Biography of Ridwan Kamil, Career Journey to Becoming the Governor of West Java

Biography of Ridwan Kamil – Dr. H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, ST, MU D is an architect and politician from Indonesia. Ridwan Kamil has currently served as Governor of West Java since September 5 2018. Then what was the story of Ridwan Kamil when he was a child, who was often called Kang Emil, until he could serve as Governor of West Java.

The following is the story of little Kang Emil and his experiences in the world of politics in Indonesia.

Profile of Ridwan Kamil Kecil

Ridwan Kamil, whose full name is Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, was born in Bandung, West Java 50 years ago, on October 4, 1971. Ridwan Kamil’s father was named Dr. Atje Misbach Muhjiddin, SH who works as a Doctor and is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.

Ridwan Kamil’s father is descended from kyai Muhyidin or known as Mama Pagelaran who is the founder of three Islamic boarding schools in Sumedang and Subang, West Java. Ridwan Kamil’s mother was named Tjutju Sukaesih. Ridwan Kamil is the second of five siblings.

Ridwan Kamil is known as a smart and active child since childhood. Ridwan Kamil is a hard worker and also never gives up. Little Ridwan Kamil was good at selling his own mambo ice. The results from selling mambo ice also get quite large. Ridwan Kamil spent his childhood to youth in the city of Bandung.

In 1978 Ridwan Kamil entered elementary school at SDN Banjarmasin III Bandung. Then in junior high school, Ridwan Kamil attended Bandung 2 Public Middle School in 1984. Then, he continued his studies finally at Bandung 3 Public High School in 1987.

After graduating from school in 1990 Ridwan Kamil took undergraduate or bachelor’s degree studies at the Faculty of Architectural Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology and successfully graduated in 1995. Since college Ridwan Kamil was known to be active in various activities, both student groups and art activity units in campus, ITB. Even when he was in college, Ridwan Kamil was already living independently.

Ridwan Kamil ended his bachelor life by marrying a girl named Atalia Praratya Kamil. His second marriage was held in 1996. Now Ridwan Kamil and Atalia already have three children named Emmiril Khan Mumtadz, Camillia Laetitia Azzahra and Arkana Aidan Misbach.

Four years later, Ridwan Kamil took and continued his Masters studies at the Master of Urban Design, University Of California, Berkeley from 1999 to 2001. Ridwan Kamil also continued his Doctoral studies by taking an Honoris Causa Doctorate, Dong-a University in 2019.

Ridwan Kamil’s career

Ridwan Kamil, or often called Kang Emil, had a career as an architect who also served as a non-permanent lecturer at the Bandung Institute of Technology or ITB before finally serving as the Governor of West Java.

In 1995 Kang Emil got his Bachelor’s degree, then Kang Emil started his career in the United States. But his career was only around four months, in the end Kang Emil stopped working which was due to the impact of the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia at that time. However, Kang Emil did not immediately intend to return to his native country. He chose to stay in the United States before getting a scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley.

After getting the opportunity to study for free, Kang Emil took the opportunity to study at the university. Kang Emil also took a part-time job while in college, Kang Emil worked part-time at the Berkeley Urban Planning Department. In 1999 after Kang Emil graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, Kang Emil continued to work professionally as an architect at various firms located in the United States.

In 2002 Ridwan Kamil returned to Indonesia and two years after his return Kang Emil founded Urbane in July 2004 with his friends, such as Achmad D. Tardiyana, Reza Nurtjahja and Irvan W. Darwis. Urbane is a company engaged in planning, architectural and design consulting services. The Urbane team consists of young professionals who are creative and have an idealistic mind to find and create solutions to environmental and urban design problems.

Urbane also has a Community-based project within the Urbane Community Project where the vision and mission is to help people in an urban community and to provide donations and expertise in improving the surrounding area. Urbane has received many awards from international media such as the BCI Asia Awards three years in a row, from 2008, 2009 and 2010 and also the BCI Green Award in 2009 for the Bottle House design project , namely the recycling of used bottles.

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Urbane also often takes part in competitions in the field of national-level architectural design, such as winning 1st place in the Tsunami Museum design competition in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in 2007, winning 1st place in the 1st campus design competition at Tarumanegara University in 2007, winning first place in the design competition for the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at the University of Indonesia in 2007. 2009, first winner in the Sanggar Nagari design competition in Kota Baru Parahyangan in West Bandung Regency and first winner in the Art Center design competition at the University of Indonesia in 2009.

Until now, Emil has been actively serving as a Principal at PT. Urbane Indonesia, serves as a Lecturer in the Department of Architectural Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology, and also as a Senior Urban Design Consultant at SOM, EDAW or Hong Kong and San Francisco, and SAA or Singapore.

Thanks to Ridwan Kamil’s career as a lecturer at the Bogor Agricultural Institute, he has become increasingly known in the city of Bandung. Ridwan Kamil is also known as a person who has a strong caring personality about progress in his city, namely the city of Bandung.

Besides that, Ridwan Kamil has also appeared in Indonesian films several times, Sinaumed’s! Ridwan Kamil appears as a cameo or the appearance of a famous person in film, theater, video and television. Ridwan Kamil has appeared in several films and soap operas, including: Demi Ucok in 2013, Hijabers In Love in 2014, Preman Pensiun soap in 2015, The Wedding and Bebek Betutu films in 2015, Total Chaos in 2017 , Film Dilan 1990 in 2017 and 2018, Dilan 1991 in 2019, Film Serendipity in 2018, Film Yowis Ben 2in 2019, Young Mangga Film in 2020, and voice actor for Riki Rhino Movie in 2020.

