6 Recognized Religions in Indonesia

6 Recognized Religions in Indonesia – Religion is a rule that is closely related to one’s spiritual activities. Then religion can be said as a teaching that connects humans with God. Religion is also often referred to as a system that regulates worship and belief in God Almighty.

In Indonesia itself, religion has become an important part of life. The majority of Indonesia’s population adheres to a religion which will later be written on the identity card.

Religious status is something that must be filled in an identity card, no matter how devout a person is in worshiping a religion. Indonesia as a democratic country has a constitution that guarantees freedom of religion to all people.

This is reinforced by article 28E paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which reads “Every citizen is free to embrace a religion and worship according to his religion”. Religious status in Indonesia has been taught and applied as early as possible. Why? Because this is stated in the first principle of Pancasila which reads “Belief in the One and Only God”.

As we know, Indonesia as a plural nation has various ethnicities, cultures and beliefs. Each belief is different from one another which often creates differences of opinion between one belief and another.

After the 1998 reform, President Abdurrahman Wahid revoked presidential instruction Number 14 of 1967 and the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs of 1978. The revocation of the decision confirmed that Indonesia has six officially recognized religions, namely Islam, Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. The following is an explanation that has been summarized by sinaumedia.com regarding each of these religions.

Get to know the Six Recognized Religions in Indonesia

1. Islamic

The majority of Indonesia’s population embraces Islam with a percentage of 87.2% or around 207 million people. In fact, Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, you know, Sinaumed’s.

You will find many adherents of Islam in western Indonesia, such as Java, Sumatra, to the coast of Kalimantan. Islam itself is estimated to have appeared around 1,400 years ago, namely in 610 AD.

This was marked by the acceptance of the revelation of the Koran in Mecca by the Prophet Muhammad. While in Indonesia, Islam is believed to have entered through Arab and Persian traders around the 7th or 8th century.

Saying the two sentences of the creed is a sign that we have become followers of this religion and have faith in Allah SWT. As for some of the worship that is obligatory for Muslims, among them are establishing prayers, fasting in the month of Ramadan, giving zakat, and going to Hajj if able.

In Islam, the holy book used is the Koran. The Koran consists of 114 letters, 30 chapters and 6,666 verses. Then the place of worship for Muslims is the mosque. Islam has several big days, namely Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Hijriyah New Year, and Isra Mi’raj.

Eid al-Fitr or Eid as a big day for Muslims has a meaning that is closely related to the purpose of fasting, namely to become a pious human being. Then the big day of Eid al-Adha is held to commemorate the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim AS.

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Furthermore, the Hijriyah New Year as a Muslim holiday is a celebration that is carried out to continue to remind Muslims of the history of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Finally, the big day of Isra Mi’raj is a celebration held to commemorate the Prophet’s night journey.

2. Protestant Christianity

Christianity is thought to have emerged around 2,000 years ago, you know, Sinaumed’s. The emergence of Christianity was influenced by the teachings of Calvinism and Lutheranism in the Netherlands in the 16th century. In Indonesia alone, Protestant Christianity is the second largest religion with a percentage of 6.9% or around 16.5 million people.

The arrival of European missionaries to several regions in Indonesia marked the development of Christianity in Indonesia. Some of the areas where Christianity is spread include the western region of Papua, a bit of the Sunda Islands, the Maluku Islands, Batak Land, Karo Land, East Nusa Tenggara, and so on.

The Bible is the holy book for Protestant Christians. The Bible itself consists of 66 sections which are divided into two, namely 39 Old Testaments and 27 New Testaments. For adherents of Protestant Christianity, Sunday worship has become a mandatory service that is carried out.

Worship can be done in churches, community halls, large halls or homes. Sunday services are usually divided into two, namely the opening prayer and praise that contains the word of God. Baptism, catechism, sidi, and communion mark that a person has embraced Protestant Christianity.

Protestant Christians have several holidays, including Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and the death of Jesus Christ. Christmas is a celebration that is held to commemorate the birth of Jesus on December 25.

