Understanding Tahallul in Hajj and Umrah: Definition and Types

Tahallul is – Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam, the fifth pillar of Islam to be exact. That is, the pilgrimage must be performed by Muslims who are able to carry it out. Being able here means being able materially or financially as well as being able physically.

When a Muslim performs the pilgrimage, that person needs to follow a series of pilgrimage processes in accordance with the pillars, so that the pilgrimage is valid.

In the series of pilgrimage processes, there is one stage called tahallu which is carried out by a Muslim at the end of a series of pilgrimage activities and when performing Umrah.

This tahallu stage can only be carried out if the Hajj and Umrah rituals have been completed. Because tahallu is the last series or can also be called the closing of the process of Hajj and Umrah.

What is tahallu? How is it implemented and what is the meaning behind it? Consider the explanation of the following tahalul.

Definition of Tahallul

Tahallul is one of the pillars of Hajj that must be fulfilled by a Muslim who is performing Hajj. Tahallul is carried out not only for someone who performs Hajj, but also for someone who performs Umrah.

According to the book Teaching the Study of Fiqh written by Adila Septiana and Firman Setiawan, tahallul literally means to be permissible or to be lawful. Meanwhile, according to the term syara’, tahallu means the release or permissibility of someone from the prohibition of ihram.

According to the science of jurisprudence, the word tahallu means leaving the state of ihram, because one has performed the pilgrimage completely or partially. The completion of the pilgrimage series is marked by cutting or shaving several strands of hair, at least three strands of hair are cut for tahalul.

Meanwhile, according to Jumhur Ulama other than Syafi’iyah, tahallul is obligatory to be implemented and according to ulema Syafi’iyah tahallul is the pillars of Hajj. According to the opinion of other scholars, tahallu is release, liberation, halal and forgiveness which is marked by cutting or shaving some hair and at least three strands.

The legal basis of tahallul as Allah says which means, “Surely you still enter the Grand Mosque (at the appointed time) in a safe condition and perfect your worship by shaving your head and if not, then you can cut a little of his hair.” (Surah Al Fath verse 27)

In accordance with this argument, verse 27 of Al-Fath explains that the background or ins and outs of the law of tahallul began when the Prophet Muhammad and his companions entered Mecca when Mecca was safe, without any fear of bad treatment previously carried out by people polytheist.

The Meaning of Tahallul, Not Just a Hair Cut

Shaving or tahalul is one of the processes of the pilgrimage which is very important and should not be abandoned, especially for Muslims who adhere to the Shafi’i school of thought.

Even though this shave seems trivial, if it is abandoned then someone who performs the pilgrimage needs to repeat his pilgrimage in the next year, because the pilgrimage he performs is considered invalid. So that means, tahallu is a process that must be carried out so that the pilgrimage is valid.

Then, why do things that are considered trivial actually have big consequences if they are not done? This is certainly a sign that tahallu actually has a greater meaning than just shaving. In addition, this tahallu order is a sign that the brain and the advantages possessed by humans are all in the power of Allah.

By making tahallu obligatory in the series of Hajj and Umrah, Allah actually wants to teach people that even though humans are perfectly created creatures, they are only humans.

Humans need to realize that forever they are creatures and servants of God. Humans need to be solemn, humble or humble and khudhu’. These three attitudes will lead humans to become creatures that are loved by God.

On the other hand, hair is a symbol of a human crown. Hair is a person’s jewelry and a symbol of good looks and valor. Bertahalul or shaving the hair is a symbol that someone is willing to put down his crown.

That is, the person will be willing to let go of the pride that makes him feel very proud compared to other people. Hair loss during tahallul becomes a symbol of someone’s arrogance and arrogance which also falls out and makes that person feel inferior.

In accordance with the intricacies or theorem, it can be interpreted that tahallu is a symbol so that someone who implements it can be free from all the anxiety, fear and discomfort that exists in his life.

Meanwhile, Quraish Shihab is of the opinion that tahallul is a process that can be interpreted as a human being who is asked to cut or shave all his past disgrace.

