9 Examples of the Ideals of Today’s Children

By the time a child reaches adulthood, he will begin to face many choices in life, one of which is work. We know that there are many types of work. With the development of the internet, there are lots of new types of jobs that have sprung up. This in the end becomes an opportunity as well as an opportunity for a child to start knowing about what job he wants in the future.

It could be that parents have only introduced various types of jobs in general, such as teachers, doctors, pilots, and firefighters. However, parents also have limitations in providing information regarding the type of work a child can take when growing up.

Currently, the world is in a transition period from a life without the internet to a full internet life. However, still, there are some jobs that will exist forever. Meanwhile, there are many types of jobs that will develop along with the development of the world of technology and the internet.

Well, this article will contain various recommendations regarding examples of children’s ideals, from examples of ideals of ancient children to examples of ideals of today’s children. The task of parents, of course, is to acquaint children with various job options that have the potential to be taken in the future. By having knowledge about ideals, this can be the first step for a child in determining future life goals.

A. An Example of the Ideals of Today’s Children

When you were little, you would often be asked about your goals or usually “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. Maybe some are confused but there are also those who answer with an optimistic attitude, for example doctors, teachers, pilots, even astronauts. The answer to this question about ideals is very popular for generations of children born in the 90s to early 20s.

However, as explained above, the development of the world with the internet is very rapid. As a result, the ideals of children are also increasingly changing. The following are some examples of the ideals of today’s children, including:

1. Youtubers

The first example of the ideals of today’s children is, of course, Youtuber. Youtube itself has become a platform that can be used by everyone to share videos. Nowadays, there are many people who use Youtube as a medium to achieve success. Over time, Youtube is growing, it is possible that this profession will continue to exist for the next 10 years.

Based on a survey conducted in University College London’s research, there are many children who are still in education aware that they already have aspirations to become a Youtuber. This survey was also reinforced by Katherine Chen from the Associate Professor at City College of New York, she said that children are more exposed to Youtube influencers nowadays.

For some people, being a Youtuber is considered to be able to guarantee a promising future. Youtubers can also be said to be the same as other professional workers. Within a week, a Youtuber who already has many followers can earn up to hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Apart from being a profession, the number of followers can be an indicator of the success of a Youtuber account. Therefore, if someone can gain a lot of trust from the public, YouTubers will open up more opportunities to inspire them. This is also significant with the income that will be obtained from advertising.

2. Selebgram

The second example of the ideals of today’s children is Selebgram. Not only YouTube, one of the social media that gave rise to a new type of profession is Instagram. Instagram itself is one of the applications that are widely used by children today. If the previous generation was familiar with Facebook, Instagram is part of the world’s technology giant.

Increasingly increasing the development of internet technology, many young people, especially the millennial generation, are using the Instagram social media application as a medium for expressing their creativity. It doesn’t stop there, as Instagram develops, now this application can be used to earn income, from gaining popularity to gaining the trust of various parties.

This profession is commonly called a celebgram or Instagram celebrity. One way to become a celebrity is to create interesting content so that it can get the attention of many people. Nowadays, many young people are competing to become celebrity programs, this is because it can be a way to promote themselves to others.

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Just like Youtube, the success of a celebrity can be seen from the number of followers on their Instagram account. In addition, the more people it reaches, the greater the benefits that can be felt by both parties. The thing that most Celebgrams do is promote products from sellers to provide comments or responses to an issue that exists in the real world.

3. Vloggers

The most common example of today’s children’s ideals is a vlogger or video blogger. The profession of a Video blogger is of course very familiar to us. In the past, the profession of a blogger or a blog writer on the Internet was very busy. Currently, this profession has developed into someone who creates video content related to various matters that have the potential to attract the attention of many people. Some examples of videos from vloggers, namely daily vlogs, travel vlogs, beauty vlogs, and so on.

However, Vlogger is basically almost the same as the profession of a Youtuber. However, the difference between these two professions lies in the media used for publication. A Youtuber will, of course, upload his video work via the YouTube platform. Meanwhile, vloggers have the freedom to upload their videos, whether it’s on their personal website or via social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and so on.

4. Chefs

An example of the ideals of today’s fourth child is very popular lately, namely the chef. For lovers of the world of cooking, you can be sure that you are very familiar with the figure of Gordon Ramsay. Gordon himself started his career as a person in hotel management and has worked with many famous chefs. The chefs Gordon has met, namely Joël Robuchon, Guy Savoy, to Pierre Koffmann.

Thanks to his hard work, he gained a lot of very mature work experience. It should be noted, while he was working at the hotel, he not only liked to learn about culinary arts, he also learned about culinary business strategies in order to be successful. In the millennium era like now, the profession of chef or baker is increasingly in demand by children, both girls and boys. This is basically comparable to the increasing number of cafes, restaurants and bakeries around us.

