Ar Rauf Meaning – Allah has 99 other names called Asmaul Husna. These names are related to the attributes that Allah has. The 99 names are usually pronounced in certain ways to make them easy to memorize.
For example by making it a song. Asmaul Husna has many features, one of which is prayer. This is mentioned in Surah Al A’raf verse 180, which has the following meaning.
“And Allah has Asma’ul-husna (the best names), so ask Him by calling it Asma’ul-husna and leave those who misinterpret His names. They will be rewarded for what they have done.”
The practice of Asmaul Husna itself can be done in various forms of activity. For example with behavior, nature, or as a wirid. This is because, Asmaul Khusna has many features and provides many advantages to each of its readers.
The ninety-nine names will be discussed in general in this paper. However, the explanation will be deeper in one of the characteristics, namely Ar Rauf’s meaning and its arguments. Sinaumed’s can listen to the explanation as follows.
99 Names of Allah in Asmaul Husna
- Ar Rahman الرحمن : The Most Gracious
- Ar Rahiim الرحيم : The Most Merciful
- Al Malik الملك : The Most Reigning
- Al Quddus القدوس : The Most Holy
- As Salaam السلام: The One Who Gives Prosperity
- Al Mu`min المؤمن: The Most Giving Security
- Al Muhaimin المهيمن : The Most Regulating
- Al Aziz العزيز : The Mighty One
- Al Jabbar الجبار: Who Has Absolute Valor
- Al Mutakabbir المتكبر : The Most Magnificent
- Al Khaliq الخالق : The Creator
- Al Baari البارئ : The One Who Releases
- Al Mushawwir المصور : The Creator of Forms
- Al Ghaffaar الغفار : The Most Forgiving
- Al Qahhaar القهار : The Most Compelling
- Al Wahhaab الوهاب : The Most Merciful
- Ar Razzaaq الرزاق : The Most Giver of Fortune
- Al Fattaah الفتاح: The Most Opener of Mercy
- Al `Aliim العليم : The All-Knowing
- Al Qaabidh القابض : The Most Constricting
- Al Baasith الباسط : The Most Extensive
- Al Khaafidh الخافض : The Most Condescending
- Ar Raafi الرافع : The Most Exalted
- Al Mu`izz المعز : The Most Glorifying
- Al Mudzil المذل: The Most Humiliating
- Al Samii السميع : The All Hearing
- Al Bashiir البصير : The All Seeing
- Al Hakam الحكم: The Most Determined
- Al `Adl العدل : The Most Just
- Al Lathiif اللطيف : The Most Gentle
- Al Khabiir الخبير : The Knower
- Al Haliim الحليم : The Most Forbearing
- Al `Azhiim العظيم : The Most High
- Al Ghafuur الغفور : The Most Forgiving
- As Syakuur الشكور : The Most Avenger of Kindness
- Al `Aliy العلى : The Most High
- Al Kabiir الكبير : The Most Great
- Al Hafizh الحفيظ : The Most Preserver
- Al Muqiit المقيت : The Most Giver of Sufficiency
- Al Hasiib الحسيب : The One Who Makes Calculations
- Al Jaliil الجليل : The Most High
- Al Karim الكريم : The Most Gracious
- Ar Raqiib الرقيب : The Most Watchful
- Al Mujiib المجيب : The Most Answering
- Al Waasi الواسع : The Most Extensive
- Al Hakimim الحكيم : The Most Wise
- Al Waduud الودود :The Most Merciful
- Al Majiid المجيد : Your Majesty
- Al Baa`its الباعث : The Most Awakening
- As Syahiid الشهيد: The Witness
- Al Haqq الحق : The Most True
- Al Wakiil الوكيل : The Most Preserver
- Al Qawiyyu القوى : The Most Powerful
- Al Matiin المتين : The Most Steadfast
- Al Waliyy الولى : The Most Protecting
- Al Hamiid الحميد : The Most Praised
- Al Muhshii المحصى : The Calculating One
- Al Mubdi المبدئ : The Originator
- Al Mu`iid المعيد : The One Who Restores Life
- Al Muhyii المحيى : The One Who Gives Life
- Al Mumiitu المميت : The Most Deadly
- Al Hayyu الحي : The Living One
- Al Qayyuum القيوم : The Most Independent
- Al Waajid الواجد: The Most Inventor
- Al Maajid الماجد : The Most High
- Al Wahid الواحد: The One and Only
- Al Ahad الاحد : The Almighty
- As Shamad الصمد : The Most Needed
- Al Qaadir القادر : The Decisive One
- Al Muqtadir المقتدر : The Almighty
- Al Muqaddim المقدم :The Most Priority
