Definition of Storylines and Functions, and the Types

Storyline is one of the intrinsic elements in a story. This flow element will be arranged through each existing stage. Starting from the introduction stage to the final stage of the story.

A story generally has two elements, namely intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic element itself is easily an element that can help build directly contained in a work. Meanwhile, extrinsic elements are elements that build a work from the outside.

As explained in the initial paragraph, the intrinsic element of a literary work, such as a story, is the plot. When we were still in school, of course, we were introduced to the storyline.

So, do you still remember the meaning of the storyline? If you want to know more about the storyline, you can really read the explanation in this article. Because in this article, everything related to the storyline will be discussed in full.

Definition of Storyline

Before going deeper, it would be better if we also discussed the meaning of the storyline first. A story acupuncture is a series of events arranged in a coherent manner to form a complete story.

In addition, the storyline can also be referred to as a story plot that is able to make a story more complete. The storyline must be able to make readers of literary works have a sense of curiosity about what is in the story, so that it can make readers have their own curiosity to continue reading the literary work until it is finished.

Not only that, because the existence of a storyline in a literary work is also expected to be able to make readers more deeply into the contents and messages in the story. The storyline is also included in the group of intrinsic elements of literary works.

Each storyline is also divided into several important parts in it. Some of them are the initial stage or introduction, group emergence, conflicts that arise, climax, problem solving and the end of the story.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, storyline is also a plot that has the meaning of the storyline or storyline in a novel, play and so on.

Definition of Storyline According to Experts

After knowing the meaning of the storyline in general, the next is the meaning of the storyline according to some experts. The reason is that there are several experts who explain the storyline. In order for you to understand even more, here is a complete explanation.

1. Aminuddin

Aminudin explained that the plot is a series of stories formed from the phases of events. That means one story can form a variety of existing events. Plot is also a structure of a series of events in a story which will also be arranged functionally interrelated. So that at the same time it can be a sequence of parts that exist in all semi-fiction.

2. Russia

Rusyana explained that the storyline is not just a series of stories from parts A to Z. However, the storyline is a causal relationship between one event and another in a story.

3. Foster

Foster explained that the storyline is a series of events in short stories and fictional novels that are set in time and based on the law of cause and effect. This is also in accordance with the story framework which represents the structure of the story arrangement.

4. Literary Terms

Literary Terms explain if the storyline is how a story can develop, unfold and move in time.

5. Andri Wicaksono

Andri Wicaksono argues that the storyline is a construction that can be made from a series of events logically and chronologically and are related to one another that are experienced by the actors.

6. M. Inter Spring

Atar Semi explained that the notion of storyline is the structure of a series of events in a story which are basically arranged as functional interrelationships and at the same time can mark the sequence of parts in the whole fiction.

7. Subjiman

Subjiman has an explanation that the storyline is a carefully woven series of events that can move the story through complications towards climax and anti-climax.

Simply put, the storyline is the interweaving of events in a literary work to achieve a certain effect. A story line can be realized from a temporal or time relationship and also a causal or causal relationship.

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8. Chatman

Chatman has the opinion that the storyline is a sequence of events in the story.

9. Stanton

Staton has an opinion about the storyline or plot is a story that has a sequence of events. However, each of these events can only be linked in a causal manner to events that caused or caused other events to occur.


According to Kenny, storyline or plot is an event that will be displayed in a story that is not simple. This is because the author of the story performs events based on causal linkages.

11. Morjorie Bolton

Morjorie Boulton has an opinion if the storyline is the organization in a novel or determines the structure in a novel.

12. Dick Hartoko

Dick Hartono has the opinion that the storyline is a plot created by the story writer in the form of a series of events arranged chronologically, interrelated and causally in accordance with what is experienced by the perpetrators of the story.

Storyline Function

The existence of a storyline in a literary work is certainly not without reason. Because the storyline also has its own function. Basically the function of the storyline is to provide readers with an understanding of an event that can be related to other events.

The storyline can also explain the why and how of an event or conflict in a story. Besides that, the existence of a storyline can also provide a statement or reveal the consequences of an event that occurred.

So that the storyline or plot should be made clear and strong. This is done so that what the writer or author wants to convey can be understood more easily and also clearly by readers.

Types of Storylines

The storyline is also still divided into several types. Each type of storyline has a different meaning. To make it easier for you to understand what types of storylines are, here is a complete explanation.

1. Forward Storyline

The first type of storyline is the forward plot. Where this forward plot can also be referred to as progressive, which means that the action will culminate at the end of the story. Forward plot is also a sequence of events that starts regularly from the beginning to the last part of the story.

For example, in a short story that tells about the journey of a person’s life starting from a child’s childhood then growing into an adult and ending with old age. In addition, the novel will also tell about the conflicts experienced by the characters in the story during their lives.

