Provisions and Intentions of the Final Plural Prayers

Final Plural Prayer – Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam, which must be carried out and obeyed by Muslims under any circumstances and may not be abandoned, except in certain conditions such as women who are menstruating and others. Even though the law is obligatory and cannot be abandoned, Islam provides relief for Muslims to perform prayers by allowing them to pray in congregation.

The plural prayer is a prayer that combines the performance of two prayers at one time. Prayers that can be plural are the noon prayer with ashar prayer, and the maghrib prayer with evening prayer. As for the morning prayer, it should not be plural. There are two types of plural prayers, namely plural taqdim and takhir . This time, let’s learn about the final plural prayer. Read to the end, OK!

Definition and Law of Plural Prayer

As explained above, the plural prayer is a prayer that combines two prayers at the same time at the same time. Examples are maghrib and evening or noon and asr.

The law of plural prayer, initially is done in accordance with a predetermined time. However, a Muslim has reasons or causes that make him have to pray in the plural way, therefore, Islam also makes it easier and allows him to pray in the plural way.

The limitation of a person being allowed to pray in plural is as long as the Muslim has difficulty praying according to the time. Therefore, it is permissible for Muslims who have difficulties to pray multiple prayers. One of the reasons is in the journey or safar.

However, not all Muslims are allowed to pray in congregation. Only certain people, who get relief to perform prayers in a plural way. Here are some of them.

  • Traveling or traveling.
  • People who are experiencing severe pain, so that it is impossible or unable to stand or sit. Or the condition of the person is very weak, so he feels that his body is difficult to move.
  • Have an urgent excuse. For example, such as going to surgery or other examinations that cannot be abandoned.
  • A pilgrim going to Muzdalifah. In a hadith from Abi Ayyub al Ansari, he said ‘that the Messenger of Allah did the plural maghrib and isya at Muzdalifah on the pilgrimage of wada’ (HR. Bukhari).
  • When it rains. A hadith narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah narrates about the ruling on pluralizing prayers when it rains. From Nafi’ Maula Ibn Umar said, ‘Abdullah bin Umar, if the umaro do the prayers in a plurality, it is between maghrib and evening because it is raining. So he also joins in praying together with them.’

There are two types of plural prayers, namely the plural taqdim prayers and the plural takhir prayers. The plural taqdim prayer is to combine the performance of two obligatory prayers at the same time at the time of the first prayer, which are as follows.

Dhuhr and Asr prayers, so when pluralizing the midday prayers, they are done first, then the Asr prayer. Plural taqdim maghrib and evening prayers, so the first thing to do is the maghrib prayer, then continue with the evening prayer.

Then the second type of plural prayer is the final plural prayer, which is doing two obligatory prayers at the same time, namely as follows.

Carry out the dhuhr and asr prayers, in the plural takhir then what is carried out first is the asr prayer. Carrying out the plural takhir maghrib and evening prayers, so the first thing to do is the evening prayer, then continue with the maghrib prayer.


Provisions for Carrying out the Final Plural Prayers

When carrying out the last prayer, there are provisions that must be carried out and known. In accordance with the understanding of the last plural prayers explained earlier, the last plural prayers must be carried out at the time of the last prayer.

Therefore, when performing the last plural prayer, the prayer is performed when it is time to perform the last prayer. For example, the time for the Maghrib prayer has been missed, so you can perform the final plural prayer and perform the evening prayer first. However, there are two versions of performing the final plural prayers. The first version is to perform the last prayer first, according to the example. While the second is to perform the prayer that was previously missed beforehand and then perform the next prayer like the usual taqdim plural prayer.

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The other procedures are the same as praying as usual and nothing is different, except for the intention. When carrying out the plural taqdim prayers, or the plural taqdim prayers, it is necessary to continue the prayer immediately after the greeting, without thinking or speaking.

Prayer Intentions and Final Plural Procedures

The procedure for praying the plural takhir is not much different from praying as usual. However, the intention when carrying out the plural takhir prayer is different, here are the intentions and procedures for carrying out the plural takhir prayer. 

  • The intention of the plural takhir prayer (dhuhr and asr)

Usholli fardlozh zhuhri arba’a raka’at in majmu’ah ma’al ashri adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa. 

