Be careful! Recognize the Signs of a Shifting IUD and the Causes

Signs of a Shifting IUD – “ Intrauterine device (IUD) is a contraception which is considered effective in preventing pregnancy if it is installed correctly. However, for several reasons, the birth control device can move from the uterus. Actually, it is recommended that you check the position of the IUD contraception regularly at home to find out if there are any changes. However, when the contraceptive has moved from the uterus, there are usually a number of signs that women can feel.

The IUD is a contraceptive method commonly used by women. These contraceptives are T-shaped, small and made of plastic that are inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy and other purposes.

Depending on the type and brand of IUD, these contraceptives can last for 3–12 years. So, during that time, you don’t need to think about your contraception. Even so, in rare cases, the IUD contraception can also shift from the uterus, or even fall. If the IUD contraception is not in the right place, you can get pregnant. Therefore, it is important to know the signs that the IUD has moved from the uterus here.

What Causes the IUD to Move?

IUD contraception that has been installed correctly actually rarely shifts or moves. However, it can still happen, especially in the first few months after inclusion. Here are some things that can cause the IUD contraception to shift:

  • You experience strong uterine contractions during your menstrual period.
  • You have a small uterine cavity.
  • Your uterus is tilted.
  • The IUD is installed by a doctor who is not experienced in performing this procedure.

Apart from that, there are also several factors that can make your IUD KB more likely to shift, including:

  • Under 20 years old.
  • Currently breastfeeding.
  • IUD installation is done immediately after delivery.

Examination of IUD contraception Position Can Be Done Independently

Did you know that IUD birth control has a string hanging from the cervix that you should be able to feel? To make sure your IUD doesn’t move, some experts recommend checking the threads every month after you get your period. This is because the contraceptive is more likely to shift during your period.

Here’s how to check whether your IUD contraception is still installed properly or not:

  • First of all, wash your hands first.
  • Then, sit or squat so you can easily access your vagina.
  • Insert your finger into your vagina until you feel the cervix.
  • Feel for the end of the string that should come out past the cervix.
  • Avoid pulling on the rope.

If you can feel the strings, chances are your IUD contraception is still attached. If you can’t feel the strings, they are longer or shorter than usual, or you can feel the plastic of your birth control IUD, chances are the device has moved. However, not being able to feel the strings does not mean the IUD has moved. Most likely the cord is coiled inside the cervix.

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Signs that the IUD contraception has shifted from the uterus

The following are signs that the IUD has shifted from the uterus:

  • You can’t feel the rope. When you do an examination and can’t find the IUD birth control strap, there is a possibility that the rope is coiled in the uterus, but there is also a possibility that the contraceptive has shifted. Talk to your doctor to be sure.
  • The IUD strings feel shorter or longer than normal. If the length of the rope is different, there is a possibility that the IUD contraception will shift. Checking your leash regularly makes it easier for you to notice these changes.
  • You can feel the IUD contraception. When the IUD is in the right place, you should just feel the strings. However, if you can feel the hard plastic part of the IUD poking out, it means that the device has moved.
  • Couples can feel the IUD contraception. When the IUD is still installed properly, you and your partner shouldn’t feel it during intercourse. Your partner may feel the string, but not the plastic. If your partner can feel the hard plastic part, the device may have moved.
  • Pain. If you experience excruciating pain, get worse, or don’t go away 3–6 months after you get the IUD, chances are the device isn’t in place.
  • Heavy or abnormal bleeding. Spotting and bleeding are common after you’ve just gotten an IUD, but heavy or abnormal bleeding can be a sign the device is in the wrong place.
  • Severe cramping, abnormal vaginal discharge, or fever. These can all be signs your contraceptive device has shifted, but they may also be signs of infection.

The IUD can also move from the uterus without causing signs. So check the strap regularly to see if the tool is still in the right place or has shifted.

Signs of a Problematic IUD to Watch Out for

Signs that the IUD contraception has shifted can be caused by a number of factors, one of which is because the KB spiral has shifted or has expired. If you experience the following problematic spiral birth control characteristics, contact your doctor immediately:

1. Position of the IUD Shifts

If the sign is that the position of the IUD has only shifted slightly, this condition may not cause symptoms or the complaints are very mild, so you won’t feel them. However, if the shift in position is classified as severe, it will show the characteristics of the IUD family planning shift with the following signs:

  • The IUD strings cannot be felt with the fingers.
  • The partner feels that his penis is touching the IUD during sex.
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
  • The vagina is bleeding badly.
  • Abdominal cramps that are severe and exceed menstrual cramps.
  • Lower abdomen hurts.
  • Unusual discharge.

The causes of the IUD contraception shifting and triggering signs of a problematic IUD include:

  • Strong uterine contractions during menstruation.
  • Small uterine cavity.
  • Highly tilted uterus.
  • Improper IUD installation.

2. The IUD Has Expired

Apart from shifting, using an expired IUD will also cause complications for the user. The effect of using an IUD that exceeds the usage time limit will cause inflammation or bleeding.

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Signs that IUDs have problems due to expiration can cause symptoms such as the following in users:

  • Terrible pain.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fever.
  • Inflammation and bleeding.

So that you don’t experience these problems, it’s important to know the expiration date of the IUD spiral contraception. IUD expiration period is generally 3 to 5 years. However, IUD spiral contraception which is made of copper layers can last longer, which is up to 10 years.

3. Pregnancy Occurs

Although rare, another sign of a problematic IUD can be pregnancy. At least, one study states that 0.8 percent of spiral birth control users can still get pregnant. One of the reasons pregnancy can still appear is that spiral birth control users have sexual intercourse within seven days after insertion, removal, and shifting of the IUD.

Experiencing pregnancy even though you have used an IUD will usually bring up a series of symptoms typical of pregnant women in general. Starting from nausea, fatigue, no menstruation, breasts that are more sensitive to touch, cravings, and mood changes.

The Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy When Using an IUD

Pregnancy while still using spiral birth control is also more at risk in the form of a medical disorder called an ectopic pregnancy. This condition occurs when the embryo does not grow inside the birth, but outside the uterus. Generally, the location of the growth is in the fallopian tubes, aka the ovaries. This condition can be characterized by:

  • Mild or severe pain in the abdomen or pelvis.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding.
  • Cramps on one side of the pelvis.
  • Weak.
  • Dizzy.
  • Faint.

Risks of Problematic IUDs in Pregnant Women

Some women may be more at risk of having problems with inserting an IUD, such as loose or shifted spiral birth control. Who are they?

1. Young Women

A research shows that young women and teenagers are more at risk of having loose spiral birth control. Their ages range from 14 to 19 years. The risk of releasing this spiral birth control will decrease in women over 19 years of age.

2. Recently Undergo a Medical Abortion

Another group of women who are at risk of having their IUD dislodged are those who have had an abortion procedure (curette) for medical reasons. Certain studies suggest that if the IUD is inserted two weeks after the abortion, it is more at risk for it to fall out. This risk will be slightly reduced if the insertion is done at least three weeks after the curettage.

If the IUD is inserted earlier, 6.7 percent of women may experience signs of a problematic IUD due to its release within six months. Meanwhile, if done after three weeks, the percentage drops to 3.3 percent.

What to do if the IUD contraception shifts?

If you feel that the IUD has moved from the uterus, don’t try to put it back on yourself, but contact your doctor and make an appointment to see him as soon as possible. The doctor will carry out examinations and tests to see if the contraceptive has shifted. If so, the doctor will talk with you about options for dealing with it. If you plan to have sex before seeing the doctor, use a backup method of contraception.