Appreciation: Definition, Purpose, and Examples of Appreciation

Examples of appreciation – In this life, there are times when we give appreciation to something that is deserved. Appreciation can not only be given to yourself when you have reached a specified target.

However, appreciation can also be done as a form of appreciating and enjoying a work. In addition, when viewed from the definition, appreciation refers more to the act of one’s awareness of a work or cultural art.

Maybe all this time you have only heard or known appreciation as a form of giving appreciation to yourself and the work of others. This can indeed be a form of appreciation.

However, in fact there are still many things related to appreciation other than these actions. So that you also understand more about appreciation, here is the full review.

Definition of Appreciation in General

The first thing we will discuss together is an explanation related to the meaning of appreciation. Previously, we discussed briefly the definition of appreciation. However, this point will explain more broadly about the meaning of appreciation.

Appreciation itself is a process of seeing, hearing, experiencing, evaluating, animating and appreciating what humans will do in a work. This work can take many forms. For example, works of art, writing, films and various other kinds.

In addition, the process of understanding, assessing, seeing and appreciating in appreciation will be described in a statement. For people who appreciate works of art owned by other people, they will directly make a statement to the party concerned.

An example is to give the sentence “What a beautiful work you make,” to the person who makes a work of art. It cannot be denied that in this case a person’s appreciation will be used in the context of evaluating a work.

Although basically we appreciate it can also be used for other contexts. For example, appreciation of an attitude or action taken by another person. An example of such appreciation is when you give appreciation for the positive actions taken by others.

Etymologically, appreciation comes from the Latin word apleclato which means appreciation. In English, appreciation comes from the word appreciate which means to realize, understand, appreciate and give an assessment. Meanwhile, in terms of terminology, appreciation is an act of appraisal process carried out by one person to another.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that appreciation is a form of giving appreciation and evaluating something to express a feeling of satisfaction. Meanwhile, for connoisseurs of works of art, the function of appreciation is to create a feeling of satisfaction, disappointment or not causing any feelings.

The function of appreciation is actually part of the method of giving value, enjoyment, empathy, entertainment, education and developing a human ability in various ways.

Definition of Appreciation According to Experts

As previously explained, appreciation is an act of evaluating, seeing, hearing, experiencing, evaluating, animating and comparing a work. The work in question can be in various forms. For example, such as works of art, written works, literary works, film works and so on.

In general, the meaning of appreciation is like the explanation above. However, according to some experts, the definition of appreciation has several different opinions. Well, below is the meaning of appreciation from the experts.

1. Aminuddin

Aminudin explained that appreciation is a recognition process that is carried out with the help of feelings and inner sensitivity and recognition of the elements of beauty expressed by someone.

2. Albert R. Candler

Albert R. Candler argues that appreciation is an activity that interprets and is fully aware of the ins and outs of literary works and becomes more sensitive about aesthetic and artistic phenomena. This will make someone more able to enjoy and evaluate a work properly.

3. Alfred North Whitehead

Alferd North Whitehend argues that appreciation is a process of appreciating something that is done by someone in an activity in order to get something and also participate in it by conducting an overall assessment.

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4. Effendi

Effendi explained that appreciation is an activity that engages literary creation more seriously so that there is a better understanding, appreciation, critical sensitivity and sensitivity to feelings in a literary work.

5.John Dewey

John Dewey has an opinion if appreciation is a process of enjoying a pleasure or experience of something.

6. Jarret

Then Jarrett explained that appreciation is an act of attention that is carried out by someone towards something such as interest, pleasure and use of something that he is paying attention to.

7. Tirta Wiraya

Tirta Wiraya explained that appreciation is a person’s ability to determine and know the level and quality of a literary work.

8. GH Hardy

GH Hardy has an opinion that appreciation is an act of appreciation done by someone for something.

9. Hornby

Hornby argues that appreciation refers more to the meaning of recognition and more precise understanding, considerations, judgments and statements that can provide an assessment.

10. Syoyan Zakaria

According to Syoyan Zakaria, appreciation is an act of response carried out by someone who is mature and full of essence resulting from a high critical understanding process and is produced by a developing soul.

11. Prayogi

Prayogi explained that appreciation is any appreciation activity that can be carried out as a result of one’s use, absorption and evaluation of a particular work of literature or art. Appreciation can also be interpreted as a form of awe that comes out from within a connoisseur of art or literary works.

12. Eliyati

Appreciation explains that appreciation is any activity that is more serious about familiarizing literary works. Appreciation also requires a serious reviewer or connoisseur of literature to be able to recognize, appreciate and appreciate what is being assessed. This will be able to find a deeper soul.

Levels in Appreciation

In appreciation is also divided into several types depending on the level. At least, there are three levels that will be carried out by someone in giving appreciation to a work. Now for more details, here are three types of levels that exist in appreciation.

1. Appreciate the Level of Empathy

Appreciation at the level of empathy in the dictionary can be interpreted as an action that involves thoughts and feelings. This level of appreciation can be said to exist in the form of sensory capture or capture from the senses.

