11 West Javanese Traditional Weapons that Become Indonesian Cultural Heritage

West Javanese Traditional Weapons – Does Sinaumed’s know what types of West Javanese traditional weapons are? Yes, Indonesia does have a variety of regional cultural treasures. Including traditional weapons owned by every region in Indonesia which has its own meaning and history as a regional cultural identity.

Here are some traditional West Javanese weapons that Sinaumed’s need to know about as Indonesian cultural heritage.

List of West Java Traditional Weapons

The following is a variety of traditional weapons from the West Java region along with their cultural history and functions.

1. Cleaver

Kujang is one of the traditional West Javanese weapons whose original shape is similar to a kudi which was originally used as an agricultural tool, but due to changing times, the kudi has become a traditional weapon. This traditional weapon is made in various variations which are the essence of Sundanese cultural teachings in the form of birds and poultry, four-legged animals, as well as frogs.

Based on these variations various groups of cleaver weapons are named depending on the morphology of the flora and fauna of the Sundanese culture. For example, Kujang Jago, Kujang Kunnu, or Kujang Naga. Then, there is also the so-called Kujang Ciung which is one of the popular weapons and also applies as a weapon typical of West Java. In general, the cleaver has an aesthetically pleasing pointed tip.

Kujang function

Sinaumed’s can see the function of the cleaver depending on the size of the blade. If the size of the blade is 10 to 15 cm, this cleaver weapon is believed to function as a talisman. If the size of the blade is 20 to 35 cm, the weapon is classified as an heirloom. If the length of the knife blade is 40 to 50 cm, then the cleaver is included in the category of axes that function as an ax head or spearhead.

In addition, as a traditional West Javanese weapon, the cleaver also has the following functions.

  1. Used as a symbol, such as the logo of a government or organization
  2. It can be used as an agricultural tool and based on ancient Sanghyang texts the Sundanese usually use this weapon to cut trees, cut plants, and nyaker , or Sinaumed’s can call it a pruning tool.
  3. Can be used as decoration or display. This weapon can usually be seen on the walls of Sundanese houses.
  4. The Kujang heirloom is a weapon of war. The heirloom ax can be used as a symbol of honor and protection.

Kujang Weapon Parts

This traditional Kujang weapon also has different parts. Here is the detailed part of the cleaver.

  1. Papatuk or Congo which is on the edge of a knife and shaped like an arrow. Pepatuk is usually used for nudging.
  2. Seluk or Silih which is on the back and functions as a tear towards the enemy.
  3. An arch-shaped cistern that protrudes on the abdomen and is pointed at the front. This serves to stab the enemy’s body.
  4. Eyes with a total of 5 to 9 small holes on the cleaver. However, if the cleaver has no holes or eyes, this weapon is called a blind axe.
  5. Tonggong is the sharp part on the back of the cleaver.
  6. Paksi is a pointed ring or ring on the back of the cleaver.
  7. The cleaver is the handle or ring at the end of the cleaver.
  8. Combo is the hole in the handle of the cleaver.
  9. The hem or ramp is the sharp angle towards the edge of the cleaver.
  10. Kowak is a wooden sheath and also has a unique scent
  11. Pamor is a series of first rows or in the form of dots drawn on the cleaver. Pamor usually acts as an artistic value and also as a reservoir for poison.

2. Bedog

Bedog is a traditional West Javanese weapon that is larger than a cleaver but shorter than a sword with a thick and wide blade. This weapon is also made of metal. However, currently craftsmen usually use raw materials from used car plates.

The use of bedog weapons can be divided into two types, namely bedog gawe or tools for household equipment such as farming and bedog soren or experts which are usually used as patterns of fighters or champions in martial arts and champions.

Bedog Weapon Functions

the function of the bedog is as a symbolic feature used to enhance the dignity of its owner. From an aesthetic point of view, bedog is used as a collection object. And when viewed from its economic function, bedog is able to provide livelihood for the community.

