6 Required Ad Elements Along with Their Characteristics and Types

Elements of advertising – Advertising is a form of promotional media that is used to attract the attention of the general public. In general, advertisements can be poured using various types of media, for example, audio and video advertisements, classified ads, and others.

However, not just any advertisement can attract the interest of the general public or trigger attention. Therefore, advertisements created and released to the general public must go through several processes. One of the processes is editing and checking whether the advertisement is in accordance with the elements of a good and correct advertisement or not. Because the elements of the advertisement can determine whether the ad will be successful in attracting new prospective buyers or the attention of the public. Therefore, Sinaumed’s needs to know the elements of advertising in order to make good advertisements. Here’s the full explanation.

Definition of advertisement

Before reviewing more about the elements of advertising, it is better if Sinaumed’s understands the meaning of advertising first. Advertising is all forms of messages intended to carry out promotions or services delivered through various types of certain media. The message is aimed at the majority of the public, the goal is that people are persuaded to pay attention to the advertised product or service.

Advertising is used as a means to introduce a product or service to potential customers. Therefore, advertising can drive product sales.

Definition of Advertising According to Experts

In order to understand more clearly about advertising, the following is the definition of advertising according to experts.

Kotler and Armstrong

Advertising is a promotional mix that can convey product messages to the public. Suggestions for introducing the product to the community, can be through various media, both print and online media .

Furthermore, Kotler and Armstrong explained that advertising or advertising is something different. Advertising is all forms of costs that need to be incurred by sponsors to make presentations and promotions that are non-personal in nature in the form of ideas, goods or services.


Supriyanto explained that advertising is an effort to promote ideas, goods from companies and services that need to be paid for by sponsors. The sponsor is a party that is willing to cooperate to make the promotion come true.


According to Durianto, advertising is all forms of activity aimed at presenting and promoting goods, ideas and services non-personally which are paid for by certain sponsors.


In contrast to Supriyanto and Durianto, Sutisna argues that advertising is an attempt to direct a group of people or someone who agrees to achieve certain goals by using certain media.

Meanwhile, advertising carried out by companies or individuals can be referred to as advertising and the person who advertises is referred to as a sponsor who must pay a certain amount of money to certain media that can advertise these goods or services.

Ibnu Sukotjo and Basu Swastha

A different perspective on the meaning of advertising comes from Ibnu Sukotjo and Basu Swastha. According to both of them, advertising is a form of non-individual communication that requires a number of costs with several media carried out by non-profit institutions, both individuals and companies.

There are differences of opinion from Ibnu Sukotjo and Basu Swastha regarding advertising, namely that sponsors have a specific task, namely to disseminate news to the general public, so that advertising becomes an advertisement. Advertising and advertising are two different things. Advertising tends to place more emphasis on process, while advertising places more emphasis on news.

Full Moon Linga

Lingga Purnama defines advertising more specifically. According to Lingga, advertising is a form of non-personal or mass presentation and promotion of ideas, services, goods in mass media that are paid for by certain sponsors.

Shapiro and Krishnan

More specifically, Shapiro and Krishnan explained about making advertisements, which certainly requires creativity. Advertisements must be made creatively, because advertisements will positively influence the effectiveness of advertisements as well as advertising brands.

Prof. Rhenald Kasali

According to the professor from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Prof. Rhenald Kasali explained that advertising is a message that offers a product or service aimed at the general public using certain media.

From the definition of advertising according to the experts above, it can be concluded that advertising is a message that is trying to convey non-personally to the general public and the sponsor needs to pay a price for the advertisement.

Advertising Features

Sinaumed’s, you need to know that advertising has quite specific characteristics. Among them is containing persuasive sentences in the form of invitational sentences, so that someone will feel moved after seeing the advertisement. In addition, advertisements must also contain certain advertising elements such as informative and communicative.

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Not only that, advertisements usually follow trends in society and social media. For example, by following trending topics of conversation or having unique concepts. The goal is of course to easily attract the attention of the general public. In this case, trends are commonly used, such as words that are often spoken, an event or phenomenon, and so on.

Usually, advertisements will combine several elements at once, for example, elements such as images, text, videos to music in one advertisement. The combination of these elements will make the ad more interesting. Then, the selection of colors used in advertisements is also important, because certain colors will attract the eye and attract attention.

In order to be clearer about the characteristics of the ad, the following is an explanation.

Using Short Words

Ads must be made by copywriters or ad makers in a very selective way, especially regarding diction or word choice. The first characteristic of advertising is to use short words, but still polite, logical and interesting.

Using Diction That Has Suggestive Properties

Advertisements have the characteristic of using diction that is suggestive or can influence other people. In other words, the diction used in advertisements is in the form of an invitation to the public. Although, the invitation in this advertisement cannot be seen directly, in writing advertising material, there is what is called hard selling and soft selling .


There are important elements that must be present in advertisements and become one of the characteristics of advertisements. In addition to using solicitation diction, advertisements must also be informative and highlight information. Whether it’s about the advertised product or service or the moral message the sponsor wants to convey.

Have Targets

The fourth characteristic of advertising is that it is made according to the target audience. For example, advertisements about dairy products, these advertisements are aimed or targeted at parents who have children and are in the process of growing up.

Ad Types

Based on Elements

As explained earlier, that advertising has one element, namely soft selling and hard selling. These two elements are used depending on the needs and desires of the advertiser. In addition, certain advertising elements can also be used according to the type of advertisement to achieve certain goals. Here’s an explanation.

Informative Ads

The first type of advertising is informative advertising. Informative advertisements are advertisements that have a focus on building education for potential consumers regarding the product. Provide information about the benefits and uses of the advertised product. Informative advertisements place more emphasis on the usability and benefits of products that will be sold to the general public.