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Humans are asked to open a new page of their lives and to better adapt their actions or behavior to the demands that have been blessed by Allah. Tahallul can also be interpreted as a symbol or an attempt to cleanse oneself and remove dirty ways of thinking.

Kinds of Tahallul

In general, tahllul is divided into two types, namely tahallul umroh and tahallul haji. The following is an explanation of the various types of tahallu.

1. Tahallul Umrah

Tahallul umroh is a series of processes that are carried out when someone performs the pilgrimage. If a congregation has completed the whole process of the pilgrimage series, they are obliged to cut or shave a few strands of their hair.

Tahallul Umrah is a sign that the ban has fallen on the Umrah pilgrims who were carried out during the Umrah pilgrimage and are allowed to carry out activities that were previously prohibited while on Umrah.

2. Tahallul Hajj

The second tahallul is the tahallul haji which is carried out when someone performs the pilgrimage. In the tahallul haji, there are two types of tahalul, namely the initial and final tahallul. The following is an explanation of the Hajj tahallul.

a. Tahallul Ashghar or Tahallul Awal

Tahallul ashghar or initial tahllul is tahllul or shaving which is carried out in the first stage and is marked by the elimination of some of the prohibitions for the pilgrims.

Initial tahallul can be carried out in two of three ways, namely by shaving, thawaf ifadhah and throwing the jumrah aqabah on 10 Dzulhijjah.

If you have carried out these three practices, then all the prohibitions in ihram have been permissible, except for carrying out jima’ or husband and wife relations and things that encourage them to do these actions, for example such as touching with lust and kissing.

The procedure for carrying out the initial tahalul is by shaving or by cutting the hair which is done earlier when the pilgrims have arrived at Minda after leaving Muzdalifah on 10 Dzulhijjah, then proceed with throwing the jumratul aqabah.

For pilgrims, most of them carry out the initial tahalul in the above way. However, there are also some pilgrims who do the second or third way.

The above method is considered more difficult, because pilgrims must go to Mecca. Meanwhile, the transportation from Mina to Mecca is quite difficult. The second difficulty is that after completing the tahallul at the Grand Mosque, the congregation must immediately return to Mina to stay overnight or die and throw jumroh on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dzulhijjah.

Pilgrims must arrive at Mina before sunset. Because if he arrives at Mina after sunset then they are obliged to pay the dam.

So that in one day, pilgrims have to go back and forth from Mina to Mecca and vice versa. Even though it has many difficulties in its implementation, the early tahalul in this way has advantages.

The advantage is being able to carry out Eid al-Adha prayers at the Grand Mosque.

b. Tahallul Tsani or Tahallul Akhir

Tahallul tsani, tahallul akbar or final tahallul is carried out if all the processes in the pilgrimage series have been fulfilled. The final tahallul will be reached if the da’aah performs three complete circuits, namely shaving, thawaf ifadhah and stoning the jumrah. By carrying out the final tahallu, then all the prohibitions during ihram have been allowed to return.

There are those who argue that the final tahalul is carried out by throwing jamratul aqabah, tawaf ifadah and doing sai. The final tahallul is carried out after the pilgrims carry out the thawaf and said pilgrimage, after returning to Mecca and completing their ablution at Arofah.

Or after carrying out all the pillars of Hajj, including one obligatory pillar of Hajj, namely by throwing the Jumratul Aqabah. Even if you haven’t thrown three jamrahs and spent the night in Mina, then the entire prohibition of ihram is still lawful.

Those are the two kinds of tahallu. In the book of fiqh, it is explained that the two kinds of tahlul have differences.

According to Syafi’iyah scholars, the difference between the two types of tahallu lies in the procedure for carrying out the tahallu. Here’s the difference between the two.

