How to write the correct word di, between separated or connected

Most people probably don’t know about how to write the word in the right way, for example in everyday use, such as connecting or separating. Even though it is only one of the many types of words that we often use, there are errors that arise because many people also don’t know how to write the correct word in.

Most people admit that they cannot write the word di properly and correctly for two reasons, namely not understanding how to write the word di correctly from the start and forgetting how to write the word di because they are not used to using it correctly in everyday life.

Wrong writing of the word di will eventually result in the meaning of a sentence also changing. Therefore, as someone who cares about the rules of good and correct language, we need to correct various everyday language habits that are not quite right. The purpose of writing words in a sentence is so that the information to be conveyed can be understood clearly and easily.

So, in this article, we will learn about how to write good and correct words in a complete and in-depth manner. One of the most important things so that someone can easily understand how to write the word di is also learning the meaning and function of the Indonesian vocabulary. Immediately, see the following reviews.

A. How to write the correct word di

In the PUEBI Book: General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling written by Eko Sugiarto which was published in 2017, there are two kinds of ways to write the correct word di, namely as a preposition and as a prefix.

1. The word in as a preposition

Each word that has a function as a preposition must be written separately from the word that follows it. The word in as a preposition can be written separately when it is used in front of nouns denoting place, name, time and location.

In addition, in some usages, the preposition can usually also be replaced by the word from. For example, writing the word “here” can be changed to “from here”. However, writing the word in as a preposition cannot be converted into an active verb by adding the affix me-. For example, writing the word “there” cannot be changed to “me there”.


  • Mother has returned from grandmother’s house in Bandung.
  • The farewell event will be held at the Cianjur Camping Ground
  • Where did Nabila stay during Lebaran?
  • The singer canceled his concert in Jakarta.
  • Tiara regularly exercises with her best friend in the morning.

2. The word in as a prefix

In contrast to the word in as a preposition which is written separately, the word in as a prefix must be written in connection with the word that follows it. Writing the word di as a prefix can be used if it is followed by a passive verb.

The following are two things that need to be considered when writing the word in the spliced, namely:

1. Demonstrate its role as an affix.

2. Writing in which is equipped with a passive verb. Passive verbs themselves can usually be changed to active verbs by adding the affix ‘me’.

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in + passive verb = combined

As words that get added prefixes, passive verbs can be changed to active verbs by adding the affix me-. For example, the word “opened” can be changed to “opened”.


  • Indonesian Independence Day speech read by President Joko Widodo.
  • Every time Rani comes home from school, her father picks her up.
  • Diana was often praised because she always won first place in her class.
  • It is forbidden to throw garbage in this area.
  • The body will be buried soon.

One simple example of using passive sentences to become active sentences, namely the word written can be changed to write.

B. Example of How to Write the Word Di

After understanding how to write the word in a good and correct way, from which it is separated and also connected. In this section, several examples of the use of the word di will be presented so that you can better understand how to write words according to Indonesian language rules.


1. Example of Writing the Word In Separate

Well, an example of writing the word in which is separated, among others, is as follows:

Example 1:

Incorrect: There are lots of vegetable gardens outside the house ready to be planted

That’s right: Outdoors there are lots of vegetable gardens ready to be planted

Example 2:

Incorrect: Ayuk keeps her favorite stuffed toy in her bedroom cupboard

Correct: Ayuk keeps her favorite stuffed toy in her bedroom cupboard

Example 3:

Incorrect: Andi arranged an appointment in the afternoon to meet with potential buyers

Correct: Andi set up an appointment in the afternoon to meet with potential buyers

Based on some examples of writing the words above, there are some mistakes that are common and are made by many people. The following are some examples of the use of the word in as a preposition that should be separated, but is instead written as a conjunction.

In the market; not on the market

In the building; not in the building

In terminals; not terminal

At the crossroad; not quartered

In the office; not at the office

At the health center; not the health center

On the sidewalk; not on the sidewalk

In the village; not in the village

In library; not in the library

In the evening; not at night

On the table; not at the table

In a drawer; not a drawer


2. Example of How to Write a Word in Spliced

If in the previous example the word di was written separately, in this section the word di can be written in conjunction.