For example, such as vitamin products, in order to highlight these vitamin products, advertisers must explain informatively the contents and benefits of vitamins.

Persuading Ads

Persuasive advertising or persuasive advertising is advertising that invites, influences and leads potential customers to buy products offered by soft selling or subtly.

This type of persuasive advertising is usually used for companies that have a fairly high level of competition in product sales and certain brands.

Persuasive advertising indications can be identified by comparing a product with other products. This is done in order to find out how far the comparison of one product with another product. For example, by comparing the advantages of products in terms of price, attributes and others.

The characteristics of persuasive advertising are that it contains promises to potential customers, so that potential customers are increasingly interested in buying it. For example, by giving a discount with a larger nominal if consumers make purchases in a certain amount.

Reminder Advertising

Reminder advertising or reminder advertising is an advertisement that gives a warning to potential consumers about the product being marketed. This form of warning in advertisements is not always negative, but it can also remind you of imitations of the same product or warnings about deception in the name of the product.

In general, this type of advertisement is more often used to advertise products whose properties expire quickly. For example, like don’t slam things, avoid certain objects. There are also advertisements that remind you, such as the sale of certain drugs, so that buyers can find out which drugs are about to expire.

By Shape

The types of advertisements can also be differentiated based on their forms, such as notifications, offers and others. The following is an explanation of the types of advertisements based on their shape.

Announcement or Notice Advertisement

Announcement or notification advertisements are usually made to attract the attention of the general public with a specific target or target with information or notification. For example, such as advertisements for condolence news or advertisements for certain campus alumni reunions.

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Commercial Ads or Offers

The second type of advertising is advertising aimed at offering products or services to consumers. For example, advertisements offering clothing products, cosmetics, perfumes, bags, and others. In addition, advertisements offer services in the field of services, such as courier services, house cleaning services or others.

Public service announcements

The purpose of this type of public service advertisement is to provide information and education to the public regarding certain issues. Public service advertisements are usually made by the government or non-profit organizations. For example, such as the ban on the use of narcotics and the use of masks during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Print Media Advertising

Print media advertisements are usually placed on media that use printing or printing techniques. Whether it’s in the form of screen printing, laser or letterpress . Examples of print media advertising are newspapers, magazines, posters to tabloids.

Electronic Media Advertising

As the name implies, electronic media advertising utilizes media based on electronic devices, for example radio, television, film to interactive digital media such as the internet. Here are some electronic ads.

  • Digital advertisements are advertisements displayed on digital media in various online media that have many visitors. Several types of advertisements that exist in digital media include email ads , contextual ads , social media ads , sponsorships , banner ads , websites , classified ads and so on.
  • Television advertisements are advertisements that are on television media and have several elements at once such as images, motion, text and sound, so that they are much more attractive to potential consumers. Examples of television advertisements are running text backdrops , credit titles , ad libs , promo ads , live action , program sponsors, animation , stop action, music and superimposed .
  • Film advertisements are advertisements that are shown on film media and can be seen when someone watches a film. Usually advertisements will appear before, in the middle or at the end of the film in the form of live action advertisements or credit titles and endorsements .
  • Radio advertisements are advertisements that can only be heard and cannot be seen, because radio advertisements are in the form of sound. For example, such as spot ads , ad libs and program sponsors.
  • Outdoor advertisements are advertisements that are outside the room and their position can be seen by the general public. For example, such as standard outdoor , mobile billboards , transit advertisements, displays and so on.

Advertising Elements

A company advertises its products or services to achieve certain goals such as getting attention from the public and attracting new consumers. However, to achieve the objectives of the advertisement, the advertiser must first fulfill the elements of the advertisement, along with the explanation.

Using Descriptive Sentences

Descriptive sentences are sentences that have a function to explain a product and service to be advertised. Descriptive sentences need to be structured very efficiently, so they don’t create the impression of being wordy. Persuasive sentences are one of the most important elements of advertising because these persuasive sentences function to persuade people to use a product or service that is being advertised.

Attention or Attention

Attention or attention is the second element in advertising. Ads that are well made will be able to attract the attention of the general public. Therefore, advertisers need creative ideas so that people who see them are interested enough to buy or use the advertised services.

Interest or Interest

After the advertiser has succeeded in attracting the attention of the public, the next step is that the advertisement must be able to attract the interest or desire of potential consumers to find out about the product or even buy the product. This element must exist because without the interest of consumers, an advertisement will run in vain.

Desire or Desire

Desire or desire is an element of advertising that functions to move the hearts or desires of potential consumers. This fourth advertising element has to do with the segments and preferences of the people who are used as the target market or advertising targets.

Trust or Conviction

Trust or conviction is an element in advertising that functions to gain the trust of potential consumers. Therefore, advertisements must be made to achieve a certain goal, such as to provide education instead of deceiving. Therefore, advertisers must make product or service advertisements that are true to reality and not exaggerate them.


One of the most important elements of advertising is to create a sense of trust in potential consumers. Although the ad is persuasive advertising that delivers promises. However, advertisers may not exaggerate the properties or benefits of the advertised product or service. By generating this feeling of trust as well, it will be easier for the company to get loyal customers.

Those are some of the advertising elements that must be in the ad, so that the ad that is made can achieve the goals desired by the sponsor. If Sinaumed’s wants to know more about advertising or marketing, then Sinaumed’s can find out more information by reading books. As #SahabatUnlimits, sinaumedia.com of course provides books related to advertising and marketing. So don’t hesitate to buy the book at sinaumedia.com and together with sinaumedia, make your life #MoreWithReading!

Author: Khansa

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