The Impact of Population Growth and How to Overcome It

The Impact of Population Growth – In a country including Indonesia, it cannot be separated from the name of the population that has settled in an area that is in a country. When talking about the population, it will always be related to the number of residents, births, deaths, migration, and so on. The connection between these things and the population will affect population growth that occurs in a region or in a country. Therefore, population growth will always be attached to a country or region that is already occupied.

Population growth that will always be inherent in a region or country can have an influence on development in that region. In fact, population growth can have an impact on the welfare of the population in an area, so we cannot underestimate population growth.

By paying attention to population growth in a region or country, population growth can be controlled. If population growth can be controlled properly, it is highly unlikely that there will be overpopulation or underpopulation.

If population growth continues to increase, so that an area can barely accommodate it, it can disrupt the state administration system. In this case, the growth in question is the number of birth rates rather than death rates. The faster population growth occurs, the more unavoidable population density, so that an area cannot run the population system optimally.

In addition, increasingly dense population growth can also disrupt the education system and the shortage of health facilities. If population growth is allowed to increase continuously, it is likely that the population will find it difficult to get welfare.

Therefore, population growth that is too fast will have a negative impact on the population or a region itself. Certainly every country will try its best to reduce or even avoid negative impacts caused by population growth. Not only does the state have an important role in controlling population growth, but we as citizens can also play a role in controlling population growth.

How to deal with population growth? Some people may not know how to deal with population growth. Therefore, this article will discuss more about how to deal with population growth, so that we can know and apply ways to deal with population growth. Sinaumed’s, watch this review until it’s finished.

Impact of Population Growth

Before discussing how to deal with high population growth, we will discuss the effects of population growth. The impact of population growth is very important for us to know and to recognize so that when dealing with it can be done optimally, so that we residents can get a more prosperous life.

As many people already know, population growth in an area must be different, giving rise to irregular population growth. What’s more, when population growth continues to occur, but is not matched by the quality of Human Resources (HR), this results in population problems.

Not only problems with human resources, but very fast population growth will affect the environment which is quickly damaged, inadequate health facilities, the education system is not well distributed, and so on. Below will be explained in more detail about the impacts of population growth.

1. Poverty

The first and most important thing that will be felt from the impact of population growth which is growing rapidly is poverty or you could say that the poverty rate of the population will continue to increase. The increase in the poverty rate can be interpreted as spending too much compared to the income received by the population. In this case, the expenditure in question is expenditure that is used to meet the necessities of life, such as clothing, food, and boards that are suitable for use.

The poverty rate that continues to increase indicates that the welfare of the population is decreasing, so that it will affect Human Resources (HR) in certain areas. If population growth is allowed to continue, it is likely that the poverty rate will continue to increase. Therefore, the government should reduce the rate of population growth slowly so that the poverty rate returns to stability and economic growth is also stable.

The smaller the poverty rate, the more people who live close to prosperity. If this can happen, then the economy can experience an increase, so that it can be beneficial for the country or for the population itself.

2. More Pollution

Population growth continues to increase, making more and more people carry out various kinds of activities to fulfill their life needs, such as clothing, food, shelter, health, and so on. When humans try to fulfill their needs, things appear that can cause the amount of pollution to increase. The amount of pollution in an area can pollute the environment, so that the environment becomes dirty and unhealthy. In fact, it can transmit various diseases.

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Pollution caused by humans is very diverse, from water pollution, air pollution, to soil pollution. This water pollution is usually caused by some residents throwing their waste directly into the river or littering, air pollution is caused by the large number of residents using private transportation, so that air pollution gets worse, and soil pollution is caused by the large number of residents who throw garbage in certain areas.

Various kinds of pollution caused by increasing growth should be addressed immediately so that pollution is reduced and the population or society can live a healthy life. The more residents who can experience a healthy life, the better the quality of human resources they have.

3. Land for farming is running out

Talking about land or land is heavily influenced by population growth because population growth which is always increasing indicates that agricultural land will decrease, why is that? Because humans will try to fulfill their life needs, which in this case is the need for boards or houses. In building a house, you definitely need land, either vacant land or agricultural land. Therefore, the more people there are, the less land there is in an area because it is used to build houses.

If the land for farming is reduced, it will affect the stock or availability of food that is owned. In fact, it can affect the food supply to the community, so that it is difficult for the community to get proper food. Not only that, the diminishing farming land can result in the price of a staple commodity rising, because the demand for food needs increases, but the supply is dwindling.

Thus, it can be said that the less land for farming, the greater the possibility of reducing the health of the community or residents. In addition, reduced farming land can cause farmers to lose their jobs.

4. Unemployment

As previously explained, if population growth can lead to poverty. This poverty can be caused by more and more unemployment. This large number of unemployed can occur because many people are looking for work, but job vacancies do not match the number of job applicants, so the unemployment rate appears. If a resident finds it difficult to get a job and is unemployed, it will have an impact on his life which is difficult to get proper clothing, food and shelter.

