Exploitation Is: Definition, Examples, & Differences with Exploration

Exploitation is – The term exploitation is now not a foreign thing in society. The word exploitation itself refers to the description of an excessive use of something. An example is the environment, this environmental exploitation refers to the utilization of natural resources without carrying out various repairs for the benefit of restoring the surrounding environment.

Then what is exploitation? What are some examples? And how is it different from exploration? Check out the more detailed explanation below:

Definition of Exploitation

In general, exploitation is an action or activity carried out in order to take advantage and take advantage of something excessively and full of arbitrariness without any responsibility. Generally, this action will then cause harm to other parties, be it humans, animals, and various surrounding environments.

The word exploitation itself is taken from the English language exploitation which means political attempts to use certain objects arbitrarily. The use of this word is also often used in various fields, both in terms of politics, the environment, in social matters and various other things. Simply put, exploitation is an activity that tends to be negative because it will cause harm to many people.

Definition of Exploitation According to Experts

In order to better understand the notion of exploitation, we must be able to refer to some of the income of experts and experts in their fields. Some experts also reveal the notion of exploitation. Some definitions of exploitation based on experts include the following:

1. Definition of Exploitation According to Martaja

Martaja explained that exploitation is an activity of using it in an unethical way for the benefit or good of an individual.

2. Definition of Exploitation According to Joni

Joni believes that exploitation is an act of using other people for personal gain.

3. Definition of Exploitation According to Suharto

Suharto explained that exploitation is a discriminatory attitude or treatment which is then carried out arbitrarily.

4. Definition of Exploitation According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Exploitation is an act of exploitation carried out for personal gain, exploitation, extortion of other people which is basically a form of action that is not commendable and cannot be justified.

Examples of Exploits

Based on the understanding of exploitation that has been discussed previously, it can be concluded that this action is an action that can cause harm, both for the environment and for humans. The following below are some examples of exploitation, among others:

1. Child Exploitation

Exploitation of children is an activity that takes advantage of children full of arbitrariness that can be carried out by the family and society by forcing the child to do something without regard to his physical and mental development. Usually, this action can then be found easily when someone uses a child to gain an economic advantage.

Below are some examples of child exploitation.

  • Using children to become beggars or scavengers.
  • Utilizing children to then become buskers on the side of the road or at red lights.
  • Utilizing children to be able to sell newspapers at red lights.
  • Forcing minors to become commercial sex workers (PSK).
  • Utilizing children to do various things with the aim of pursuing economic gain or for the mere pursuit of popularity.

2. Animal Exploitation

Animal exploitation is an act that takes advantage of animals to obtain various personal benefits without thinking about the various impacts that will occur on these animals. Currently, there are many people who do not realize that what they are doing can be considered as an act of animal exploitation and this has been happening for decades. Below are some examples of unconscious animal exploitation:

  • Monkey Mask, although its purpose is to entertain, in reality this action is a form of exploitation of animals.
  • Animal attractions or circuses, this activity is clearly a form of animal exploitation which is then carried out by humans in order to gain as much profit as possible.
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3. Exploitation of Women

Exploitation of women is an act that is carried out by taking advantage of women for the benefit of a certain group. For now, the level of equal rights between men and women has indeed been proclaimed. However, in practice, women often experience acts of discrimination and exploitation. Some examples are as follows.

  • Become a commercial sex worker. Even though there are some women who think that this profession is then a job, in reality most of them still don’t like this job.
  • Exploitation of women in mass media, such as TV, the Internet, as well as print media. This advertisement is intended to increase public attention to a media and product. Even so there are many of us who are not aware of this, but these examples of exploitation are very damaging.

4. Forest Exploitation

For land clearing for forest fires, most of the incidents of forest fires then occur due to deliberate factors. Some irresponsible parties deliberately set fire to the forest to then turn it into plantation land, residential land, livestock land, and so on. Fires can also result in the loss of these habitats, thus causing species extinction.

In addition, there are several examples of forest exploitation, including:

  • Conversion of land functions that change functions by changing the function of part or all of the land area from its original function to another function which then has problems or adverse impacts on the environment and the potential of the land itself.
  • In the opening of mining land in the forest for mining, there is an activity of taking mineral deposits (ie valuable minerals) from the earth’s crust, whether excavation is carried out on the surface or below the earth’s surface. While the mine is a place to dig (take) as well as results from the earth’s crust in the form of minerals (valuable minerals). The mining system is also a way or technique that is carried out in freeing or taking mineral deposits that have economic meaning from the parent rock for further processing so that it can then provide large profits.
  • Illegal logging, this logging activity itself occurs in a forest area which is carried out illegally, thereby reducing or changing the original function of the forest. Even though there has been a strict prohibition from the Government to do so, most people still carry out these activities. If there are many people who still carry out this action on a large scale, regardless of the after effects, it will be easier for the negative impacts to occur.

Difference between Exploration and Exploitation

Although they are often used together, these two words actually have very basic differences. Well, the difference between exploitation and exploration is as follows:

1. Understanding

Exploration is the beginning of all exploitation activities and is carried out over a long period of time because it requires an in-depth and detailed process.

