Anies Baswedan Biography, Career Journey to Becoming the Governor of DKI Jakarta

Anies Baswedan Biography – Who doesn’t know this father? H. Anies Rasyid Baswedan, Se, MPP, Ph. D. is the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta who has served since October 16 2017. Then how was Mr. Anies Baswedan’s childhood until he could serve as Governor of DKI Jakarta? Here’s an explanation.

Profile of Anies Baswedan Kecil

Anies Baswedan was born on May 7, 1969 in Kuningan, West Java. His father’s name is Rasyid Baswedan who works as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics at the Islamic University of Indonesia. Anies is the grandson of H. Abdurrahman Baswedan, also known as AR Baswedan. Anies’ grandfather is a national hero and is known as a nationalist, journalist, Indonesian independence fighter, diplomat, preacher, and Indonesian writer.

His grandfather was also a member of the Indonesian Independence Preparatory and Business Investigation Agency (BPUPKI), as Deputy Minister of Information for the Republic of Indonesia in the Sjahrir Cabinet, Member of the Working Committee of the Central Indonesian National Committee (BP-KNIP), member of parliament, and was a member of the Constituent Assembly.

In addition, Anies is Kompol’s cousin. (Purn.) Novel Baswedan who has been an investigator for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) since 2007. Novel Baswedan was also a member of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) from 1999 to 2014. Anies Baswedan’s mother’s name is Prof. Dr. Hj. Aliyah Rasyid Baswedan, M.Pd. who is a lecturer and emeritus professor at Yogyakarta State University.

Hj. Apart from being active in various social, religious and community activities in Yogyakarta, Aliyah Rasyid has also served as Chairperson of the DIY Islamic Women’s Representative Council for three terms, and has been actively involved in leading the distribution of scholarships for students and students from underprivileged families for more than 3 decades.

Anies is the eldest son and has two younger siblings, named Ridwan Baswedan and Abdillah Baswedan. Anies grew up in Yogyakarta. When he was 5 years old, Anies attended the Kindergarten of the Syuhada Mosque. Anies continued his elementary school in Laboratory, Yogyakarta City when he was 6 years old.

Little Anies is known as a sociable child and also has many friends. Anies continued his junior high school at SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Anies is also known to be active in the Intra-School Organization (OSIS) and holds the position of administrator in the field of Public Relations.

After graduating, Anies continued his studies at SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. At SMA Anies was elected vice chairman of the OSIS and participated in leadership training with three hundred students from the OSIS Chair throughout Indonesia. It was from there that Anies was elected Chair of the Indonesian Student Council in 1985.

In 1987 Anies was selected to join the AFS student exchange program and lived for a year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America. Because of this program, Anies had to complete high school for four years. When he returned to Yogyakarta, Anies had the opportunity to play a role in journalism. Anies joined the Yogyakarta branch of the Tanah Merdeka program on Republik Indonesia television and was given the role of interviewing national figures.

Profile of Young Anies Baswedan

In 1989 Anies entered college and was accepted at the Faculty of Economics, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Anies remains active in organizations by joining the Islamic Student Association and becoming one of the Rescue Council of the Islamic Student Association Organization at Gadjah Mada University. Anies served as Chair of the Student Senate at the Faculty of Economics in 1992 and helped to re-establish the Student Senate after it was suspended by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Anies formed the Student Executive Body or BEM as an executive body and promoted the senate as a legislative body which was approved by the congress in 1993. Anies’ leadership period saw the start of a research-based movement, a response to the exposure of the Clove Support and Marketing Agency case involving President Soeharto’s son, Hutomo Mandala Son. Anies also took part in initiating demonstrations against the implementation of the Social Fund System with prizes in November 1993 in the city of Yogyakarta.

Anies Baswedan received a scholarship from the Japan Airlines Foundation to take part in a summer study program at Sophia University, Tokyo in the field of Asian studies in 1993. The scholarship was obtained after Anies won an environmental-themed writing competition. Until finally Anies graduated from Gadjah Mada University in 1995. After graduating from college, Anies worked at the Inter-University Center for Economic Studies, Gadjah Mada University.

On May 11, 1996 Anies married Hj. Fery Farhati Ganis, S. Psi, M. Sc. His wife is an academic who has served as Chair of DKI Jakarta Family Welfare Empowerment since October 16 2017. Anies and Fery Farhati are blessed with four children, namely Mutiara Annisa Baswedan, Mikail Azizi Baswedan, Emperor Hakam Baswedan, and Ismail Hakim Baswedan.

