103 Examples of Accounting Thesis Titles and How to Arrange Thesis Titles!

Accounting thesis title – Thesis is a graduation requirement that must be completed by final semester students. Without a thesis, a student cannot get a bachelor’s degree. Not infrequently, in writing their thesis, many students find it difficult even from the time they choose the title. Especially students majoring in accounting.

In fact, the title is the most basic aspect in a research. In other words, if you choose the wrong title, you will most likely have difficulty completing the research you are doing.

Most novice students or researchers neglect when formulating titles which results in not achieving the expected goals and objectives. Especially for writers and readers.

Therefore, in this article we will discuss how to make a good accounting thesis title and examples. Listen to the end, OK!

Things to Look For in Making a Thesis Title

Formulate Research Topics

Usually, problems arise from the selection of qualitative or quantitative research methods. In addition, there are also students who try to make titles that are rarely used so it is difficult to find references. Others are confused about determining the number of variables to use, whether 2 variables or 3 variables.

However, it turns out that all of that is not important in writing the title of the thesis. Darwin, Muhammad, et al. (2021) states that before writing a thesis or research title, a researcher must first start by determining the topic.

Because, continued Darwin, the topic is the main problem that the researcher wants to tackle and can attract the interest of the reader. In the beginning, research topics were always general and abstract in nature, so researchers had to formulate them according to their scientific specifications or field of study.

So, by determining the topic beforehand, you will have a basis or basis for talking about your goals. To determine your research topic, you can start by categorizing the issues to be researched according to your major.

For example, you are a student majoring in Accounting, you can choose a topic such as taxation, public sector, management, or something else. After that, detail the topic you have chosen to be more specific. For example taxation in SMEs or others. If so, you can start outlining the latest issues or those that are being talked about by many people.

Furthermore, Darwin outlined 4 important aspects that you should pay attention to before deciding on a research topic, namely:

The research topic must be in accordance with your interests or the field of study
you are taking. This means, you must have a deep understanding of the topic you choose. Of course, you are not allowed to take topics that are outside your field of study.

Research Topics Must Be Useful and Worth Discussing

This means that the topic you choose can contribute to the development of science, profession, and is worthy of discussion.

Research Topics Must be Up to Date

Instead, look for research topics from the latest issues that are currently being discussed, then describe these issues as research study material.

Choose a Research Topic whose Material is Easy to Obtain

Material is one of the main things that you must consider in choosing a research topic. Make sure all the materials you need for your research are easily available or easily accessible.

Formulating a Topic to Become a Research Title

After determining the research topic, you can immediately formulate it into a research title. With notes, the title you make must describe the depth and scope of the research that you will do. In addition, the title must also look attractive to readers and users of your research results later.

Darwin underlined several important things that must be considered so that you can make a good research title, including:

  1. The title must be relevant to the topic, scope, and part of the research you are conducting
  2. The title must describe the problem to be studied simply or it can also reflect the problem under study
  3. Has independent variables and dependent variables that describe the influence or relationship of the two.
  4. The title must be concise, clear, solid, and firm. That is, it does not have a double meaning. If you use Indonesian, it’s best to limit the title to 12 words and 10 words for English.
  5. Write the research title in noun phrase form
  6. Choose a title that you can work with. The goal is that the research process runs smoothly and you can minimize obstacles in the process.
  7. The title cannot be exactly the same as the title of another existing research, you should use a more specific title.

In conclusion, the title of the thesis or research that you make must use good and correct language aspects so as not to confuse the reader, and clearly and unequivocally describe what will be studied in the research. Even better, if the title has keywords that can provide an overview of the subject and research objectives.

As explained by Syofian Siregar in his book entitled Quantitative Research Methods: Equipped with Manual Calculation Comparisons .

Well, Sinaumed’s, those are the important things you should know when choosing a thesis title. Now you should have started to be able to make a good accounting thesis title and according to the wishes of the supervisor so that it is easy to acc.

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If you are still having trouble, here is an example of an accounting thesis title that you can use as a reference or inspiration.

