difference between code of ethics and code of conduct

Understanding the Difference between Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

In the corporate world, there are several guiding principles that dictate how companies should behave in different situations. Two common guides that businesses follow are the code of ethics and the code of conduct. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they actually represent different concepts. In this article, we will explore the differences between code of ethics and code of conduct.

What is a Code of Ethics?

A code of ethics is a set of principles that outlines an organization’s values and moral standards. It outlines the behavior that is considered appropriate and ethical for employees within the company. A code of ethics is usually more general and focuses on the organization’s overall philosophy and its long-term goals. It provides guidance on how the company should interact with its stakeholders, including employees, customers, shareholders, and the public.

What is a Code of Conduct?

A code of conduct, on the other hand, is a set of specific rules and regulations that dictate the actions and behaviors of employees in the workplace. It is often more detailed than a code of ethics and is meant to provide guidance on daily activities and decision-making processes. A code of conduct typically addresses issues such as conflicts of interest, harassment, and discrimination. It provides clear guidelines on how employees should behave to maintain a positive work environment that aligns with the company’s values and goals.

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Key Differences between Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

  • A code of ethics is more general and outlines a company’s values and philosophy, while a code of conduct is more specific and focuses on outlining specific behaviors and actions.
  • A code of ethics is often a more aspirational statement of values and principles, while a code of conduct is more prescriptive and provides specific rules and regulations.
  • A code of ethics is often used to guide long-term decision-making and strategic planning, while a code of conduct is designed to help employees make day-to-day decisions and navigate practical ethical dilemmas.
  • A code of ethics applies to all stakeholders within the organization, while a code of conduct specifically targets employee behavior.


In summary, while codes of ethics and codes of conduct may seem similar at first glance, their differences are in their purpose and scope. While a code of ethics sets out broad principles and values, a code of conduct focuses on specific regulations and behaviors. Both documents are important in creating an ethical corporate culture and guiding employees to make ethical decisions. However, it is important to understand which one is more relevant to a particular situation and how to apply each one correctly.

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Table difference between code of ethics and code of conduct

Code of Ethics Code of Conduct
Defines the values and principles that guide individuals and organizations in making ethical decisions and actions. Outlines the specific behaviors and actions that are expected of individuals within an organization in order to uphold the organization’s values and ethical principles.
Often broader in scope and includes more abstract principles, such as integrity, honesty, and responsibility. More specific and tangible, with rules and guidelines related to behavior, such as conflicts of interest, discrimination, and harassment.
Generally not legally binding, but rather a voluntary commitment to ethical behavior. May be legally binding, with consequences for violations of the code, such as disciplinary action or termination of employment.