Understanding Confidence and Various Examples of Confidence

A person who has a confident attitude will be able to easily improve his own quality, be it his own quality, quality in learning, quality in work, and so on. By having a confident attitude, a person will not feel ashamed or inferior in doing anything.

However, do you know what the definition of self-confidence is? What are some examples of this self-confidence? The following contains a complete discussion of self-confidence and examples of self-confidence. Let’s pay attention to the discussion of the explanation below.

A. Definition of Confidence

Self-confidence is someone who is able to think positively and believes that the abilities they have have quality. So that it can be beneficial for yourself, others, and also the environment. Someone who has a confident attitude will not think that he is a hindrance or obstacle in doing everything.

Confidence is formed not from heredity or from birth, but this confident attitude is formed by a socialization process that has been carried out during his life’s journey. Well, in other words, self-confidence is formed from various kinds of experiences that occur when a person carries out social interactions both in a new environment and in an old environment.

You can do this social interaction starting from the family environment. Because this family environment is generally the closest environment that is owned by someone. In a family a child gets an education that can be useful for his life in the future.

The education referred to here, for example moral education, skills education, and ethics education. You get all of this education in practice in everyday life and will always develop over time.

That way, to train and improve this confident attitude you can start from the family environment. This self-confidence can make you feel more confident and confident in yourself. And make yourself happy.

B. Factors that influence Confidence

Factors that influence self-confidence are divided into two parts, namely internal factors and external factors. So, what are the factors, let’s pay attention to the following discussion.



1. Internal Factors

Within these internal factors there are several factors that can impact a person’s self-confidence.

a. Self-Esteem and Feelings

Self-esteem and this feeling are necessary for individuals to feel happy. If needed by others, then the fulfillment of self-esteem, appreciation, and good adjustment is something that is very important in the formation of self-confidence.

If these needs cannot be fulfilled, then the individual will feel inferior. Increasing self-esteem in a healthy way can have a positive impact on the development of self-confidence.

b. Success

Success in the field, arts, sports and others can have an impact on how individuals see themselves. The more often individuals get success, it will be easier for him to have self-confidence. If failure continues to be experienced, then the individual will tend not to dare to step back and feel insignificant.

c. Physical condition

Physical condition is a condition that is seen either directly or has been attached to oneself. Confidence in each individual begins with a physical self-knowledge, how individuals assess, reject or accept an image of themselves. Individuals who feel satisfied and proud of their physical condition will have high self-confidence.

d. Experience

Experience is something that has been experienced by individuals and can have an impact on the next life. Bad experiences experienced by individuals in the past can have an impact on future lives, as well as self-confidence. The experience of failure that has been experienced will tend to reduce self-confidence. While the experience of success will make individuals more confident in their abilities. So that it can strengthen self-confidence.

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2. External Factors

Within these external factors there are several factors that can impact a person’s self-confidence.

a. Parent

Parents’ assessment and expectations of individuals become an assessment in looking at themselves. If the individual is not able to meet most of these expectations or if his success is not recognized by his parents, a feeling of inadequacy or lack of self-confidence will arise.

b. School

School is a role model for children after the family. Students who often receive punishment and reprimand will tend to find it difficult to develop confidence and self-esteem when compared to students who receive a lot of praise and appreciation for their achievements.

c. Friend

Recognition from friends will determine the formation of an image of each individual. If an individual feels respected by a friend, he will tend to feel confident and feel motivated in developing his potential.

C. Benefits of Confidence

There are several benefits of self-confidence that you need to know about, including the following:



1. Emotionally Healthier

The first benefit of being confident you can get is feeling healthier emotionally. One study showed that people with self-confidence tended to be healthier and were more likely to live longer. This is evident from someone who is confident and has positive emotions, such as optimism, satisfaction, and others.

2. Never Afraid of All Challenges

The second benefit of being confident that you can get is that you are never afraid of any challenges. Because by having a confident attitude, you will feel able to go through all these challenges. Thus making the mind more focused and able to think positively. Besides that, you will be able to calm down properly and reduce the risk of mistakes happening.

3. Feel Easy in Facing All Challenges

The third benefit of being confident that you can get is that it feels easy to face all challenges. Because as explained in the first benefit that increases the emotion or attitude of optimism. Through this optimism will make you able to go through all obstacles with the abilities you have. In addition, you are also able to face various difficulties more calmly.

4. Develop Self Abilities

The fourth benefit of being confident that you can get is developing your own abilities. Because once you feel it is easier to face all challenges, you will be more courageous to step up and develop self-abilities that you did not have before.

