Borobudur Temple Entrance Fees – How it Benefits the Preservation of the Monument

Borobudur Temple is an iconic monument located in central Java, Indonesia, and is regarded as one of the world’s largest Buddhist temples. It is an impressive venue for visitors who are interested in ancient Indonesian art, culture, and religion.

To access the temple, visitors must pay a fee, which helps to preserve the monument. The Borobudur temple entrance fee has become vital in ensuring that the site is well-conserved and protected from degradation.

Preservation of the Monument

The significance of the temple as a world heritage site has prompted UNESCO to support its conservation by initiating various programs. Through the Borobudur temple entrance fee, a significant portion goes into maintaining and improving the site. The funds collected are used for various maintenance activities such as cleaning, repair, and restoration of the temple’s structures.

Upgrading the Facilities

The temple has continued to attract visitors from all over the world, and the entrance fees have become instrumental in improving the temple’s facilities. A portion of the entrance fees are used to maintain and upgrade the visitor center, including restrooms, pathways, and other amenities. This way, visitors can enjoy the experience of exploring the temple, making it a worthwhile investment for tourists and locals.

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Conservation of the Environment

The Borobudur temple is situated in a natural environment that is home to various flora and fauna. The temple entrance fee is utilized to support the conservation of the environment, including the management of waste, preventing soil erosion, and controlling the negative impact of tourism activities. This supports the temple’s sustainability and future cultural heritage.

Supporting the Local Community

The preservation of the Borobudur temple results in increased tourism activity, which positively impacts the local community. The temple provides employment opportunities that enhance the local economy. It has also opened up opportunities for small businesses through the sale of locally-made souvenirs.

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In conclusion, the Borobudur temple entrance fee has become instrumental in preserving the site and supporting the local community. The funds collected are utilized in maintenance activities, upgrading facilities, conserving the environment, and supporting local businesses. Despite the fee being a small price to pay, it goes a long way in enriching visitors’ experience while ensuring the temple’s sustainable cultural heritage.