The Meaning of Journals: The Function of Journals, Up to the Types

Sometimes, for some people daily activities are recorded in a special note. The record can also be called a journal, have you ever made a journal? However, there are not a few who do not know what is meant by a journal. In addition, in the academic world there are also several types of journals.

Well, for those of you who don’t know more about journals and want to know the types of journals, don’t worry. On this occasion, we will discuss more about the journal, so keep reading this article until the end, Readeri.

Meaning of Journal

A journal is an orderly and systematic record of activities, events, or thoughts that occur. Journals can be used for various purposes, including to record daily activities, to record thoughts or ideas that appear, or to record the results of research or observations.

In the academic world, a journal is a scientific publication that contains the results of research or studies that have been carried out by one or a group of researchers. Academic journals are usually published periodically and are intended to disseminate quality research results to the scientific community. Academic journals usually have a strict revision process before publication, which is done by editors and reviewers who are experts in the relevant field.

Academic journals can be grouped based on the field of study, such as computer science, nursing science, or economics. Every field of science has journals that are the main reference in that field, and publications in those journals are highly valued because it is a sign that the research results are considered important and useful by the scientific community.

In addition to academic journals, there are also other journals that can be used to record activities, such as business journals, personal journals, and daily journals. A business journal is usually used to record the finances and transactions that occur in a company, while a personal journal is usually used to record a person’s personal thoughts or feelings. A daily journal is usually used to record a person’s daily activities, including activities, thoughts, and feelings that appear during the day.

A journal is a useful tool for recording and storing information regularly and systematically. Journals can be used for a variety of purposes, including keeping daily notes, recording the results of research or observations, or as a tool for writing and developing ideas. Journals are also scientific publications that contain specific research results.

The Function of Journals in Academic Fields

After knowing about the meaning of journal in general and academic journal, then in the next discussion we will discuss about the function of journal in the academic field. There are several main functions of journals in the academic world, among them:

1. As a media to disseminate research results

Journals help scientists and researchers to disseminate the results of their research to the wider scientific community. This allows other scientists to study the results of the research and develop new ideas related to it.

2. As a reliable source of information

Journals are a reliable source of information because every article published has gone through a strict revision process by editors and reviewers. This ensures that every article published in the journal is the result of high-quality and reliable research.

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3. As an evaluation tool for scientists

Journals help scientists and researchers to evaluate the results of their research by comparing them with the results of research done by other scientists in the same field. This allows scientists to evaluate the progress that has been made in a field of study and expand their knowledge about the topic.

4. As a reference source for scientists

Journals are an important source of reference for scientists and researchers in developing new ideas and expanding their knowledge about a field of study. Scientists can use journals as a reliable source of information to research the topic they want to discuss.

5. As a communication tool for scientists

Journals help scientists and researchers to communicate with each other and interact with other scientists in the same field. This allows scientists to get feedback on the results of their research and discuss with other scientists about related topics.

Types of Journals in the Academic World

There are several types of journals that are often used in the academic and research fields, among them are:

1. Scientific Journal

A scientific journal is a journal that contains research results that have gone through the revision process by reviewers who are experts in their field. Scientific journals are usually published by research institutes or universities, and have a high level of trust in the field of science being studied.

2. Non-Scientific Journal (Non-Scientific Journal)

A non-scientific journal is a journal that does not meet the requirements as a scientific journal, such as not going through the revision process by reviewers who are experts in the field, or not meeting the research standards that have been set. Non-scientific journals usually do not have a high level of trust in the field of science being studied.

3. International Journal

International journals are journals published outside the researcher’s country of origin and can be read by researchers around the world. International journals usually have a high level of trust because they have gone through a rigorous revision process by reviewers who are experts in their field.

4. National Journal

National journals are journals published in the researcher’s country of origin and can only be read by researchers in that country. National journals usually have a lower level of trust than international journals because they do not go through the same rigorous revision process.

5. Accredited Journal

An accredited journal is a journal that has obtained an accreditation certificate from an authorized institution, such as the Education Quality Assurance Board (LPMP) or the Scientific Journal Certification Board (LSJI). Accredited journals usually have a high level of trust because they have gone through a rigorous evaluation process related to the quality of published research.

6. Online Journal

An online journal is a journal that is only available in a digital version and can be accessed online. Online journals usually have lower publication costs than print journals, and can be accessed through digital media.

