13 Examples of Myths, and a Complete Understanding of Myths

Example Myth is an oral tradition that has been formed in society. Myth has its origins from the Greek language which means something that is revealed. Based on its understanding, myth is defined as a story that has a symbolic nature and tells a series of real and imaginary stories.

In a myth it can consist of gods, the supernatural, the origin of the universe, human heroes, or certain societies that have the goal of continuing and stabilizing culture, providing life guidelines, cultural activities, giving meaning to life, and models of knowledge to provide explanations of things. -things that are difficult to explain using common sense.

A. Definition of Myth Based on Experts

The term myth has quite a lot of meanings. Starting from general understanding, to understanding based on experts. Here are some definitions based on experts, including:

1. Definition of Myth According to Cremers

The term myth is a sacred story that has a symbolic form, and tells a relationship of real and imaginary events related to the origins and changes in the universe, the world, gods, power over a human nature, society and also heroes.

2. Definition of Myth According to Levi Strauss

According to Levi Strauss, the term myth is an inheritance that has a form like a certain story from an oral tradition, and tells about gods, animals, humans, and so on. Based on a logical scheme contained in a myth, it also allows you to integrate all the problems that need to be solved in a systematic construction.

3. Definition of Myth According to William A. Haviland

According to the understanding of these three experts, namely William A. Haviland said that the term myth is a story about a semihistorical event that describes the final problems in human life.

4. Definition of Myth According to Bascom

The term myth, according to Bascom, is a folk prose story played by a god or demigod that happened in another world or heaven in the past, and is considered an event that actually happened by story masters or adherents and has something to do with the occurrence of myths. universe, places, customs, gods and sacred tales.

5. Definition of Myth According to Ahimsa Putra

Ahimsa Putra, defines myth as a strange story, and it is often difficult to understand its meaning or accept its truth. This is caused by a story that does not make sense in the mind, and is also not in accordance with something that is encountered in everyday life.

B. Characteristics of Myth

Myth has a characteristic that distinguishes it from the others. So what are the characteristics of myths? The following are some of the characteristics of myths, including:

a. Myth has a background, namely the past.

b. Myth has been believed by society as something that really happened.

c. Even though myths seem strange to some people, myths have quite an important role in society.

d. Myths are simple stories consisting of several plots, and also easy models.

e. Myth has a way of telling accompanied by certain ceremonies.

f. Myth is considered by society as a story which contains something sacred or holy.

g. Myth has characters related to important beings in the sense of culture and society.

h. A symbol in the general public because of its resilience associated with strength, trust, and community acceptance.

C. The Function of Myth

Not only having characteristics, myth also has quite a lot of functions. Here are some of the functions of myths in everyday life, including:

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a. Useful as the development of symbols that have full meaning, and describe an environmental phenomenon that is being faced.

b. It is useful as a guide for supporting communities to foster social solidarity between members so that they can distinguish one community from another.

c. Useful as a very effective means of education, especially in terms of planting, and social norms, as well as certain beliefs.

d. In general, myths are developed for the inculcation and confirmation of cultural values, thoughts and certain insights that have a function to stimulate the development of thinking and creativity.

D. Types of Myth

Myth has quite a lot of types, and has differences in each type. Here are some types of myths, including:

1. The Myth of Creation

The first type of myth is called the creation myth, this type of myth is a type of myth that describes the creation of the universe that did not exist before.

2. The Cosmogenic Myth

The second type of myth is called the cosmogenic myth, this type of myth is a type of myth that describes the creation of the universe, but in that creation uses several existing means and intermediaries.

3. Myths of Origin

The third type of myth is called the origin myth, this type of myth is a type of myth that describes the origin and beginnings of an animal, plant species, and so on.

4. Theogynical Myth

The fourth type of myth is called Theogynik, this type of myth is a type of myth that describes supernatural beings, as well as gods.

5. Anthropogenic myths

The fifth type of myth is called Anthropogenic myth, this type of myth is one type of myth that has a relationship with the occurrence of humans. Myths related to transformation, namely describing changes in the human condition, and the world in the future.

E. Examples of Myths

After you know and understand myths, it would be nice for you to also understand examples of myths that exist in this society. Here are some examples of myths, including:

1. The Myth of Sweaty Hands is a Symptom of Heart Disease

The first example of this myth is that sweaty hands are a symptom of heart disease, this myth has been believed by all people. However, the fact is that heart disease is a feeling of tightness in the chest that feels pressed. That feeling arises when you do a lot of activities, for example going up and down stairs, that’s where your breath causes shortness of breath. Meanwhile, your hands sweat due to the condition of a nerve that has become too sensitive or hypersensitive.

In addition, someone whose hands sweat more easily palpitations. Generally, hands sweat when someone is nervous. There is also another disease, called hyperthyroidism. This disease causes hands to sweat and tremble, easily feels nervous, and the body becomes thin. This happens because the human body’s metabolism race is quite high against infection, cancer or tumors. Sufferers need medical examinations to the doctor, and regular check-ups since the age of 30 years.

2. The Myth of Scraping Can Cure Colds

An example of this second myth is that scraping can cure colds, this myth has been believed by most people. Scrapings lead to someone’s addiction. However, scraping is also quite dangerous because it can open the pores and cause injury to the skin. The skin pores that have been opened and damaged will become easier to catch a cold again.

