Ambition: Understanding, Tips on Being Ambitious, and the Risks of Being Too Ambitious

Ambition is – In the life that we live, of course we have a certain desire or purpose. Usually, to achieve this goal, you have to go through quite a struggle and effort. Of course, the struggle to achieve success and success is not an easy matter.

Therefore, it takes a special way as well as support or encouragement within oneself. One form of self-motivation to achieve success is the existence of ambition or what we usually know as ambition.

For today’s youth, the word ambition may be familiar. Even so, some people also use the word ambition in giving negative judgments to other people who seem to have big ambitions in their lives.

In fact, actually the existence of ambition in a person is one way so that every effort and struggle that we do can succeed in achieving the main goal to be achieved.

Ambition | Meaning of ambition - YouTube

Therefore, so that we do not carelessly give a negative assessment of the ambitious nature of a person. It would be better if we knew everything related to ambition or ambition.

Definition of Ambition

The word ambition is one of the most common terms used to describe someone who has one goal and tries hard to achieve the goal he has. Actually, the word ambition comes from the word ambition.

However, today’s children use the word ambition more than the word ambition. According to KBBI or the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word ambition comes from ambitious which, if interpreted, is a strong desire to be able to achieve something, whether it’s hopes or dreams.

For example, when a student has the ambition to be the first winner in a certain class, the student will make various efforts to be able to get what he wants.

Starting from complying with every rule in school, following every teacher’s orders, coming to school in a timely manner, diligently writing down every explanation of the subject so that it looks always active in class.

From this explanation, it can be concluded that being ambitious or ambitious is a positive trait possessed by someone when they want to achieve something that they have aspired to. Even so, sometimes people’s assessment of the word ambition is something that is considered unfavorable, monotonous or even considered negative.

Poor Assessment of the Word Ambition

A bad assessment of someone who has an ambitious nature will usually be easy to find at the level of junior high school, high school and college education. This is because in the process of learning activities there are always some students who have higher goals or aspirations than other students and students.

Where those who have higher goals than other people will usually get the title as a group of ambitious people. This is because usually they will be considered only thinking about themselves and personal goals.

In fact, being ambitious for students is a natural thing because it is indeed capable of triggering one’s perseverance to be able to study more actively, work hard to achieve success in school.

Even so, the existence of ambition in a person is often still considered bad by some people. Especially for those who have an ordinary view of a desire against those who have an ambitious side in wanting something.

Those who have ambition will be considered as a group of people who are apathetic or do not care about other people. This can happen because usually ambitious people will only think about how to achieve the goals they have always wanted.

Is It Really A Bad Thing To Be Ambitious?

If we look again, people who are usually considered ambitious will have a positive side because the hard work they do can be maximized so that they can be achieved immediately. Even so, it’s not uncommon for ambitious people to be labeled too much.

Not only that, because people who are ambitious often get ridicule or negative judgment from those who are less ambitious in achieving something. However, is it true that the existence of ambition is a bad thing?

Sarah Boyd explained that ambition is related to growth and progress which in the end will be able to support self-esteem and well-being in one’s life. People who have ambition are proven to be able to get a better quality of life in various aspects. Starting from income, career and various other things.

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Meanwhile, according to the Harvard Business Review, ambition or ambition is a natural and healthy thing. Ambition can show the existence of a desire to show the best, continue to grow, be able to achieve results from the efforts made and become a part of identity.

The existence of ambition will be able to give birth to the best leaders. Ambition can also be a gateway to make it easier to achieve life goals. When someone lacks ambition, that person will feel lazy and have no motivation in achieving something.
In fact, when that person has gotten the results of his hard work, then these results only fall into mediocre standards to make him easily bored and feel wasted for what he had done.

Tips for Becoming an Ambitious Person

Many people sometimes feel if they have been too long to relax or relax. Where he wants to change this bad behavior to become an ambitious person but doesn’t know where to start.

How to Be More Ambitious - Scott H Young

An ambitious person is a term for those who have an ambitious side in doing something to be able to achieve the specific goals they want. It is undeniable that ambitious people usually always have big demands on themselves so that they have to keep fighting to get these goals.

As for some tips on being an ambitious person in achieving certain goals are as follows.

1. There is a Strong Desire

Ambitious people will have great demands on themselves and their way of life. This will make them to continue to be competitive. That way they will be able to improve their lives for the better.

2. Compete with Yourself

Focus on yourself should also be owned by ambitious people. Instead of focusing on other people’s achievements, you are better off focusing on improving yourself. For example, by imagining your biggest competitor in life is yourself.

Also note that competing with yourself can help you focus more on the goals you want to achieve. Competition with yourself will help you move forward.

3. Friends with Ambitious People

Environmental factors will also determine one’s future. This also applies to ambitious people. They will have more to be friends with people who have their own ambitions in life.

An ambitious circle of friends will motivate you and provide your own inspiration. You will also be more familiar with habits and thought processes. In addition, you will also be able to find a mentor to achieve personal desires from the friendship network. Finding the right mentor will make it easier for you to pave the way for you to achieve your goals and hopes.

