Examples of Religious Norms – Sinaumed’s must have known that Indonesia is a country that prioritizes religion. Moreover, in the foundation of our country, namely Pancasila, especially in the first precepts, very much in the name of God and religion for each individual. Therefore, it is only natural that the existence of religious norms in this country is used as a rule for members of society, especially in carrying out daily life.
The existence of this religious norm will still be related to other living norms, starting from decency, decency, to law. In religious norms, generally will contain orders and prohibitions that come from God Almighty. Then, what are examples of religious norms that we can apply in our daily lives? How do religious norms need to be taught to children from an early age so that they can grow into religious communities?
31 Examples of Religious Norms in Everyday Life
You need to know , Sinaumed’s , that the existence of religious norms in everyday life actually has to be applied in any environment. Starting from the school environment, work environment, community environment, to even the family environment. Moreover, it is not uncommon for us to often encounter a nuclear family where each family member adheres to a different religion. This of course requires mutual respect when carrying out religious norms.
So, here are some examples of religious norms that can be practiced in our surroundings.
In the Family Environment
- Do not have sexual relations or commit adultery with family members.
- Appreciate the worship process carried out by other family members.
- Keep reading a short prayer every time you want to carry out activities, be it sleeping, eating, traveling, going to the bathroom, and so on.
- Continue to carry out mandatory worship on the sidelines of carrying out daily activities.
- Say hello to other family members.
- Do not insult and issue harsh words to other family members.
- Not slandering other family members for the sake of inheritance.
- Not defrauding other family members for wealth.
In the School Environment
- Do not ridicule the religion and beliefs held by friends.
- As much as possible, avoid jokes related to differences in belief and religion.
- Invite friends to carry out their worship.
- Don’t take anything that belongs to a friend.
- Prevent friends from doing things that have been forbidden by religion.
- Still appreciate and respect the teacher even though he doesn’t teach in our class.
- Do not consume liquor or alcohol.
In the workplace
- Not insulting and denouncing the religious attributes of co-workers.
- Be honest with colleagues if you have something to talk about.
- Do not have intercourse or commit adultery with co-workers, especially if they are not their legal partner.
- Do not commit malfeasance.
- Continue to carry out mandatory worship on the sidelines of office activities.
- Do not slander colleagues for the sake of satisfaction.
In the Neighborhood
- Do not make racist comments about other religions in social media posts.
- Not making fun of other religions using memes.
- Keep respecting the procession of worship of other religions.
- Do not invite others to consume liquor or alcohol.
- Don’t do gambling.
- Always respect your parents, even if they are not your biological parents.
- Do not slander others.
- Don’t kill others for profit.
- Don’t cheat others for money.
- No need to feel jealous and jealous of the success of others.
Get to Know What Religious Norms Are
If you look at KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), the term “norm” will have the meaning of ‘rules and provisions that bind citizens as a group in society’ . That is, the existence of norms, be it religious norms, norms of decency, norms of decency, so that legal norms are in an unwritten form but have taken root in the life of Indonesian society so that they can control the behavior of members of the community. Since the Indonesian nation is a nation that always prioritizes decency and religious values, the existence of this norm has existed since the time of our ancestors and will continue to be taught to their children and grandchildren in the future.
Then, if there is a question about “What is a religious norm?”, how do you answer it? Basically, religious norms are rules of life that come from God Almighty, so they are usually written in the holy books of each religion. Since Indonesia has recognized the existence of six religions for its people, religious norms will still depend on the religion one adheres to. Well, here is the description:
- For Muslims, religious norms originate from the Al-Quran and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
- For Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians, religious norms originate from the Bible.
- For Hindus, religious norms originate from the Vedic scriptures.
- For Buddhists, religious norms originate from the Tripitaka scriptures.
- For followers of the Confucian religion, religious norms originate from the Si Shu and Wu Jing scriptures.
Almost the same as the norms of decency or decency that exist in society, if these religious norms are violated by members of the community, they will still receive sanctions. Sanctions obtained by perpetrators of violating religious norms can also be in the form of social sanctions, namely by being ostracized by society. In the application of religious norms, the highest authority for imposing sanctions is in the hands of God Almighty. Therefore, sanctions for violating religious norms will be related to acts of worship to God, not to society.
However, even though the sanctions for these violations are in the hands of God, this does not mean that people will remain silent. As previously mentioned, people who are proven to have violated religious norms will receive social sanctions from society, namely by being ostracized by their surroundings. In fact, not only himself was ostracized, but also other family members. People tend to give the perception that violators of these norms have weak faith, especially if the violation occurs in a religiously devout environment.
It is true that the “true” sanction for violating religious norms can only be obtained at the Last Day or the Last Days. But still, in this world the violators of these religious norms still get sanctions which are felt by themselves. These sanctions are for example:
- There is a feeling of misgivings.
- Life becomes unsettled and will constantly be haunted by feelings of innocence.
- No longer trusted by others.
- Ostracized by society, even to other relatives.
The existence of these religious norms actually functions the same as other norms in life, namely in the form of:
- As a regulator of behavior, people’s attitudes are in accordance with the values that apply and are mutually agreed upon, especially in God’s commands and prohibitions.
