Proposal Framework: Benefits, Order, and How to Make It

Proposal Framework – It is quite mandatory if a proposal framework is used before a writer or researcher submits a research proposal, be it a proposal for research purposes, educational activities, or work or business. The proposal framework can also be a way for proposals to be structured better and more correctly.

Proposals themselves are usually used in submitting agreements for cooperation with other parties, for example related to organizing activities, requests for funds, sponsorship support, and much more.

In addition, one type of specific research proposal framework has quite a different framework. Special research proposals themselves are usually used for the purposes of research activities. This is because the writer or researcher before conducting research is required to submit a proposal first.

So, in this article, we will discuss in depth and completely what is actually a research or education proposal framework. Not only that, it will also explain the benefits of making a proposal outline, the order of the proposal outline, to how to make the proposal outline itself. Let’s see the full review!

A. Definition of Proposal Framework

In general, most people understand a proposal as a piece of writing designed to explain and illustrate a purpose to the reader. This means that writing a proposal needs to be carefully prepared so that the reader can clearly understand the author’s purpose.

In the world of education and research, a proposal is considered as a mature plan drawn up by a writer or researcher before conducting research, both for research purposes in the field and in the literature, it is necessary to have a proposal framework.

Therefore, this proposal usually explains the types of activities carried out to touch on various accompanying aspects. For example, the background for determining the theme of the activity, the materials and tools needed, the costs needed, and so on.

As a guide or guide that is designed in a structured way as an overview of the activities to be carried out, a writer or researcher needs to develop a proposal based on sections, chapters, and so on.

The proposal framework itself has a chapter-by-chapter arrangement beforehand, without a full explanation. This makes it possible to know at the beginning of making a proposal how many chapters are included in it. Furthermore, the chapters in the proposal will be developed into several sections according to the reference.

A special research or research proposal framework is prepared to explain the initial description or outline of the research activities to be carried out. The framework in the proposal itself is important as a way to help explain research activities in detail, coherently and systematically so that it is easier to understand.

The proposal framework itself can be one of the most decisive stages of research. This is because after the framework has been carefully prepared, researchers or writers can more easily carry out future developments. After that, the proposal will have a more complete structure and describe the research activities to be carried out.

The preparation of a good and correct framework will ultimately have a lot of impact on research, one of which is related to time efficiency. This is because researchers can be more flexible in finding and determining references based on the needs of each chapter in the proposal.

This of course will be different when compared to proposals for research or research that does not use a framework. The reason is, without a framework, research can be carried out without careful planning or preparation. This can also lead to ambiguity in research and there is a potential that a research will not go well or even be incomplete. Therefore, the proposal framework must be made in advance in the research proposal so that there are measurements and guarantees related to the research to be carried out.

B. Benefits of the Proposal Framework

After discussing what a proposal framework actually is, this section will discuss in full what are the benefits that can be obtained from making a proposal framework. The formulation of a proposal framework itself certainly has very clear objectives. This is in accordance with the explanation previously presented.

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So, here are some of the benefits that a writer or researcher can get, including:

1. Develop Coherent and Systematic Proposals

As previously stated, basically there are many types of proposals that can be made, it’s just that specific research or research proposals have their own structural rules. Each chapter in the research proposal framework must comply with the applicable structural rules. This aims to make one research with another research have similarities, even though the topics raised are different.

The structure of the framework for research proposals has the benefit of presenting a coherent and systematic proposal. As a result, all proposals used in research or research programs can comply with the structural rules described earlier.

Proposals that comply with these structural rules will be important, because each chapter has a continuous sequence. For example, there is an opening chapter, a contents chapter as the core of the proposal, and followed by a closing chapter in the form of a bibliography and attachments.

However, if the proposal framework is prepared without using a framework, there is a very high chance that it will not comply with the applicable structural regulations. In addition, writers or researchers will also find a confusion. This is due to the absence of a clear sequence or framework used when conducting research.

2. Avoid Missing Parts

It should be understood that research proposals have quite rigid or rigid structural rules that require researchers to comply with existing rules. The aim is of course still related to the previous explanation that the proposal framework is indeed used to avoid missing parts.

In the world of research, the presence of one chapter that is missed can be an illustration of the untruthfulness of a research, moreover if a research is carried out from a grant from an institution, of course this should not happen. For example, if one chapter is omitted, the proposal may be declared not in accordance with applicable regulations.

The proposal format itself is usually determined by the provider of the research grant. Therefore, the framework for research or research proposals will greatly assist conformity with the format and general provisions of research proposals. This will minimize the existence of forgotten or missed chapters.

3. Following the provisions of the existing structure

In addition to making the proposal more coherently and systematically structured and avoiding missing parts, the proposal framework also has the benefit of following the existing structural provisions. Almost the same as the explanation regarding the proposal framework in the previous section, the structure of a research proposal already has clear rules and is mandatory to comply with.

The framework itself will greatly facilitate researchers in compiling proposals with an appropriate structure. Meanwhile, proposals will also be presented in a neater, coherent manner, and in accordance with applicable regulations. This will also increase the chances of passing the selection if used in part of the process to obtain research grants from a particular institution.

