difference between jesus and god

The Fundamental Difference between Jesus and God

Christianity upholds the belief that God is the most divine being and that he is the creator of the universe. However, many believers grapple with the difference between God and Jesus. Though the two come in the same divine package, they have varied roles and separate identities. This article takes an in-depth look at the fundamental difference between Jesus and God.

Who is God?

Christians believe that God is the almighty, omniscient, and omnipotent being who sits on his heavenly throne in judgment. According to the Bible, God created everything, including human beings, with a purpose. Christianity upholds that since God is perfect, holy, and just, he cannot tolerate sin, so he sent his son Jesus to save humankind from sin.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the son of God and a distinct part of the Holy Trinity that includes God the Father, Jesus christ, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is viewed as the savior of the world, who was sent by God to redeem humanity from sin. Jesus became man to guide and teach us how to live a life that pleases God. He is the only way to reach God and the mediator between God and man.

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The Differences between Jesus and God

1. Jesus and God have different roles -God created the world while Jesus came to save humankind from sin.

2. God is spirit, while Jesus was both divine and human- God is beyond the physical realm, and humans cannot see him. Jesus, on the other hand, took on human form to relate and teach people about God.

3. Jesus has a beginning, but God does not- God has always been, and there was never a time he did not exist. Jesus is the son of God, and He was born of the virgin Mary.

4. Jesus is a messenger between man and God- Jesus came to earth to carry out God’s plan for saving humanity.

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5. Jesus is subservient to God- Jesus refers to God as his father, and he submits to God’s plan and authority.


In conclusion, while Jesus and God share the same divine essence, they have different roles and identities. While God is the creator of everything, Jesus was sent by God to teach and save humankind from sin. Understanding the difference between Jesus and God enables believers to appreciate the unity and oneness of the Holy Trinity while also acknowledging their distinct identity and roles.

Table difference between jesus and god

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