Why Do We Have To Be Tolerant?

Why do we have To Behave Tolerance? – In everyday social life, there is a behavior or attitude that may be familiar to Sinaumed’s. Sinaumed’s always applies this attitude or behavior and even Sinaumed’s upholds it to preserve this behavior. The attitude or behavior that we meant earlier is the attitude or behavior of tolerance. How important tolerance is for survival in a country is very important. Sinaumed’s must remember that our country, Indonesia is a country that has a lot of diversity. Diversity in an aspect must be balanced with an attitude or behavior of tolerance.

As Sinaumed’s knows, the simple notion of self-tolerance is a form of attitude or behavior that reflects mutual respect for others. It should be remembered and underlined that tolerance itself is known as hardline anti-discrimination. In the attitude and behavior of tolerance, all things are considered equal and equal. Tolerance is naturally created for diversity which functions as a neutralizer for that diversity.

So, maybe there are some Sinaumed’s who are not aware of or even curious about the reasons why we have to behave and be tolerant in our lives, especially in everyday life for Sinaumed’s. As we have said above, this attitude and behavior of tolerance serves as a counterweight to diversity, especially the diversity that exists in our beloved country, Indonesia. Without further ado and maybe Sinaumed’s is starting to get impatient to find out the reasons behind the importance of behaving and being tolerant.

A. Why We Must Behave Tolerance

1. General Definition of Tolerance

Before knowing the reasons why we have to behave and behave that reflects an attitude of tolerance, it’s better if Sinaumed’s knows more deeply about the definition or understanding of tolerance. The definition or understanding of tolerance itself has various meanings originating from various aspects, such as religious aspects, especially in Islam, from literal or general understanding aspects, and several meanings put forward by scientists or experts.

The general definition or definition of the attitude and behavior of tolerance is a basic word “tolerare” which comes from Latin. This Latin word means patience. For the understanding or definition of tolerance according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, it has a definition or understanding, namely behaving or being always accepting or tolerant or can also be tolerant of other opinions or views given by others. In other words, tolerance can also be said to be a partner for diversity.

2. Definition of Tolerance According to Experts

In addition to several understandings of tolerance from a religious and general perspective, we also have another flour of tolerance, namely the tolerance of other people outside of us, namely from Max. Michael, Friedrich, Djohan, and Purwadar Minta.

a. According to Michael Walzer

According to the first expert or scientist, namely Michael Walzer, the notion or definition of tolerance is a condition or situation that must exist within an individual or group to be able to fulfill its goals and functions. The purpose contained in it is the goal to be able to live a calm and peaceful life amidst the differences that exist in that situation.

b. According to Friedrich Heiler

According to the second expert or scientist, namely Friedrich Heiler, the notion or definition of tolerance is an idea or scope that has a focal point in one area, namely only the field of religion. in detail, Friedrich Heiler considers tolerant behavior only carried out by a Muslim who admits that there are many religions spread in the community where he lives.

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c. According to Max Isaac Dimont

According to the third expert or scientist, namely Max Isaac Dimont, the meaning or definition of tolerance is the behavior or form of mutual respect for one another that is different. If there is an attitude and behavior of respect, it will be directly proportional to peace and it is impossible for any actions to be judged out of bounds.

d. According to Djohan Effendi

According to the fourth expert or scientist, namely Djohan Effendi, the meaning or definition of tolerance is a human behavior or trait where humans can control and accept differences very openly. The definition of tolerance put forward by Djohan Effendi is considered very broad.

Why is that? Because if you study it, Djohan’s words are very easy to apply because his words have a very broad meaning. Someone is considered not racist, just by ignoring all the differences, both physical and psychological, has become a form of tolerance.

e. According to Purwadarmin

According to the fifth expert or scientist, namely Poerwadar Minta understanding or definition of tolerance is one of the behaviors and attitudes that must be owned by a person to be able to give permission for a difference between himself and other people. The differences in question are very broad, such as differences in viewpoints, beliefs, and opinions.

3. Characteristics of People Who Behave Tolerance

Attitudes and behaviors of tolerance can actually grow by themselves in every human person, these attitudes and behaviors grow because of an awareness that cultural diversity, such as religion, ethnicity, and language exists due to history or history in the past accompanied by several factors that influence the existence of this diversity. Because of this diversity, it is obligatory for every member of society to have an attitude and behave in tolerance towards other members of society.