Then Easter day as a celebration for adherents of Protestant Christianity is carried out to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus. Protestant Christians practice pentecost as a celebration to commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, the big day of Jesus’ ascension became a celebration to commemorate Jesus’ ascension 40 days after Easter. Finally, the big day of Jesus’ death is held to commemorate the death of Jesus.

3. Catholic Christians

The arrival of the Portuguese to Indonesia with the mission of looking for spices marked the emergence of Catholic Christianity in the Maluku Islands. This made the people of Maluku the first adherents of Catholicism in Indonesia.

In 1546, the pioneer Christian missionary Francis Xavier arrived in the Maluku Islands and baptized several thousand local residents. In Indonesia alone, Catholics have a percentage of 2.9% or around 6.9 million people.

This number makes Catholicism the third largest religion in Indonesia. In Catholic Christianity, the reference to the holy book used is the Bible.

The holy book of the Bible in Catholic Christianity consists of 73 parts which are divided into two, namely 46 parts of the Old Testament and 27 parts of the New Testament. Adherents of Catholic Christianity have several services that are usually performed, namely mass, novena prayers, and environmental prayers.

Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, forgiveness of sins, anointing of the sick, priesthood and the sacrament of marriage are signs that began with Christ to give grace to His people. In Catholic Christianity there are several holidays, such as Christmas, the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Easter Trihara.

4. Hindus

The trade network that stretched from China to India in the 4th century was the beginning of the arrival of Hinduism to Indonesia. The establishment of the Kutai Kingdom and the Tarumanegara Kingdom became the emergence of Hinduism with Hindu values.

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In Indonesia alone, adherents of Hinduism have a percentage of 1.7% or around 4 million people. This number makes Hinduism the fourth largest religion in Indonesia.

The Vedas or Vedas are holy books for Hindus. The name of the book of Veda which comes from Sanskrit means knowledge or knowing.

If it is concluded, the Vedas mean as sacred science which is perfect and eternal. The Vedas themselves are divided into two groups, namely the Sruti Vedas and the Smrti Vedas.

Trisandhya, Suryasewana, Berjapa, Prayer, and Tirhtayatra are some of the worships performed by Hindus. In Hinduism there are several holidays that are commemorated, namely Nyepi, Kuningan, and Galungan.

5. Buddha

Buddhism is the second oldest religion in Indonesia which dates back to the 5th century AD. This can be seen from some of the inscriptions found.

Buddhism was first brought by the traveler Fa Hsein from China. Then in the 7th century the Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia, namely the Sriwijaya Kingdom, began to develop and became the center for the development of Buddhism in Southeast Asia.

Until now, Buddhism in Indonesia has adherents with a percentage of 0.7% or around 1.7 million people. This number makes Buddhism the fifth largest religion in Indonesia.

Buddhism has the term Puja which teaches worship procedures to respect or worship the beliefs of everyday people. Buddhist worship activities are usually carried out at the Vihara.

The Buddhist holy book is the Pitaka which is divided into three major groups, namely the Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, and Abhidhamma Pitaka. Buddhism has several big days, namely Vesak Day, Magha Day, and Asadha Day.

6. Confucius

Confucian or Confucian teachings first appeared in the 17th century. This is indicated by the emergence of old buildings in Pontianak which are often used as places of worship for adherents of the Confucian religion.

In Indonesia alone, Confucianism is the sixth largest religion with a percentage of 0.05% or around 0.1 million people. The Book of Si Shu and the book of Wu Jing are the two main books used by Confucians.

The Confucian religion performs worship in the form of services or prayers which are held at Lithang, Temples, or homes. The Confucian religion itself has several holidays, namely Chinese New Year, Cap Go Meh, and Cheng Beng.

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Well, Sinaumed’s, that’s an explanation of the 6 religions that are recognized in Indonesia. Religious diversity in Indonesia is not a barrier to unity. This diversity is actually a binder of unity to live in harmony in Indonesia.