In 1997, Anies received a Fulbright scholarship from the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation to continue his master’s degree in International Security and Economic Policy at the School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland. Anies was also awarded the William P. Cole III Fellow at the University and graduated in December 1998.

In 1999, shortly after graduating from Maryland, Anies received another scholarship to continue his studies in Political Science at Northern Illinois University. Anies worked as a research assistant in the Office of Research, Evaluation, and Policy Studies on campus and won the Gerald S. Maryanov Fellow scholarship, an award that is only given to NIU students who excel in the field of Political Science in 2004. His dissertation was entitled “Regional Autonomy and Patterns of Democracy in Indonesia”, investigated the effects of decentralization policies on the responsiveness and transparency of local governments and public participation, using survey data from 177 districts or cities in Indonesia. Anies got his title in 2005.

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Anies Baswedan’s career

Anies Baswedan has had a brilliant career since his young age. Following are Anies Baswedan’s careers:

1. Researcher at the Inter-University Center for Economics, Gadjah Mada University

When he finished his undergraduate program, Anies had a career as a researcher and project coordinator at the UGM Inter-university Center for Economic Studies.

2. Research Manager IPC, Inc. Chicago

After completing his doctoral studies in 2004, Anies worked as a riser manager at IPC, Inc. Chicago which is an association of world electronics companies. Anies took the job because he did not have the money to return to Indonesia.

3. Partnership for Governance Reform

Anies joined the Partnership for Governance Reform, a non-profit organization that focuses on bureaucratic reform in various regions in Indonesia by emphasizing cooperation between the government and the civil sector.

4. Research Director of the Indonesian Institute Center

Anies became the research director of The Indonesian Institute which is a public policy research institute founded in October 2004 by dynamic young activists and intellectuals.

5. Chancellor of Paramadina University

Anies was appointed Chancellor of Paramadina University on May 15, 2007. Anies was still 38 years old at that time, and Anies was the youngest rector in Indonesia. Legitimately becoming rector, Anies made a strategy, namely awarding the Paramadina Fellowship or the Paramadina scholarship. The scholarship covers tuition fees, books as well as living expenses.

Paramadina Fellowship is the embodiment of idealism with business language. To make this happen, Anies took the concept of naming graduated students as is commonly used in many universities in North America and Europe. Anies has also made waves with anti-corruption teaching since he was in college. Anies considers that corruption is one of the nation’s problems. Anti-corruption is taught in this course from theoretical frameworks to investigative reports on corruption practices.

6. Chairman of the Indonesian Teaching Movement Foundation

Anies is known as the originator of Indonesia Teaches. This movement is the younger generation who are recruited as young teachers in elementary schools and the community for one year. This idea emerged when Anies was still a UGM student. In 1950, Mr. Koes initiated a program called Student Workforce Recruitment (PTM), this program was to fill the shortage of high school teachers in the regions, especially outside Java. This PTM actually established a new and first high school in a regency city.

After leaving UGM, Anies received a scholarship to continue his studies in the United States. By studying and working abroad, Anies realizes that Indonesian children need world-class competencies to compete in a global environment. Indonesian children must also have sufficient understanding. All the processes that he did slowly formed a big idea, namely the Indonesian Teaching Movement.

7. Participants in the Democratic Party Candidate Convention

On August 27, 2013, Anies was summoned to enter the world of politics by administering the country and attending the Democratic convention. The invitation contained an endeavor to participate in paying off the promise of Independence. Anies Baswedan received with eleven other people.

His enthusiasm to pay off the kanji for independence is what Anies’ mission is for the country. For Anies what was stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution was not just an ideal but a promise that had to be kept. Anies believes that this promise must be fulfilled by all Indonesian citizens, including himself.

His stance was stated officially in the declaration of the Democratic Party Convention on September 15, 2013. The idea he conveyed was inviting everyone to get involved in running the country and get involved. His idea was proven by creating the Hand Down Movement which within one year managed to gather more than 300,000 volunteers without pay.

8. Convention Debate

Following are some of the Democratic Party Convention State debates that were attended by Anies Baswedan:

  • Convention Debate in Medan

Anies’ first debate revealed several initiatives, such as his idea to relocate BUMN offices to the regions. For Anies first, economic materials in Indonesia must be evenly distributed. Anies also wrote a clean political history with the support of unpaid volunteers and not soiling the banners.