- Creating order and justice in the community environment, so that every member of the community who lives in that environment will feel comfortable and safe.
- As a basis for giving sanctions, consequences for members of society who violate the rules that exist in the norms.
- As a deterrent, so that there are no conflicts of interest between members of the community with one another.
- As a guide, guideline or handbook that can be used by the community to live a comfortable and safe life in the environment where they live.
How is the Implementation of Religious Norm Values in Early Childhood?
It’s the same as formal learning in schools which must be taught as well as possible to children so that when they grow up they can apply it, as well as the values that exist in religious norms. Yep, the values of these religious norms must actually be taught to children from an early age so that later they become adults, they can get used to implementing them in everyday life. The learning process regarding the values of religious norms is not only carried out in places of worship, but also in the family environment!
Generally, everyone wants their children to grow as well as possible and understand the basis of religion, the value of decency and other character education. Well, the purpose of developing religious norms in children is so that they are able to lay the foundations of faith with a pattern of piety to Him and the beauty of morality. Meanwhile, there are other objectives regarding the development of religious values and religious norms for early childhood, namely in the form of:
- To develop a sense of faith and love for God Almighty.
- Familiarize children to worship God.
- Make it a habit so that his behavior and attitude are indeed based on the values of the religion he adheres to.
- Helping children grow to become individuals who believe and fear God.
This form of teaching regarding religious norms can be developed using learning strategies, which are usually carried out by teachers at school. However, that doesn’t mean that the family environment just hands off, because if the habit of worship at school is not carried out in the home environment, then it will be in vain. So, if you follow the learning strategies for implementing the values of religious norms in early childhood, they are as follows:
- Routine Activities
Namely in the form of activities that are carried out on a scheduled and routine basis. For example: praying before carrying out any activity, carrying out religious services together, to maintaining personal hygiene and health.
- Spontaneous Activities
Namely in the form of activities carried out on an unscheduled basis and in special events. For example: greeting older people, throwing trash in its place, queuing when they want to buy something, dealing with fights that occur between friends, and so on.
- Exemplary Activities
Namely in the form of activities carried out in everyday life. For example: praying before doing any activity, dressing neatly, speaking good language, helping friends, praising the goodness or success of others, being patient, and many more.
The implementation of the values of these religious norms can indeed be taught in the school and family environment using methods that attract the attention of children. Why does teaching religious norms require a variety of methods? So that children are interested in learning religious norms and values that will make an impression on their minds until they become adults. Several methods that can be used for learning the values of the norms are as follows:
a) Playing Method
We all know that children really like playing activities. So, therefore, this play method can be used as a tool to develop and teach religious values to children.
b) Demonstration Method
This method can be done by explaining and practicing it directly about what activities are included in religious norms. For example: teaching worship on time, praying before eating, being honest, and others.
c) Storytelling Method
This method can be done by telling stories that are interesting and worthy of being imitated by children. The story that is conveyed, of course, may be in the form of a fable in general. Then it is also told about why we must set an example in accordance with God’s commandments.
The Existence of Religious Norms in Legislation in Indonesia
Does Sinaumed’s realize that in the life of the nation in Indonesia, the existence of religious norms is always associated with the process of forming laws and regulations? Not only religious norms, but also decency norms, decency norms, and legal norms. But in this description will discuss these religious norms.
Real evidence of the existence of religious norms in Indonesian laws and regulations can be seen in the basis of the state, namely Pancasila, especially in the first precepts. This first precept explains that every citizen is obliged to acknowledge the existence of God. In fact, this principle has also been emphasized in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which reads ” By the grace of Allah the Almighty “. Therefore, the Indonesian state also gives freedom to each of its citizens to carry out and practice religious norms according to what they have embraced. It also means that all citizens have the right to carry out and practice religious norms with the principle of mutual respect and respect among fellow citizens and adherents of religions.
The existence of the first precept of Pancasila also confirms other things, namely that Indonesia as a Pancasila state is a religious country that does not allow the attitude of rejecting the existence of God or being anti-religious. The principle of freedom of religion is also contained in the 1945 Constitution Article 29 paragraphs 1 and 2 which reads:
(1) Everyone is free to embrace their own religion and to worship according to their religion and beliefs. (2) The state guarantees the freedom of everyone to embrace their own religion and to worship according to their religion and beliefs.
Not only that, Article 28E also provides for every citizen to be free and practice religion, as well as the freedom to express or express thoughts, opinions or attitudes.
From these things it can be concluded that the formation of laws and regulations in Indonesia will actually look at the prevailing religious norms. These religious norms are not only limited to Islam, but also five other religions. Apart from that, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution are actually the foundation in building and accommodating the values of religious, cultural, political and economic diversity. Even though Indonesia is not a religious state, Pancasila, which has been used as the ideology of this country, has acknowledged the existence of religious norms. Especially if you look at the first precepts in Pancasila which are clearly related to religious norms.
So, that’s a review of what are examples of religious norms and how the existence of religious norms in the process of forming legislation in Indonesia. Has Sinaumed’s properly implemented religious norms in its surroundings?