Reach Your Target using the SMART Method

The SMART goals method is one method for making goal setting . The word SMART comes from the words Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Relevant , and Time-bound

The use of the SMART method will make the target look more clear and specific. In addition, the use of this method will also make it easier for someone to know the progress. 

For this reason, many businesses also use the SMART method.

Metode SMART Goals

So how do you make SMART targets? Check out the following explanation, come on!

metode smart

1. Specific

The first stage is specific. When you set a goal, be specific about it. 

Avoid writing targets that are general and ambiguous. Make the target in detail and describe it clearly. 

In making a specific target you can formulate it using 5W.

  • Who : Who is involved in this target?
  • What : What target to achieve?
  • Where : Where do you want to achieve this target?
  • When : When will this target be achieved?
  • Why : Why should achieve this target? 

2. Measurable 

A target must be measurable . This means whether the target you want to achieve has progress from time to time. 

To find out this progress, you can ask yourself questions like what are the indicators of success and how do you know if you have achieved the target. 

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Measuring this progress is not only useful for knowing progress. This step can also be a reminder whether you are still on the right path to achieving your target or not. 

In addition, you can also use this stage as a guide to determine the next step. 

3. Achievable

There are some people who have big dreams . However, there are also some people who are afraid to dream too high. 

A good target is an achievable target . This means that you can achieve that target. Not too easy but not too difficult either. 

An achievable target will make someone feel challenged to achieve it. However, there is still a possibility to achieve it. 

Then how do you determine achievable targets . Try asking yourself. Do I have the ability to achieve this target? If not, what am I missing?

4. Relevant

SMART targets are relevant targets. 

Sometimes when we have a target, we will try hard to achieve that target. Unfortunately, we become oblivious to our other targets. 

As a result, chaos ensues. The target you are fighting for turns out to be irrelevant and actually destroys other targets. 

Therefore, there are tips so that the targets you make are relevant to other targets you want to achieve. Ask yourself.

  • Is this the right time to reach that target?
  • Could this goal be useful?
  • Am I right to reach the target?
  • Are these targets in line with other targets that you want to achieve?
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5. Time-bound

A SMART goal must also be time-bound . This means that there is a certain duration to reach a target. 

You need to determine when you will start the target and when the target must be completed. With this time limit , there will be urgency to complete the target. 

In other words, this time limit can be self-motivation in order to achieve a target. 


So, those are the 5 SMART goals methods from Sinaumedia . You can use the method above when you want to determine the target you want to achieve. These SMART goals not only make targets clearer but also make targets more structured.