Example of Complete Accounting Thesis Title

Example of Financial Accounting Thesis Title

  1. Analysis of Standard Costing as a Means of Production Cost Control
  2. Fixed Assets Accounting Treatment for Presentation of Financial Statements
  3. Determination of Standard Costs as a Tool for Controlling Production Costs
  4. Contribution Margin Against Sales Planning
  5. Difference in Raw Material Costs Against Production Cost Efficiency
  6. Accounts Receivable Control System in Relation to Accounts Receivable Turnover
  7. Cost Accounting Treatment Relation to Financial Statements
  8. Accounting Treatment of Tangible Fixed Assets According to SAK and Taxation of Financial Statements
  9. Factors Influencing Stock Prices On Ex-Dividend Day
  10. Accountability Accounting As a Tool of Cost Control
  11. Variable Costing Methods Against Applied Full Costing Methods As A Profit Planning Tool
  12. Savings and Loans Unit in Improving the Welfare of Cooperative Members
  13. Benefits of Setting a Cost and Revenue Budget as a Cost and Revenue Control Tool
  14. Economic Value Added (EVA) as an Alternative to Assessing Financial Performance
  15. Profit Margin and Price Earning Ratio to Return On Investment (ROI)
  16. Activity Based Costing (ABC) in Determining Cost of Services as a Guideline for Setting Tariffs
  17. Analysis of Liquidity Ratios and Solvency Ratios in Measuring Financial Performance
  18. Financial performance on Company Liquidity
  19. Financial Performance on Company Financial Profitability
  20. Financial Performance Before and After Right Issue on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
  21. Accounting Information for Mental Discounting.
  22. Fixed Asset Accounting for Presentation of Financial Statements
  23. Financial Ratios to Company Financial Performance
  24. Activity Based Costing (Abc) System for Calculation of Cost of Goods Sold (HPP)

So that you can understand each topic and keyword in the example of the financial accounting thesis title above, try reading the Financial Accounting book written by Wati Aris Astuti & Dr. Surtikanti.

Example of Management Accounting Thesis Title

  1. Contribution Margin Analysis of Product Sales Planning ( Product Name ) at PT. XXXX.
  2. Financial Statements as Management Performance Appraiser
  3. Performance Assessment with the Concept of Activity Based Management (ABM)
  4. Transformer Depreciation Method of Financial Statements
  5. Management Accounting Information on Exploitation Cost Efficiency
  6. Asset Structure Firm Size, Earning Volatility, and Profitability to Debt Ratio
  7. Budget Participation Against Budget Efficiency
  8. The Balanced Scorecard as a Measuring Tool for Management Performance from a Financial, Learning and Growth Perspective
  9. Standard Costs in the Context of Controlling Factory Overhead Costs
  10. Cost of Quality in Controlling Defective Products to Improve Product Quality
  11. Control of Receivables to Improve Working Capital Efficiency
  12. SIA Credit Sales against Receivables Internal Control

To get other topics that you can make as management accounting thesis titles, the book Management Accounting Theory & Applications compiled by V Wiratna Sujarweni can help you. This book contains a collection of writings that discuss various topics in the field of management accounting.

Example of Tax Accounting Thesis Title

  1. Accounting Treatment of Value Added Tax (VAT) and Its Impact on Financial Statements.
  2. Calculation of Article 25 Corporate Income Tax in the Presentation of Financial Statements
  3. Accounting Treatment for Auction Taxes Charged in Auction Transactions
  4. Land and Building Tax (PBB) on Regional Original Income (PAD)
  5. Accounting Treatment of Value Added Tax (VAT) and Its Impact on Financial Statements
  6. Article 25.29 Income Tax Provisions and Their Impact on Financial Statements
  7. Calculation of PPh 25 Personal Law No. 7 of 2000 in the Presentation of Hotel Financial Statements.
  8. Tax Target with Tax Realization
  9. Progressive Tax on private car ownership
  10. Value Added Tax (VAT) on luxury car ownership

Accounting and Taxation are very closely related, both theoretically and in practice. Along with the dynamics of the development of Financial Accounting Standards which are very fast, it is absolutely understood that their influence on tax treatment, therefore you need to understand more deeply about this field so that you can determine the appropriate thesis title.