Overseas medicine does not recognize the term cold, but cold. When it’s cold, a person’s immune system decreases, and various infections can potentially occur.

Scraping actually makes it easier for a person to feel such a condition. If you experience a cold you can massage it, in order to reduce the feeling of colds. In the eastern world, massage is believed to be able to expedite regional circulation, including for babies. So doctors prefer to do massage when experiencing these problems.

3. The myth that thick blankets can reduce fever

An example of this third myth is that a thick blanket can reduce fever, this myth has been growing until now. In ancient times, people covered their bodies to sweat, and the temperature when they had a fever dropped. However, a recent study says that someone who has a fever is not good for using thick blankets. This is because poisons or infections on a person’s skin will be difficult to get out of the body.

Using this thick blanket, it is feared that it can have an impact on the organs of the body becoming inflamed. So when you have a fever, it is not permissible to cover the body. You can overcome it by taking medicine according to the doctor’s recommendations, then resting in a bed that has a moderate temperature or is not too hot or cold.

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4. The Myth of Hands and Feet Often Tingling Is a Symptom of a Stroke

An example of this fourth myth, namely that hands and feet often tingle is a symptom of a stroke, this myth has been believed by all people. However, the fact is that the condition of pins and needles that is continuous, and lasts a long time is not always a symptom of a stroke, it can also be caused by a disturbance in the peripheral nerves. One of the symptoms of a stroke is paralysis in half of the body and the inability to speak clearly or what is commonly called pelo.

5. Myths of bruises on body parts due to being licked by Satan

An example of this fifth myth is bruising on a part of the body due to being licked by a demon, this myth has been believed, and has existed in society to this day. However, in reality bruises generally occur due to broken blood vessels. In fact, it could be the occurrence of a bleeding disorder or blood clots. So it’s best to check immediately, and check with your doctor about blood clots, and also blood vessels.

6. The Myth of Riding a Motorcycle at Night Causes Wet Lungs

An example of the next myth is that riding a motorbike at night can cause wet lungs. However, based on the medical dictionary there is no term wet lung. This situation can occur due to inflammation in bronchitis, but has not yet attacked the alveoli. This can usually occur due to continuous coughing and colds, and is not treated, or it can be caused by smoking habits.

In fact, wet lungs do not occur due to riding a motorbike at night, or it could be that riding a motorbike can make the body cold, and reduce endurance, especially when not wearing a jacket.

7. Myth When the Moon Comes It Is Not Allowed to Eat Cucumbers

An example of the next myth is that when the moon comes it is not permissible to eat cucumbers, this myth has been believed by some people. But in reality, none of that has anything to do between eating cucumbers and the coming of the moon. Precisely a woman who is experiencing menstruation is strongly advised to eat foods that contain iron. One of them is the cucumber.

8. The myth that if you want children you have to eat a lot of meat when you are pregnant, but if you want a girl to eat lots of vegetables

An example of this next myth is that if you want a child you have to eat a lot of meat when you are pregnant, but if you want a girl to eat a lot of vegetables, this myth is believed by all societies, and still exists today. However, in reality no one knows, and is certain about the sex of a child, except for IVF programs. Because, in IVF programs, sex selection for a child can be done.

In fact, there is a study which says that if you want a boy, the intimate organs of a woman must be wet or alkaline. So that the sperm with Y or XY chromosome like it, and can produce a son. That state is obtained by you eating meat. However, this has not been proven to be effective.

9. The myth of biting a towel can strengthen teeth

The next example of this myth is that biting a towel can strengthen teeth, this myth has developed in ancient times until now. But in reality strengthening your teeth is not done by biting the towel, but you can strengthen your teeth by brushing your teeth regularly. That way your teeth can be strong, and healthy.

10. Myth Napping Can Result in Fat

The next example of this myth is that napping can cause a person to become fat, a myth that has existed for a long time, still exists today. However, the fact is that a person can become fat due to a lack of activity or activity, and often overeating. So if it is concluded that napping cannot lead to fat.

11. The myth of drinking ice water can make someone fat

An example of the next myth is that drinking ice water can make a person fat, this myth has been believed by the public from the past until now. However, the reality is that drinking cold water makes your body burn more calories than drinking plain water. However, drinking cold water excessively can increase appetite so that it can be at risk of obesity.

12. The myth of not leaving rice or throwing away rice

An example of this next myth is that one cannot leave rice or throw away rice, this one myth has been believed, and is trusted by all people. Because if you throw away the rice, it can make the rice cry. This myth is also generally addressed to a small child who is very difficult if told to eat. Of course, with this reason it can be used as material to scare children that if you don’t finish eating rice, the rice will cry. In general, these small children will feel afraid if the rice will cry because they don’t want to eat it. This prohibition is also quite good as media material in educating a child so that a child can appreciate his food.

13. The Myth of Eating Guava Seeds Can Cause Appendicitis

An example of this last myth is that eating guava seeds can cause appendicitis. But this has not found any research that says that eating guava seeds can cause appendicitis. So you need to stay alert, and maintain your health.

Well, that’s a complete explanation of the myth and its examples. Hopefully the discussion above can provide sufficient insight knowledge for the reader.

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