Exploitation is a follow-up activity from various exploitation processes that have previously been carried out. This activity will depend on the results after exploration is carried out, it can be in a long or short period of time.

2. Purpose

If exploration is more likely to be a process of searching for in-depth information by exploring new areas or foreign objects, then exploitation refers more to seeking benefits from previously known potentials through exploration activities.

3. Processing Time

Exploration is a process that takes a long time and is full of risks and uncertainties. Conversely, exploitation has a short-term nature and the benefits can be directly utilized with certain results that are more relative.

4. Goals and Outcomes

Exploitation is carried out in order to obtain as much as possible from what is obtained through exploration activities, be it agricultural products or natural resources contained in an area that has been explored. Whether the goal is positive or negative, it will all depend on the perpetrator of the activity itself.

5. Application

Exploration activities require very complex tactics and strategies and cannot be carried out at random. Of course, this is different from exploitation activities that rely on various technical equipment. The more sophisticated the technology used in this activity, the greater the results can be obtained.

6. Impact

Exploration activities do not or even rarely cause harmful direct effects on an object, because they are only researching and also exploring potential profits.

Meanwhile, exploitation can be considered as an activity that often causes negative and detrimental effects, including on the surrounding environment, as well as social and other problems related to the activity itself.

Impact of Forest Exploitation

The following are some of the impacts of forest exploitation that you need to know.

1. Human and Animal Conflict

Conflicts between wild animals and humans sometimes occur due to human activities themselves. Animals, such as elephants, monkeys, for example, descend into village areas, then damage the plants.

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As a result of the conflict, it can swallow many victims both from the human side, gardens and also from the animals. Because of the conflict, there was a reaction from part of the community, especially for those who had experienced disturbances.

2. Disturbed Ecosystem

The forest is a habitat for various types of animal and plant species. That means that the forest is one of the biological natural resources that exist on this earth. Forest exploitation activities can cause damage.

Forest damage that occurs will result in flooding and erosion which can transport soil particles to the sea which will later undergo a process of sedimentation or deposition there.

3. Economic Losses

Forest areas are a source of natural wealth, some people depend on forest products for their lives. If the forest is damaged, their source of income will also disappear. Forest destruction can cause land to become barren, making it difficult to use it for farming.

In addition, forest destruction can trigger various kinds of disasters which will eventually cause losses, be it losses, especially economic losses. Many people lost their land, homes, and family members due to disasters such as floods and landslides.

From the discussion above, it can be said that exploration is an activity that can damage nature. Thus the discussion about exploitation. We hope that after reading this article to the end, you can participate in protecting the environment.

Recommended Books Related to Exploitation

1. Water Resources Management Reform

Reform in the field of water resources is urgently needed considering there is a paradigm shift in the management of water resources along with climate change, hydrometeorology and people’s behavior. Let’s look at the required reforms one by one so that we don’t make mistakes in the management of water resources in the future.

2. Natural Resource Economics

This book explains in detail the aforementioned issues with a rather mathematical micro-approach. This book is designed to provide a complete understanding of the economics of natural resources and is equipped with a graphical and mathematical approach as well as detailed explanations to help the reader understand it. Although not suitable for beginners, this book can be understood while studying microeconomics. The breadth of the discussion and the depth of the material are the hallmarks of this book. Happy reading.

3. Management of Marine & Forest Resources: Perspectives, Policy

Indonesia has abundant marine and forest resources, but they have not been used optimally to improve people’s welfare. The management also pays less attention to the sustainability aspect. As a result, the sustainability of natural resources is also threatened, including the provision of the necessities of life for future generations.

Through good management, natural resources can actually be used optimally to improve people’s welfare. However, many fishing communities and those who live around forests are still trapped in poverty due to the use of natural resources that often only prioritizes economic aspects, while social and ecological aspects are not given priority.

In the concept of sustainable development, these three aspects must receive balanced attention so that the benefits are felt by the community, both present and future generations. This book reveals issues surrounding marine and forest resource management from perspectives, policies, and resource management issues that occur in several regions.

4. Management of Resources & Environment

“This book is a translation and adaptation of “Resource and Environmental Management” by Bruce Mitchell, professor of Geography at the University of Waterloo, Canada. This book presents the latest and innovative concepts, methods and strategies in resource and environmental management, which are linked to four fundamental themes, namely change, complexity, uncertainty and conflict.

Attention is paid to the role of sustainable development in providing a vision for management, using ecosystems as a vehicle for realizing this vision. Key features of this book include: the combination of conceptual and practical management approaches; the use of boxes with text items which constitute the core of the description; the presentation of case studies which include examples from several corners of the world with special attention to developed and developing countries.

In addition to theoretical approaches, this book also presents examples from Indonesia to make them more contextual. Thus, this book is very useful from the point of view of understanding the concepts of resource and environmental management and their implementation practices, both in other countries and in Indonesia.”

5. Strategic Environmental Assessment

Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an instrument supporting sustainable development planning through efforts to internalize environmental interests (LH) and the principles of sustainable development into the development plan. Efforts to mainstream environmental interests and the principles of sustainable development are important because development implementation so far has not only increased economic benefits, but also resulted in a decline in environmental quality and social problems.

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