4. Make it easy for writers to find material

In general, the proposal does not really explain the discussion of research results. The proposal only presents a big picture regarding the research to be carried out. Therefore, the proposal itself has a structure that is almost the same as the research report.

In the research report, each chapter contains a theoretical basis. This makes the proposal requires references to strengthen the chosen research topic. In addition, compiling a proposal framework will also make it easier for writers or researchers to find and determine materials or references.

C. Sequence of Proposal Framework

When the researcher is compiling the proposal outline, there is a sequence of frameworks that need to be considered. Especially when making a research proposal that has scientific characteristics and must be in accordance with the applicable structural principles. So, here is a series of proposal framework sequences, namely:



1. Title Page

In general, the sequence that applies to the research proposal framework is almost the same as the order of research reports, namely each begins with a title page. Please note that the title page must match the information contained in the proposal. The contents of the title page itself begins with the word proposal with the research title below it.

In addition to the title of the research to be conducted, the title page also needs to include the author’s personal data, starting from the name, NIDN or NIDK for lecturers, the name of the university where the researcher studied or taught, academic year, and so on according to regulations.

2. Table of Contents

The second order in the outline of a proposal is the table of contents. This section will explain the page layout of all chapters in the proposal. The table of contents itself is usually at the front before the introductory chapter. Even though research proposals usually only have limited pages, a table of contents still needs to be provided to make it easier for readers to evaluate the proposal.

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For example, as in the RAB section, or the theoretical basis that forms the basis of selecting research topics. In some parts this is often continued as a goal. Therefore, the table of contents is used to help the reader navigate to that page.

3. Chapter I – Introduction

The third sequence in the research proposal framework is chapter I. Chapter I is also known as the chapter that contains the introduction. This introductory chapter has 4 sub-chapters, namely Background, Problem Formulation, Research Objectives, and Research Benefits.

4. Chapter II – Literature Review

Furthermore, the fourth order in the proposal framework is chapter II or Literature Review. This Literature Review chapter consists of several sub-chapters, ranging from Literature Review, Conceptual Limitations, to Theoretical Framework or Hypothesis Framework.

In this section, the researcher will include a number of quotations to strengthen the selection of research topics taken. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the Literature Review regarding the literature review and conceptual boundaries. This makes the literature or references clearer and the discussion more specific.

5. Chapter III – Methodology

Then, the fifth order in the framework of a research proposal is chapter III which contains an explanation of the research methodology which consists of several sub-chapters. Some of these sub-chapters cover Research Methods, Data Collection Techniques, and Data Analysis Techniques. These things will be explained in the proposal to inform the research methods and data collection techniques.

This is similar to the explanation regarding the technique used to analyze research data that has been collected. The explanation is endeavored to be arranged in a concise, brief, and able to make it easier for the reader to understand it.

6. Bibliography

The sixth order of the proposal framework is Bibliography. Bibliography can be said as all references used in preparing research proposals. The bibliography itself can contain references from books, scientific journals, scientific articles, articles on the internet or websites, and so on.

7. Appendix

Meanwhile, the last order in a research proposal framework is an appendix. For researchers, it is necessary to attach a number of documents used to complete the proposal. This is usually only one page containing one document.

D. How to Make a Proposal Outline

In this last part of the article, we will discuss how to make a good and correct research proposal framework. In an effort to make a good framework, it is necessary to comply with the structural rules that have been described previously.

So, here are a number of ways that you can use to make it easier to prepare a framework for a research proposal, including:

1. Looking for Research Topics

The first stage in compiling a framework for a research proposal is finding a research topic. The research topic is actually a problem that needs to find a solution. Therefore, research topics can depart from various problems that exist around.

2. Study the Structure of a Research Proposal

Furthermore, the second stage for making a proposal framework is to study the structure of the research proposal. The structure of the research proposal aims to find out what the chapters and their contents are. An author or researcher also needs to ensure an understanding regarding the structure of a research proposal so that it can proceed to the next stage.

3. Start Assembling the Skeleton Parts

After understanding the structure of a research proposal, the third step in developing a proposal framework is to start writing a research proposal. A researcher usually uses paper or not a new document in Ms Word, then he can write chapter by chapter according to the sequence of proposals that have been studied.

Actually, the sequence of chapters per chapter in the proposal framework must be in accordance with the general structure that applies to the research proposal. It’s just that, if the format of the proposal has been determined, then that format can become a framework that is ready to be developed into a complete proposal.

4. Develop Each Part of the Framework

After the framework for each part of the proposal has been completed, the fourth step is to develop each existing chapter and sub-chapter. The chapter development process itself is carried out within the framework of compiling the contents of a more complete research proposal.

This is an explanation of the proposal framework, basically seven proposal frameworks, starting from the title page, table of contents, chapter I or introduction, chapter II or literature review, chapter III or research methodology, bibliography, and attachments. The explanation in the article might make it easier for anyone to prepare a proposal framework. Therefore, a good proposal framework will make the proposal more perfect and increase the chances for research to be approved.