenium, vitamin B12, and vitamin B2. One cup of cottage cheese contains nutrients in the form of 2% fat, 27 grams of protein and 194 calories.

3. Tuna fish

The next type of food with animal protein is tuna. This fish has low fat and calories. So, tuna is highly recommended to be a healthy food menu. Tuna is the same as other types of fish, rich in omega 3 fatty acids. One ounce of tuna contains 30 grams of protein and 157 calories.

4. Lean beef and chicken

The best chicken meat is the breast, because of its low fat content. If cooked properly, chicken breast is very easy to cook anything. The protein content in one skinless chicken breast is 53 grams, while for beef it is 22 grams.

5. Yogurt and milk

The next delicious food that is also rich in protein is yogurt and milk. This food has a soft texture and is rich in nutrients. In 170 grams of yogurt there are 17 grams of protein and 100 calories. Meanwhile, in one cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein and 1 percent fat.

Examples of Foods Containing Vegetable Protein

So, apart from animal protein sources, you can also get nutrition from vegetable protein. There are many types of plants that provide protein to the body. Such as red beans, soybeans, and other types of nuts. Here are some examples of food sources that contain vegetable protein:

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1. Lentils

Lentils are one of the foods that are rich in protein. In one cup of these beans, the nutrition you have is 18 grams of protein, and calories of 230. Lentils are also good and good for health, because they contain fiber and minerals, such as phosphorus, iron, folate and thiamin.

2. Almonds

Furthermore, the function of protein can also be obtained from consuming almonds. These nuts are very popular because the nutrients they have are also very rich. Almonds contain vitamin E, fiber, magnesium and manganese. Don’t forget about 6 grams of protein in 1 ounce of almonds.

3. Broccoli

Then there’s broccoli, a food that’s not recommended for those of you who have a lot of gas in the stomach, in fact it’s rich in protein. In one cup of broccoli, there are 2.8 grams of protein. Broccoli is also rich in other nutrients, such as vitamin K and vitamin C. Both of these vitamins are useful for reducing the risk of cancer.

4. Wheat

Healthy foods that also contain lots of protein are oats. Oats also have fiber, minerals, vitamin B1, manganese, magnesium, and other good nutrients. The protein content in raw oats is as much as 13 grams, and calories as much as 303 grams.

Those are some types of food that contain animal and vegetable protein. Everyone certainly needs protein intake from these various foods. Not only adults, of course, but children also need it. If you have small children or babies, their protein needs must also be met. This is because a lack of protein will hinder its growth and development.

If you want to know more about protein menus for babies and toddlers, read sinaumedia’s book entitled Protein Menu for Babies and Toddlers , or you can click on the book image below.

Function of Proteins

After knowing what foods contain protein, both vegetable and animal, then you need to know the function of protein. Protein is needed by children and adults. The amount of protein requirement for the body is quite large and varies for each person.

These nutrients are known to be needed by the body for health. Especially for those who are sick, and more needed by those who have had surgery. Because protein is needed to heal wounds. Well, apart from that, what are the functions of other proteins? Here’s a list of the functions of protein for the body:

1. Protein to form enzymes

The first function of protein is to form enzymes. We know that there are several enzymes needed by the body. Enzymes are responsible for all the biochemical reactions that occur in the body. Starting from blood clotting, destroying poisons, digesting food, and in muscle contractions.

If you want to know how proteins and enzymes work in the body, read sinaumedia’s book entitled Proteins and Enzymes , or you can click on the book image below.

2. Increase body immunity

Furthermore, protein also functions to form immunoglobulin or an antibody that functions against bacteria in the body. With these antibodies, the body will be protected from various diseases and infections from viruses and bacteria. Including foreign objects that enter the body and have the potential to cause disease.

3. Protein serves to store and transport nutrients

Protein in the body is also useful for distributing the nutrients you consume. In every food, of course there are nutrients that the body needs. Well, it’s the protein that functions to spread it through the bloodstream. The nutrients distributed by protein include oxygen, cholesterol, blood sugar, vitamins, and minerals. Then for the nutrients stored by protein are nutrients, such as ferritin which stores iron.

