Concept, Purpose, and Examples of Wartegg Tests and Assessments

Example of the Wartegg Test and Assessment – ​​Every time they apply to a company or school, applicants usually go through several stages of selection. The selection process usually starts from file selection to interviews. Among a series of tests, there is usually a psychological test. Meanwhile, the type of psychological test commonly carried out is the Wartegg test.

The test aims to find out and explore people’s personalities. The test is quite simple, using only pictures. Then, how do you work and tips on doing the wartegg test? The following will discuss the ins and outs of the wartegg test, summarized from various pages.

Concept and Purpose of the Wartegg Test

The Wartegg test is a psychological test used to select suitable candidates for the company. Krueger and Sander first developed this test. When carrying out this test, Sinaumed will be given directions to complete the pictures provided in the box.

The Wartegg test aims to explore a person’s personality based on the pictures presented. The test is carried out based on the projective picture given from the stimulus or unstructured stimulus.

This test adheres to the principle that humans are formed from past experiences that still exist today. So, when someone draws, he responds to something based on things he has seen.

This test is carried out through ambiguous and unstructured stimuli. The Austrian-German psychologist Ehrig Wartegg developed the Wartegg test in the 1920s and 1930s. This test is also often referred to as The Wartegg Zeichen Test or The Wartegg Drawing Completion Test.

Theory in the Wartegg Test

Sinaumed doesn’t need to be afraid when taking the wartegg test. Because in the wartegg test, there is nothing wrong or right. The assessment test applies the Gestalt theory, which states that humans tend to see objects as a set of elements that are considered similar, recognize patterns, and simplify imaginations that are actually complex.

As a guideline, at least four essential personality functions can be seen from the Wartegg test. Here’s an explanation of the four.

1. Imagination

Imagination has a basic function which is grouped into the following two aspects of personality.

  • Creative is an individual who often prefers abstract things or philosophical or emotional symbols. However, excessive imagining of something can hinder adjusting to the environment.
  • Combining is an individual who tends to take material from around him, which will then be organized and produce material or forms that are in accordance with the outside world.

2. Intellect _

In intellect, a basic function is reflected in two aspects as follows.

  • Speculative is an individual who places more emphasis on theory than facts.
  • Practical is the opposite of Individuals who are included in practical have thoughts that emphasize facts, inductive reasoning, and concrete things.

3. Emoticons 

The most basic function of emoticons is emphasized in two things as follows.

  • Open or outgoing indicates that an individual is easy to mingle and interact with others.
  • Seclusive signifies an individual who focuses on himself rather than the world around him.

4. Activities

In activity, there are two properties, viz.

  • Controlled means that an individual prefers firm decision-making when acting. Not only that, individuals with controlled traits like calm and order.
  • Dynamic means that someone belongs to the type that is new to things and has an enthusiastic and courageous attitude. In fact, they can do several jobs at the same time.

Key Technicals of the Wartegg Test

The Wartegg test applies boxes as the subject of analysis, which will determine how connected the participants’ answers are with the four main theories of the Wartegg test. Launching from the page, here are the main technicalities of the Wartegg test.

  1. Analysis of the 8 Boxes and Their Meanings
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In the Wartegg test, there are eight square fields with details from area A (top left corner) to field H (bottom right corner), which contain dots or lines, each of which has the following meaning.

  • Field A becomes the basis of analysis for ego, concentration, origin, identity, and self-image.
  • Field B, flexibility, movement in society (social), liveliness, and emotional release.
  • Area C is systematic achievement, ambition, enthusiasm, purposefulness, and persistence.
  • Area D, problems or difficulties, burdens, and how to manage them.
  • Area E, tension, aggression, opposition, accomplishment, fulfillment, and drive.
  • Field F, integration, alignment, and completion.
  • The G area, tenderness, sensitivity, refinement, friendliness, and the process of conveying its expression.
  • H field, showing where and how the subject felt protected or defended himself.
  1. Field Combination

The next Wartegg test analysis is to combine the boxes that have been described in the 8-box analysis section. Here are some combinations of fields used as evaluation.

  • Fields A and H (Self-Image), in this case, the Wartegg A and H test box areas will show a reflection of a person’s personality or self-image, which includes self-esteem and a sense of security in one’s relationships, along with feelings of vulnerability and the ego one faces.
  • Fields B and G (sociability), a combination of areas B and G, show how a person can manage emotions and social skills. Besides that, the analysis of this combination also looks at the sensitivity and reaction to other people or the opposite sex in terms of relationships.
  • Fields C and E (achievement), a combination of fields C and E, are used to analyze ambition and aggression from one’s work productivity. Evaluation of this generally leads to the general level or tendency of one’s achievements.
  • Fields D and F (general attitude) analysis of the combination of these two fields generally refers to a person’s attitude in dealing with life’s problems or difficulties. In this case, a person needs a general perspective to give him a broader view in dealing with problems openly.
  1. Fill in content

The main analysis of Wartegg’s theory was also carried out on the participant entries. The following are the contents of the Wartegg test.

