5 Examples of Bibliography of Papers and the Right Writing Concept!

Example of Bibliography of Papers – As students or students, of course we get the task of writing papers or other scientific reports. In each writing, a bibliography is needed to strengthen citations or check for plagiarism in a work.

The bibliography itself is a reference list of all quotations used in scientific work. References included in the bibliography usually come from papers, books, articles in magazines or newspapers. The bibliography is located after the closing.

As for the purpose of writing a bibliography, namely as a form of scientific responsibility of the author to quote other people’s statements or opinions in the scientific work he makes. Writing a bibliography cannot be done haphazardly. It has certain rules.

Launching from the Ruangguru.com page, the benefits of writing a bibliography are as follows.

  • Meet the ethics of writing
  • The author’s form of thanks to the contributors of research data.
  • As a supporter of the idea of ​​a writer.
  • Instructions for tracing the correctness of the data taken.
  • Cross reference, which shows on the page or part of the data written.

Purpose of Writing Bibliography

Writing a bibliography has several purposes. Launching from the Sampoernaunversity.ac.id page, the following is the purpose of writing a bibliography.

1. Avoid Plagiarism

By including a bibliography, it indicates that Sinaumed’s has compiled scientific work in accordance with applicable regulations. The list of references is valid and avoids quoting from references written by plagiarizing the work of others.

2. Strengthen Writing

Having a bibliography makes the statements that Sinaumed’s writes more valid and stronger. By including expert statements, the arguments or statements that Sinaumed’s makes are stronger and the potential for them to be broken is smaller.

3. Helping Readers

The bibliography will help the reader to find out the origin of a statement made. If the reader wants to read more about the topic, it will be easier to find references or previous research.

4. Awards for Authors

Not only avoiding plagiarism. Writing a bibliography also aims to give appreciation or a form of appreciation for the authors of books, articles, or other references. By writing the author’s name, Sinaumed’s has given appreciation for his effort and dedication in compiling a work.

How to Write a Bibliography

Writing a bibliography has rules that must be obeyed. The bibliography consists of the author’s name, year of publication, reference title, place of publication, and publisher’s name. Here’s how to write a bibliography that has been summarized from the Sampoernauniversity.ac.id page.

1. Author Name

The name of the author of the book or other reliable sources is the first element that must be written in the bibliography. The author’s name is used as the basis for sorting reference sources based on alphabetical order.

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The rule for writing the author’s name is to put the last name first. Then, just put the first name and other name series. First and last name separated by a comma. It should be noted, academic degrees are not listed in the bibliography.

For example: Anwar, Chairil

Meanwhile, for books or reference sources written by three authors, the stipulation is that the name of the first author is written in the same format as one author. Meanwhile, the second name is written normally without being reversed and connected with the conjunction “and”.

For example: Rakhmat, Jalaluddin and Selo Soemardjan.

There are further provisions if the author of the reference is written by three authors. The stipulation is that the first author’s name is written in the one-author format. Furthermore, it is added with the abbreviation “et al” which means “and friends”.

For example: Rakhmat, Jalaluddin et al.

2. Year of Publication

After the author’s name is written with a period (.). Next, write down the year the book was published. The year of publication in a book is usually listed on the front page or the last page. Provisions for writing the year of publication of a book only include the year of publication in parentheses “()” and ends with a full stop (.).

For example: Jalaluddin, Rakhmat. (2007).

3. Reference Title

The next part is writing the title of the book. Provisions for writing the title of the book must be italicized and end with a full stop.

For example: Jalaluddin, Rakhmat. (2007). Communication Psychology.

4. Place of Publication

The element written after the year of publication is the place of publication of the book. In general, the book listed the place of publication. Write the place of publication by adding a colon after the name of the city of publication.

For example: Jalaluddin, Rakhmat. (2007). Communication Psychology . Bandung:

5. Publisher Name

The last part of the bibliography is the name of the publisher written in the book.

For example: Jalaluddin, Rakhmat. (2007). Communication Psychology . Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth

Errors that Occur in Writing Bibliography

Even though there are regulations regarding the writing of bibliography, there are still mistakes that are often made by writers. Summarizing from the Sampoernauniversity.ac.id page, the following are the mistakes that are often made when writing a bibliography.