2. Appreciation of the Aesthetic Level

Appreciation at the aesthetic level can be interpreted as a process of evaluating beauty. At this level of appreciation there will be observation and appreciation. That way, art connoisseurs in giving an appreciation are not just observing a work of art, but more than that.

3. Appreciate the Level of Criticism

Appreciation of the level of criticism can be interpreted as a form of appreciation that can explain a classification, description, explanation, provide analysis and evaluation so that a conclusion can be drawn.

The Purpose of Appreciation

Appreciation can not only be in literary works or works of art. But appreciation also exists in work and everyday life. Appreciation is indeed very important because it can affect a person’s performance, whether the party concerned can work more optimally or not.

Appreciation in the world of work has the goal of making others feel more valued. This will make them more able to do their jobs better. The existence of appreciation also has a purpose to maintain the mental health of others. Where those whose performance is less appreciated will tend to be easily stressed and not optimal in the work process.

Appreciation Function

Appreciation does not only have a purpose, but actually appreciation also has a certain function. Below are some of the functions of appreciation that you can read in full.

  1. Appreciation has a function as a way of providing assessment, education, empathy for an existing work.
  2. Appreciation has appreciation as a means to be able to increase people’s love for the work of the nation’s children and is a form of concern for others.
  3. Appreciation has a function as a way to improve and develop one’s abilities in various ways.
  4. Appreciation serves to motivate someone to do something more optimally.
  5. Appreciation has an important role in pleasing others for what they have done.
  6. Appreciation can also help please yourself because it can provide support to others.
  7. Appreciation serves to build trust in relationships and colleagues.
  8. Appreciation also serves to strengthen relationships with others.
  9. Appreciation can help show appreciation to others.
  10. Appreciation can help increase effectiveness and efficiency in the work process.
  11. Appreciation also serves to make us focus more on the things that are important and to be able to eliminate things that are really irrelevant.
  12. Appreciation can help produce something more innovative.
  13. Appreciation serves as a form of moral support.
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Where the attitude of appreciation given is on the basis of awareness of the contribution of artists to the nation and state or to human values ​​in general. By giving appreciation to this art, we can develop a sense of empathy for people who have artistic or cultural professions.

Appreciation Activities

In giving appreciation there will be several activities carried out. So, these activities are as follows.

1. Perception

Perception itself is a form of process of introducing a work. An example is introducing several traditional music performances that have developed in Indonesia.

2. Knowledge

Knowledge is the basis for giving appreciation, be it history or terms that are often used in works.

3. Analysis

In the analysis stage, a person will begin to describe the form of work he is observing and will then interpret the art object to be appreciated.

4. Assessment

The last is the stage of evaluating the work that is appreciated, both subjectively and objectively.

Positive Impact of Giving Appreciation to Employees

Previously, it has been explained that appreciation cannot only be applied to the world of art. However, appreciation can also be given in various ways such as in the world of work. In fact, the form of appreciation also varies. In addition, appreciation in the world of work is often referred to as a reward.

There are several positive impacts in giving appreciation to employees. So, if you don’t really know what are the positive effects of giving appreciation to employees, then the explanation below can help.

1. More Productive Employee Performance

Giving appreciation to employees will make it easier for them to improve performance and improve productivity. That means the process of achieving company goals will also be realized more quickly.

In addition, when employees know they will get appreciation in the form of rewards when they can achieve something. Of course they will also be more active and continue to try to do hard work to get this appreciation. This will make the company’s performance even better.

2. Happier Employees

Employees who get appreciation will feel happy. Especially when the appreciation given by the company is commensurate with what they provide. In fact, they will continue to feel motivated to continue to perform as well as possible in order to advance the company and get appreciation for the performance they have been doing so far.

3. More Loyal to the Company

Employees who get appreciation will give positive feedback to the company. Where later they will give a positive assessment of the company to outsiders. That way, the company’s image will also improve.

Examples of Appreciation We Can Do

In this life, of course we have given an appreciation for every thing that is deserved. So, below are some examples of appreciation that we can do.

  1. Watching theatrical art performances or anything that requires good observation in order to convey aesthetic appreciation.
  2. Buy original works or products from original creators and do not use pirated products.
  3. Providing criticism with the aim of building a work of art.
  4. Finishing the food that has been ordered is also included in the form of appreciation for the person who has cooked and served the dish. This also applies when we visit other people’s homes.
  5. Coming on time is also included as a form of appreciation for people who have taken the time to attend a meeting.
  6. Participating in promoting works of art is also an example of appreciation.
  7. Opening an art course with the aim of advancing the art world is also an example of appreciation.
  8. Holding art exhibitions for the public is an act of love, respect and appreciation for the world of art. This activity can not only be done by the owner of the work of art. But art enthusiasts can also create an art exhibition.
  9. Finding out the origins of art is a form of appreciation for art. Curiosity about the creator of works of art is a form of one’s love for the world of art.
  10. Give praise for what someone has done. This is an example of appreciation and can help someone to develop even better.

Now. that’s a summary of appreciation that you can read in full above. This form of appreciation can be applied to a variety of things, not only about art, but also other things outside of art.

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Author: Hendrik Nuryanto