4. Setting Goals

Setting goals is also a motivating factor as an ambitious person. There are several ways to make the goals you want easier to achieve. The following is an explanation related to some of these ways.

  • specific . More narrow goals so that planning can be more specific.
  • scalable . Find a way that can be used to measure the progress and success that has been achieved.
  • Attainable . Make a goal more realistic so that it can be achieved easily.
  • relevant . Set goals that are consistent with values ​​and long term.
  • time . Choose a date to be able to start your goal to be more motivated.
  • Dare to Take Risks . Being an ambitious person needs to learn more and dare to take risks. You can do many new things and dare to explore yourself. Taking risks is also a part of the learning process.

Choosing to Be Ambitious Person and Positive Impact on Success

Being ambitious or not is a choice of each individual. The choice is also related to how a person understands the true meaning of ambition.

For those who have ambitious traits, of course there’s nothing wrong with continuing to have these traits. This also applies to those who give a negative assessment of the ambitious also there is no harm. This is because we as humans also cannot control how someone views us personally.

Even so, if we look at the meaning of ambitious or ambitious in KBBI it actually gives a positive meaning. The meaning of ambition leads to someone to always be stuck on point, namely the success and ideals they have. Ambitious nature also cannot be separated from the nature of commitment and consistency to be able to keep fighting.

Success will be easier for us to get when there is struggle and effort in the process of achieving it. Someone’s true ambition will help them to be more able to stick to the goals they want to achieve.

The meaning of ambition must also be able to give an appreciation. This is because with ambition we can be more aware that whatever we want must be paid for with hard struggle and effort.

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Even so, we as humans must also be able to condition ourselves and not be too hard on ourselves. If it’s time to rest, then use that time to rest.

When it’s time to gather with family or friends, then use that time to make it easier to find positive energy. This is very important so that we can work hard again in achieving our goals and success in the future.

The Risk of Having Too Big Ambition

For those who already have an ambitious nature in themselves, of course they already have a lot of what their personality will be like in the next few years. As previously explained, if everyone is ambitious, they will make struggles and efforts to realize their goals in life.

This can indeed make its own admiration. Even so, ambitions that are too big don’t just come for free. But having big ambitions can take time, emotion and energy within yourself.

Therefore, before you go any further, you should first read some of the explanations below.

Do not have time to be able to enjoy the results of hard work

People who have high ambitions are usually willing to work hard all day long. Lack of sleep is not a problem for them, sometimes they even sacrifice weekends.

When you do that, then maybe you won’t have time especially to have fun because of certain successes. Or you don’t have time to hang out with friends or family.

Think Big - The Power of Ambition - YouTube

Potential Loss of a Close Person

Due to the busyness of the business being run, you will miss the opportunity to spend quality time with the people closest to you. Where you don’t really spend time with them. If this happens, then be prepared that they will slowly disappear from your life.

Others Will Expect More From You

When everyone sees that you have higher ideals, then people will place their expectations on you. Not infrequently they are also unrealistic and sometimes even jump because you feel that if you yourself will do anything to make that dream come true.

You will become afraid of disappointing others, so you will forget that your main reason for being ambitious is to achieve personal goals, not others.

The Problems Faced Are Getting More Severe

The bigger the ambition within you, the heavier the burden you will carry. You must be able to adapt to every change and environment that may not match your expectations, more responsibility and you must be ready to get out of your comfort zone.

It is undeniable that one day there will be a phase where you feel overwhelmed and your personal enthusiasm begins to evaporate. So, it’s in this phase that you start to get the toughest test, whether you want to move on with a heavier burden to get your goals or give up but won’t get anything.

Blinded By Results

Ambition that is too big will make you too focused on achieving perfect results and always satisfying. This will make you forget the importance of living the process and also the small steps of the struggle that is being carried out.

Therefore, when you get valuable experience and mature from every mistake that exists, you don’t want to know and can only see from the side of failure, not from learning.

Potential to Hurt or Harm Others

Sometimes to get what you want there are some people who justify any means that can harm the other party. If indeed you do this action, then think again whether harming other people to get something can be worth the effort you have been doing.

Actually, whatever the reason is, you can’t hurt or even harm the other party, especially if you do it patiently. Always remember if you never hurt others when you also don’t want to be hurt by others.

Too Difficult to Treat Wounds

Having big ambitions will make you have bigger obsessions. If you already have a big obsession, your brain will only focus on certain things. But you also need to know and be aware that not all big ambitions will lead to success.

It could be that at one time there will be a failure that turns out to be quite a deep wound. Because all your energy and thoughts are too devoted to certain ambitions. You will experience pain that is difficult to treat. Where maybe only time can heal.


Well , that’s a review of ambition or personal ambition. Having goals to achieve is something that everyone should have. However, it should also be remembered that we also have to always stand on the ground.

That means, it could be because ambition is too big it might make you fly up so that you forget that we are actually standing on earth. So, don’t let ambition be too big to make us live in solitude losing the closest person or maybe at the point of falling so that it is difficult to treat.