For this reason, you can make the Tax Accounting book written by Wirawan B Ilyas & Diaz Priantara the main reference.

Example of Public Sector Accounting Thesis Title

  1. Analysis of the Magnitude Ratio of Regional Original Income (PAD) to the Total Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD)
  2. Realization of Regional Tax Revenues Compared to Revenue Targets According to the Regional Budget
  3. Collection of Restaurant Tax to Increase Regional Original Revenue
  4. Analysis of Regional Tax and Retribution Efficiency Measurements
  5. Land and Building Tax Revenue as Regional Income Sector
  6. Capital Expenditure Investment Ratio to Total APBD
  7. Ratio of PAD to Total APBD

You can study all examples of the topics above in the book Public Sector Accounting, the latest edition written by Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo, Mba., Ak, Sinaumed’s! Since it was first published, this book has been used as a guide by many students who want to understand the field of public sector accounting in Indonesia.

Example of Islamic Accounting Thesis Title

  1. Musyarakah Profit Sharing Principles and Accounting Treatment at Islamic Banks based on PSAK No. 59 (Accounting for Islamic Banking)
  2. Accounting Calculations and Treatment for Sharia Banking Products
  3. Treatment and Calculation of Profit Sharing in Islamic Banking
  4. Treatment and Calculation of Loss Sharing in Islamic Banking
  5. Expectations and Implementation of PSAK No. … Islamic Banking Accounting
  6. Financial Report according to PSAK No. … Islamic Bank Accounting
  7. Musyarakah Profit Sharing Principles for increasing Customer Volume
  8. PSAK 59 Accounting Treatment in Islamic Banking Accounting.
  9. Accounting for Mudharabah Deposits in Conventional Bank Sharia Units.

The existence of Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia is now growing. Therefore, an appropriate accounting system is needed, of course, namely sharia accounting. Sharia Accounting book written by Alexander Hery, SE, MSi. You can use it as a reference to understand sharia accounting.

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Example of Government Accounting Thesis Title

  1. The Influence of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Governmental Accounting Management Activities
  2. Analysis of the Influence of Fundamentals and Non-fundamental Factors on Underpricing of Shares in Companies Implementing Initial Public Offerings on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
  3. The Influence of Situational Factors on the Independence of the Research Team Members of the One Stop Integrated Service Agency
  4. The Influence of Organizational Commitment Mentoring System on Job Satisfaction of Beginner Auditors (Empirical Study of XXX District)
  5. Analysis of Factors Affecting Change of Public Accountant Office After Rotation Compulsory Audit of Non-Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange)
  6. Implementation of the Functions of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) in the preparation of the X City Government APBD in accordance with the law. No. 22 of 1999
  7. The Influence of Commitment to Goals on the Independence of One-Stop Service Research Team Members
  8. Analysis of Trigger Factors Occurrence of Budget Differences with Realization of Revenue, Profits, Costs in PDAM
  9. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Capability of DPRD Members in Regional Financial Supervision
  10. The Effect of Institutional Ownership and Foreign Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Annual Report (Empirical Study of Non-financial Companies That Have Been Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange)
  11. Analysis of the Government’s Internal Control System in the Management of Dadapan Village Funds, X District, X District in the Perspective of Government Regulation Number X Year XXXX
  12. The Influence of Expertise, Independence and Professional Ethics of Auditors on Auditor Quality at City Government Inspectorate X.
  13. Evaluation of the Presentation of Local Government Fixed Assets at Office X District / X District Based on PSAP No X Year X
  14. Evaluation of the Financial Performance of the X District Government on the Level of SILPA for Fiscal Year X
  15. Evaluation of the Government’s Internal Control System in Cash Disbursement at Service X District X
  16. Evaluation of the Implementation of Accrual-Based Government Accounting Standards in District X Year X

If you need a reference on government accounting in Indonesia, the book Government Accounting in Indonesia written by Mursyidi can be your top choice. Because this book has a specialty. including providing reviews and partial examples as well as examples of integrated implementation. It also presents accounting for public service agencies (BLU) which are integrated with the accounting units that supervise them.

