Audiovisual: Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Benefits, and Purpose

Audiovisual is a term that refers to the use of image components as well as sound. So, the two components will be processed simultaneously to be presented in a presentation, show, and program according to the needs. With this audio-visual media, it is hoped that the delivery of information can be clearer and also interesting.

In addition, the delivery process will usually be carried out by appearing on a projector screen connected to a personal device such as a laptop or smartphone.

For those of you who want to know about the meaning of audiovisual, its types, functions, and other things, the details will be explained below.

Definition of Audiovisual

Audiovisual is one of the media in which there are elements of images and sounds. For the advantages of this one media, it will certainly seem more communicative, because indeed the output can be seen visually and heard auditively.

In addition, audio-visual media itself can also act as a tool that is often used to convey information, knowledge, ideas, and ideas as outlined in the form of written presentations in learning, lectures, schools, and also in the office world.

Meanwhile, audio-visual media is media that has sound elements as well as image elements. This type of media has better capabilities, because as explained above, this media includes both types of auditory or auditory and visual or visual media.

Audiovisual media are audio-visual aids, which means materials or tools used in learning conditions or situations to assist writing and spoken words in conveying knowledge, ideas, and attitudes.

The other meaning of audiovisual is a set of tools that can project moving images and sound. The combination of images and sounds also forms a character that is the same as the original object. The tools included in the audiovisual media category are video VCD, television, sound, and also film.

There are many types and forms of media that are well known today, from simple to high-tech, from the easiest and naturally existing to media that experts have to design themselves.

Understanding Audiovisual According to Experts

The following are some definitions of audio-visual according to experts, including:

1. Definition of Audiovisual According to Anderson

Audiovisual is a series of electronic images that are accompanied by audio sound elements and have image elements as outlined via video tape.

2. Definition of Audiovisual According to Barbara

Audiovisual is a way of producing and delivering material using mechanical as well as electronic equipment to present audio-visual messages.

Audiovisual Features

Unlike newspapers or magazines, this audiovisual media has its own characteristics, where the delivery of information comes from audio or speakers. Meanwhile, to clarify this information, supporting pictures must be included. From there, we can see that some of the characteristics of audio visual are as follows:

  1. The presentation has a linear nature.
  2. Presented in a way predetermined by the maker or designer.
  3. Audio visual is a representation of real ideas or abstract ideas.
  4. Developed according to the psychological principles of behaviorism as well as cognitive.
  5. Presenting visuals that are dynamic or always changing and moving.

Audiovisual Function

There are several functions of audiovisual media, especially as a means of communication, including:

1. Social Function

This audio-visual media can function to convey information in various fields, as well as concepts for everyone, so that they can expand their association. This media can also help someone in their efforts to gain understanding related to other people or customs.

2. Educational Function

The educational function here goes by providing meaningful experiences and broadening knowledge for everyone. Not only that, audio-visual media can also be used as a means of conveying values, so that it can help to think critically.

3. Cultural Functions

Through this audiovisual media, various elements, especially in the field of culture and art in society, can be passed down from generation to generation. In addition, this media can also provide an overview of changes in human life.

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4. Economical Function

Goals can be achieved more effectively by using audiovisual media. This is because the delivery of material or information can be done with minimal effort, cost, and time. However, it still does not reduce the effectiveness of achieving goals.

Kinds of Audiovisual Media

The following are several types of audio-visual media that need to be understood, including:

1. Pure Audio Visual

Pure audio visual or what is often referred to as motion audio visual is media that can display sound elements as well as moving images, sound elements or image elements originating from a source.

a. Sound Movies

Film or what is often called a live image. It is an image of a frame that is projected one by one through the projector lens mechanically. So that later it will look alive and moving on the screen. Films are usually used for educational, entertainment and documentation purposes. However, films can also present and describe various kinds of complex concepts, ideas, information, and processes.

The following are some of the advantages of film as a learning medium, namely:

  • Fim can describe a process, for example, the process of making a hand skill and so on.
  • Can create the impression of space and time.
  • The resulting sound can bring reality to images in a pure form of expression.
  • Can convey the voice of an expert and see his performance.
  • If the film and video also have color, it will be able to add to the reality of the object displayed.
  • Can describe science theory and also animation.

In addition to the advantages or advantages, the film also has several disadvantages, including:

  • Films with sound can be interspersed with captions that are spoken while the film is playing, stopping playback which will distract the audience’s concentration.
  • The audience will not be able to follow along properly if the film is played too fast.
  • What has passed will be very difficult to repeat except to play it back in its entirety.
  • The cost of manufacture and also the equipment is quite expensive and high.

b. Videos

Video as an audio-visual medium that presents motion, is getting more and more popular in society. The message to be conveyed can be factual or fictitious, it can also be informative, educative, or instructional. In the field of education, usually most of the film assignments can be replaced with videos.