Meaning: I intentionally carry out the fardhu dzuhur prayer four cycles and join it with the asr fardhu prayer, because of Allah Ta’ala.

Then perform the four cycles of midday prayer as usual, and continue with the Asr prayer without any pauses or speaking with the following intention.

Ushollii fardlol ‘ashri arba’a raka’aatin majmuu’an ma’azh zhuhri adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa.

Meaning: I intend to perform the fardhu asr prayer four cycles of prayer together with the noon prayer, fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala.

  • The intention of the plural takhir prayer (maghrib and isha)

Ushollii fardlozh maghribi thalaatha raka’aatin majmuu’an ma’al ‘isyaa’i Jam’a ta-khiirinin adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa.” 

Meaning: I intentionally carry out the fardhu maghrib prayer three cycles and plural it is the evening prayer, with the plural takhir, fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala.

Then perform the maghrib prayer first and continue with the evening prayer, without speaking or any pauses. The following is the reading of the intention for the plural isya prayer.

Ushollii fardlozh ‘isyaa’i arba’a raka’aatin majmuu’an ma’al magribi Jam’a ta-khiirinin adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa. 

Meaning: I intend to carry out the evening prayer four cycles of prayer together with the maghrib prayer, with the plural takhir fardhu because of Allah Ta’aala.

Then, after reading the intention according to the intention of the final plural prayer, the prayer continues as usual.

In addition to the usual plural takhir, plural takhir and taqdim prayers can also be performed by means of qashar. Here’s an explanation. 

  • Qasr prayer

When performing the plural takhir or plural taqdim prayers, it can also be accompanied by qashar. What is qashar?

The qashar prayer is the obligatory prayer by summarizing or reducing the number of cycles of prayer that should be carried out at that time. There are three fardhu prayers that may be recited or abbreviated as rakaat, namely noon, asr and isya, where the three fardhu prayers have four cycles. When praying at qasar, then the prayer which was four cycles before, it is enough to do just two cycles and this plural qashar, is only permissible for a Muslim who is on a long journey.

Then, what is the ruling on performing prayers with this diqashar? Basically there are three laws regarding performing prayers by diqashar. Here’s an explanation.

  • May or answer. This means that prayer may be carried out by diqashar if a Muslim is on a journey and has traveled at least 16 Farsakhs or 84 miles long or 2 Marhalahs or 80,640 km long or 8 km over 640 m and has not reached 3 Marhalah or 120 km over 960 m long ( 120,960 km).
  • Afdhal or better to pray by diqashar. This means that prayers may be recited and it is better if they are recited, if a Muslim is traveling and has traveled a considerable distance, namely reaching 3 Marhalahs or even more.
  • Must. Prayer becomes obligatory to be recited if the prayer time is not enough to be used. This means that when on the way there is a Muslim who does not have time to pray and the time is running out, then the prayer becomes obligatory to be recited.

Those are the three laws regarding the qashar prayer and its meaning. Prayer can also be done by jama and mengqashar. Here’s the guide.

The Procedure for the Final Plural Prayer is Qashar

Before knowing the procedures for performing prayers in the plural and qashar way, it is better if Sinaumed’s knows the procedures for praying in qashar without being plural. Here’s an explanation. 

The procedure for the qashar prayer

When performing the qashar prayer, the intention of the prayer also changes. The following are the intentions to carry out the Dhuhr, Asr and Isha prayers by means of diqashar.

  1. The intention of the midday prayer : Usholli fardhol dhuhri rak’ataini qoshron lillahi ta’aala. That is, I intend to perform the obligatory dhuhur prayer of 2 cycles by means of being recited for the sake of Allah Ta’ala. 
  2. The intention of the Asr prayer : Usholli fardhol ashri rok’atainii qoshron lillaahi ta’aala. That is, I intend to carry out the fardhu asr prayer two rak’ahs by means of being recited for Allah Ta’aala. 
  3. The intention of the evening prayer : Usholli fardhol isya’i rok’atainii qoshron lillaahi ta’aala. That is, I intend to perform the fardhu isya prayer two rak’ahs by means of diqashar because of Allah Ta’aala .
  4. Do takbiratul ihram.
  5. Read the iftitah prayer as usual
  6. Read Surah Al Fatihah, then proceed with reading short letters.
  7. Carry out bowing with tumakninah, then proceed with doing i’tidal.
  8. Perform prostrations and continue by sitting between the two prostrations. Then, back down.
  9. Stand up again, and perform the second cycle as usual.
  10. Doing the final tasyahud with tuma’ninah then greetings and prayers are finished.
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The procedure for the plural takhir qashar prayer