Example of Cost Accounting Thesis Title

  1. Analysis of the Implementation of Environmental Cost Accounting at Company X in City X
  2. Product X Production Cost Accounting (Case Study at Company X)
  3. Study of the Application of Cost Accounting in the Regional Expenditures of City X
  4. Production Cost Accounting Analysis at PT. XXX (Case Study at PT. XXX)
  5. Analysis of Environmental Cost Accounting in the Waste Treatment Process of Company X City X
  6. Analysis of the Implementation and Reporting of Environmental Cost Accounting: Studies at PT. X
  7. Analysis of the Implementation of Environmental Cost Accounting for Waste Management (Study on Company X Year X Waste)
  8. The Role of Cost Accounting as a Tool of Management at PT. X in X Year
  9. Standard Cost Accounting Information System at PT. X
  10. Cost Accounting Analysis in Forming the Selling Price of Product X and Its Marketing to Consumers (Case Study in XXX in Village/District/District X)

Cost accounting is an entity’s production activities to product sales or service delivery. Information about fees can be used for various purposes or purposes. Thus, it is necessary to record and classify costs to meet various objectives. The Cost Accounting book compiled by Syaiful Bahri, et al is one of the main references that you should read if you want to understand this field well.

Example of Banking Accounting Thesis Title

  1. The Effect of Good Corporate Governance Self Assessment and Risk Management on Financial Performance (Case Study of Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Year X)
  2. The Effect of Bonus Compensation and Dividend Payout Ratio on Profit Smoothing Practices (Study of the Banking Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Year X)
  3. Effect of Inflation Rate on Total Assets of Islamic Banking in City/District X (Study on Bank X Period X)
  4. Effect of Disclosure of Banking Fraud on X
  5. The Influence of Loan Disbursement/Working Capital/Operating Income/Loan Interest Rates on Operating Profits in Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Year X

Example of an Accounting Thesis Title at the District Office/Village Office

  1. The Effect of Internal Control/Organizational Ethical Culture/Compensation on Accounting Fraud Tendency in Village Government X District X
  2. Management/Use of Village Funds in Village X District X District X
  3. Synchronization/Harmonization/Accountability of Village Financial Planning Year X (Study at Village Office X District X District X)
  4. The Influence of Governance on the Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises in Province X
  5. The Effect of Human Resource Competence/Leadership Style on the Quality of Village Financial Reports in District/District X

The village has the obligation to prepare financial reports for accountability for the realization of the budget for the funds it uses. Therefore, if you want to write a thesis in village accounting, you must first understand the basics.

The Village Accounting Book written by David Wijaya, Se. M.M can help you to understand all topics related to village accounting.

Example of Accounting Thesis Title about MSMEs

  1. The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Business Sustainability with Business Performance as a Mediating Variable (Empirical Study on MSMEs in District/District/Province X)
  2. The Influence of Readiness of Information Capital on Business Performance of MSMEs in District/District/Province X
  3. The Effect of Competition Pressure on Business Performance with Transformational Leadership and Organizational Learning as Mediating Variables (Study on MSMEs in District/District/Province X)
  4. Information on Media Trends Moderates the Influence of Knowledge and Tax Audit on Taxpayer Compliance of MSMEs in District/District/Province X Year X
  5. The Mediation Role of Global Market Orientation on the Effect of Human Capital Readiness on Business Performance (Empirical Study of MSMEs in District/District/Province X Year X)


Thus the discussion about the title of the accounting thesis , I hope that all of the discussion above will inspire Sinaumed’s, especially in making the title of the accounting thesis.

If you want to find books about accounting, then you can find them at sinaumedia.com . Reading lots of books and articles will never hurt you, because Sinaumed’s will get #MoreWithReading information and knowledge .