5. Helps in Making a Decision

The fifth benefit of being confident that you can get is that it helps in making a decision. For example, as you know, not a few people find it difficult to make a decision. However, if you have a confident attitude, you will have a confident attitude and you will feel more secure in the abilities you have.

6. Optimizing strengths and accepting deficiencies

The next benefit of being confident that you can get is optimizing your strengths and accepting your weaknesses. Besides that, you shouldn’t make the shortcomings you have as a weakness. In fact, you will use the strengths that you have to the fullest in achieving a goal.

7. Growing Enthusiasm

The next benefit of being confident that you can get is growing enthusiasm within yourself. Because one of the injections of enthusiasm is by increasing self-confidence. With a big and strong spirit, you can overcome boredom and fatigue in carrying out the struggle to reach your goals.

8. Be a Good Communicator

The eighth benefit of being confident that you can get is being a good communicator. Often encountered people who are confident to be a good communicator. They feel unafraid to come clean when needed. In addition, a confident attitude can promote better and honest communication.

9. Motivate

The ninth benefit of being confident that you can get is motivating yourself. Because with a confident attitude, you will be able to look back on the achievements and successes that you get. You can use that as material to generate enthusiasm in achieving goals now, into the future.

10. Respected

The last benefit of being confident that you can get is being respected by friends, family, and those around you. Because it is no longer a secret that people will tend to respect people who have a fairly good level of self-confidence. In fact, someone who is confident is someone who can listen to other people’s perspectives and respond wisely to criticism.

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D. Example of Confidence

Here are some examples of self-confidence that you need to know about, including:



1. Focused on problem solving

The first example of self-confidence that you need to know is directed towards problem solving. Basically, every problem is a hindrance or obstacle in achieving success. Someone who doesn’t have self-confidence when in a situation like that, will think negatively or even think about the failure that happened to come because he didn’t solve the problem.

However, if someone who has a confident attitude will think otherwise. This means that someone who thinks positively will be able to solve problems and find solutions or solutions.

2. Use positive language

The second example of self-confidence is using positive language when interacting with other people. Positive language can be said to be language that has polite and constructive elements. So that when using positive language interactions with others will be closer and can build positive behavior both for yourself and for others.

3. Use positive body language

Body language is very important when communicating with other people. Positive body language will make the other person feel happy and comfortable. However, if the body language of communicating with other people shows negative body language, it can result in a feeling of disappointment in the other person.

Positive body language comes from a positive mindset. Therefore, someone who has self-confidence will try to maintain a positive mindset so as not to use negative body language when interacting with other people.

4. Self Introspection

The third example of self-confidence is self-introspection. Confidence is not only related to other people. In other words, self-confidence is related to oneself, for example self-introspection.

Intro itself, includes a person’s way of realizing the shortcomings he has. By understanding the deficiencies that exist within you, then you can develop these deficiencies as an advantage. So you will feel confident in yourself.

E. How to Grow Self-Confidence

It’s never too late to understand everything, including understanding how to increase self-confidence. So that your self-confidence can increase.

Sometimes the method is not easy and cannot be immediately practiced thoroughly. However, gradually. Here are some ways you can try to increase your self-confidence.

1. Build a Positive Mindset

The first way to increase self-confidence is to build a positive mindset. If you always felt like you couldn’t do something, from now on try to form a positive mindset and mindset within yourself. So whenever you have doubts, just say “I can learn and do this if I want to.”

2. Recognize Weaknesses and Strengths

The second way to increase self-confidence is to recognize weaknesses and strengths. You need to instill in yourself that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. If you make a mistake or have a deficiency, don’t consider it stupid.

You need to remember that everyone has made mistakes and no one is perfect. You just need to improve and learn not to repeat these mistakes.

Not only that, you also need to focus on the strengths you have and develop those abilities. So that you can feel that you have room to grow. When you succeed in getting something, then respect and praise yourself for the efforts and successes you have achieved.

3. Focus on Small Steps or Changes

The third way to increase self-confidence is to focus on small steps or changes. As previously stated, building self-confidence cannot be done in an instant. Therefore, know that you need to appreciate every process or small change that has been achieved and carried out.

Don’t feel discouraged if this condition doesn’t improve as quickly as you thought. Maybe right now you still lack self-confidence, but the small steps or changes you make right now will eventually grow into big changes and keep you moving forward and growing.

4. Doing What You Like

The next way to increase self-confidence is by spending your free time doing all the activities you like. Whenever possible try to understand or learn a new skill that you previously wanted to try. In addition to creating a sense of happiness, new activities can also make you able to master new skills. That way, you can focus on the positives rather than your weaknesses.

This is information regarding self-confidence that you can practice. Hopefully this information related to self-confidence can help you to be more confident again and be useful for all.

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