Usually this traditional Sundanese weapon is known by its name which aims to eliminate the spooky effects of this weapon. Its name is “Salam Tunggal”, which means that even if you carry a bedog, you must ensure safety by devoting yourself to the Almighty.

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Types of Bedog or Machete

This West Javanese traditional weapon is also available in various forms. Here are some types of bedog forms and their characteristics.

  1. Bedog Gaplok is usually used to cut or uproot grass and other plants in the garden.
  2. The Pamencitan Bedog or Golok is 25-27 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. This weapon comes from the word peuncit, which means battle in Sundanese. Therefore, this type of bedok is usually used for animal slaughter
  3. Bedog or Pamoroan Machete or International Survival Machete. These machetes are usually 40-50 cm long and up to 3.5 cm wide. This type of weapon is usually used for hunting
  4. Bedog or Golok Tani is a weapon that is usually 25-30 cm long and about 4 cm wide. Judging from its name, the Sundanese usually use it for activities related to agriculture and plantations
  5. The Pamugeulan Bedog or Golok is 23 to 24.5 cm long and about 6 cm wide. People usually use this traditional weapon for heavy activities such as logging. This is supported by the form of a machete which is quite large
  6. The Bedog or Sotogayot Machete is 25-27 cm long and 6 cm wide. The Sundanese usually use this weapon to cut bamboo or process bamboo materials
  7. Bedog or kitchen cleaver measuring 20-23 cm and 4 cm wide. If the name indicates “kitchen”, it can be concluded that the Sundanese use this weapon for kitchen purposes such as cooking and cutting fuel
  8. The Panguseupan machete is about 17-2 cm long and 3 cm wide. Nguseup comes from Sundanese which means “to fish”, so this machete is usually used for fishing in rivers and seas
  9. Bedog Cepot ranges in size from 15 to 17 cm and is more than 9 cm wide. This machete is usually used to split

3. Patches

Patik is a traditional weapon in West Java which in Indonesian means axe. The shape of the ax is almost the same as the modern ax in urban areas. Traditionally, this traditional weapon is used by the community to cut down trees. In ancient times, the ancestors of the Sundanese used Patik as a means of expansion.

What is meant by expansion is opening up new areas by clearing forests. Not only that, the use of the ax that has survived to this day is as a tool to find firewood or do other heavy work. This weapon is made of iron and has a strong and sharp edge. The length of the handle of the bat is usually around 30-35 cm.

The blade at the end of this weapon is approximately 10 cm long and up to 4 cm thick. The advantage of the traditional West Java Pick is its strength. Therefore, it is a heavy but very efficient tool to support people’s work in forestry and agriculture.

This weapon is also included in traditional weapons which are very popular and popular among the Sundanese. This means that the majority of farmers and timber hunters in most rural areas use Patik as a weapon.

4. Congkrang

Congkrang is a traditional weapon of West Java which is shaped like a hoe, but much smaller. This traditional weapon is not used as a combat weapon, so it is generally less sharp or not sharp. The traditional congkrang weapon is mainly used to uproot weeds from the ground.

Not only that, this weapon is also used to clear grass and weeds in rice fields and gardens. The Congkrang weapon also has several features, such as the ability to scrape grass from its roots. This traditional weapon has been around for a long time and is still a garden tool used by women to help their husbands.

5. Ani-Ani (Crabs)

In Sundanese, Ani Ani is also known as Etem or Crab. This traditional West Javanese weapon is used to harvest rice. This weapon is usually in the form of a small knife that can be hidden in the palm of the hand.

This traditional rice harvesting weapon was chosen because of the growing belief that Sundanese and Javanese people should not use machetes and sickles. In this belief, Dewi Padi and Nyai Pohaci Sang Hyang Sri are believed to have a calm and gentle personality, and are feared by sharp weapons such as machetes and sickles.

Therefore, if the goddess is afraid, the rice yields will be bad. Harvesting rice with cut stems not only takes time, it also takes time to cut the stems. So that’s when the farmers have to use Ani Ani’s gun to help him. However, this weapon has the disadvantage that it requires quite a long time, because each handle must be harvested accurately.

