Social Conflict Theory According to Max Weber

Max Weber views social stratification in society as influencing the emergence of social conflict.

Social interactions involving relationships between individuals in society will bring about two side effects of the coin, associative and dissociative. Associative impact will make their relationship closer. On the other hand, the dissociative impact of the relationship becomes more tenuous.

The sparse relationship between these interactions can lead to social conflict. The main cause is differences in society with various triggers such as cultural differences, unequal interests, social changes that are too fast, to differences in thinking between individuals.

Max Weber’s Theory of Social Conflict

Several experts research on social conflict, one of which is Max Weber. According to Weber, conflict arises from the existence of social stratification in society.

Each of these stratifications is a position worthy of being fought for by humans and their groups. Social relations are an attempt to get a high position in society.

In his theory of conflict, Weber argues that power has significance for every type of social relationship. Power becomes the driving force of social dynamics that places individuals or groups to be mobilized or mobilized.

As a result of power and interests, it can simultaneously lead to conflict. This social conflict generally occurs in a combination of the interests of each social structure that gives rise to the dynamics of the conflict.

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Weber’s theory does not discuss conflict theory specifically. Weber attempted to analyze the relationship between social movements and conflict. For him, social movements can lead to conflicts such as those experienced by society during the French Revolution.

Social Conflict Theory According to Other Expert

The founder of the famous conflict theory is not only Max Weber. There are still Karl Marx and George Simmel who put forward their respective theories of conflict. In fact, between theories are also “conflicted” because of differences in views such as the thoughts of Karl Marx and Max Weber.

Conflict theory according to Karl Marx states that social change arises because of a conflict which ultimately results in a different compromise from the initial state. Society will be divided into two classes, namely the capitalist class (bourgeoisie) and the working poor class (proletariat). They are conflicted because of the different nature of the two.

the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat cannot be separated from the implementation of capitalism by the bourgeoisie. Capitalism is an economic system that allows some individuals to control vital productive resources. The bourgeois class uses this access to achieve maximum profit by utilizing the services of the proletarian class as laborers.

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Max Weber refuted the opinion of Kari Marx’s conflict theory regarding historical materialism. The historical materialism in Marx’s opinion only emphasizes attention to one side of class. According to Weber, a balance is needed by also emphasizing the role of the idea factors that cause historical change.

Weber focused on understanding the growth of the rational capitalist system in the Western world on a large scale. On the other hand, the capitalist system did not experience much development in the East and was not liked. Weber argues that the void of religious transformation in the East is an obstacle to the development of capitalism in the region.