Understanding the Definition to Examples of Content Plans

Examples of content plans – In business development, various types of powerful strategies are needed. One of them is in the marketing process carried out by all parties, especially for the marketing team. Currently, the marketing process is also quite diverse.

Not only relying on conventional methods, but in the marketing process that has been carried out, they have started using digital marketing systems. This shows that the business world has begun to take advantage of existing technological advances.

Maybe the term digital marketing is already familiar to you. However, when talking about digital marketing, of course you cannot be separated from what is called digital content . Creating content cannot be done just like that, there must be special considerations or research carried out so that the goals to be achieved can be more easily realized.

One way is to use a content plan strategy. It is important for business people, especially marketing teams, to know what a content plan is.

So, this article provides an explanation of the content plan which you can read in full.

Definition of Content Plan

Simply put, a content plan is a planning schedule in the development of content with the aim of being a form of support for the business so that it can achieve the goals to be achieved. The planning in question can be like content ideas that will be adapted to the target market, choosing a platform for the content that has been created to choosing the right time to upload the content that has been made.

Apart from that, a content plan can also be interpreted as a technique that must be done for those who want to create content. One of the goals of creating content is to get new customers for the products offered. Therefore, in the process of creating content, planning stages are also needed.

In addition, a content plan can also be interpreted as a method that aims to make a media look more attractive and can make the information contained in the content easier for the audience to understand.

For example, with a content plan, you can try to present content that tells an overview of the products offered, starting from the various advantages to how to use these products.

Reasons Why Content Plans Are Important in Business

As a form of marketing strategy, business people who use digital marketing methods are really obliged to upload content consistently in order to achieve the goals they want to achieve. Be it, to increase the number of new customers, purchase transactions, increase website traffic, increase the number of sales and so on.

In principle, a content plan can indeed assist businesses in developing a content strategy that is more targeted and can provide solutions to problems currently being experienced by consumers. The positive impact of having a content plan is that it can help businesses grow their business more quickly.

In addition, content plans can also help achieve predetermined targets. For example, such as the target number of customers and the number of sales within a month.

So, you as a business actor need not hesitate anymore to take advantage of various types of social media tools to expedite the development of the business that you are running. As an example, you can try using tools that can be used to search for keywords or keywords that are often used by customers when looking for products that are the same as your field of business.

You can also take advantage of tools that can be used to track customer behavior. Or maybe you can try using engagement tools from various platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.

Types of Content Plans

Content plan is divided into several types in it. Which type of content plan will depend on which stage of the marketing funnel you are targeting. So, for more details, you can read several types of content plans, which are seen based on their objectives below.

1. Content Plan with Brand Awareness Objects

The first type of content plan is brand awareness. Where this type of content plan has the goal of increasing awareness related to the business brand. You can try to create top of the funnel content or commonly called TOFU so that you can display your product brand and can get the attention of the intended audience.

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By utilizing TOFU content, you can tell your audience about the brands and products you offer. Apart from that, you can also show the value of the company, provide an overview of the role of your product in the problems experienced by customers and can also provide important information to existing audiences.


2. Content Plan With Objective Keywords Ranking

A content plan with objective keyword ranking is the next type of content plan. Increasing the number of keywords in the rankings will help you to get organic traffic by utilizing search engines like Google and so on.

That means, the content you create is no longer about how to sell products and to your customers. But the content that you create will also focus on how you sell that content to search engines like Google.

The content that you create will ultimately have a purpose such as showing Google if the content has answers to questions in the search field by using certain keywords that match your content.

3. Content Plan With Conversions Objectives

Content plans with objective confessions have the goal of increasing the number of sales or the number of conversions. You can try creating bottom of the funnel or BOFU type content with the target audience to take action on the product you are offering, such as making a purchase transaction.

In this case, the content you create needs to have the ability to sell products directly and be able to convince the audience that the product you have is the best solution they can use to solve the problems they are facing.

Pros of Content Plans

As previously explained, content plans are very important in business development. The reason is, the use of content plans also provides its own advantages or benefits to the business that is being run.

Below are some of the advantages of a content plan that will be felt by business people.

1. Improved Consistency

The existence of a lot of random content that is not connected to various platforms will have a confusing effect on the audience. This also applies when you try to distribute irrelevant content.

Where the upload process is carried out randomly on an inconsistent schedule will only reduce the level of consistency. But when you are more consistent in determining relevant content and have the same upload schedule, then the audience will continue to visit the posts that you have made.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to look forward to posting your next content. This indirectly establishes a relationship between you as a business person and your audience.


2. Increase the Target Audience

A content plan will help you better understand your target audience and be able to create content that is more relevant to your audience’s needs. Apart from that, you also know what platform is most appropriate for distributing the content that has been created.