6. Sulimat

Sulimat is a traditional West Javanese weapon developed to work in the plantation sector, especially the coconut industry. This weapon is usually used to tear or peel coconut skin. This traditional weapon has two sides, a horizontal plane and a vertical plane.

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The horizontal side is pushed into the ground to act as a foot or base, and the vertical side moves to the right as it is used on that side to separate the coconuts and the fibers. This traditional weapon is rarely found, but the use of this weapon is very helpful in making coconut shells work faster.

Peeling coconuts is more efficient when using sulimat. The material used to make Sulimat is joined with iron to make the two sides of the weapon, as mentioned above. However, as time went on, this weapon became increasingly rare and became one of the most sophisticated traditional Sundanese weapons.

7. Gacok

Gacok is a traditional West Javanese weapon with a sharp shape like a big fork. Gacok is usually used for agriculture and livestock which is usually used to collect dry grass, clean cages, and clean clothesline. This traditional weapon has a hoe-shaped handle.

But the difference with the others, this weapon cannot use the Gacock to occupy the ground. Unlike the hoe. This traditional weapon is a popular weapon among farmers. In addition to the relatively cheap price, this weapon is also very light, energy efficient and easy to use.

8. Bajra and Mace

Bajra and Gada are West Javanese traditional weapons which were used in the pre-independence era as a means of resistance to expel invaders. This form of weapon is a weapon used by swinging and hitting. This West Javanese traditional weapon usually varies according to the needs of its users.

The mace is also found at this time and has spikes on both ends, so don’t underestimate the scratches and vajra that the Mace causes. In hand-to-hand combat, the attacked enemy suffers fatal wounds and bleeding, and can even see his head.

In ancient times this weapon was popular because the materials used were very simple. In other words, it can be made of hard materials such as teak and iron. However, over time, this weapon has been so forgotten that its existence can usually only be found in museums.

9. Balincong

Balincong is a traditional West Javanese weapon in the form of an ax with two sharp edges. This weapon is usually used to assist in agricultural work. This makes the Balincong weapon one of the most popular weapons around the countryside. This traditional weapon has an iron tip. Although the handle is made of wood.

The tip itself has two sides with the same blade. At first glance, the weapon resembles an axe. However, Balincong does not have a flat and wide side of the weapon. The Balincong weapon is used as a tool for digging the ground and breaking rocks in the fields. This weapon is also useful for tasks such as building irrigation canals in rice fields and strengthening the flow of rivers.

Balincong is divided into 2 types namely long Balincong which usually has a length of about 52 cm with a width of up to 10 cm in a horizontal shape. Balincong of this type is usually used for very heavy work. While the small Balincong has a length of about 38 cm with a flat width of 6 cm and is used as an alternative weapon for other work needs.

10. Baliung

Baliung is a traditional West Javanese weapon in the form of a modern axe. This weapon is usually used to cut down large trees. In other areas, there are weapons such as the Baliung, which only differ in name and designation. The hilt length of this traditional weapon is 30-35 cm. The handle of this weapon looks very thick and heavy.

This is due to the very high level of pressure and cutting power of this weapon. In addition, this weapon also has sharp sides and thickness so that it can scratch the hard tree bark. Even today, these weapons are still widely used by the community, especially to support activities in the forest.

11. Sickles

Arit is one of the traditional West Javanese weapons that still exists today. The sickle is a traditional crescent-shaped weapon, with several functions used to gather grass and other weapons. In several other areas, there are still many types of traditional weapons in the form of sickles. Like the Madurese traditional weapon called sickle or Betawi traditional weapon called sickle.

So, that’s a list of traditional West Javanese weapons that Sinaumed’s should be familiar with. Apart from traditional weapons, there are several things about Indonesian culture that Sinaumed’s needs to know too, such as traditional musical instruments, regional clothing, and traditional food. Sinaumed’s can get books related to Indonesian culture at www.sinaumedia.com . As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia will always provide the best products so that you have #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Lala