Example 1:

Incorrect: Because the public transportation bus broke down, the passengers were transferred to another bus

Correct: Because the angkot buses broke down, passengers were transferred to other buses

Example 2:

Incorrect: Due to a landslide the road to the house was diverted

Correct: Due to the landslide the road leading to the house was diverted

Example 3:

Incorrect: As a result of disturbing the chicks, Riko is chased to the ground in fear

Correct: As a result of disturbing the chicks, Riko is chased and runs away in fear

In writing the word in the merge, there are still some mistakes that are usually made by many people. So, here are some examples of using the word in as a prefix that must be combined with the next word, including:

written; not written
purchased; not bought
occupied; not occupied
; not visited
loved; not loved
plus; not added
transferred; not diverted
where; not where

taught; not taught to be
beaten; not being beaten
and chased; not chased
made; not made
aside; not side by side
aside; not aside
requested; not asked to be
given; not in love

ruled out; not being cast aside
as a scapegoat; not blackmailed

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worn; not for
rent; not on rent
bribed; not being spied on in
bribes; not peeked
passed; not in the opera
connected; not connected

C. How to Write Words in Everyday Life

Basically, linguistic errors in the form of written language are more numerous when compared to spoken language. This is because writing language in written form can be seen visually, while spoken language can only be listened to. For example, such as the use of words in written form.

In the context of writing, words in a related sentence are connected or separated, it can only be considered in the form of written language. In spoken language, the use of the word in either as a prefix or as a preposition cannot be distinguished.

So, do not be surprised if the language in written form is more of a concern than the use of language in spoken form. Even though it looks trivial because of the matter of connecting and separating the words in. However, if you don’t understand the context of a sentence correctly, it may lead to a different meaning or not be easy to understand.

We can do this in using language to compile scientific works such as theses, theses, or for the benefit of other writing competitions. In this activity, errors in writing were not only in the use of the word di, but also the use of conjunctions, endings and even the use of scientific terms.

The benefits of writing good and correct words will be very helpful if you have a profession as a writer, researcher, student and lecturer. This is because the profession is in direct contact with the use of written language in everyday life. However, this can also apply to those who have a focus on story telling, speakers or anything that is non-written in nature.

In addition, there are several questions that are quite frequently asked regarding the way words are written in a sentence, including:

1. where or where

Correct answer: where.
The words in “where” are prepositions (not affixes) written separately. The word di is not a prefix of a passive verb, where is the word “where”.

2. above or above

Correct answer: above.
Like writing the word where, the use of the word above is also a preposition. As a result, the writing of these words must be written separately.

3. among or between

Correct answer: in between

4. under or under

Correct answer: below

D. Tips for Reducing Indonesian Writing Errors

After knowing various things about writing and using words in a sentence. There are some tips you can do to avoid using the wrong word in writing sentences. The following are some tips that you can do at home, including:

1. Read more reading texts

A person’s ability to understand reading and writing Indonesian can be further developed by increasing reading intensity. By starting to diligently read various reading sources, such as books, newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Then you can have an attitude of automation in using words according to the rules of the Indonesian language.

2. Take note of the vocabulary you don’t know

When you read a reading text, one way to improve your ability to use words according to the correct language rules is to mark or record vocabulary that you don’t know. This will really help you to increase your vocabulary in Indonesian. After writing it down, you can check the correct writing in KBBI or PUEBI.

3. Frequently open KBBI or PUEBI

The last tip you can do to avoid mistakes in writing Indonesian is to get used to opening KBBI or PUEBI. With KBBI and PUEBI, you can always check your language writing. In addition, the two services can further improve Indonesian writing. Starting from writing words, punctuation, spelling, capital letters, to writing foreign letters. These tips can make you more motivated to always improve words or writing according to Indonesian language rules.