It should also be noted that the goal of content marketing is to be able to provide the right content, to the right audience, at the right time and a comprehensive strategy that is considered to help you achieve it more easily.

3. Improving Branding Quality

Content plans also help you get quality content that is created and shared with a more valuable audience. Of course, it can increase your credibility as a brand and also a thought leader in a certain vertical or industry.

Where it also has an important role in the attractiveness obtained from posts that have been made before. Make sure you always keep the content that is created so that it remains relevant to the business and ensure that the content is insightful.

4. Increase SEO Value

You also need to know if a content plan can help you further optimize some of the important things in the content you create. For example, such as keywords, types of images or videos and titles. Sharing on various types of social media platforms is not only a bridge to direct your audience to your personal website, but also helps increase the SEO value on the business website.

How to Create a Content Plan

Creating a content plan is not as easy as you think. There must be steps that need to be carried out so that the content that is created until finally published can remain relevant and according to the needs of the audience.

So, here are some ways to create a content plan along with explanations.

  • Determine the Purpose of Content Creation

When you decide to create the content needed for digital marketing. The first thing you can do is determine the purpose of creating the content. Does the content you create have the sole purpose of sharing information, product education or maybe it is more focused on encouraging consumers to make transactions.

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Of course, the three target types of content are very different because the target market to be reached is also different. Content with informational purposes, of course, only focuses on the information provided to the audience.

The hope of this type of content is to be able to provide solutions to the audience to solve the problems they are facing. Then, educational content will provide information about the products you offer.

Where you as a business person and product owner will provide an explanation of the product and the benefits it provides. Whereas content that has the goal of encouraging targets to make transactions will usually provide information about complete product specifications, the advantages of the products you offer compared to competing products and how these products can be useful for customers.

  • Determine which platform to use

The next step is that you can try to determine which platform to use. Where each platform will require quite different content. For example, such as a website platform that will require content in the form of articles that are equipped with photos, supporting images or infographics.

Meanwhile, if you choose to use other digital platforms such as Instagram as promotional media, then the form of content created can be in the form of unique photos and videos that can attract the attention of the audience.

It cannot be denied that every social media platform can indeed be used for the business media that you are currently using. But you also need to know that each platform always has a different marketing algorithm.

Even in terms of style and user interests will also be different. Therefore you also need to do analysis and surveys related to the target market and the platforms they often use.

  • Create and Collect Customer Database

In order to be able to adjust content to what is needed by customers. Then you also have to find out and get to know potential customers better. It would be better if you try to create a user persona while compiling and collecting a database of existing customers.

Currently, there are many types of social media platforms that you can use to get databases from customers. Meanwhile, the database that you can collect is such as gender, customer name, telephone number, age, home address to e-mail address.

One way that you can apply to get data from customers is to ask customers to subscribe to updates or promotional emails from your company.

The process of creating and collecting this data aims to dig up important information from the customers you are targeting. In the end, you can get demographic reach in compiling a content plan so that it can be more precise towards predetermined goals.

In fact, in this way, you can also adjust the type of content to the audience that is your target market.

  • Perform Periodic Evaluation

If you are just trying to run a business, then evaluating it every day is a must for you to do. You can use the results of the evaluation as new promotional material.

When you do an evaluation, you also need to understand more about market psychology. Where you can find out the problems they are facing. Is the content you create can provide a solution to the problems they are experiencing.

In order to get the best results, try to position yourself as a consumer. Think about what consumers expect from the content that you will present. Does the content you create is in accordance with the wishes of the audience.

Sample Content Plan

After you understand everything related to the content plan. The last thing we will learn together is about the example content plan itself. Below are examples of content that you can study.

Get2Growth is a marketing service that provides examples of marketing plans from coffee businesses such as Starbucks. From the example below, you can see that the marketing that is made can be made in a form that is quite practical and does not require many pages. We can already make a content plan. Analysis from various aspects such as the audience, strategy and marketing activities that will be carried out.

So, that’s information about content plans to examples of content plans. Content plans are very important for business development, so now you can try implementing a content plan so that the content you create is also more relevant to the needs of your audience.

If you want to find books about digital marketing strategies, then you can get them at sinaumedia.com . To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Hendrik


  • https://www.jagoanhosting.com/blog/content-plan/
  • https://glints.com/en/vacation/content-plan-ada/
  • https://www.qubisa.com/article/content-planning-what-and-how-to-make it
  • https://qontak.com/blog/how-to-content-plan/
  • https://vocasia.id/blog/content-plan-Jadi/
  • https://www.dewaweb.com/blog/marketing-plan-for-business/