4. Protein to form body structure

Certain proteins also function to build cells and body tissues to make them stronger. Protein has an important role in building body structures such as collagen, keratin, and elastin. Protein plays a role in the formation of a structural framework so that they are related to each other.

You can find keratin in your nails, hair, and skin. Then, the protein collagen will be found in every part of the body to support the healthy structure of the skin, tendons, ligaments and bones. Then the protein elastin can be found in the lungs, blood vessels, and in the uterus.

5. Protein to accelerate chemical reactions in the body 

The next function of protein is to accelerate chemical reactions that enter the body. This function is carried out by a combination of molecules in the cell, which are called substrates. In addition, enzymes also work with minerals and vitamins. Because the system in the body also depends on the function of enzymes. Such as the digestive system, blood clotting, energy production, as well as muscle contractions.

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6. Protein to build and maintain tissue

The next function of protein is to build and maintain body tissues. The amount of protein absorbed by each person’s body depends on each person’s health. If someone is recovering after surgery, for example, the protein needed is certainly much greater.

This is because protein is used to build tissues. Therefore, large amounts of protein will be needed by those who have had surgery or been injured after an accident, including nursing mothers and pregnant women.

7. Protein as a tool for communication

Furthermore, protein functions as a means of communication between parts of the body. Similar to enzymes, proteins also work as messengers between tissues, cells, and organs. Endocrine glands produce and secrete hormones, which are then transported to tissues or organs. Transport will be carried out by the protein through the bloodstream.

Well, in general these hormones are categorized into 3 groups, namely peptides or proteins, amino acid derivatives, and steroids. Peptides are responsible for forming most of the hormones in the body. Examples are glucagon which is used to break down glucose, insulin to absorb glucose, and human growth hormone to grow tissue.

8. Protein to balance acid-base in the body

Protein also serves to balance the levels of acids and bases in the body. Everyone has different pH levels. For normal people, the pH in stomach acid is 2, while in blood the pH is normally 7.4. If the amount of pH changes, there will be interference with the organ concerned. So, it takes a compound that maintains and regulates its balance, namely protein.

What If the Body Lacks Protein? 

As mentioned above, protein is needed by the body. Its functions are very vital for the body. So, if the body lacks protein, health problems will appear in a person. If you lack protein, you will be more susceptible to disease. Because when the amount of protein is low, the production of white blood cells will also decrease. So that the body is susceptible to germs, bacteria, or viruses that cause disease.

Especially if you are sick, especially when you have an injury, it will take much longer to heal. Why? Because protein functions to maintain tissue. That’s why people who have had surgery need a lot of protein. In addition, if there is a lack of protein, other problems that can arise include dull nails, easily broken nails, and dry skin. This includes hair falling out more easily, and changes in hair texture.

Lack of protein can also interfere with brain function. Because the amino acids in protein are needed to form various types of neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are chemical compounds that have the function of delivering stimuli to the brain’s nerve cells or muscles. In addition, this amino acid is also needed by the brain to form dopamine and serotonin. Where both are related to brain function in regulating one’s mood. If a person is deficient in serotonin or dopamine, it can put them in a bad mood or cause other symptoms.

Furthermore, it was also stated above that the function of protein is also very important for pregnant and lactating women. This is because children need a fairly high amount of protein to support their growth and development. If their protein needs are not fulfilled, it is feared that their growth and development will also be disrupted. This also applies to babies who are still in the womb. One of the disorders that can be experienced by children is having a body that is shorter than the average height of children of their age.

There are also several features that you can identify to find out whether someone is protein deficient or not. Some of these characteristics include getting tired easily, looking tired and lethargic, the appearance of sleep disturbances, frequent hair loss. Decreased body immunity, easily broken toenails or fingers, and fluid retention.

Some of the features above can be a sign that the body needs more protein injections. So, try to be more aware and pay attention to your health.

So, those are some very important things for you to know about protein. Protein deficiency can also cause many other disorders. So, meet your protein needs by consuming food or drink as exemplified above.

Don’t let protein deficiency make you susceptible to disease. Also remember other healthy food menus, which consist of 4 healthy 5 perfect menus. Greetings, yes.