Electronic Advertising: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Examples

Electronic advertising – Talking about electronic media that exists today is certainly very much, in fact, almost all have electronic media, especially to communicate or seek entertainment. Therefore, the development of electronic advertising is also getting bigger. Currently, many product owners often advertise in electronic media. If Sinaumed’s wants to know more about electronic advertising, then you can see the full review below.

Definition of Electronic Advertising

As a new advertising medium today, electronic media has built its own base. There are several types of advertisements that you can use to help you promote your product. Well, electronic advertising is one of them. This type of advertisement is the most appropriate advertisement for promoting various types of products, be it goods or services.

In addition, it should also be noted that the TV, which has now become a household appliance, has become one of the best illustrations of electronic advertising. Someone is enjoying daily movies, soap operas, news, football commentators or whatever, commercials will surely appear on various TV stations. So, electronic advertising is a type of advertisement that is published through various electronic media, such as television, radio and the internet.

In an era that is all digital and fast like today, people have used various types of electronic media to fulfill their various needs, especially in terms of entertainment and information. Now, these needs can be obtained easily or more precisely through electronic media, such as radio, television, to the internet.

This also triggers many developments, one of which is how to advertise. That means, advertisements that initially used print media have started to spread to electronic media. So, electronic advertising is a type of advertisement published in various types of electronic media, from radio, television to other media that can be accessed using the internet.

Definition of Electronic Advertising According to Experts

Jerny Lucia

According to Jerny Luciana Sumilat in the journal Meaning of Slogans in English Electronic Advertising in Indonesian Language Magazine (2015), electronic advertising is advertising that uses electronic media or equipment, such as radio, television, telephone, and the internet.

Just like advertisements in general, electronic advertisements must be made as creative as possible to attract the interest and attention of potential consumers to the product.

Stikom Institute of Business and Informatics

Quoting the Stikom Institute of Business and Informatics , electronic advertising is advertising that is distributed through electronic media, such as television, radio and the internet.


In general, advertising is any form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods and services by a certain sponsor that requires payment, according to Kotler (2002).

Christiana Umi

Meanwhile, according to Christiana Umi in Arif Smart’s book for Grade 5 Elementary Schools , electronic advertising is advertising that uses electronic device-based media and is distributed using electronic media. Electronic advertisements are divided into three types according to the media used, namely radio advertisements, television advertisements and internet advertisements.

Characteristics of Electronic Media Advertising

The main feature of electronic advertising is the characteristics of advertisements that can be displayed, which are limited to sound (audio) or sound with images (audio visual). Electronic ads also have a duration of time to display their ads. Meanwhile, the language used in electronic advertisements must be attractive, easy to understand, and persuasive.

The use of language in electronic advertising must also be effective, so that the message can be conveyed easily. Electronic advertisements also use language that tends to be polite and precise. Polite means not to offend certain groups, while appropriate means according to the meaning of the advertisement delivered.

To find out more about electronic advertising, you need to know the characteristics of electronic advertising. The following are the characteristics of electronic advertising.

  1. Usually in the form of short stories. Have a duration or time that tends to be short. For example, a noodle ad if the duration is too long is usually shortened by cutting some of the ad.
  2. The choice of words is interesting, logical, and directly aimed at the target consumer.
  3. The language used is interesting, easy to understand, and persuasive. In addition, the language also tends to be polite and right on target.
  4. The words used are persuasive as well as informative. For example, advertisements for preventing dengue fever mosquitoes, such as ” don’t delay cleaning the bathtub so it doesn’t become a breeding ground for Aides aigepty mosquitoes”.
  5. Using words that are suggestions to several people. The choice of words in electronic advertising emphasizes more important information, such as product names and features.
  6. For example, there is an advertisement for an anti-mosquito lotion , of course, highlighting the advantages of this mosquito advertisement, namely for the skin, especially to keep away from mosquito bites.
  7. Utilize components or advertise in the form of sound, motion, and images. For example, advertisements for headache medicine and of course there are sounds and pictures of people with headaches.
  8. Use sound effects, such as speech, music, and so on.
  9. The advertisements displayed can be in the form of videos, animations, sounds, and images. For example an advertisement for mosquito coils, there is sound and there are people burning mosquito coils.
  10. The characteristics of the advertisement are in the form of audio or sound like advertisements on the radio. While advertisements are in the form of audio and visual such as advertisements on television.
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Types and Examples of Electronic Advertising

The reason for using electronic media can be for many valid reasons, one of which is to use it to promote your expertise and anything special from business to goods, services and so on.

As a new advertising medium today, electronic media has built its own base. Electronic media is an advertiser’s economical way of connecting with one another, either by means of media tools and networks or social media resources such as television or the Internet.

Basically, there are various types of electronic advertising where each type is always related to the advertising media used. The types of electronic advertising as follows.

1. Radio Commercials

Radio advertising is a type of advertising from electronic media using radio devices. Because it is in the form of audio, you can only listen to advertisements on the radio, because the format is only in the form of audio (sound). The examples of radio advertisements are spot, Ad-lib, and Program Sponsors.

However, audio product advertisements are more difficult to create because they require the advertiser to provide as clear a description as possible of the item being offered. This is because the audience cannot see the item and can only imagine its shape.

Although its characteristics are limited only to sound or audio, radio is still loved by many people. Radio advertising is also one of the things that audiences often hear. For example advertising services such as laundry or pawnshops.

2. Marketplace Ads on Television

For those of you who like to watch television, you may have often seen marketplace advertisements such as green or orange on television. These ads usually use bright colors, short persuasive words, and lively music.