However, that doesn’t mean video can replace film. Video media is a type of audio-visual media other than film which has been widely developed for learning purposes.

c. Television

In addition to film and video, television is a medium that conveys learning messages audio-visually, that is, accompanied by elements of motion. When viewed from its understanding, this television comes from two words, namely tele (Greek) which means far away, and vision (Latin) which means vision.

Meanwhile, in English, television means seeing far. The word “seeing far” implies that images produced in one place can be seen in another through a receiving device called a television monitor or television set.

Television is an electronic equipment which is basically the same as moving or live images, which consists of images and sound. That way, the role of television as a live picture or radio which can display images that can be seen and produce sound can be heard at the same time.

In addition, television as a broadcasting institution has also been widely used for educational and teaching purposes. There are lots of TV broadcasts that specifically discuss and inform educational and teaching material messages. Usually the TV broadcast is called educational television.

2. Impure Audio Visual

This impure audio-visual is media that has elements of sound and images that come from different sources. Where impure audio-visual is often referred to as silent audio-visual plus sound, namely media that presents silent sounds and images, such as for example:

a. Sound Slide or Sound Frame Movie

Slides or so-called film strips added with sound are not complete audio-visual tools. Because, sound and also apparently are in separate places. Therefore, these slides or filmstrips are included in audio-visual media or silent visual media plus sound. The combination of slides and audio tape is the easiest type of multimedia system to produce.

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Combined learning media from slides as well as tape can be used in various locations and for various learning purposes involving pictures to inform or encourage emotional responses.

Sound slides are an innovation in learning that can be used as learning media and are also more effective in helping students understand abstract concepts to become more concrete.

Audiovisual Benefits

The benefits that can be obtained with audiovisuals can be felt in various forms of activity, including:

1. Raising Curiosity or Curiosity

This audio-visual media can generate curiosity or curiosity because of the attractive visual appearance and accompanied by audio. That way, children will be curious about the content conveyed in the media.

2. Not boring

This audiovisual media is not boring because it varies greatly when used in learning. As we already know from the notion of audio visual, namely the combination of auditory and visual media. The combination of the two media can be created into various types of impressions in the learning process.

3. Facilitate Submission

Audiovisual media can facilitate the delivery of material. Because, this one media can attract the attention of students and students. So, children will not be wrong in knowing the contents of the material and it is easy to understand.

4. Ensuring Understanding

This audiovisual media can ensure that the information received by children can be conveyed properly. Because, the type is auditive and visual, the broadcast can make students’ understanding more quickly absorbed.

Purpose of Audiovisual Learning Media

According to Anderson, the purpose of learning media that uses audio visual has several objectives, including:

  • To develop cognitive in children so they can get to know various things and stimulate their movements.
  • To teach various knowledge regarding certain principles and laws.
  • To show some examples and also ways of behaving regarding student interactions.
  • To convey the most effective information material.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Audiovisual Learning Media

Here are some of the advantages of learning media audiovisual media.

  1. Materials for learning so much easier to understand.
  2. For teachers in providing material and also teaching will be more varied.
  3. Students are not easily bored in participating in learning activities.

The following are the disadvantages of audiovisual learning media.

  1. In the presentation of each material can produce an unclear sound, so that the material becomes difficult to understand.
  2. Because using verbal is not always the same, it requires good mastery of words and language.
  3. If the picture is not clear, then the material presented will be less than optimal.

After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of audiovisual learning media, in the following discussion, we will discuss how to plan audiovisual learning media.

How to Make an Audiovisual Learning Media Plan

To be able to make audio-visual as a means of making learning media, there are several steps that need to be done to create an interesting and not boring lesson. The process itself is as follows:

1. Pre-Production Stage

The first stage is the stage before manufacture. At this stage, what must be done is to determine the theme and also the material that will be the content of the audio-visual media.

a. Defined Image Style

The first step is to determine the style of the image first. The image style here depends on the creativity of the maker and can be chosen freely.

b. Sketch Making

The second step is to make a sketch. In making this sketch, it needs to be adjusted to the material to be conveyed. For how to make it, we can use graphic processing software or flash.

2. Manufacturing Stage

The second stage is the manufacturing stage. In this phase, we will carry out the import process from the sketch that was made in the graphic processing software and then put it into flash. If it is directly made in flash, then it doesn’t need to be imported again.

Audiovisual Equipment

To be able to make learning media using audio-visual, several types of audio-visual equipment are generally needed, including:

  1. Voice recorder
  2. Camera
  3. Telephone
  4. Headphones
  5. Loudspeaker
  6. tv
  7. audios
  8. Displays

Thus the explanation regarding audiovisual is, types, benefits, functions, and also how to plan audio-visual learning media. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you, Sinaumed’s.

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Author: Umm