Apparently, this high unemployment will affect the quality of one’s education. This is because there are no funds that can be used to finance education, so that the quality of Human Resources (HR) decreases. The declining quality of human resources makes the opportunity to get a job decrease as well, making it difficult to get income.

Thus, it can be said that the higher unemployment rate is not only caused by increasing population growth but also due to poverty, this usually happens in developing countries. Therefore, in some developing countries, the quality of their human resources is arguably not very good in terms of knowledge or skills, so that people in developing countries will find it difficult to compete in the world of work.

5. Less Clean Water

Population growth that continues to increase can result in reduced quality of clean water. In fact, not only is the quality decreasing, but the availability of clean water is also decreasing. Two things can happen because the more the population, the more clean water will be used. Moreover, almost all of the clean water used comes from groundwater which can cause land subsidence in an area.

Reduced clean water is not only caused by excessive use, but can also be caused because clean water has begun to be polluted by various kinds of waste or waste that is disposed of carelessly. Clean water that has been polluted by the environment can cause living things in it to die. Therefore, do not underestimate the lack of clean water.

Even worse, the lack of clean water and polluted clean water can make people susceptible to disease. Therefore, every resident should be able to make waste into something that has high economic value.

6. Health is getting less

The next impact caused by rapidly increasing population growth is the declining health of the population. If the health of the population decreases, it indicates that the environment is dirty and clean water has been polluted or has run out. Decreasing health can also make people more susceptible to disease.

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What’s more, for some areas where the food condition is not good it can cause children’s health to be disrupted, especially to be exposed to malnutrition. Malnutrition is caused by a lack of good nutrition. This malnutrition can be caused by the reduced availability of nutritious food.

Therefore, the government should reach out to areas that have difficulty getting nutritious food. This needs to be done so that no one suffers from malnutrition and no one suffers from stunting or delays in child development. The more healthy people will have a good impact on an area.

Ways to Overcome Population Growth 

After knowing the adverse effects caused by population growth which continues to increase, now what will be discussed next is how to deal with high population growth. Here’s how to deal with high population growth, namely:

1. Family Planning Program (KB)

As we know that population growth continues to increase due to the large number of births in one year. The birth rate that continues to increase without being accompanied by various kinds of development and good Human Resources (HR) will have a negative impact on the population and the region itself.

Therefore, so that the birth rate does not continue to increase, one way is by disseminating information to the wider community about the Family Planning (KB) program. With family planning program information being disseminated properly, people will be aware that this program has many benefits for families and the environment. The environment will be controlled and not easily polluted because population growth can be controlled properly.

2. Improving the Quality of Education

The next way that can be used to overcome the high population growth is to improve the quality of education. The more people who get good quality education, the better the quality of Human Resources (HR). The better the quality of human resources, the greater the opportunity to have skills and knowledge, so that it will be easier to get a job.

In addition, improving the quality of education will make many residents aware that the rate of population growth that is continuously allowed to increase will have a negative impact on the population or the community environment itself. To improve the quality of education, it should be done by increasing the number of schools and teachers who are competent, so that students can get the maximum knowledge and skills.

3. Creating Jobs

The third way to deal with high population growth is to create jobs. The number of jobs, it will reduce the unemployment rate, so that people have a steady income that can be used to meet the needs of everyday life. In addition, on the other hand, by creating jobs, it is hoped that the level of education will be higher.

In addition, with many jobs, people’s lifestyles are expected to change, especially in terms of population growth. Controlled population growth will make the population system in an area under control, so that people can live more decently or more prosperously. If people live in prosperity, then the level of public health will also increase.

4. Doing Equitable Development 

Equitable distribution of buildings is one way to overcome the high population growth. This is because equitable development can prevent people from having to move or migrate only to certain areas, so that overcrowding can be avoided. In addition, it is also hoped that equitable distribution of development can reduce the unemployment rate, so that many people get jobs.

This more equitable development needs to be carried out by the government because it can affect population density and build a better economy. This good economy can provide benefits for residents, the environment, and the country. Therefore, don’t delay too long in carrying out equitable development.

5. Improving Health Facilities

“A healthy nation is an intelligent nation” perhaps this adage still holds true today because without a healthy society a development will not run optimally. Therefore, the government should improve health facilities, especially in areas that are difficult to reach.

What’s more, health facilities that continue to be improved will facilitate the dissemination of family planning program information to the public. If family planning programs spread more quickly, then population growth can also be controlled, so that population density does not occur. It would be nice if this health facility started with the construction of a Community Health Center (Puskesmas).


Population growth that continues to increase will have a negative impact on the population itself, starting from environmental damage, diminishing land, to increasing unemployment. Therefore, we should be aware that population growth must be controlled as well as possible. By maintaining population growth, it will be easy for the population agency to control it.

Source: From various sources