difference between embryo and foetus

The Difference Between Embryo and Fetus: What You Need To Know?

As we begin to understand the critical stages of pregnancy, it’s essential to know the difference between embryo and fetus. These two terms are vital to learning about the growth and development of a human body, especially during pregnancy. In this article, we’ll explore the crucial differences between an embryo and a fetus.

What is an Embryo?

An embryo is a fertilized egg that has undergone the process of fertilization and is in its early stages of development. The fertilization process occurs when a sperm cell from the male partner combines with an egg cell from the female partner. This process leads to the formation of an embryo.

The embryo stage in pregnancy lasts from the point of fertilization till about the twelfth week. During this stage, the embryo is rapidly growing inside the uterus and forming the basis for the development of a fetus. Because the system of the embryo is not yet fully formed, it’s extremely vulnerable to external factors, and pregnancy miscarriages during this stage are relatively common.

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What is a Fetus?

A fetus, on the other hand, is an embryo that has continued growing for at least twelve weeks after fertilization. During this stage, the fetus begins to develop the organs, and their system begins to function actively. This stage can last up till the moment of delivery, and during this span, the fetus grows to almost a hundred times their original size.

As the fetus develops, it continues to gain weight and develop muscles, bones, nails, and hair. They become more sensitive to external stimuli like touch, light, and sound, and develop mental awareness as they experience emotions like joy, sadness or pain.


The difference between an embryo and a fetus is enormous. It’s important to understand these distinctions so as to appreciate the various stages of pregnancy and how the growing fetus will depend upon the mother’s care and milestones expected. There’s a lot of implications and care solely dependent on your conception and trimester. Knowing what stage you are in a pregnancy, helps you understand the various developments that are taking place in the fetus, and thus, it’s important to take proper care of the developing baby during pregnancy.

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Table difference between embryo and foetus

Embyro Foetus
Develops from the fertilization of the egg by the sperm Develops from the embryo after the eighth week of pregnancy
The embryo is the earliest stage of development The foetus is the later stage of development
The embryo has not yet developed all its major organs and systems The foetus has completed the development of all its major organs and systems
The embryonic stage lasts from fertilization to the eighth week of pregnancy The foetal stage lasts from the ninth week until birth
During the embryonic stage, the developing organism is particularly vulnerable to external factors The foetus is less vulnerable to external factors than the embryo