Aggression is Aggressive and Attacking Behavior, See the Explanation

Aggression is – In a pattern of social life, there is friction between people which can then cause various problems, one of which is aggression.

In simple terms, aggression is a detrimental behavior in a social interaction. On the other hand, aggression is a behavior which is then related to social and psychology. In the field of behavioral psychology, aggression is part of behavior that causes harm.

Aggression can then hurt an individual or a group. On another meaning is an action that is often associated with aggressiveness. This can happen to anyone and by anyone.

Aggression itself is behavior that refers to violence, behavior and other emotions. In verbal or physical actions, this is an action that makes humans involved when they try to hurt or hurt others. Aggression itself is a phenomenon that can occur in various forms, ranging from relatively small actions to more serious actions.

Aggression is Hostile Actions Against Others

In addition to the definition described above, there are several other meanings of this term. As quoted from the KBBI Big Indonesian Dictionary, aggression is a feeling of anger or rude action due to failure or disappointment in achieving a goal which can then be directed at objects or people.

In anthropology, aggression is an act of hostility that is physically or psychologically offensive to a party. KBBI then defines aggression as a form of attack on another country. Not only that, the existence of aggression as a social interaction also aims to cause damage as well as other losses to other individuals.

In general, this term is overt and covert and often dangerous. In classification, aggression is then divided into two types, namely direct and indirect. Directly then it is also marked by physical behavior or verbal behavior which is then intended to hurt someone.

While indirect is characterized by physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt someone. In classification, aggression is then divided into two types, including direct and indirect.

Directly characterized by physical or verbal behavior intended to harm someone. While indirect is characterized by physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt someone.



Definition According to Experts

Here are some definitions of aggression that are also conveyed by experts.

1. Berkowitz

According to Berkowitz, it always refers to several types of behavior, both physical behavior or symbolic behavior carried out with the aim of hurting.

2. Freud

According to Freud, it is the first way known to humans to express their anger, which is then poured out through physical attacks on objects, living or inanimate objects that will evoke emotions.

3. Robert A Baron

According to Robert A Baron is individual behavior that is intended to harm other individuals who do not want this behavior.

4. Buss and Perry

Buss and Perry define it as behavior with the aim of hurting other people both psychologically and physically.

5. Atkinsons

Atkinson describes it as a behavior that intentionally and unintentionally can injure another person either physically or verbally or by destroying a property.

6. Cardboard

According to Kartono is an emotional explosion and great anger, these actions will then lead to hostility directed at someone or something.

7. Myers

Myers gives the meaning is a verbal or physical behavior that is intentional with the aim of hurting, harming or destroying other people and then injuring the object that is the target of aggression.

8. Murray

According to Murray, it is a need to attack, rape or injure other people with the aim of belittling, harming, harming, disturbing, damaging, malicious, ridiculing, ridiculing and accusing other people in a healthy manner, as well as severely punishing or committing various other sadistic acts.

Factors Causing the Appearance of Aggression

Aggression is a violent behavior caused by feelings of anger resulting in physical or psychological damage. This can then have a negative impact on mental, economic, social conditions and even trigger chronic diseases.

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There are various causes in a community environment according to Byod McCandless and Davidoff.

1. The Anger Factor

Anger is usually one of the emotions characterized by high activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and the existence of strong feelings of dislike and is generally caused by a real mistake, or the fact is wrong or not.

2. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors alone can cause an aggression. This environmental factor itself is directly related to poverty, anonymity, to hotter temperatures.

3. Social Learning Factors

By witnessing fights and killings even though they are a little stimulating then it allows someone to imitate these various models of violence.

4. Biological Factors

Biological factors are factors related to genes, blood chemistry factors, and brain system factors. Genes seem to influence the formation of a brain neural system which then regulates aggressive behavior.

The brain system involved in aggression itself can reinforce or control aggression. While chemical factors in the blood can also affect it.

Impact of Aggressive Behavior

Maybe some of you may have committed an act of aggression. However, when it occurs frequently and becomes extreme, this may be a sign of a mental health disorder.

Not only that, this behavior itself can cause chronic health problems. A study published by SAGE Journals later stated that there is a relationship between anger and chronic inflammation which then causes health problems such as cardiovascular disease.

However, until now it is not clear whether uncontrolled anger can then cause this condition. Or, it is precisely this condition that will make it more difficult for a person to manage intense emotions, such as anger.

In addition to physical and mental conditions, aggressive behavior also has a negative impact on your relationship and your family or partner, or co-workers.

Victims of this act of aggression themselves feel that they have experienced harmful treatment, so that they eventually distance themselves from or end the relationship with the perpetrator of the aggression. On the other hand, the perpetrator of aggression will eventually feel more stressed and alienated from other people.

Types of Aggressive Behavior

Have you ever felt really angry and wanted to take it out on other people or objects around you? You may experience aggressive behavior. Aggression is a form of aggressive behavior that endangers mental and physical health, which will harm other people.

Check out the full review of aggressive behavior and how to control it below. There are two types of aggressive behavior that are equally detrimental, namely instrumental aggression and impulsive aggression.

1. Impulsive Aggression

Impulsive aggression is also known as affective aggression or reactive aggression. This in itself is characterized by very strong emotions. Impulsive aggression is then caused by anger which triggers the acute threat response system in the brain.

This type of aggression is itself unplanned and can appear suddenly and uncontrollably. An example of impulsive aggressive behavior is shouting or cursing other motorists when a vehicle is overtaking.

