10 Basic Techniques in Soccer Game

10 Basic Techniques in Playing Soccer – Sinaumed’s, do you like playing soccer? Or do you want to pursue soccer? Before that, you have to know the basic techniques of playing soccer. These techniques will later help you when playing soccer. This article will discuss 10 basic techniques in the game of soccer.

Basic Techniques in Football Games

1. Shooting

This technique can be done using the outside of the left foot, the inside of the foot, and using the toe. In addition, it can also be done using the toe. The following are some tips that can be done to do shooting techniques so that they can be done correctly:

  1.   Look at the field, then observe the situation before shooting .
  2.   Focus on the target or target for the ball to be shot. Also, don’t forget to pay attention to the opposing players.
  3.   Adjusting the shot to the opponent’s position.
  4.   Look at the ball when you want to kick it.
  5.   When you have set goals and information on the field, then look at the ball again. After that, take a look at the ball so that the results become more accurate.
  6.   Don’t forget to choose the right and comfortable shoes.

2. Dribbling

Dribbling techniques are also used when the ball wants to be dribbled into the goal area. Then, neither player will be awarded for the pass. This basic dribbling technique is divided into two types. These techniques are speed dribbling and closed dribbling .

First, the speed dribbling technique , which is a technique in soccer. This technique is done in several ways. The player will kick the ball towards the front, then he will chase the ball quickly. This speed dribbling technique is a technique that is done quickly. So players must need high focus in doing so.

Second, the close dribbling technique is a technique that is carried out if the distance between the ball and the player is very close. In doing so, players must have full control when dribbling. This is necessary because the distance is not far. However, usually the opponent will be around the player and try to grab the ball at the player’s feet.

3. Techniques to Stop the Ball

On the leg, a player can stop the ball using several parts. These parts are the outer leg, instep, and sole of the foot. The technique of stopping the ball which is done with the thigh is usually due to the ball being received from a long distance.

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Unlike the legs and thighs. The technique of stopping the ball which is done using the chest is done when receiving the ball from above. This allows the ball to stabilize and glide to the ground. For techniques using the stomach, it is somewhat unique and rarely done. Players must pay attention to the direction the ball is coming from first, if you want to use abdominal techniques.

4. Throw-in Technique

Use both hands and throw the ball in. However, what must be considered is that the player must use good technique in the throw. So that the throw can be done well.

To do this technique, first grab the ball using both hands. The second step, point your feet so they face the field. In this position, the toes are positioned on the edge of the field line. Third step. Arch your back, step four, lift the ball starting from behind the head. Bring the ball up over your head.

Step five, release the ball forward with a flick of the wrist. The last step, run back into the field to return to play. However, don’t touch the ball before it has been touched by another player.

5. Passing

In general, the passing technique is done using the feet only. Players will pass and do it using the inside of the foot. The use of the inner leg is because the inner leg has a wider area. When compared to the instep, the inner leg will help more.

Passes are of two types. There are short passes or short passes, and there are long passes or long passes. Short passing techniques are used to give the ball to fellow players who are close. To be able to direct the ball, players must have good body balance. You do this by positioning the foot that is used as the pedestal so that it is parallel to the ball.

Long pass technique is a technique that makes the ball kick soar into the air. So it will go over the head of the player. This is what makes this pass done from a distance.

6. Headings

The following are the principles of heading the ball:

  • Run to call the ball from the direction the ball came from. The gaze is properly directed in preparation for the heading technique. Focus on the direction of the ball.
  • The attitude of the neck muscles is done correctly when heading. The trick is to strengthen and harden the neck muscles
  • Use your forehead to head the ball, that’s the good part. Precisely in the head area above the forehead and under the head hair
  • Pull the body back by curving at the waist area. Movement of the whole body, such as the strength of the abdominal muscles. The strength of the pelvic thrust and also the strength of the two knees. Then the legs are lowered and the body swings forward. So that the forehead can hit the ball.
  • When heading the ball, the eyes must be kept open and not closed. Follow the direction of the ball. Follow where the ball is directed. Then proceed with the movement to quickly run away from the position.
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7. Juggling technique 

To do this technique, the first step is to hold the ball in front of your chest. The second step, keep your knees slightly bent. Then do this technique. To get maximum results, of course you need to do regular exercises.

8. Sweeping Ball Technique

To use the technique of sweeping the ball, there are several techniques that must be learned. The technique is sliding by dropping the body into the field. In addition, players must also pay attention to the right time to do this. If you make a mistake in estimating the time, you will get a card from the referee.

Another thing that should not be done when doing this technique is to do it from behind the opponent besides that, lifting your legs up while doing this technique is also not allowed. Another thing that is not allowed is tackle using scissoring technique.

9. Intercepting

In addition, players who use this technique can also stop the bait from opposing players. This technique is very important to be a defense from the opponent’s attack. However, players who use this technique must be careful. The thing to pay attention to is that the ball will be grabbed, not the feet of the opposing player.

10. Goal keeping

Goalkeeping technique is an important technique as the last defense of the team. In doing this technique, it is necessary to master several other techniques. Like a kick technique that is done with strong power.

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Those are some basic techniques in the game of soccer. To be more proficient, you have to practice regularly. Apart from the techniques above, you also need to learn other things about soccer. Find these interesting things at www.sinaumedia.com. sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always provide the best book recommendations for Sinaumed’s.

Source: from various sources