Types of Journals Based on Scientific Fields

Meanwhile, the types of journals can also be divided based on scientific fields. There are several types of journals available in the academic world, including:

1. Scientific journal

A scientific journal is a journal that contains the results of research that has been done by scientists or researchers. Scientific journals generally have a focus on a specific field of study, such as biology, physics, or social, and are published regularly, such as every month or every three months.

2. Technical journal

A technical journal is a journal that contains scientific writings related to technology and its applications. Technical journals generally have a focus on fields such as mechanical engineering, electronics, or computers.

3. Social journal

A social journal is a journal that contains scholarly writings related to social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology, or politics. Social journals generally have a focus on topics such as society, culture, or social interaction.

4. Medical journals

A medical journal is a journal that contains scientific writings related to medicine and health. Medical journals generally have a focus on fields such as internal medicine, surgery, or pharmacy.

5. Law journal

A legal journal is a journal that contains scholarly writings related to law and the legal system. Legal journals generally have a focus on areas such as civil law, criminal law, or international law.

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6. Art journal

An art journal is a journal that contains scholarly writings related to art, such as painting, music, or dance. Art journals generally have a focus on fields such as visual arts, performing arts, or media arts.

Types of Journals in General

A journal is a document used to record daily activities or activities that occur in a certain period. There are several types of journals that can be recognized, among them:

1. General journal

A journal used to record all financial transactions that occur in a company or organization.

2. Journal of purchases

A journal used to record the purchase of goods or services by a company.

3. Sales journal

A journal used to record sales transactions of goods or services carried out by the company.

4. Cash journal

A journal used to record cash transactions that occur in a company, such as cash receipts, cash withdrawals, and so on.

5. Inventory journal

A journal used to record the changes that occur in the company’s inventory, such as the purchase of new inventory, the sale of inventory, and so on.

6. Journal entry

A journal used to record the income that occurs in a company, such as sales, dividends, etc.

7. Production journal

A journal used to record expenses that occur in a company, such as operational costs, marketing costs, and so on.

8. Official travel journal

A journal used to record official travel activities carried out by officers of a company or organization.

9. Daily journal

A journal used to record a person’s daily activities, such as activities, thoughts, and emotions felt during the day.

10. Scientific journals

A journal used to record the results of research or scientific studies carried out by a person or group.

Scientific Journal Writing Guidelines

Journal writing guidelines in Indonesia usually refer to guidelines set by scientific institutions or scientific associations related to the field of science that is the topic of the journal. The following are some things that need to be observed in journal writing in Indonesia:

1. Journal structure

Each journal usually has the same structure, which consists of parts such as title, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, method, results, discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.

2. Abstract writing

An abstract is a summary of the contents of the journal that should be written briefly and clearly. An abstract usually consists of several parts, namely background, purpose, method, results, and conclusion.

3. Use of punctuation marks

The use of punctuation marks must be correct and in accordance with the Enhanced Indonesian Spelling (EYD).

4. Writing bibliography

The bibliography should be compiled in accordance with the standards that have been determined, such as APA (American Psychological Association) or Harvard.

5. Use of collection

The use of quotes must be correct and in accordance with the standards that have been determined.

6. Title writing

The title should be clear and accurately describe the content of the journal.

7. Use of illustrations

The use of illustrations such as pictures, tables, and diagrams must be in accordance with the content of the journal and must have a clear description.

8. Word writing

Word writing must be correct and in accordance with EYD.

9. Use of language

The use of language must be in accordance with good and correct Indonesian language standards.

Those are some of the things that need to be observed in journal writing in Indonesia. In addition, there are several scientific institutions or scientific associations that set their own guidelines for journal writing in specific fields of science. So, it is important to pay attention to the guidelines set by the related scientific institution or association.


A journal is an orderly and systematic record of activities, events, or thoughts that occur. Journals can be used for various purposes, including to record daily activities, to record thoughts or ideas that appear, or to record the results of research or observations.

Academic journals usually focus on the results of research that has been done by the authors, and usually contain detailed descriptions of the methodology used in the research, the results obtained, and the conclusions drawn from the results. Academic journals also usually include an abstract that describes the content of the article briefly and clearly, as well as a bibliography that lists the sources used in writing the article.

Academic journals are usually published periodically, for example every month or every three months, and each edition usually consists of several articles written by different authors. Articles published in academic journals have usually gone through a review process by experts in the appropriate field, which aims to ensure that the article meets high scientific standards and is a useful contribution to knowledge in the field.
