difference between apostles and disciples

Understanding the Difference between Apostles and Disciples


Many people often use the terms “apostles” and “disciples” interchangeably when discussing the early followers of Jesus Christ. However, while both groups played important roles in the spread of Christianity, they are not the same. In this article, we’ll shed light on the differences between the two.

What is a Disciple?

In Jesus’ time, a disciple was a student or follower of a religious leader. Accordingly, a disciple of Jesus was one who followed him, learned from his teachings, and carried out his message after he left the earth. When Jesus was alive, he had many disciples who followed him closely, such as Peter, James, John, and others. In the Bible, the term “disciple” appears more than 250 times and is used to refer to those who followed Jesus during his earthly ministry.

What is an Apostle?

An apostle, on the other hand, is a different term meaning “one who is sent.” This term was used in the early Christian church to describe a group of special people who were appointed by Jesus Christ to spread his message and teachings after his death and resurrection. The 12 apostles were Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Thaddaeus (also known as Judas, not Iscariot), and Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus). These individuals were chosen by Jesus himself and had a special authority to teach and spread his message to the world.

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Differences between Apostles and Disciples

The main difference between apostles and disciples is their role and authority. Disciples were followers and students of Jesus who learned from his teachings and carried on his message. Apostles, on the other hand, were a specific group of individuals chosen by Jesus to continue his work and spread his message throughout the world.

Another difference is in their number. While there were many disciples during Jesus’ time, there were only 12 apostles that held a unique position of authority and were charged with the mission of spreading Christianity. Moreover, the two groups had different qualifications. For example, disciples could be anyone who wanted to follow Jesus, while apostles had to be chosen by him personally.

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In summary, the difference between apostles and disciples lies in their role and authority. Disciples were followers and students of Jesus, while apostles were a select group of individuals chosen by Jesus to spread his message and teachings. It is important to understand the difference between these two groups to comprehend the early history and spread of Christianity.

Table difference between apostles and disciples

Apostles vs Disciples

Apostles vs Disciples

Category Apostles Disciples
Naming Jesus personally chose and named them They chose to follow Jesus
Number 12 Multiple, mentioned in various instances in the Bible
Role Leaders and teachers of the church Followers and learners of Jesus
Qualifications Had to have seen the risen Lord Had to be willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus
Death Most of them were martyred for their faith Some were also martyred for their faith