Examples of Threats in Politics and How to Overcome Them

Examples of Threats in the Political Sector – Threats in the Political Sector are examples of threats to national integration that will continue to be faced by the Indonesian nation. Therefore, the proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945 was not the end point of the nation’s struggle. Because there are always potential threats that endanger the sustainability and development of the Indonesian state.

Since the beginning of independence, conflict has always existed on several occasions. Starting from the intervention of foreign parties, power struggles, abuse of office, and so forth. This is what identifies that the problems faced by Indonesia are not only coming from outside but also from within the country.

Quoted from the Teacher’s Book on Pancasila and Citizenship Education for Class X High School by Thalib and Nuryadi (2017: 224), states that threats to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia are every effort and action from within and outside the country that is considered to endanger safety, security, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the interests of in various aspects of life.

One of the things that needs to be highlighted is the threat in the political field. What are the examples of threats in the political field. Before that, it’s a good idea to first understand the meaning of threats in the political field to examples of threats in the political field. Let’s get to know the full discussion below.

Definition of Threats in the Field of Politics

When referring to the meaning of threats that have been conveyed in the discussion above, it can be seen that threats in the political field are any efforts and actions that can threaten state sovereignty with regard to politics and other related matters.

These non-military threats in the political field can come from outside or within the country. Not quoted from the book Pancasila and Citizenship Education by Yusnawan Lubis and Muhammad Sodeli, threats from outside are carried out by a country by exerting political pressure on Indonesia. For example, intimidation, provocation, and political blockade.

Examples of Threats in the Field of Politics from Abroad

There are several examples of threats in the political field from abroad, including terrorists and excessive intervention by other countries. Here are some examples in full. So, let’s find out the full explanation below.

1. Terrorism

Quoted from the journal Terrorism in a Political and Legal Perspective by Mulyana W. Kusumah (202), states that international terrorism is the use of threats of violence indiscriminately, both to enemies and allies in achieving goals. Where, radical ideas rooted in a group in a certain country can spread to other countries. In general, apart from spreading terror, terrorist groups also want to spread the views they profess and replace state ideology that is not in accordance with their wishes.

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2. Overly Interfering Foreign Countries

Sometimes losing foreign countries exert political pressure such as intimidation, provocation or political blockade. Where it is one of the non-military threats in the political field that is often used by certain parties to pressure other countries.

Examples of Domestic Political Threats

Bung Karno used to say that “my struggle is easier because of expelling invaders but your struggle will be more difficult because it is against your own people.” Threats from outside are always there, but generally they are easier to identify and people can easily be mobilized to fight them. Meanwhile, what is far more difficult is the threat from within the country. Following are a number of examples of threats in the political field from within the country, including:

a. Makar or Coup

Quoted from the journal Understanding the Threats of a Non-Military State and the strategy for dealing with it through character education in PKN subjects in schools by Muhammad Hadi Purnomo HD said that acts of treason or treason are the use of force in the form of mass mobilization to overthrow a ruling government. This can also be understood as raising political power to weaken government power.

b. Separatism or Civil War

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, KBBI, separatists are groups that want to separate themselves from a national or group union in order to gain support. Quoted from the book by Tholib and Nurhayati in 2017 stated that separatism can take the form of armed and unarmed struggle.

Where the pattern of unarmed struggle is often used to attract the sympathy of the international community. Therefore this action is difficult to deal with using military force.

c. Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism

Corruption, collusion and nepotism are crimes when someone abuses political authority for personal gain. Why corruption, collusion and nepotism can threaten the nation’s political life. Reporting from the KPK website, if corruption thrives in this government, it will be able to easily strengthen the political system that is controlled by capital owners.

In fact, sovereignty is in the hands of the people, the many cases of corruption committed by political officials have caused a loss of public confidence in the current government.

How to Overcome Threats in the Field of Politics

There are various steps that you can make as a strategy in overcoming threats in the political field. The pursuit of this strategy includes an inward approach and an outward approach. Quoted from the export book Pancasila and Citizenship Education volume 2 for Grade 11 SMA/SMK/MA/MAK by Tijan and FASugimin.

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1. Inward Approach

The purpose of this inward approach is the development and arrangement of a healthy and dynamic domestic political system. This can be achieved within the framework of democracy which upholds the unity of the Indonesian nation. With these efforts, it is expected to create dynamic domestic political stability and provide a high deterrent effect.

This internal arrangement is realized through the development and arrangement of the domestic political system which is packaged into the strengthening of 3 (three) pillars, including the following:

a. Strengthening the administration of a state government that is legal, effective, clean, authoritative, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN). As well as being responsible for realizing the objectives of administering the state government based on the preamble of the 1945 Constitution
. b. Strengthening the legislature as a qualified and professional institution in its field. This legislative institution must be able to cooperate with the government in processing and forming legislative products for the benefit of national development.
c. Strengthening national political power, be it from political parties or community organizations. Where, political parties and community organizations function as a tool to empower society and political subjects as well as national development subjects.

2. The Outward Approach

This outward approach is intended to deploy diplomatic strategies and efforts. This can be done through an increase in the role of foreign policy instruments in building cooperation and mutual trust with other countries, which is one strategy to prevent or reduce the potential for conflict between countries. Approach to outside can be done in a way, including the following:

a. In the Internal Realm

In the internal realm, this can be done through the creation, development and improvement of more stable domestic conditions. Where, this is accompanied by efforts to increase economic growth that is healthier and stronger. In addition, it also needs to be accompanied by strengthening the improvement of people’s lives.

b. In a Regional Environment

Indonesian politics and diplomacy are directed to always be active and play a role in building and increasing cooperation with other countries. These efforts need to be carried out within the framework of the principles of mutual trust, mutual respect and non-interference in domestic affairs.

c. In the Supregiomal Scope

Foreign policy was developed to play a role in strengthening ASEAN through a harmonious relationship. Where, the performance of Indonesia’s foreign policy must be able to build relationships and cooperation that guarantees the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. This is marked by the absence of foreign interference, in particular the guarantee that there will be no aggression against Indonesia’s sovereign territory.

d. In Global Scope

Foreign policy must play a maximum role in fighting for national interests. This was marked by the presence of Indonesia as a member of the United Nations (UN), the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and the ASEAN regional forum (ARF).

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