Whether it’s plural takhir or plural taqdim, plural prayers can also be performed by means of qashar if it fulfills the terms and conditions for carrying out qashar prayers. The following is the procedure for the plural takhir qashar prayer.

  • Prayer intention for plural takhir qashar (noon and asr):

Ushollii fardlol zhuhri raka’ataini mustaqbilal qiblati majmuu’an bil ashri jam’a takhiiri qhasaraa illaahi ta’aalaa.

Meaning: I intend to pray two cycles of midday prayer, facing the Qibla with plural takhir, qashar with Asr prayer because of Allah Ta’ala.

Then perform the dhuhur prayer at qashar two cycles in accordance with the qashar prayer procedure and continue with the asr prayer without pause, by reading the following intention.

Ushallii fardhal ‘ashri rak’ataini qashran majmuu’an ilazh zhuhri adaa’an lillaahi ta’aalaa.

That is, I intend to perform the fardhu asr prayer two cycles, qashar by pluralizing it with the noon prayer because of Allah Ta’aala.

  • Prayer intention for plural takhir qashar (maghrib and isya)

Ushollii fardlozh maghribi thalaatha raka’aatin majmuu’an ma’al ‘isyaa’i Jam’a ta-khiirinin adaa-an lillaahi ta’aalaa.

Meaning: I intend to do the fardhu maghrib prayer three cycles of prayer with the plural isya prayer in the plural way of fardhu because of Allah Ta’ala.

Then, pray the maghrib as usual, namely three cycles because the maghrib prayer cannot be recited and continued with the evening prayer by reading the plural intention of ending in the qashar as follows.

Ushollii fardlol isya’i rak’ataini mustaqbilal qiblati majmuu’an bil magribi jam’a takhiiri qhasaraa lillaahi ta’aalaa.

Meaning: I intend to perform the evening prayer two cycles, qashar in a plural way with maghrib because of Allah Ta’aala.

That is the procedure for carrying out prayers in the plural way of takhir and diqashar. When going to perform the qashar prayer, it is necessary to know what conditions must be met so that Sinaumed’s may pray in the plural and qashar way.


Terms of Plural Prayer with Qashar

Basically, every facility offered or provided by Islam is accompanied by terms and conditions that must be met. Likewise with prayer in a plural way or in qashar. Here are some conditions when going to perform the qashar prayer.

  • Are on a long journey or traveling with good intentions and have no intention of committing immorality or associating partners with Allah.
  • To carry out prayers with qashar, a Muslim must travel at least 48 miles or a journey that takes two days.
  • The prayer that will be performed by means of qashar, is an ada prayer, meaning that the prayer is performed on time and not made up, or not made up of prayer during the journey. As for the qadha prayer from home, it is not permissible for it to be qashar.
  • The intention uttered when carrying out the qashar prayer must be guarded. If in the middle of carrying out the qashar someone feels doubts, in the form of wanting to perfect his prayer and not being qashar, then it is better if the prayer is continued without the need to cancel the prayer and be completed with the tuma’ninah prayer movement.
  • The qashar prayer is not performed by saying the imam who performs the itmam prayer or with a complete cycle of prayer. Either the priest is a traveler or the priest is not traveling or the priest is in doubt at the time.
  • When going to perform the qashar prayer, a Muslim knows whether it is permissible to pray in the qashar way, and not just join in without knowing the law of praying in the qashar way.

That is an explanation of the provisions and procedures as well as the intention to carry out the plural takhir prayer and perform the plural takhir in the qashar way. If Sinaumed’s wants to know the proper and correct prayer procedures according to the teachings that are loved by the Apostle and Allah, then Sinaumed’s can dig deeper by reading books.

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