1. No Author Name

It is not uncommon to find a reference source whose author’s name is not known. For such cases, the method of solving the case is by not needing to write down the author’s name. Writing begins with the title of the book, then the year it was published.

For example: Ten Deadly Marketing Sins (2004). New York: Wiley.

2. Author’s Name Contains Numbers

Some of the authors’ names contain numbers, especially for writers from abroad. If, Sinaumed’s encounters a case like this, then the method for writing a list of centers is as follows.

Anderson, Michael., III. (1995) . A Guide to Reptiles.  New York: Doubleday.

3. Edition book

Not infrequently, Sinaumed’s encounters books that go out of print more than once. However, over and over again with the same content. So the writing still uses the format or rules as usual. However, there is an additional “th edition” behind the title of the book, written in brackets, and the year is adjusted according to the time of publication.

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For example: Jalaluddin, Rakhmat. (2010). Psychology of Communication (3rd ed.). Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth

4. The Author is Not a Person

When a book or reference is not written by a person but by a certain institution, organization or institution. So, the way of writing is using the name of the institution in front—replacing the author’s name—without being reversed and continued according to the writing format.

For example: World Health Organization (1988). International Medical Guide for Ships: Including the Ship’s Medicine Chest . Geneva: World Health Organization.

5. Sources from Electronic Books

In this digital age, books also change form. It is also loaded in an electronic format that can be accessed online. When Sinaumed’s uses an electronic book source ( E-book ), the writing format is added to the access site source behind the publisher.

For example: World Health Organization (1988). International Medical Guide for Ships: Including the Ship’s Medicine Chest . Geneva: World Health Organization. Available on Google Books.

6. Edited by Editor

The next case in writing a bibliography is a book that has been edited by an editor. When Sinaumed’s finds a case like this, the solution is to include the editor’s name in the reverse format with the additional information “Eds” in parentheses.

7. Translation Books

When a book is very popular it will usually be translated into the languages ​​spoken in that particular country. If Sinaumed’s uses translated books as a source in writing, it can use the format below.

Kotler, Philip (2005 ). Ten Deadly Marketing Sins (Yati Sumiharti, Translation)  . Jakarta: Erlangga

Example of Bibliography of Papers

A list of paper references can be obtained through books, articles, or other sources. Therefore, each source has its own way of writing a bibliography. Launching from various pages on the internet , here are some examples of bibliography of papers from various sources.

1. An example of a bibliography of a paper from a book

Arikunto, Syharsini. 1993. Research Procedures A Practice Approach. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta

RI Ministry of Religion. 2006. Al Qur’an and Translation. Jakarta: CV Naladana

Maryanto, Ibnu., et al. 2007.  Mammal Regional Names in Indonesia . Jakarta: LIPI Press

Jalaluddin, Rahmat. (2007). Communication Psychology . Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth

2. Example Bibliography of Papers from Organizations

New YorkHealth. (2002). Best practice guidelines for the management of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents.  New York, Qld.: New York Health.

3. Sample Bibliography of Audio Visual Papers

Dion, Bene. Delicious Horrible . Imaginary, 2022.

Deddy Corbuzier . “TRY MOM ANSWER TRY JHT HOW??? – IDA FAUZIYAH – Deddy Corbuzier Podcast” . YouTube videos: 6:43. February 18, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBaVVAMD870

4. Example of bibliography of papers from journal articles

Wise, Kevin et al. (2013). Enjoyment of Advergames and Brand Attitudes The Impact of Thematic Relevance, 2(1), 27-36.

Wise, Kevin. (2013). Enjoyment of Advergames and Brand Attitudes The Impact of Thematic Relevance , 2(1), 27-36.

Wise, Kevin & D. Bolls, Paul (2013). Enjoyment of Advergames and Brand Attitudes The Impact of Thematic Relevance, 2(1), 27-36.

agency. Sudarti. 2009.  The Classical Period of Tarumanegara in the Pandeglang Region of Banten Province . Archaeological Research Results Report. Bandung: Bandung Archaeological Center.

5. Example of Bibliography of Papers from Newspapers

Wage. 2000. Increase in Rice Imports Than Exports. Tribune (14 February 2000)

Gitiyarko, Vincentius. 2022. Indonesian is Still Upheld. Compass (p. 2)

Dewabrata, Vishnu, et al. 2022. Indonesian in Music Dynamics. Compass (p. 8)

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