2. Backward Storyline

Next there is a backwards storyline or commonly referred to as regressive. Backward storylines are actions that will tell about the past of the characters raised in the story.

In the retrograde storyline, the process of telling the conflict will be conveyed at the beginning of the story which will lead to a retrograde past. The series of events in reflux will be told from the past to the present at an inopportune time.

For example, there is a story about a retired police officer who retells the story of his struggles when he was still a police officer.

3. Mixed Storyline

Finally there is the mixed storyline. The mixed storyline can be likened to a river that starts at the highest point which will then continue to tell the past until the very end.

During the process of telling the past, the characters who have been introduced to the story will also introduce other characters in the story that have not ended and Kartika the story will return to the beginning. For example, is a story that will start from the middle of the story and then continue to the beginning or the end.

4. Flashback or Highlight Flow

The flashback or flashback storyline is actually different from the backwards storyline. The flashback or flashback storyline is a plot that basically prioritizes the end of the story which is continued back to the beginning of the story.

The story telling will start from the climax to the beginning of the story and to the end of the story again. The stages in the highlight-back storyline are starting from the climax, then proceed to the anti-climax, ending, complications and returning to the beginning.

5. Climax Plot

The climax plot is a storyline in which the sequence of events takes the form of ascending. The easy sequence in the climax storyline is from ordinary events and then escalates to important events that are more tense than before.

6. Anti-Climax Plot

Then there is the anti-climactic storyline which can be interpreted as a storyline that has a descending sequence of events. Simply put, the sequence in the anti-climax storyline is the opposite of the climax storyline. Which starts from a tense event then decreases to a less stressful event than before and ends with an ordinary event.

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7. Chronological Storyline

Then there is also a chronological storyline which is usually interpreted as a storyline in which the events will proceed according to the order in which the events occurred. In this storyline, there will usually be hours, minutes, seconds, days and so on that can indicate a certain time.

Those are several types of storylines in a literary work. Until now, writers of literary works will use the storyline in making their literary works.

Elements in the Storyline

A literary work always has a storyline in it. To be able to help the complete storyline, several supporting elements are needed in it. But do you already know what elements are in a storyline?

No need to be confused if you don’t know what elements are in the storyline. Because the explanation below provides a review of the supporting elements of the storyline.

1. Character Orientation or Introduction

The initial stage in the storyline is starting from the orientation or introduction stage of the characters in the literary work. At this orientation stage, the writer will introduce the characters that will be in the story.

In addition, at this orientation stage, the basic elements in the story will also be shown. Examples are the time of the incident, the setting of the place and how the atmosphere is described in the story.

The purpose of this orientation stage is so that readers can find out which characters play a role in the storyline, where does the story take place and what atmosphere the author is trying to build in the story he is making.

2. The Beginning of the Conflict

When the orientation phase has been carried out, it will proceed to the conflict initial stage section. Where in the early stages of this conflict will later be raised how the conflict occurred and the causes of the conflict.

Usually conflicts will arise because of conflicts between characters or it could also be that a conflict can arise because the main character is having problems. In the early stages of this conflict, it is hoped that it will make the readers curious so they can want to know the continuation of the story.

Readers will usually be increasingly wondering what conflict will occur next by the characters in the story. In the early stages of this conflict it can also encourage readers to be able to continue the story with a more complicated conflict than before.

3. Climax or Peak Conflict

The third stage is the continuation of the conflict recognition stage, namely the climax stage or the peak of conflict in a story. You could say that the peak stage of the conflict is what readers have been waiting for the most.

Apart from that, at the peak stage of this conflict, it can also make readers last a long time reading the existing conflict when the conflict is getting more interesting and more tense than before.

Usually at the peak of the conflict experienced by the main character will be able to cause tension and what problem solving will be done next. The impact can make the readers more curious to continue reading the story.

4. Conflict Declines or Anti-Climax

After the peak stage of conflict has been reached, the next stage is when the conflict subsides or the conflict begins to decline. At this stage, the characters in the story will begin to know how to deal with the ongoing conflict.

The tension witnessed by the readers will subside little by little and usually the readers will also be more in awe of the main character. This is because the characters have been able to solve problems in predictable and unexpected ways. Mostly at this anti-climactic stage, the atmosphere created is unpredictable by the readers.

5. Completion

Finally, there is the stage of solving various kinds of problems faced by the characters so well. If indeed there are no other conflicts, the writer of the story will make a completion stage and the readers will also begin to be able to conclude impressions at this stage. Apart from that, at the completion stage, the writers often insert messages or messages that can be picked up by the readers.

Now that’s a review related to the storyline. The existence of a storyline in a literary work can make the literary work more meaningful and of course it can also attract the attention of readers. Sinaumed’s can read related books at . sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.