5. Professional Athlete

The fifth example of the ideals of today’s children is professional athletes. If in ancient times, sports were only understood as a hobby or a natural talent. Nowadays, many athletes from Indonesia have emerged who have won various national and international achievements. This is an inspiration for today’s children to become professional athletes who can make the country proud.

The world of technology has greatly influenced human life, including sports. Sports are also not only seen as competition, but as entertainment that is suitable for various groups, young or old, male or female, and so on. In addition, the income of a professional athlete is also not small. If a child succeeds in mastering a sport, there is a guarantee of life for the child himself.

6. Entrepreneur

The sixth example of today’s children’s ideals is entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur is a profession that is being loved by many people these days. This profession requires a variety of complex skills, ranging from good leadership skills, to designing, building and developing long-term businesses.

As an entrepreneur, one can be more free in creating. A child can be sure to work according to what is desired. Not only that, an entrepreneur also has no restrictions or rules from other people.

7. Actor/Artist

The seventh example of the ideals of today’s children is an actor or actress. When watching an actor or artist on your favorite television screen, surely you are also interested in making a child an actor or artist too. Therefore, the desire of an actor or artist can be trained from a young age.

An actor or artist has a fairly wide career path. Starting from television shows, movies, theater, or even appearing in various advertisements. Plus, the world of entertainment is growing rapidly. Actor or artist is a profession with very good potential.

8. Singer

The eighth example of the ideals of today’s children is a singer. Being a singer is one skill that can be trained as early as possible. However, as a parent, you can try to pay attention to a child’s behavior when listening to the rhythm of the song. If the child feels happy to sing along, it is possible that the child has talent as a musician.

Being a singer is not bad, this can provide many benefits to the child when he grows up. In addition, music is one of the elements that is very close to people today. As a result, providing insight about music to children is quite acceptable.

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9. Graphic Designer

One example of the ideals of the last child is very popular lately, namely a graphic designer. If a child has an interest in drawing, it could be that the child has the talent to become a designer. There are various opportunities that can be found for this ability, such as architects, designers, and so on.

Along with the rapid development of the world of technology and communication, the opportunities for a graphic designer are also very wide open. Designers are needed by a company to provide a beautiful visual appearance while being able to convey a good message. A graphic designer usually works as an advertising maker on media, posters and other platforms.

B. Examples of Old Children’s Ideals

After knowing some of the most popular professions desired by children above, in the following we will discuss examples of the ideals of ancient children that today’s children may still like.

1. Police

The first example of the most popular children’s ideals is the police. Police is a profession that is controlled by many children. The thing that makes many children like this profession is because of the duties of the police themselves. The duties of the police include being someone who can uphold the law, provide protection, protect the community, and maintain security.

In everyday life, it is certain that children will easily encounter the police, whether it be on the streets, directing traffic, even on TV or social media in programs to arrest criminals. The police are considered serious, faithful in carrying out their duties, very responsible, and of course have a high sense of patriotism.

2. Doctor

The second popular example of a child’s ideal is a doctor. Doctors are considered as someone who has great services to nourish many people, including children. When a child is sick, one of the figures that is really needed is of course a doctor. No wonder, if a child many who want to become a doctor someday.

Some of the doctor’s roles are basically, namely helping someone who has health problems, serving patients, and even finding a solution to make a patient recover quickly. Doctors also have a huge influence in the world of health for us. A doctor has taken an oath not to look at the status or position of a patient. As long as a patient feels not well, a doctor will intervene to deal with it.

3. Pilots

The third popular example of a child’s dream is a pilot. Airplanes are something very special for some people, one of them is children. A child will usually have a very high curiosity about his world. No wonder so many children want to become a pilot. Pilots are one of the ways for a child to be able to travel around the world and observe the world from a height.

The benefits of being a pilot are numerous, including being able to travel to many places in the world, carrying airplane passengers safely, and taking responsibility for everyone on board. On several occasions, children said they were happy to see someone being able to pilot an airplane. Of course, planes are different from cars, friends.

4. Astronaut

The fourth popular example of a child’s dream is an astronaut. Almost the same as pilots, many children want to become astronauts because of their high curiosity to see planet Earth from outer space. Although astronaut is a profession that is not easy, a child is free to determine the ideals he wants.

One of the goals of a child who has aspirations to become an astronaut is, of course, to be able to go to outer space. The dream of going to outer space is a very extraordinary and very expensive dream. However, with more and more people’s desire to fly into space. This profession may become the ideals for children in the future.

5. Superheroes

The last popular example of a child’s ideal is a superhero. Even though there is no profession for a superhero, many children want to be a superhero. For children, superheroes are very inspirational figures. For example, like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and many more.

The existence of a superhero itself is to eradicate crime, protect people from criminal threats, to uphold justice is really great. As long as children watch films about superheroes, there will be great potential to build a child’s heroic spirit. As a result, it is not surprising that many children have aspirations to become superheroes.

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