Even though it is obligatory to have tolerant attitudes and behaviors individually, there are still one or two individuals who choose to be indifferent and do not want to behave that reflects an attitude of tolerance. For this reason, we found several characteristics where citizens or community members do not uphold behavior that reflects an attitude of tolerance and which citizens or members of the public obey to always be tolerant.

People or community members who already have the awareness to always apply and behave in tolerance usually have several characteristics, such as:

  • Tolerant people always respect the opinions, views and thoughts of others.
  • Tolerant people always give all freedom to others, because freedom is everyone’s right.
  • People who behave tolerantly always appreciate and value the opinions and choices of others even though they differ from their thoughts.
  • People who behave in tolerance always like and do not underestimate the differences both psychologically and physically in other people when they are socializing together.

4. Types of Tolerance

In life there are different aspects as well as for tolerant behavior, of course tolerance is also differentiated depending on the situation and conditions required. For this reason, tolerance also has several different types in each situation in its application. In the following, we will describe several types of tolerance that are common in aspects of everyday life.

a. Tolerance in religion

b. Tolerance in diverse cultures

c. Tolerance in politics

d. Tolerance in association with peers

e. Tolerance in the school environment

f. Family tolerance

g. Tolerance in playing social media

5. Reasons for having a tolerant attitude and behavior?

As we all know that by frequently acting and behaving that show points of tolerance will make life more secure, harmonious and peaceful, of course. These three points are certainly one of the desires that must be realized in every member or group of people. So, in order for everyone’s dream environment to come true, of course we must be able to uphold and preserve the attitude and behavior of tolerance in our own living environment.

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In the following, we will convey some of the goals and benefits of behaving and behaving that reflect an attitude of tolerance in everyday life. These goals and benefits can be the reason why Sinaumed’s must behave and behave that reflects an attitude of tolerance. In the following, we will convey some of the main benefits and goals of tolerant behavior in everyday life.

a. Can always maintain harmony between communities

By preserving and upholding the attitude and behavior of tolerance in everyday life, it will automatically be able to maintain patterns of relations between communities so that they are always in a state of harmony and harmony in the midst of the diversity that occurs. The habit of always behaving and being tolerant will really help strengthen, increase comfort, peace, harmony and harmony in social relations without having to experience differences that can become conflicts within a group.

b. Naturally can prevent any conflict

The main goal of preserving and upholding tolerant behavior is to prevent conflicts and divisions both within and outside the community members caused by the diversity or differences that exist. If there is a division that has already occurred, it will automatically cause damage and losses to each of the parties concerned, both individually and in groups.

c. Unite the diversity and differences that exist

The main purpose of creating tolerance is to make differences complement each other, not compete. This can happen when two different camps have an open mind to unite and combine forces instead of fighting each other. If neither side has such a mindset, it will have the potential to create a split which can certainly be detrimental to both parties.

d. Increase the level of harmony and peace

The most important goal which is the foundation of why it is so necessary for every citizen to have and behave in tolerance is so that every citizen can help to reduce and even narrow down opportunities for problems to occur. On the other hand, citizens should be able to increase harmony and maintain peace that has occurred in certain areas within society and the state.

After knowing some of the goals and benefits resulting from tolerant behavior, of course Sinaumed’s already knows very well the reasons behind why we always have to behave in ways that reflect tolerance, right? Attitudes that reflect tolerance can be applied in various types of behavior too. In the following, we will describe several manifestations of tolerant behavior in everyday life in society.

  • Always give appreciation for the achievements of others even though it is different from our way, without having to use it.
  • Always put forward to behave respectfully and respect the rights of others.
  • Stay away from discriminatory attitudes or attitudes that always discriminate against people on the basis of differences in race, religion, ethnicity, culture, gender, and so on.
  • Do not seize and interfere with the freedom of others.
  • Always offer assistance and helping other brothers and sisters without having to look at backgrounds and discriminate.
  • Always respect all opinions issued by other people even if they are different opinions from yours.
  • Always respect the beliefs and worship of others.

So that’s some knowledge about the reasons why we must always behave tolerantly in our daily lives . Not only that, we also provide some other information regarding tolerance which might be very useful for Sinaumed’s in the future. It should be remembered that in Indonesia itself an attitude of tolerance has been instilled from an early age because our country, Indonesia, is rich in diversity. This habit will continue to be carried out so that the course of life in the state and society always goes on a different, peaceful, harmonious, harmonious and safe path.

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