Comprehensive Meaning and Its Use in Science

Getting to Know the Meaning of Comprehensive and Its Use in Science – Hearing the word comprehensive, we will definitely think and wonder about its meaning, because even though it is quite familiar to our ears, we don’t really understand what the word means. Usually, we often hear the word comprehensive when we read good news. on television or in the mass media but personally we do not really understand what is meant by comprehensive.

In general, comprehensive is defined as something that is comprehensive. Because this word is comprehensive, its meaning can change depending on the topic being discussed. Therefore, sinaumedia friends, in order to use this word correctly according to the context of the conversation, it is necessary to understand it properly and correctly. The following will provide an explanation of the word comprehensive.

Comprehensive Definition

Comprehensive is a term that may still sound foreign to some lay people. For those of you who work in academic and professional fields, you will probably hear this word more often and certainly understand its usage better.
As mentioned earlier, Comprehensive is an adjective form that comes from the English Absorbent “Comprehensive”, which means comprehensive, thorough, thorough, and includes many things. The term complete is used to express a situation where something can explain complete and extensive information and provide more detailed information.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), there are three meanings of the word global. The first meaning, global, is being able to capture (get) goodness. Second, comprehensive is comprehensive and complete (in scope or content). Third, completeness that must be possessed and shows insight. Of course, this different comprehensive meaning must be understood according to the context in which it is handled.

In short, many people understand the term global to mean something that is seen from a broader global perspective. For example, a discussion that is carried out in a comprehensive manner is a discussion that is carried out more broadly and in depth.

However, it is not only comprehensive and holistic, actually comprehensive is a term with many equivalent words. For example, comprehensive, comprehensive, universal, encyclopedic, extensive, in-depth and many more. A global mindset can also be understood as having the ability to generate extensive knowledge.

Use of Comprehensive Words in the Scientific Field

Field of Philosophy

In the field of philosophy, thinking that is open or comprehensively all-encompassing is a way of looking at something that completely covers different aspects. Through this philosophical thought, people can fully understand and understand. For the smallest part, so that he can solve the problem well.


In the field of health services, comprehensive treatment is treatment from a patient’s doctor who is comprehensive regarding various diseases in general, from the time the disease is detected until the disease is cured. Usually this comprehensive practice is carried out by general practitioners who treat various diseases that commonly occur in the community.

Accounting Area

A comprehensive term in accounting that is commonly used to describe a process or principle for preparing financial statements. Includes full income statement for better overview. This is also done to measure the success of the business during the accounting period.

Services Sector

The use of the term comprehensive in the service sector means to provide comprehensively. Includes prevention, promotion, treatment/rehabilitation and rehabilitation efforts for customers or communities in need.

Leadership Areas

Global thinking is very beneficial for life, especially if it is developed. The advantage of having a global mindset is that it creates a proactive attitude. Without a proactive attitude, a leader cannot carry out leadership effectively and efficiently.

Comprehensive Sentence Examples

To better understand this word term, you can consider the following example:

State schools in Jakarta provide comprehensive services for students who wish to pursue an education.

The complete meaning of the sentence above is that public schools throughout Jakarta provide complete services and do not look at the social status of their prospective students. Through the efforts of the government’s education program, it is free and aims to provide education for all students who want to go to school.

Comprehensive services carried out by the puskesmas in the Kebayoran Lama area so that they can treat patients who do not have enough money to pay for treatment in private hospitals.

The meaning of the complete term above is a statement from a government agency, namely the puskesmas which provides comprehensive services to all patients from ordinary citizens to the less fortunate. And treated thoroughly, indiscriminately from being examined according to complaints of pain and given medication according to the disease regardless of the patient’s social status.

sinaumedia Company comprehensively accepts all intern students who apply to the company.

The meaning of this comprehensive term is business profit. In detail, it explains the business relationships carried out by both the company and the student interns. Both benefit, employers benefit from hiring students, students benefit from work experience and receive payment for their work.