  • Convention Debate in Palembang

The second convention debate was held at the Palembang Sport Convention Center. Anies emphasized development and economic equality down to the village. In addition, Anies also emphasized that economic equality can be achieved if infrastructure development in villages such as electricity, roads and irrigation can be well developed.

  • Convention Debate in Bandung

The third debate was held at the Harris Hotel, Bandung. Anies revealed the concept of leadership that would be carried out, such as playing angklung, the meaning of this concept is that everyone involved intervenes, while the leader moves and creates harmony.

9. The initiator intervened

Anies Baswedan founded the Turun Tangan Movement in August 2013. This movement is to invite everyone to be involved in paying off the promise of independence and to invite everyone to be involved in taking care of this country by encouraging governance. This movement succeeded in gathering more than 35,000 volunteers.

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The Turun Tangan movement is engaged in political activities, which encourages young people throughout Indonesia to actively participate in political movements. This movement is supported by the first online platform based on a volunteer movement.

This platform functions to help volunteers find, collect and mobilize volunteers in locations throughout Indonesia based on their respective expertise. This system is supported by e-mail and SMS to invite volunteers from various regions.

This movement is also a driving force for campaigns to be carried out in a healthy manner without any black campaigns. For example, it was carried out by Turun Tangan in the Bandung area who invited the presidential and vice presidential candidates to carry out a healthy campaign in the 2014 presidential election.

9. Spokesperson for the Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla presidential election pair

1o. Deputy Jokowi-JK Transition Office

11. Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia

Anies Baswedan was given a mandate by President Jokowi to become the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in his cabinet on October 27, 2014. Anies considers that education is the key to improving human quality. Therefore Anies feels that the improvement in the quality of education will occur by improving the quality of teachers.

During his time as Minister of Education and Culture, Anies made several breakthroughs, such as:

  • Delaying the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum, but returning to the 2006 Curriculum and implementing the 2013 Curriculum in a limited number of schools
  • Change the National Examination not only as a measure of graduation, but as a mapping of regional education quality distribution
  • Teacher Competency Test Program and Teacher Certification to improve the competence of a teacher
  • Establish a Directorate of Parenthood to strengthen the role of parents in educating children
  • Removing the school orientation period became an Introduction to the School Environment from the school
  • Appoint the Director General of Culture from non-PNS openly
  • Appointed the former KPK Prosecutor and the Head of the KPK Legal Bureau as Expert Staff for Education and Culture Regulation.

Profile of Anies Baswedan when he served as Governor of DKI Jakarta

In the gubernatorial election, Anies took Sandiaga Uno, a businessman and politician from the Gerindra Party, as his deputy. Anies and Sandiaga got serial number three during the draw. “ Jakarta Maju Bersama ” is the jargon of both campaigns. In the final round of the local elections, Anies and Sandi won with 57.96% of the vote. Anies Sandiaga was sworn in on October 16, 2017 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.

After officially becoming the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies made several policies including:

1. Zero DP

This program is a program for the people of Jakarta to own a house with a light down payment or even no down payment at all. This program received a lot of criticism and was inconsistent. Anies wants ” Zero Percent DP “, but this is considered a violation of Bank Indonesia regulations.

Anies was also considered inconsistent whether the house he offered was a landed house or an apartment. Sandi emphasized that this program is similar to the apartment program in Singapore. The program is in the form of the government building houses, not as a financing facilitator.

2. Reclamation Project

Anies canceled the permits for the reclamation of thirteen islands in the North Bay on September 26 2018. There are four islands that have already been built and construction will continue in 2018.

3. Jakarta International Stadium

This construction had actually been planned since Jokowi served as Governor, but the construction was only realized in 2019.

4. Floods in Jakarta

In the Regional Medium-Term development plan, Anies implemented a water resources program for flood control, such as revitalizing water resources infrastructure with the concept of naturalization, building infiltration wells, increasing canal revitalization, revitalizing the polder system, building coastal safety embankments, and also improving water management. .

5. Handling of Covid-19 in Jakarta

When the Covid-19 virus entered Indonesia with two positive patients, Anies announced the formation of the Covid-19 Response Team. The implementation of motorbike-free days is abolished to avoid crowds. There are no learning activities in schools, office operations are suspended, entertainment venues and tourist destinations are closed. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government implemented large-scale social restrictions or PSBB for the first time and is also the first PSBB to be carried out in Indonesia.

So, that’s a biography about the life journey of Anies Baswedan, who is currently serving as Governor of the Capital City of Jakarta. If you want to know more about the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, Sinaumed’s can read references and buy books available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!

Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine

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