  • Doodles in general, the doodles or strokes made by the participants reflect an inadequate sensitivity to the attractiveness and indifference to the task at hand. This is generally related to the problem of socialization.
  • Pressure, severity or softness of pressure, and dominance of angles or curves in the Wartegg Test entry determine how interpersonal problems and control over the feelings of a participant
  • Abstraction, in general, this section reflects a person’s tendency to avoid tasks, and communication problems and understand other people’s points of view.
  • In this case, images are identified by the type of image used, whether natural. human, animal, exclusive object, or inanimate object. A person’s image can be an identification of the actualization of one’s intelligence, interpersonal relationships, an interest in practical and realistic things, or a sense of humor.
  • Symbols, the giving of symbols in the Wartegg Test, are also seen as a reproduction of the values ​​and ideas of a person, which can indicate a person’s beliefs and goals.

How to Do the Wartegg Test

Sinaumed need to be clear when taking the Wartegg test. The following is a summary of how to take the Wartegg test from the page.

  1. Make a mature picture concept to be painted during the Wartegg test. When the concept is more mature, it will also be faster in doing and completing the Wartegg test.
  2. Remember that the Wartegg test does not allow participants to delete or redraw the created image. Then, consider the image carefully. Never hesitate when drawing something because the results can impact judgment.
  3. Use a sharp pencil so it won’t interfere with the drawing process. Less sharp pencils will affect the clarity and quality of the image.
  4. Complete the fastest picture to complete. Drawings that are considered difficult can be done in the back so as not to waste time thinking.
  5. Write the completed drawing sequence on the outside of the black box.
  6. Write down the picture on the Wartegg test that you find the easiest and the most difficult.
  7. Write down the picture on Wartegg’s pad that Sinaumed likes and dislikes the most, along with the reasons.
  8. Practice drawing until it’s fluent before taking the Wartegg test, even if there are no right or wrong answers.
  9. Measure the time it takes to complete the Wartegg test. Because the faster and neater, the better.
  10. Avoid copying the Wartegg test reference images on the internet so that Sinaumed’s creativity remains visible.
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Tips for Passing the Wartegg Test

Launching from the page, here are some tips for passing the Wartegg test.

  1. Practice before the test

It’s important to practice before the test so Sinaumed won’t be surprised when he takes the Wartegg test. The Wartegg test is different from the academic potential test, which requires learning about verbal, numerical, and cognitive questions. However, the Wartegg test can be studied slowly so that Gramaeds is ready to fill in the boxes in a real and realistic way.

  1. Make a Drawing Plan to be Made

Planning the image needs to be done before carrying out the Wartegg test. In this stage, Sinaumed can identify itself through a planned image. Even so, several things related to drawing pressure and even drawing methods are still used as the basis for analysis by the Wartegg test interpreter .

Therefore, whether or not the drawing of the pencil strokes is good or not is an indicator of judgment.

  1. Do the questions from the easiest

Doing the Wartegg test is the same as any other test. The easiest questions should be done and solved first. Questions that are considered difficult can be done in the last sequence. This will save time so emotions can be managed properly.

  1. Working on the Wartegg Test Questions Dynamically

When working on the Wartegg test, try to be more varied and active. This will reflect the emotions and feelings when the test. Not only that, this can also be an indication of the Sinaumed’s psyche for Wartegg test interpreters.

Therefore, Sinaumed must make himself comfortable to take the Wartegg test with dynamic and high-variety fields. Please note that in carrying out the Wartegg test, you must refrain from drawing or making monotonous lines.

  1. Avoid Memorizing Answers That Have Been Made Before

Sinaumed must avoid making the same picture or answering the Wartegg test with the same model or variety of lines as the answers in the previous section of the box. Not only that, Sinaumed must try to be open to ideas and ideas with a high diversity so they don’t get stressed when taking the Wartegg test.

  1. Concentration and Confidence

Sinaumed has understood how to draw lines and press pencils in the process of completing the Wartegg test, which interpreters also analyzeThis requires Sinaumed to be confident and maintain maximum concentration during the process of carrying out the Wartegg test. Concentration and belief will help in drawing a line or drawing well and not faltering.