All tertiary institutions in Indonesia are required to hold comprehensive examinations for all final semester students.

The meaning of this phrase comprehensively is an examination that covers all aspects of a particular scientific field. Through this test it can be seen whether a student meets the requirements to pass or not.

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Comprehensive Mindset

Global thinking examples:

The mindset that people also have to have is a global mindset. The definition of comprehensive itself, based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary, is very broad and includes many things. A global mindset is an open and non-exclusive (closed) mindset. Have an attitude of respecting the thoughts of others and the ability to adapt to diversity.

Proactive, creative and positive thinking is also part of open and global thinking. If we look at the relationship between the four mindsets, we will see that a holistic mindset is formed from an active, creative, and positive mindset.

The three viewpoints are also inextricably linked. Positive and creative spirit. Ability to create a proactive mindset. While creative thinking can lead to a positive mindset. And conversely, a positive mindset can foster a creative mindset, because in general people with a “positive mindset” have a good life. This situation can stimulate their creativity.

The Benefits of a Comprehensive Mindset

The four mindsets are very beneficial for life when developed. For example, a proactive mindset can be very helpful in the area of ​​leadership. For those of you who like to be involved in an organization, you really need to have a proactive attitude so that the vision and mission of the organization can run smoothly. Without wanting to be proactive, a leader will not be able to carry out leadership effectively and efficiently.

For a creative state of mind, it is especially useful in art. People who like to scribble on the walls in any place must develop properly and precisely. For example when entering an art gallery. For those who recognize the need for the presence of others, they must develop a positive and understanding attitude. Without this attitude, people will not be able to establish good relations with each other. Especially for people of different social backgrounds, religions, ethnicities and other differences. Building relationships with other people will be discussed in the next topic.

Comprehensive Understanding

Comprehensive/deep understanding can mean that every existing health problem must be approached through:

Every incident of contact between journalists and sources, all issues of authenticity of the news must be known, covered, and disseminated openly in the mass media. It was not limited to cliché topics that had been reported by sources at that time, but also explored various actual news information that had never been discussed by the mass media before. This news can be found by the public through various media such as television and newspapers.

Every incident of contact between journalists and sources, the problem regarding the authenticity of the news must be resolved through the efforts of: Interview (directly), Observation (direct research), and good media promotion.

Comprehensive Research Object

Comprehensive Literary Research

The object of study of literary studies is actually very comprehensive. Maybe also, as long as humans need literature, as long as everyone is capable of conducting research on various aspects related to the existence of literature. This situation, of course, can occur due to many factors. Some of them can be mentioned below.

First, the study of literature covers a very broad field. In terms of terms, literary studies can include studies of traditional literature, oral literature and ancient literature, as well as modern literature.

Second, literary studies have many works. Judging from its variety, literary studies can be conducted on various kinds of poetry, novels and short stories, plays, and critical essays.

Third, the study of literature faces various problems that have never been resolved, bearing in mind that literature is always in tension between convention and innovation. Evaluation of research objects, literary research can be focused on issues of literary texts, which are always born and continue to be born, never die. Even though he almost died, he was brought back to life by the quest itself.

Fourth, literary studies can be carried out in a directed manner by considering everything related to the process and development of literature. Judging from its birth and development, literary studies can be in-depth about a work or a number of works that were born within a certain period of time. Scholars can focus their attention on one work, but can also position it in the length of the story of their journey. In this case, the researcher places a literary work in its historical context.

Fifth, literary studies can be done by placing the text in its context. Viewed from the literary system, literary studies can be directed at the existence of authors as producers of works, literary texts as cultural products, publishers – including the mass media – as parties or organizations that allow works to be published and disseminated, readers and connoisseurs. and meaning makers, and readers or critics as parties who are considered to have knowledge and skills in the field of literature in various ways.