  • First, the initial tahlul has been assessed as carried out if someone has carried out two of the following three things, namely throwing the jumrah aqabah, slaughtering the sacrificial animal and shaving or cutting the hair.
  • Second, the second tahalul is considered implemented if it has done the following three things perfectly, namely throwing the jumrah aqabah, shaving or shortening the hair and carrying out the ifadhah thawaf.
  • Third, tahallul Akbar is considered to have been carried out if the following three things are done perfectly, namely throwing the jumrah aqabah, shaving or shortening the hair and carrying out the thawaf ifadah after carrying out the sai first.


Procedures for Carrying Out Tahallul

For male pilgrims, it is sunnah to shave all hair in a series of tahalul processes. According to the opinion of Shaykh Abu Bakar Syatha in the book I’anatut Talibin, it is explained that the hair of pilgrims other than women is more important if, according to the agreement of the scholars.

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As for female pilgrims, it is not recommended to shave off their hair. However, cutting his hair to the tip of the finger only. According to Ibn Qudamah in the book Al Mughni, it is explained that a woman can cut her hair up to the length of her knuckles, that is, only along the ends of the knuckles.

It is recommended for women who are not shaved or shaved. There is no difference of opinion among the scholars about the tahallul procedure for women. Imam Ahmad said that shaving each end of the hair as long as a finger deer.

Whereas Abu Daud argued that he heard Ahmad being asked by a woman about shaving each hair short and he answered by gathering all of his hair in the front which was then cut off at the ends of his hair along the knuckles.

Then what about pilgrims who have cut or shaved their hair completely or are bald? Because tahallu is a pillar of Hajj that cannot be abandoned and cannot be replaced by paying a fidyah or paying a fine according to the Shafi’i school of thought.

The minimum standard for carrying out tahallul is to remove three strands of hair in various ways, either by shaving the hair off, cutting only part of it, pulling the hair or even burning it and so on.

For men or pilgrims who have bald or bald heads before performing the pilgrimage, there is no need to carry out the tahallu process. This means that the Shari’a of shaving or cutting hair as part of the pillars of Hajj or Umrah does not apply.

People who have bald heads do not need to wait until their hair grows to carry out the tahallu process. However, they are still sunnah to carry out tahalul symbolically by using a razor. The trick is to pretend to use a razor on his head like when he was about to shave his hair. This is done to resemble the people who carry out tahalul by shaving off their hair.

According to Imam al-Adzra’i, this sunnah only applies to men, because it is not sunnah for women to shave off the hair on their head.

Syekh Ibn Hajar al Haitami said, which means “a person who carries out ihram and has no hair on his head, either because he was born or has been shaved before or has performed umrah afterwards, it is sunnah for him to use a tool on his head according to the agreement of the scholars. Because it resembles people who are shaving their hair.

Imam al-Adzra’i conveyed that the bahts sunnah applies specifically to male worshippers. Because shaving one’s hair is not prescribed for other than men.” (Sheikh Ibn Hajar al Haitami.)

In addition to using the shaving tool symbolically, it is also sunnah to take or cut off part of the hair of the mustache or beard. This was explained by Sheikh Khatib al-Syarbini.

“It is sunnah to take part of the mustache or beard hair, so that the muhrim or the person who performs ihram takes off part of his hair for the sake of Allah.” (Al-Syarbini: II/269).

So in conclusion, people who are bald or bald do not need to wait for their hair to grow to perform Umrah or Hajj or wait for their hair to grow to carry out tahlul. Because, the law of tahalul is not mandatory for people who have bald heads.

Meanwhile, for men who are not bald, they still have the obligation to carry out tahalul by cutting some of their hair or shaving it. However, it is sunnah to shave off his hair. For female worshipers, it is obligatory to carry out tahalul by cutting part of their hair, at least three strands along the knuckles.

Thus the explanation regarding tahallu is cutting or shaving the head of hair and one of the pillars of Hajj and Umrah that must be carried out and cannot be replaced by paying fidyah.

If Sinaumed’s is interested in learning the pillars of Hajj or Umrah and knows the procedures for carrying out the Hajj and Umrah, then he can find information by reading books. Because books are windows to the world.

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