Career While Serving as Mayor of Bandung

In 2013 Ridwan Kamil was nominated by the Prosperous Justice Party and the Great Indonesia Movement Party as mayor of Bandung. Ridwan Kamil took Oded Muhammad Danial as a candidate for deputy mayor. In the plenary meeting of the General Election Commission for the City of Bandung on June 28 2013, Ridwan Kamil and Oded Muhammad Danial won a landslide victory over the other seven pairs by winning 45.24% of the vote and making the two winners.

On September 16 2013, Ridwan Kamil and Oded Muhammad Danial were officially appointed Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bandung for the period 2013 to 2018. One of their work programs is to create the Bandung Command Center, which is a control center for the city of Bandung, supported by GPS tracking and CCTV . in various places to monitor the condition of the city of Bandung, besides that it is useful in order to create a smart city of Bandung.

On February 4 2017 Ridwan Kamil inaugurated a pedestrian bridge from Cihampelas to Tamansari which was named Teras Cihampelas, the purpose of this bridge is to overcome congestion on Jalan Cihampelas. The Cihampelas Terrace Bridge was built with a budget of Rp 45 billion. The Cihampelas Terrace has a length of 450 m, which is divided into three zones, namely culinary, souvenirs and gardens and can accommodate 180 traders. Even for vehicles can also be parked at Tamansari.

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Career While Appointing Governor of West Java

In the 2018 general election for the Governor of West Java which was held on July 27 2018, Ridwan Kamil was nominated as a candidate for governor. Ridwan Kamil took Uu Ruzhanul Ulum as his representative for PPP, PKB, Nasdem Party and Hanura Party. The election schedule for this period was postponed, namely on February 24, this was because it followed the schedule for the third wave of simultaneous regional head elections in June 2018.

Under current regulations, only political parties with 20 or more seats in the West Java DPRD can submit as candidates. Meanwhile, political parties that have less seats can nominate candidates only if they have received support from other political parties.

Ridwan Kamil and Uu Ruzhanul Ulum became the first pairs of candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor to register with the West Java KPUD. And the KPU determines the nomination of the Governor and Deputy Governor of West Java on February 12 2018.

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The General Election Commission or KPU of West Java Province officially appointed Ridwan Kamil and UU Ruzhanul Ulum as the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of West Java for the 2018 to 2023 period. in 2018 addressed at the West Java KPU Office, Jalan Garut.

West Java KPU Chairman, Yayat Hidayat said in his speech that, based on West Java KPU Decree No. 145 of 2018 concerning Determination of the Vote Count Results for the 2018 West Java Governor Election, determined the result that pair number 1. Ridwan Kamil and Uu Ruzhanul Ulum received the most votes of 32.88% or 7,226,254 votes.

Ridwan Kamil’s leadership as Governor of West Java

  • Ridwan Kamil’s leadership style includes task and relation aspects. The task aspect is one which shows firmness in a clear work standard and is able to carry out regular coordination with its subordinates. While the relation aspect is a leader who will act as a good listener of what is conveyed by his subordinates and accept input and criticism as an evaluation given.

1. Ridwan Kamil’s Visionary Leadership.

In 2019, Ridwan Kamil was awarded the Asia Pacific Inspirational Leader at the 2019 Govinsider Innovation Awards which was held at the UN Headquarters. This award was given because Ridwan Kamil was considered a visionary and innovative leader in carrying out his leadership. One of Ridwan Kamil’s programs that was appreciated was the digital village program to accelerate development in West Java.

Ridwan Kamil has also issued many other digital-based innovation programs in order to face the industrial era 4.0 or the digital era. These various digital-based innovation programs show that Ridwan Kamil is able to identify changes that will occur in the future, especially in the industrial era 4.0. Advances in technology are increasing rapidly so that the West Java Provincial Government will be very left behind if it does not use digitization in its public services. Ridwan Kamil’s ability to identify these changes has succeeded in being considered a visionary leader and even recognized by the international community.

2. Ridwan Kamil’s Leadership in Decision Making.

Basically the leadership style of a person depends on each individual. Likewise in Ridwan Kamil’s leadership style which is required to be able to make a decision as a regional leader whose goal is to carry out the government process in the area he leads. One basis for determining the type of decision making can be based on situations of certainty, risk, uncertainty and conflict.

At the beginning of 2020, Ridwan Kamil, who served as Governor of West Java, was faced with a situation of uncertainty and risk. This was due to the entry of the corona virus into Indonesia in early March 2020. The first case occurred in the Depok area, West Java, which was under the leadership of Ridwan Kamil. Because it was the first case of the entry of the corona virus into Indonesia and it spread the Covid-19 virus throughout Indonesia until now.

The decision-making style taken by Ridwan Kamil is a directing leadership style. Decision-making style is synonymous with a rational attitude in the way of thinking, efficiency and logic. The directing style is also characterized by making decisions quickly and focusing on the short term, so it is not uncommon for decision making to occur based on limited information and few alternatives.

We can see decision-making in a directing style from the response given by the West Java Provincial Government to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 or one month after the first case was confirmed. At that time, Covid-19 was a new thing for the world, especially Indonesia.

In addition, the available information is also very limited. So it is necessary to have a concrete response to suppress the spread of the corona virus to other areas. Ridwan Kamil as the Governor of West Java Province decided to have mass rapid tests and swab tests independently amid the condition of the Central Government which could not carry out mass tests.

So, that’s a biography of Ridwan Kamil’s life journey, who was currently serving as Governor of West Java Province. If you want to know more about Ridwan Kamil and his leadership, Sinaumed’s can read and get his book which is available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!

Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine

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