3. Ads on YouTube Videos

Electronic advertisements can also be found on YouTube, especially when we watch videos. This ad is almost the same as the one on TV, it’s just that it airs on a different platform with a slightly different format. Ads on YouTube also reach a more specific audience because they are based on algorithms.

So, if Sinaumed’s wants to advertise products on YouTube, then the answer is YouTube Ads. YouTube Ads is a service that functions to promote your business products or services via YouTube.

Currently, there are many businesses that use YouTube Ads because of the various advantages it offers. One of them, you can determine the target audience specifically based on location or interest in the product.

You also need to know the types of ads that exist in YouTube Ads, such as:

Skippable in-stream Ads

Skippable in stream is the ad type most often used for YouTube Ads. Video advertisements of this type can be skipped (skipped) by viewers. The videos you advertise in this type are a minimum of 12 seconds long and a maximum of 3 minutes.

Right after the 5th second, the skip button will appear and can be pressed by the audience. It is important to make sure that your ad is attractive so that it is not skipped by YouTube viewers. You do this by optimizing the video which we will explain in the Optimization Tips section.

Non-Skippable Ads

Unlike the skippable in-stream , this type of YouTube ad means that your video ad cannot be skipped by viewers. Thus, the advertising information received by visitors will be much more complete.

You can choose non-skippable ads as an effective promotion strategy. This is because 76% of viewers tend to skip. That is, so that advertising information can be received in its entirety, non-skippable ads can be an option.

Discovery Ads

This type of YouTube ad was formerly called In-Display Ads . This ad video will be displayed on the search results page, the YouTube homepage, and on pages related to the video being watched.

In order for the advertisements that are posted to be effective, it is very important that the advertisements can be in the top position. Because the ad will bring in a greater number of viewers. The tips, you need to do SEO optimization on your YouTube videos.

Non-Video Ads

For those of you who want to advertise on YouTube, but don’t have video ads, YouTube also provides advertising services without videos. Non-video ads will appear in

4. Product Ads on the Marketplace

In the marketplace on the internet, you can usually find lots of advertisements. The shape is almost the same as the products that are sold normally, only with the addition of promo details that make internet users interested in clicking on these ads.

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If you want to know how to advertise on the marketplace, then you can see the strategy below.

Get to know the Marketplace where to sell

Find out the characteristics of the marketplace where you sell online. You can see from most of the products that are often offered on the home page.

That way, you will know the biggest market that comes to this online market . Not only can you determine superior products, you can also determine what promotions will be made later.

Prepare the Right Products

Product determination is also the right thing to do. Do not let you still sell products that are actually out of stock.

It’s better if you don’t only sell one type or product variant. Increasing product variations with the same theme will make you more trusted.

Get to know the Marketplace Algorithm

You must pay attention to the algorithm when advertising products on the marketplace .

Not infrequently there are products that are the same in terms of specifications and price, but differ in the ease of searching on the marketplace . Well, you must pay attention to the name of the goods, descriptions, and photos displayed.

Register as a Premium Seller, there are many benefits that you can get by becoming a premium seller. First, your online store will be easier to find on the marketplace . Second, you can also get promotions from the marketplace for shipping costs.

Your store will also be increasingly trusted by consumers. That way, your online store can get higher transactions.

Give Competitive Prices

Try to do a price survey at competitor stores. Then, determine the selling price that is still competitive.

Also try to make a bundling package with a special price. Maybe your profit will be a little less. However, this can be covered if your online shop transactions increase.

Product Ads on Social Media

Social media such as Instagram are often used to advertise by various products and brands. Their ads are usually marked with sponsored captions.

5. Television Ads

Television advertising is a type of electronic advertising that uses television sets. Advertising on television is not only in the form of audio, but also visual and text. The examples are animation, live action, stop action, program sponsorship, music , running text , credit title, ad-lib, promo-ad, backdrop , and superimposed . For example, an advertisement for hot medicine for children, there are sounds and pictures of children who are sick.

6. Movie Ads

Film advertising is a type of advertisement that is done when you want to watch a movie in a cinema. Advertisements for this film can be seen while watching a film in a cinema. Usually, advertisements are shown before the film is shown. The examples are endorsement and live action.

7. Digital Media Advertising

Internet advertising is a type of advertising using online or internet media that has many visitors. The examples are websites , banners & buttons , sponsorships , SEO (search engine marketing), email marketing, social media marketing, classified ads , and so on. We can see this digital media advertisement on a cellphone when entering a website.

8. Advertising via Email

The next electronic advertisement is email advertising or email marketing. Advertisements via e-mail can be regarded as advertisements in the form of electronic mail sent by service or product providers to e-mail consumers or potential customers.

Legal Rules In Making Electronic Advertisements

Provisions related to making this advertisement are actually regulated in Article 19 paragraph (2) of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 5 of 2020, namely:

  1. It is forbidden to spread false, incorrect and inappropriate information regarding the product
  2. Do not lie to consumers about the quality, ingredients, quantity, product price, function, until the product is received on time
  3. Do not lie to the warranty or guarantee
  4. Must provide product information
  5. Provides the audience with the option to exit ad serving by using the close sign, skip ad or close ad.
  6. It must be clearly placed so that consumers can close the ad.
  7. It is forbidden to exploit events or other people without the permission or approval of the other person concerned.
  8. Those who violate the advertising rules above will be subject to administrative sanctions. These sanctions can take the form of a written warning, blacklisting, and revocation of business licenses.

This has been explained in Article 47 of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 50 of 2020.

In an era when almost all activities can be carried out using electronic devices, it has become common for more and more electronic advertisements to use them. This is because with electronic advertising, the possibility of a product being known by many people is greater.

Thus the discussion about electronic advertising. So, which electronic media is Sinaumed’s interested in promoting?

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Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine

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