Of course, we can still make the list of other elements longer. In this case all studies are included in what is called literature or in technical terms it is called literary criticism (criticism). Other terms used in this sense are literary studies, literary studies, or literary studies.

What steps to take when studying one aspect of such a complete document. How to choose and easily identify the object of literary study you want to do. Then what should we consider when we examine the world of literature with its various problems.

The University’s documentary research is incorporated into scientific activities. There are certain terms and procedures that we must follow. Scientific activities that require the use of theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and other tools often become a kind of rule in scientific activities. Of course, in this case we have to choose, use and operate one (or one of two) approaches – among several existing approaches – which we can deem appropriate and suitable as an analytical tool. These are some things that might – leaving nothing behind – tend to rely on theory and methodology, without feeling the need to expose their own work, which is meant to be an object or document. his research. This tendency also causes academics to be very conservative in theory and methodology, which often, even tend to ignore the existence of the literary work itself. This is one of the problems of literary research in academia.

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Before getting into the discussion of what steps should be taken by scholars to conduct, develop, develop, and stimulate literary research, let us first consider Tanaka’s opinion. Ronald Tanaka divides literary studies into two main systems, namely the macro system and the micro system. Although this concept is consistent with Rene Wellek and Austin Warren’s ideas on what he calls the extrinsic approach and the intrinsic approach, Tanaka’s ideas, particularly on macrosystems, involve a much wider scope of research. In this case, Tanaka tries to question the existence of the author as the producer of the work, the role of the publisher which he places within the framework of the production and reproduction system, the reader as the conveyer of meaning, and as a critic. sometimes affects the image of the author.

Writer System

Writers in the literary macro system are not placed more weight than readers. It must be admitted that the birth and birth of the world of literature was created by the existence of the author. Thus, even though it is the author who authorizes the birth of a literary work, within the framework of the literary system, he is still considered as important as other parties who play a role in revitalizing the existence of the world of literature. Authors as creators and producers of literary works, in this modern era, their capacity is no longer based on natural talent, talent but also on wisdom. A modern writer must really be able to create the world; the world he constructs through language. This ability would certainly exist in the same world, if it didn’t broaden his horizons of knowledge either. So, a modern writer is required to have extensive knowledge,

Publication System

In modern literature, publishers are parties or organizations authorized to produce and reproduce literary works. In this sense, including the mass media (magazines and newspapers) which also play a similar role. In literary texts, publishers and mass media are often bound by certain interests (ideological, economic). Therefore, in the process of publishing and releasing a literary work, it is inevitable that other parties will participate in the production and republishing process. In this connection, the involvement of these parties often affects the formal structure of the work.

Reader System

In the literary macrosystem, there is no distinction between connoisseurs or ordinary readers, professional readers and critical or critical readers (researchers). Ronald Tanaka places professional readers and critical or critical readers in a critical system. However, the existence of readers in this system is still considered important because in many ways, readers often influence the circumstances and conditions of literary life. Thus, the existence of the reader cannot be ignored. They are often the subject of consideration by authors and publishers. Thus, a literary work written with a specific target audience not only forces the writer to consider issues outside the text, but also forces the editor to make typical compromises with the writer. Because of this compromise, the author often feels disadvantaged and is therefore forced to correct, or even modify, the text according to the wishes of the editor taking into account the (taste) of the reader. Popular literature – which emphasizes the will of the reader – and propaganda literature which aims to influence the ideology of the reader – are examples.


This is a brief discussion of the comprehensive definition. The discussion this time does not only discuss the definition of the word comprehensive but also discusses the correct use of the word comprehensive, the benefits of a comprehensive mindset, example sentences and objects of comprehensive research. The word comprehensive really helps us to broaden our horizons because the broad scope of knowledge helps us to think more openly in accepting new knowledge.

This is a review of the meaning of the word comprehensive. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn everything about comprehensive understanding and knowledge related to other literature, you can visit to get related books.

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Author: Pandu Akram

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