difference between an apostle and a disciple

The Difference Between an Apostle and a Disciple

When examining the teachings of Christianity, you may come across the terms “apostle” and “disciple.” While these two phrases may seem interchangeable, they are distinct concepts with different implications in the religion. Let’s examine the difference between an apostle and a disciple.

What is a Disciple?

In Christian theology, a disciple is defined as a follower of Jesus who has been taught and mentored by him directly. Discipleship involves learning from Jesus, both in terms of his teachings and his way of life. They were individuals who committed themselves to Jesus and his teachings, often becoming his closest followers.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is depicted as gathering a small group of followers who were his disciples. These individuals were committed to Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, and inclusion. They traveled with Jesus, learned from him, and eventually went on to continue his teachings after his death.

What is an Apostle?

An apostle, in contrast to a disciple, is a person commissioned by Jesus to spread his message throughout the world. The word “apostle” means “one who is sent,” and it conveys the idea that apostles were sent out to share the good news of Jesus’ teachings with others.

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In the Bible, apostles are described as having the ability to perform miracles and therefore seen as integral to the establishment of the early church. These individuals were highly respected and held in high regard by their communities. They were seen as spiritual leaders and were often tasked with establishing new churches and spreading the gospel beyond the immediate circle of Jesus’ original followers.

The Key Differences:

The key difference between an apostle and a disciple lies in their specific roles within the Christian community. Disciples are followers of Jesus who primarily learn from him and spread his message through their actions and the way they live their lives.

Apostles, on the other hand, are individuals who are specifically chosen by Jesus to spread his message throughout the world. They hold a position of authority and leadership within the early Christian communities and are responsible for establishing new churches and overseeing the growth of the faith.

In conclusion, while the terms “apostle” and “disciple” may seem interchangeable, they are distinct concepts within Christian theology. Disciples are those who follow Jesus and learn from his teachings, while apostles are those who are specifically chosen to spread his message and establish the church. Understanding these differences can deepen your understanding of Christianity and the roles played by different individuals within the faith.

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Table difference between an apostle and a disciple

Category Apostle Disciple
Origin Chosen by Jesus as His twelve closest followers Anyone who follows Jesus and His teachings
Leadership Have authority to teach, perform miracles, and govern the Church May have leadership roles, but not to the same extent as apostles
Mission Commissioned by Jesus to preach the gospel and establish the Church Called to learn from Jesus and spread His message
Number 12 apostles in the New Testament Many disciples mentioned, including the 72 sent out by Jesus in Luke 10
Significance Played a crucial role in the establishment of Christianity Essential in spreading Jesus’ message and carrying on His teachings