2. Instrumental Aggression

Instrumental aggression, also known as predatory aggression. This type of aggression then refers to behavior that is planned to achieve a larger goal.

This type of aggression generally involves more purpose, calculation, but not a loss of control. An example of instrumental aggression behavior is an attack that ends up hurting another person in an act of robbery

Forms of Aggression

Forms of aggressive behavior include in the form of an action aimed at hurting other people, both psychologically and physically. The following are among the forms of aggression that you need to be aware of.

  • Physical, is the existence of harmful physical contact, such as damaging, hitting, kicking, to stabbing.
  • Verbal, is verbally hurtful behavior, ranging from mocking, shouting, to insulting.
  • Relational, is an action that aims to damage other people’s relationships, such as bullying, gossiping, slandering, or lying about other people.
  • Passive-aggressive, is an action that aims to allow harm when it befalls someone and harms him indirectly, for example, ignoring other people and sarcasm.
  • Cyberbullying, is bullying on social media. If you experience one or more of the signs of aggressive behavior above, immediately consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.



How to Control Aggressive Behavior

Before you consult a professional about the signs of aggression you are experiencing, it’s a good idea to try to manage your anger and deal with it in a more secure way. There are several ways to control this behavior.

  • Recognize the warning signs of anger, such as a fast pulse, sweating, or blushing.
  • Try relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and meditation.
  • Focus on something you can see, smell, hear, touch, or feel.
  • Stay away from situations that can generate anger.
  • Regular exercise can burn excess energy and increase happiness hormones.
  • Look for support systems and social support.
  • Turn your attention to positive activities, try to find fun hobbies and useful activities.
  • Trying to get rid of prejudice and negative thoughts.
  • Learn to accept and explore emotions.
  • Learn about mindfulness.
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If in various ways the emotions and behavior cannot be overcome, consult a professional such as a psychiatrist or psychiatrist for a solution.

Especially if you experience one or more of the following conditions:

  • Aggression or frequent emotions
  • Causing various problems as well as social, personal, and professional relationships
  • Interfere with activities in daily life
  • Uncontrollable emotions

Those are various things about aggressive behavior that you need to know. In general, it is normal for every human being to feel angry or emotional about various situations. However, if these emotions then start to occur frequently and present uncontrollably or are detrimental to yourself and others, do not hesitate to seek professional help.

Recommended Books Related to Aggressive Behavior Management

1. First Aid to Your Emotions

Just as our bodies are sometimes hurt, we also experience emotional wounds: failure, guilt, rejection, loss, and the like. While we have bandages for cuts or ice cubes for bruises, most of us just don’t know how to deal with everyday emotional wounds.

In fact, if not treated immediately, emotional wounds can worsen and significantly affect our quality of life. In this book, Guy Winch describes the long-term effects of untreated emotional and psychological wounds.

By outlining its symptoms, causes, and effects, it offers concrete, easy-to-do exercises to aid its recovery. Based on the latest science from the latest scientific research and extraordinary psychological experiments, filled with interesting stories about the lives of patients, and seasoned with humor where necessary, this book provides a step-by-step treatment that is fast, simple and effective.

This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to become a strong person, by eliminating the emotional pain and heartache that hinders personal progress. Like a psychological medicine box, it is a first aid kit for your emotional pain.

2. Understanding and Managing Emotions

According to research, 85% of people experience depression, trauma, stress, and this happens to anyone, at any time, be it adults, small children or the elderly. Everyone can be affected. Stress and suicide rates are getting higher and the happiness index is getting harder to find.

Then what actually happened? Then what’s the solution? Why is happiness something that is hard to find? Why is it so hard to accept reality? Why is it so hard to be patient? Why is it easy to stress and panic?

Why is it the same problem and it seems like there is no end? Why do trusted people betray? Why is it so hard to find honest and capable people? Why is health not optimal, the body gets tired quickly? How to accept failure? How to celebrate loss?

We need to read this book to know the answer.

3. Be Free and Happy: Guidelines and Therapeutic Techniques for Achieving Emotional Freedom

Who doesn’t want to be happy? Everyone wants the feeling of happiness. So, it is very natural that many people go through various ways to have feelings of happiness. One way is to find information about happiness and how to get it.

In this book be free and happy, you can get a very complete package about happiness. Not only can you read it, but you can also follow the applicative steps that this book presents.

4. The Art of Making Peace with Emotions

Light problems can sometimes be resolved in a short time, but other problems take longer. Conflict and pressure are the causes of tension in life.

There is even a proverb that says that actually no one can be said to be a normal person. We sometimes exhibit illogical and coercive behavior, and suffer from illnesses caused by emotions.

Remember, how many times have we complained when we were late for school, or when we were overburdened by our superiors. When we suffer pain caused by the soul and emotions, should we take care of ourselves?

In this book, we will get both theory and practice for self-healing related to psychiatric problems. For example, through self-hypnosis or simple exercises to let go of psychological problems in the past that are still carried over to the present.

Even though we ignore the problems in the past, we will unconsciously influence our behavior in our future. So, why do we carry the burden of the past, if we can let go of it?

As we know, aggression is a form of behavior that causes harm to the other party. Of course, we need to increase our knowledge so we can better understand how to avoid and manage aggressive behavior. As #Friends Without Limits, Sinaumed’s can read the books available at so they have #MoreWithReading information.