- Al Mu`akkhir المؤخر : The One who ends
- Al Awwal الأول : The Most Beginning
- Al Aakhir الأخر : The Last One
- Az Zhaahir الظاهر: The Most Real
- Al Baathin الباطن : The Most Unseen
- Al Waali الوالي : The Supreme Ruler
- Al Muta`aalii المتعالي : The Most High
- Al Barru البر: The Most Beneficent
- At Tawwaab التواب : The Most Accepting Repentance
- Al Muntaqim المنتقم : The Most Merciful
- Al Afuww العفو : The Most Forgiving
- Ar Ra`uuf الرؤوف : The Most Compassionate
- Malikul Mulk مالك الملك Y: the Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom
- Dzul Jalaali Wal Ikraam ذو الجلال و الإكرام : The Supreme Owner of Greatness and Glory
- Al Muqsith المقسط : The Supreme Giver of Justice
- Al Jamii` الجامع : The Most Collecting
- Al Ghaniyy الغنى : The Most Rich
- Al Mughnii المغنى: The Most Giver of Wealth
- Al Maani المانع : The Most Preventing
- Ad Dhaar الضار : The Most Beneficial One
- An Nafii النافع: The Most Beneficial
- An Nuur النور : The Most Radiant
- Al Haadii الهادئ : The Most Guiding
- Al Badii’ البديع : The Creator
- Al Baaqii الباقي : The Everlasting One
- Al Waarits الوارث : The Most High Heir
- Ar Rasyiid الرشيد : The Most Intelligent
- As Shabuur الصبور : The Most Patient
Ar Rauf Meaning The Most Merciful
Ar Rauf means that in Asmaul Husna it means the Most Merciful. Meanwhile, in Classical Arabic, it means to be kind, patient, compassionate, gentle, and compassionate to show gentleness.
In simple terms, Ar Rauf means that God is very compassionate to all of His servants. This can be seen from the burden of life received by each servant. Allah will not give a burden to His servant beyond the limits of ability.
Allah also gives grace to the servant He wills. He gives mercy to all creatures on earth especially to those who do good deeds and are pious.
Proof of Ar Ra’uf in the Koran
After discussing Ar Rauf meaning as the Most Compassionate. The following is Ar Ra’uf’s argument in the Koran.
1. Surah Al Tawbah Verse 177
لَقَدْ تَّابَ اللّٰهُ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ وَالْمُهٰجِرِيْنَ وَالْاَنْصَارِ الَّذِيْنَ اتَّبَعُوْهُ فِيْ سَاعَةِ الْعُسْرَةِ مِنْۢ بَعْدِ مَا كَادَ يَزِيْغُ قُلُوْبُ فَرِيْقٍ مِّنْهُمْ ثُمَّ تَابَ عَلَيْهِمْۗ اِنَّهٗ بِهِمْ رَءُوْفٌ رَّحِيْمٌ ۙ – ١١٧
Meaning: “Indeed, Allah has accepted the repentance of the Prophet, the Muhajirin and the Ansar, who followed the Prophet in difficult times, after the hearts of a group of them almost turned away, then Allah accepted their repentance. Surely Allah is Most Gracious, Most Merciful to them.” (QS. At Tawbah: 177)
2. Surah Al Hadid Verse 9
هُوَ الَّذِيْ يُنَزِّلُ عَلٰى عَبْدِهٖٓ اٰيٰتٍۢ بَيِّنٰتٍ لِّيُخْرِجَكُمْ مِّنَ الظُّلُمٰتِ اِلَى النُّوْرِۗ وَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِكُمْ لَرَءُوْفٌ رَّحِيْمٌ – ٩
Meaning: “It is He who sent down clear verses (the Qur’an) to His servant (Muhammad) to bring you out of darkness into light. And indeed, to you Allah is Most Forbearing, Most Merciful.” (QS. Al Hadid: 9)
3. Surah Al Baqarah Verse 207
Meaning: “And among humans there are people who sacrifice themselves to seek the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving to His servants.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 207)
4. Surah At Tawbah Verse 128
لَقَدْ جَاۤءَكُمْ رَسُوْلٌ مِّنْ اَنْفُسِكُمْ عَزِيْزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمorry
Meaning: “Indeed, there has come to you an apostle from your own people, he feels the weight of the suffering you are experiencing, (he) really wants (faith and safety) for you, forbearing and merciful to those who believe.” (QS. At Tawbah: 128)
How to Practice Ar Ra’uf in Everyday Life
How to emulate Ar Rauf means that in everyday life it can be done in various ways. Here are some ways that can be done as an interpretation of Ar Ra’uf.
