Roem Royen Agreement | Background, History, Results, Content & Impact

The history of the Roem Royen agreement – The Roem Royen agreement is an agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands which began on April 14, 1949 and was finally signed on May 7, 1949 at the Des Indes Hotel, Jakarta. His name was taken from the two leaders of the delegation, Mohammad Roem and Herman van Roijen.

This time, information about the history and background of the Roem Royen agreement will be presented along with the contents, impacts and results of the complete negotiations.

Roem Royen Agreement Background

The Roem Royen Agreement were initially motivated by an attack from the Netherlands on Indonesia after the proclamation of independence. The Dutch carried out an attack on Yogyakarta and the Dutch Military Aggression II attack.

This was coupled with the detention of Indonesian leaders which began to invite criticism from the international community, especially from the United States and the United Nations Council.

Pressure from abroad which then made the need for negotiations between Indonesia and the Netherlands. Therefore, the Roem Royen negotiations were carried out which became the way to the Round Table Conference (KMB) to be held in The Hague, Netherlands.

The date of the Roem Royen agreement was from April 14 to May 7, 1948 and took place in Jakarta.

The Roem Royen Negotiations

The Roem Royen Agreement began on April 14, 1948. In the Roem Royen agreement, the Indonesian side was represented by Mohammad Roem, several members such as Ali Sastro Amijoyo, Dr. Leimena, Ir. Juanda, Prof. Supomo, and Latuharhary. Meanwhile, the Dutch were represented by Dr. J. Herman van Royen with members such as Blom, Jacob, dr. Van, dr. Gede, Dr. PJ Koets, Van Hoogstratendan and Dr. Gieben.

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Meanwhile, the mediator is UNCI (United Nations Commission for Indonesia) chaired by Merle Cochran from the United States. Then the Indonesian negotiations were strengthened by the presence of Drs. Moh Hatta and Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

The new negotiations ended on May 7, 1949 at the Hotel Des Indes, Jakarta. This agreement began to be signed and the name of this agreement was decided to be taken from the names of the two leaders of the delegation, namely Mohammad Roem from the Indonesian side and Herman van Royen from the Dutch side.

Result of the Roem Royen Agreement

The results of the Roem Royen negotiations include:

  1. The armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia must stop all guerrilla activities
  2. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia will attend the Round Table Conference (KMB)
  3. The return of the government of the Republic of Indonesia to the city of Yogyakarta
  4. The Dutch armed forces will stop all military operations and release all prisoners of war and politics
  5. The Netherlands approved the Republic of Indonesia as part of the United States of Indonesia
  6. Sovereignty will be handed over to Indonesia in full and without conditions
  7. The Netherlands and Indonesia will establish an alliance on a voluntary basis and equal rights
  8. The Netherlands gives all rights, powers and obligations to Indonesia
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Impact of the Roem Royen Agreement

There are many impacts of this agreement on the situation in Indonesia. The contents of the Roem Royen agreement included the release of political prisoners so that Soekarno and Hatta returned to Yogyakarta after being exiled.

Yogyakarta is also the temporary capital of Indonesia. There was also the handover of the mandate from Sjafruddin Prawiranegara as president of the PDRI (Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia) back to Ir. Sukarno.

The most striking is the ceasefire between the Netherlands and Indonesia. The Roem Royen negotiations ended with the Round Table Conference (KMB) in The Hague, the Netherlands which resolved the problems between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

This is the reference information for the Roem Royen negotiations covering the background, objectives, history, results and content as well as the impacts. This incident became one of the historic events in the continuity of the Republic of Indonesia that occurred after the independence era.