1. Instilling Strong Faith in Allah’s Attributes
Imitating and practicing the meaning of the contents of God’s attributes is one part of faith in God. A Muslim is obliged to believe in the 99 attributes of Allah. The way to do this is to believe in your heart that the ninety-nine qualities are true.
2. Establish friendly ties
Ar Ra’uf recommends being kind to others. One of them is by establishing a relationship with every colleague, family, friends, relatives, and people we know. The goal is that the closeness of the relationship can be maintained.
When the relationship is maintained then to give affection will be easy and can continue to happen. The Prophet described a Muslim one with another as one body. This was narrated by An-Nu’man bin Bisyir in a hadith.
“The parable of those who have faith in terms of loving, loving and cherishing one another is like one body. If one of the limbs hurts, then the whole body will be awake (unable to sleep) and hot (feeling the pain).” (HR. Muslim)
3. Give charity
Giving alms is a form of compassion for fellow creatures of God. Giving charity will not make you poor. Precisely will add more wealth and peace of mind.
Charity does not have to be in the form of money. Energy and attention also includes alms. When someone needs help and we are willing to put in the time and effort to help. So, it is already considered as charity.
4. Spreading Love to Fellow Living Creatures
Every living being has the right to love. Every living being must also give his love to his neighbor. Giving love to others is included in the practice of Ar Ra’uf.
Love is not only limited to fellow human beings. But, also to every creature created by God. To animals by not hunting or killing them indiscriminately for personal gain. To the environment by taking care of it, not clearing the forest or destroying the ecosystem.
The Story of the Prophet Reflecting Ar Ra’uf
Adapted from, here is one story of a prophet that reflects one of God’s characteristics, namely Ar Ra’uf.
When Rasulullah SAW and his companions received harsh treatment in Mecca. So Rasulullah SAW. and his companions moved towards Taif City on foot. But in the City of Taif, Rasulullah Saw. also received the same treatment. The inhabitants of Taif immediately threw stones at Rasulullah SAW. and his companions with stones. In fact, the stones hurt the Prophet. The Prophet’s Body even to the point of bleeding. Zaid bin Haritsah immediately defended and protected Rasulullah SAW. Rasulullah saw. and his friends then took refuge in a garden belonging to Utbah bin Rabiah. Archangel Gabriel then came down to help and offered help. The angel Jibril will crush the people of Taif with a mountain until it is destroyed. But the Apostle forbade him, “I have forgiven their treatment of me. I pray that the descendants of Taif residents can believe in Allah.”
How to Practice Asmaul Husna
A Muslim should always practice Asmaul Husna in his daily life. Here are some ways that can be done as the implementation of Asmaul Husna in the life of every Muslim.
1. Saying Asmaul Husna in Prayer
When praying should mention one or two names of Allah. The selection of Allah’s names is adjusted to the prayers we pray.
For example, when asking to be given strength to deal with one or several things, one should mention Al Qawiyyu (The Most Powerful).
2. Wirid’s practice
Wirid or routine practice can be one way to practice Asmaul Husna. When practicing Asmaul Husna it will make life happier physically and mentally.
One of the ways of wirid Asmaul Husna is done every time after performing the Maghrib prayer. Previously, Sinaumed’s could read Surah Yasin. Then read Asmaul Husna and close it with the Asmaul Husna prayer and ask forgiveness from Allah.
3. Special Practices
Some Asmaul Husna which can be practiced with a special amount will give fadhilah or special virtues to the reader. Here are some special practices that a Muslim can do.
- Reading Ar Rahman (The Most Gracious) 500 times every fardhu prayer will get peace of mind and prevent nervousness and forgetfulness.
- Ar Rahim (The Most Merciful) is read 100 times a day then people will look at us with compassion with Allah’s permission.
- As Salam (The Most Giving Salvation) is recited 136 times to ask Allah for healing.
- Read Al Latifu (The Most Beneficent) 129 times during the day or night, Allah will give you smooth sustenance and taufik.
- Reading Al Fattahu (Opener of the Door of Grace) 71 times with the position of both palms on the chest after every Fajr prayer, it will cleanse and purify the heart so that it is bright and easy to deal with all matters.
- Tabarakallah means
- Asmaul Husna and its meaning
- Prayers for the world and the hereafter
- Arabic and Latin reading of the Chair verse
- Meaning of prophets and messengers